switch choice values with labels
formr display labels for multiple choice items, but stores their values. We assume you prefer to analyse the values (e.g. numeric values for Likert-type items, or English values for international surveys), but sometimes you may wish to switch this around.
#> frm___> results = jsonlite::fromJSON(txt =
#> frm___+ system.file('extdata/BFI_post.json', package = 'formr', mustWork = TRUE))
#> frm___> items = formr_items(path =
#> frm___+ system.file('extdata/BFI_post_items.json', package = 'formr', mustWork = TRUE))
#> frm___> item_displays = jsonlite::fromJSON(
#> frm___+ system.file('extdata/BFI_post_itemdisplay.json', package = 'formr', mustWork = TRUE))
#> frm___> processed_results = formr_post_process_results(items, results, item_displays = item_displays,
#> frm___+ compute_alphas = FALSE, plot_likert = FALSE)
#> No test users detected.
#> 1 2 3 4 5
#> 1 3 4 11 9
table(choice_labels_for_values(processed_results, "BFIK_extra_4"))
#> 1: Trifft überhaupt nicht zu 2
#> 1 3
#> 3 4
#> 4 11
#> 5: Trifft voll und ganz zu
#> 9