The resulting variables will have the attribute scale_item_names containing the basis for aggregation. Its label attribute will refer to the common stem of the aggregated variable names (if any), the number of variables, and the aggregation function.

aggregate_and_document_scale(items, fun = rowMeans, stem = NULL)



data.frame of the items that should be aggregated


aggregation function, defaults to rowMeans with na.rm = FALSE


common stem for the variables, specify if it should not be auto-detected as the longest common stem of the variable names


testdf <- data.frame(bfi_neuro_1 = rnorm(20), bfi_neuro_2 = rnorm(20), bfi_neuro_3R = rnorm(20), age = rpois(20, 30)) item_names <- c('bfi_neuro_1', 'bfi_neuro_2', 'bfi_neuro_3R') testdf$bfi_neuro <- aggregate_and_document_scale(testdf[, item_names]) testdf$bfi_neuro
#> [1] -0.287284749 -0.006951671 -1.263924018 0.160240530 0.984951589 #> [6] 1.268794692 -0.903711211 0.104811152 -0.317597895 -1.235608530 #> [11] 0.414583429 0.187411304 0.700874388 0.003912358 0.218008596 #> [16] -0.482393654 -1.568738280 0.783572677 -0.043890297 0.122196267 #> attr(,"scale_item_names") #> [1] "bfi_neuro_1" "bfi_neuro_2" "bfi_neuro_3R" #> attr(,"label") #> [1] "3 bfi_neuro items aggregated by rowMeans"