This function makes sure you know what to expect when evaluating uncertain results in an if-clause. In most cases, you should not use this function, because it can lump a lot of very different cases together, but it may have some use for fool-proofing certain if-clauses on, where a field in a survey may either not exist, be missing or have a value to check.
This function makes sure you know what to expect when evaluating uncertain results in an if-clause. In most cases, you should not use this function, because it can lump a lot of very different cases together, but it may have some use for fool-proofing certain if-clauses on, where a field in a survey may either not exist, be missing or have a value to check.
testdf = data.frame(test1 = 1, test2 = NA)
if ( if_na_null(testdf$test1 == 1) ) { print("go on") }
#> [1] "go on"
if ( if_na_null(testdf$test2 == 1) ) { print("not shown") }
if ( if_na_null(testdf$test3 == 1) ) { print("not shown") }
tryCatch({ if ( if_na_null(testdf2$test1 == 1) ) { print("causes error") } },
error = function(e) { warning(e) })
#> Error: object 'testdf2' not found