knit_child as is
This slightly modifies the knitr::knit_child()
function to have different defaults.
the environment defaults to the calling environment.
the output receives the class knit_asis, so that the output will be rendered "as is" by knitr when calling inside a chunk (no need to set results='asis' as a chunk option).
defaults to quiet = TRUE
input = NULL,
text = NULL,
quiet = TRUE,
options = NULL,
envir = parent.frame()
- input
if you specify a file path here, it will be read in before being passed to knitr (to avoid a working directory mess)
- text
passed to
- ...
passed to
- quiet
passed to
- options
defaults to NULL.
- envir
passed to
Why default to the calling environment? Typically this function defaults to the global environment. This makes sense if you want to use knit_children in the same context as the rest of the document. However, you may also want to use knit_children inside functions to e.g. summarise a regression using a set of commands (e.g. plot some diagnostic graphs and a summary for a regression nicely formatted).
Some caveats:
the function has to return to the top-level. There's no way to
this from loops or an if-condition without without setting results='asis'. You can however concatenate these objects withpaste.knit_asis()
if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
# an example of a wrapper function that calls asis_knit_child with an argument
# ensures distinct paths for cache and figures, so that these calls can be looped in parallel
regression_summary = function(model) {
child_hash = digest::digest(model)
options = list(
fig.path = paste0(knitr::opts_chunk$get("fig.path"), child_hash, "-"),
cache.path = paste0(knitr::opts_chunk$get("cache.path"), child_hash, "-"))
asis_knit_child("_regression_summary.Rmd", options = options)
} # }