  warning = FALSE, # show warnings during codebook generation
  message = FALSE, # show messages during codebook generation
  error = TRUE, # do not interrupt codebook generation in case of errors,
                # usually better for debugging
  echo = TRUE  # show R code
pander::panderOptions("table.split.table", Inf)
knit_by_pkgdown <- !is.null(knitr::opts_chunk$get("fig.retina"))
pander::panderOptions("table.split.table", Inf)
knitr::opts_chunk$set(warning = TRUE, message = TRUE, error = TRUE, echo = TRUE)

ptsd <- rio::import("", "sav")
codebook_data <- ptsd

# var_label(codebook_data) <- dict %>% select(Variable, Label) %>% dict_to_list()

# omit the following lines, if your missing values are already properly labelled
codebook_data <- detect_missing(codebook_data,
    only_labelled = TRUE, # only labelled values are autodetected as
                                   # missing
    negative_values_are_missing = FALSE, # negative values are missing values
    ninety_nine_problems = TRUE,   # 99/999 are missing values, if they
                                   # are more than 5 MAD from the median

# If you are not using formr, the codebook package needs to guess which items
# form a scale. The following line finds item aggregates with names like this:
# scale = scale_1 + scale_2R + scale_3R
# identifying these aggregates allows the codebook function to
# automatically compute reliabilities.
# However, it will not reverse items automatically.
codebook_data <- detect_scales(codebook_data)
metadata(codebook_data)$name <- "
Current Posttraumatic Stress Disorder symptomatology distorts memory for past symptoms

metadata(codebook_data)$description <- paste0("

### Download link
[Open Science Framework]


metadata(codebook_data)$identifier <- ""
metadata(codebook_data)$datePublished <- "2018-05-04"
metadata(codebook_data)$contributors <- list(
      " Sasha Nahleen"," Reginald Nixon ", "Melanie Takarangi")

metadata(codebook_data)$url <- ""
metadata(codebook_data)$temporalCoverage <- "2018" 

metadata(codebook_data)$distribution = list(
  list("@type" = "DataDownload",
       "requiresSubscription" = "",
       "encodingFormat" = "",
       contentUrl = "")



if (exists("name", meta)) {
    "__Dataset name__: {name}",
    .envir = meta)

Dataset name: Current Posttraumatic Stress Disorder symptomatology distorts memory for past symptoms



knitr::asis_output(paste0(scales_items, sep = "\n\n\n", collapse = "\n\n\n"))



show_missing_values <- FALSE
if (has_labels(item)) {
  missing_values <- item[]
  attributes(missing_values) <- attributes(item)
  if (!is.null(attributes(item)$labels)) {
    attributes(missing_values)$labels <- attributes(missing_values)$labels[$labels)]
    attributes(item)$labels <- attributes(item)$labels[!$labels)]
  if (is.double(item)) {
    show_missing_values <- length(unique(haven::na_tag(missing_values))) > 1
    item <- haven::zap_missing(item)
  if (length(item_attributes$labels) == 0 && is.numeric(item)) {
    item <- haven::zap_labels(item)
item_nomiss <- item[!]

# unnest mc_multiple and so on
if (
  is.character(item_nomiss) &&
  stringr::str_detect(item_nomiss, stringr::fixed(", ")) &&
  (exists("type", item_info) && 
    stringr::str_detect(item_info$type, pattern = stringr::fixed("multiple")))
  ) {
  item_nomiss <- unlist(stringr::str_split(item_nomiss, pattern = stringr::fixed(", ")))
attributes(item_nomiss) <- attributes(item)

old_height <- knitr::opts_chunk$get("fig.height")
non_missing_choices <- item_attributes[["labels"]]
many_labels <- length(non_missing_choices) > 7
go_vertical <- !is.numeric(item_nomiss) || many_labels
if ( go_vertical ) {
  # numeric items are plotted horizontally (because that's what usually expected)
  # categorical items are plotted vertically because we can use the screen real estate better this way

    if (is.null(choices) || 
        dplyr::n_distinct(item_nomiss) > length(non_missing_choices)) {
        non_missing_choices <- unique(item_nomiss)
        names(non_missing_choices) <- non_missing_choices
  choice_multiplier <- old_height/6.5
    new_height <- 2 + choice_multiplier * length(non_missing_choices)
    new_height <- ifelse(new_height > 20, 20, new_height)
    new_height <- ifelse(new_height < 1, 1, new_height)
    knitr::opts_chunk$set(fig.height = new_height)

wrap_at <- knitr::opts_chunk$get("fig.width") * 10
# todo: if there are free-text choices mingled in with the pre-defined ones, don't show
# todo: show rare items if they are pre-defined
# todo: bin rare responses into "other category"
if (!length(item_nomiss)) {
  cat("No non-missing values to show.")
} else if (is.numeric(item_nomiss) || dplyr::n_distinct(item_nomiss) < 20) {
  plot_labelled(item_nomiss, item_name, wrap_at, go_vertical)
} else {
    cat(dplyr::n_distinct(item_nomiss), " unique, categorical values, so not shown.")
## 405  unique, categorical values, so not shown.
knitr::opts_chunk$set(fig.height = old_height)

0 missing values.

Summary statistics

attributes(item) <- item_attributes
df = data.frame(item, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
names(df) = html_item_name
name data_type missing complete n empty n_unique min max format.spss display_width
MturkID character 0 410 410 0 405 12 21 A21 18
if (show_missing_values) {
  plot_labelled(missing_values, item_name, wrap_at)
if (!is.null(item_info)) {
  # don't show choices again, if they're basically same thing as value labels
  if (!is.null(choices) && !is.null(item_info$choices) && 
    all(names(na.omit(choices)) == item_info$choices) &&
    all(na.omit(choices) == names(item_info$choices))) {
    item_info$choices <- NULL
  item_info$label_parsed <- 
    item_info$choice_list <- item_info$study_id <- item_info$id <- NULL
if (!is.null(choices) && length(choices) && length(choices) < 30) {



show_missing_values <- FALSE
if (has_labels(item)) {
  missing_values <- item[]
  attributes(missing_values) <- attributes(item)
  if (!is.null(attributes(item)$labels)) {
    attributes(missing_values)$labels <- attributes(missing_values)$labels[$labels)]
    attributes(item)$labels <- attributes(item)$labels[!$labels)]
  if (is.double(item)) {
    show_missing_values <- length(unique(haven::na_tag(missing_values))) > 1
    item <- haven::zap_missing(item)
  if (length(item_attributes$labels) == 0 && is.numeric(item)) {
    item <- haven::zap_labels(item)
item_nomiss <- item[!]

# unnest mc_multiple and so on
if (
  is.character(item_nomiss) &&
  stringr::str_detect(item_nomiss, stringr::fixed(", ")) &&
  (exists("type", item_info) && 
    stringr::str_detect(item_info$type, pattern = stringr::fixed("multiple")))
  ) {
  item_nomiss <- unlist(stringr::str_split(item_nomiss, pattern = stringr::fixed(", ")))
attributes(item_nomiss) <- attributes(item)

old_height <- knitr::opts_chunk$get("fig.height")
non_missing_choices <- item_attributes[["labels"]]
many_labels <- length(non_missing_choices) > 7
go_vertical <- !is.numeric(item_nomiss) || many_labels
if ( go_vertical ) {
  # numeric items are plotted horizontally (because that's what usually expected)
  # categorical items are plotted vertically because we can use the screen real estate better this way

    if (is.null(choices) || 
        dplyr::n_distinct(item_nomiss) > length(non_missing_choices)) {
        non_missing_choices <- unique(item_nomiss)
        names(non_missing_choices) <- non_missing_choices
  choice_multiplier <- old_height/6.5
    new_height <- 2 + choice_multiplier * length(non_missing_choices)
    new_height <- ifelse(new_height > 20, 20, new_height)
    new_height <- ifelse(new_height < 1, 1, new_height)
    knitr::opts_chunk$set(fig.height = new_height)

wrap_at <- knitr::opts_chunk$get("fig.width") * 10
# todo: if there are free-text choices mingled in with the pre-defined ones, don't show
# todo: show rare items if they are pre-defined
# todo: bin rare responses into "other category"
if (!length(item_nomiss)) {
  cat("No non-missing values to show.")
} else if (is.numeric(item_nomiss) || dplyr::n_distinct(item_nomiss) < 20) {
  plot_labelled(item_nomiss, item_name, wrap_at, go_vertical)
} else {
    cat(dplyr::n_distinct(item_nomiss), " unique, categorical values, so not shown.")

knitr::opts_chunk$set(fig.height = old_height)

0 missing values.

Summary statistics

attributes(item) <- item_attributes
df = data.frame(item, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
names(df) = html_item_name
name data_type missing complete n mean sd p0 p25 p50 p75 p100 hist format.spss display_width
Age numeric 0 410 410 34.27 9.67 23 26.25 32 40 69 ▇▆▃▂▂▁▁▁ F11.1 5
if (show_missing_values) {
  plot_labelled(missing_values, item_name, wrap_at)
if (!is.null(item_info)) {
  # don't show choices again, if they're basically same thing as value labels
  if (!is.null(choices) && !is.null(item_info$choices) && 
    all(names(na.omit(choices)) == item_info$choices) &&
    all(na.omit(choices) == names(item_info$choices))) {
    item_info$choices <- NULL
  item_info$label_parsed <- 
    item_info$choice_list <- item_info$study_id <- item_info$id <- NULL
if (!is.null(choices) && length(choices) && length(choices) < 30) {



show_missing_values <- FALSE
if (has_labels(item)) {
  missing_values <- item[]
  attributes(missing_values) <- attributes(item)
  if (!is.null(attributes(item)$labels)) {
    attributes(missing_values)$labels <- attributes(missing_values)$labels[$labels)]
    attributes(item)$labels <- attributes(item)$labels[!$labels)]
  if (is.double(item)) {
    show_missing_values <- length(unique(haven::na_tag(missing_values))) > 1
    item <- haven::zap_missing(item)
  if (length(item_attributes$labels) == 0 && is.numeric(item)) {
    item <- haven::zap_labels(item)
item_nomiss <- item[!]

# unnest mc_multiple and so on
if (
  is.character(item_nomiss) &&
  stringr::str_detect(item_nomiss, stringr::fixed(", ")) &&
  (exists("type", item_info) && 
    stringr::str_detect(item_info$type, pattern = stringr::fixed("multiple")))
  ) {
  item_nomiss <- unlist(stringr::str_split(item_nomiss, pattern = stringr::fixed(", ")))
attributes(item_nomiss) <- attributes(item)

old_height <- knitr::opts_chunk$get("fig.height")
non_missing_choices <- item_attributes[["labels"]]
many_labels <- length(non_missing_choices) > 7
go_vertical <- !is.numeric(item_nomiss) || many_labels
if ( go_vertical ) {
  # numeric items are plotted horizontally (because that's what usually expected)
  # categorical items are plotted vertically because we can use the screen real estate better this way

    if (is.null(choices) || 
        dplyr::n_distinct(item_nomiss) > length(non_missing_choices)) {
        non_missing_choices <- unique(item_nomiss)
        names(non_missing_choices) <- non_missing_choices
  choice_multiplier <- old_height/6.5
    new_height <- 2 + choice_multiplier * length(non_missing_choices)
    new_height <- ifelse(new_height > 20, 20, new_height)
    new_height <- ifelse(new_height < 1, 1, new_height)
    knitr::opts_chunk$set(fig.height = new_height)

wrap_at <- knitr::opts_chunk$get("fig.width") * 10
# todo: if there are free-text choices mingled in with the pre-defined ones, don't show
# todo: show rare items if they are pre-defined
# todo: bin rare responses into "other category"
if (!length(item_nomiss)) {
  cat("No non-missing values to show.")
} else if (is.numeric(item_nomiss) || dplyr::n_distinct(item_nomiss) < 20) {
  plot_labelled(item_nomiss, item_name, wrap_at, go_vertical)
} else {
    cat(dplyr::n_distinct(item_nomiss), " unique, categorical values, so not shown.")
## 87  unique, categorical values, so not shown.
knitr::opts_chunk$set(fig.height = old_height)

0 missing values.

Summary statistics

attributes(item) <- item_attributes
df = data.frame(item, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
names(df) = html_item_name
name data_type missing complete n empty n_unique min max format.spss display_width
Ethnicity character 0 410 410 0 87 5 91 A91 22
if (show_missing_values) {
  plot_labelled(missing_values, item_name, wrap_at)
if (!is.null(item_info)) {
  # don't show choices again, if they're basically same thing as value labels
  if (!is.null(choices) && !is.null(item_info$choices) && 
    all(names(na.omit(choices)) == item_info$choices) &&
    all(na.omit(choices) == names(item_info$choices))) {
    item_info$choices <- NULL
  item_info$label_parsed <- 
    item_info$choice_list <- item_info$study_id <- item_info$id <- NULL
if (!is.null(choices) && length(choices) && length(choices) < 30) {



show_missing_values <- FALSE
if (has_labels(item)) {
  missing_values <- item[]
  attributes(missing_values) <- attributes(item)
  if (!is.null(attributes(item)$labels)) {
    attributes(missing_values)$labels <- attributes(missing_values)$labels[$labels)]
    attributes(item)$labels <- attributes(item)$labels[!$labels)]
  if (is.double(item)) {
    show_missing_values <- length(unique(haven::na_tag(missing_values))) > 1
    item <- haven::zap_missing(item)
  if (length(item_attributes$labels) == 0 && is.numeric(item)) {
    item <- haven::zap_labels(item)
item_nomiss <- item[!]

# unnest mc_multiple and so on
if (
  is.character(item_nomiss) &&
  stringr::str_detect(item_nomiss, stringr::fixed(", ")) &&
  (exists("type", item_info) && 
    stringr::str_detect(item_info$type, pattern = stringr::fixed("multiple")))
  ) {
  item_nomiss <- unlist(stringr::str_split(item_nomiss, pattern = stringr::fixed(", ")))
attributes(item_nomiss) <- attributes(item)

old_height <- knitr::opts_chunk$get("fig.height")
non_missing_choices <- item_attributes[["labels"]]
many_labels <- length(non_missing_choices) > 7
go_vertical <- !is.numeric(item_nomiss) || many_labels
if ( go_vertical ) {
  # numeric items are plotted horizontally (because that's what usually expected)
  # categorical items are plotted vertically because we can use the screen real estate better this way

    if (is.null(choices) || 
        dplyr::n_distinct(item_nomiss) > length(non_missing_choices)) {
        non_missing_choices <- unique(item_nomiss)
        names(non_missing_choices) <- non_missing_choices
  choice_multiplier <- old_height/6.5
    new_height <- 2 + choice_multiplier * length(non_missing_choices)
    new_height <- ifelse(new_height > 20, 20, new_height)
    new_height <- ifelse(new_height < 1, 1, new_height)
    knitr::opts_chunk$set(fig.height = new_height)

wrap_at <- knitr::opts_chunk$get("fig.width") * 10
# todo: if there are free-text choices mingled in with the pre-defined ones, don't show
# todo: show rare items if they are pre-defined
# todo: bin rare responses into "other category"
if (!length(item_nomiss)) {
  cat("No non-missing values to show.")
} else if (is.numeric(item_nomiss) || dplyr::n_distinct(item_nomiss) < 20) {
  plot_labelled(item_nomiss, item_name, wrap_at, go_vertical)
} else {
    cat(dplyr::n_distinct(item_nomiss), " unique, categorical values, so not shown.")

knitr::opts_chunk$set(fig.height = old_height)

0 missing values.

Summary statistics

attributes(item) <- item_attributes
df = data.frame(item, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
names(df) = html_item_name
name data_type missing complete n empty n_unique min max format.spss
EthnicityCoded character 0 410 410 0 12 5 15 A18
if (show_missing_values) {
  plot_labelled(missing_values, item_name, wrap_at)
if (!is.null(item_info)) {
  # don't show choices again, if they're basically same thing as value labels
  if (!is.null(choices) && !is.null(item_info$choices) && 
    all(names(na.omit(choices)) == item_info$choices) &&
    all(na.omit(choices) == names(item_info$choices))) {
    item_info$choices <- NULL
  item_info$label_parsed <- 
    item_info$choice_list <- item_info$study_id <- item_info$id <- NULL
if (!is.null(choices) && length(choices) && length(choices) < 30) {




show_missing_values <- FALSE
if (has_labels(item)) {
  missing_values <- item[]
  attributes(missing_values) <- attributes(item)
  if (!is.null(attributes(item)$labels)) {
    attributes(missing_values)$labels <- attributes(missing_values)$labels[$labels)]
    attributes(item)$labels <- attributes(item)$labels[!$labels)]
  if (is.double(item)) {
    show_missing_values <- length(unique(haven::na_tag(missing_values))) > 1
    item <- haven::zap_missing(item)
  if (length(item_attributes$labels) == 0 && is.numeric(item)) {
    item <- haven::zap_labels(item)
item_nomiss <- item[!]

# unnest mc_multiple and so on
if (
  is.character(item_nomiss) &&
  stringr::str_detect(item_nomiss, stringr::fixed(", ")) &&
  (exists("type", item_info) && 
    stringr::str_detect(item_info$type, pattern = stringr::fixed("multiple")))
  ) {
  item_nomiss <- unlist(stringr::str_split(item_nomiss, pattern = stringr::fixed(", ")))
attributes(item_nomiss) <- attributes(item)

old_height <- knitr::opts_chunk$get("fig.height")
non_missing_choices <- item_attributes[["labels"]]
many_labels <- length(non_missing_choices) > 7
go_vertical <- !is.numeric(item_nomiss) || many_labels
if ( go_vertical ) {
  # numeric items are plotted horizontally (because that's what usually expected)
  # categorical items are plotted vertically because we can use the screen real estate better this way

    if (is.null(choices) || 
        dplyr::n_distinct(item_nomiss) > length(non_missing_choices)) {
        non_missing_choices <- unique(item_nomiss)
        names(non_missing_choices) <- non_missing_choices
  choice_multiplier <- old_height/6.5
    new_height <- 2 + choice_multiplier * length(non_missing_choices)
    new_height <- ifelse(new_height > 20, 20, new_height)
    new_height <- ifelse(new_height < 1, 1, new_height)
    knitr::opts_chunk$set(fig.height = new_height)

wrap_at <- knitr::opts_chunk$get("fig.width") * 10
# todo: if there are free-text choices mingled in with the pre-defined ones, don't show
# todo: show rare items if they are pre-defined
# todo: bin rare responses into "other category"
if (!length(item_nomiss)) {
  cat("No non-missing values to show.")
} else if (is.numeric(item_nomiss) || dplyr::n_distinct(item_nomiss) < 20) {
  plot_labelled(item_nomiss, item_name, wrap_at, go_vertical)
} else {
    cat(dplyr::n_distinct(item_nomiss), " unique, categorical values, so not shown.")

knitr::opts_chunk$set(fig.height = old_height)

0 missing values.

Summary statistics

attributes(item) <- item_attributes
df = data.frame(item, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
names(df) = html_item_name
name label data_type missing complete n mean sd p0 p25 p50 p75 p100 hist format.spss display_width
PCL_TotalScore_T1 PCL_TOTAL_S1 numeric 0 410 410 27.38 19.1 0 10 26 42.75 73 ▇▅▅▅▅▃▂▁ F8.2 12
if (show_missing_values) {
  plot_labelled(missing_values, item_name, wrap_at)
if (!is.null(item_info)) {
  # don't show choices again, if they're basically same thing as value labels
  if (!is.null(choices) && !is.null(item_info$choices) && 
    all(names(na.omit(choices)) == item_info$choices) &&
    all(na.omit(choices) == names(item_info$choices))) {
    item_info$choices <- NULL
  item_info$label_parsed <- 
    item_info$choice_list <- item_info$study_id <- item_info$id <- NULL
if (!is.null(choices) && length(choices) && length(choices) < 30) {



show_missing_values <- FALSE
if (has_labels(item)) {
  missing_values <- item[]
  attributes(missing_values) <- attributes(item)
  if (!is.null(attributes(item)$labels)) {
    attributes(missing_values)$labels <- attributes(missing_values)$labels[$labels)]
    attributes(item)$labels <- attributes(item)$labels[!$labels)]
  if (is.double(item)) {
    show_missing_values <- length(unique(haven::na_tag(missing_values))) > 1
    item <- haven::zap_missing(item)
  if (length(item_attributes$labels) == 0 && is.numeric(item)) {
    item <- haven::zap_labels(item)
item_nomiss <- item[!]

# unnest mc_multiple and so on
if (
  is.character(item_nomiss) &&
  stringr::str_detect(item_nomiss, stringr::fixed(", ")) &&
  (exists("type", item_info) && 
    stringr::str_detect(item_info$type, pattern = stringr::fixed("multiple")))
  ) {
  item_nomiss <- unlist(stringr::str_split(item_nomiss, pattern = stringr::fixed(", ")))
attributes(item_nomiss) <- attributes(item)

old_height <- knitr::opts_chunk$get("fig.height")
non_missing_choices <- item_attributes[["labels"]]
many_labels <- length(non_missing_choices) > 7
go_vertical <- !is.numeric(item_nomiss) || many_labels
if ( go_vertical ) {
  # numeric items are plotted horizontally (because that's what usually expected)
  # categorical items are plotted vertically because we can use the screen real estate better this way

    if (is.null(choices) || 
        dplyr::n_distinct(item_nomiss) > length(non_missing_choices)) {
        non_missing_choices <- unique(item_nomiss)
        names(non_missing_choices) <- non_missing_choices
  choice_multiplier <- old_height/6.5
    new_height <- 2 + choice_multiplier * length(non_missing_choices)
    new_height <- ifelse(new_height > 20, 20, new_height)
    new_height <- ifelse(new_height < 1, 1, new_height)
    knitr::opts_chunk$set(fig.height = new_height)

wrap_at <- knitr::opts_chunk$get("fig.width") * 10
# todo: if there are free-text choices mingled in with the pre-defined ones, don't show
# todo: show rare items if they are pre-defined
# todo: bin rare responses into "other category"
if (!length(item_nomiss)) {
  cat("No non-missing values to show.")
} else if (is.numeric(item_nomiss) || dplyr::n_distinct(item_nomiss) < 20) {
  plot_labelled(item_nomiss, item_name, wrap_at, go_vertical)
} else {
    cat(dplyr::n_distinct(item_nomiss), " unique, categorical values, so not shown.")

knitr::opts_chunk$set(fig.height = old_height)

0 missing values.

Summary statistics

attributes(item) <- item_attributes
df = data.frame(item, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
names(df) = html_item_name
name data_type missing complete n mean sd p0 p25 p50 p75 p100 hist format.spss display_width
PCL_ReexperiencingSubscale_T1 numeric 0 410 410 6.15 5.05 0 2 5 10 20 ▇▆▃▃▂▂▁▁ F8.2 15
if (show_missing_values) {
  plot_labelled(missing_values, item_name, wrap_at)
if (!is.null(item_info)) {
  # don't show choices again, if they're basically same thing as value labels
  if (!is.null(choices) && !is.null(item_info$choices) && 
    all(names(na.omit(choices)) == item_info$choices) &&
    all(na.omit(choices) == names(item_info$choices))) {
    item_info$choices <- NULL
  item_info$label_parsed <- 
    item_info$choice_list <- item_info$study_id <- item_info$id <- NULL
if (!is.null(choices) && length(choices) && length(choices) < 30) {



show_missing_values <- FALSE
if (has_labels(item)) {
  missing_values <- item[]
  attributes(missing_values) <- attributes(item)
  if (!is.null(attributes(item)$labels)) {
    attributes(missing_values)$labels <- attributes(missing_values)$labels[$labels)]
    attributes(item)$labels <- attributes(item)$labels[!$labels)]
  if (is.double(item)) {
    show_missing_values <- length(unique(haven::na_tag(missing_values))) > 1
    item <- haven::zap_missing(item)
  if (length(item_attributes$labels) == 0 && is.numeric(item)) {
    item <- haven::zap_labels(item)
item_nomiss <- item[!]

# unnest mc_multiple and so on
if (
  is.character(item_nomiss) &&
  stringr::str_detect(item_nomiss, stringr::fixed(", ")) &&
  (exists("type", item_info) && 
    stringr::str_detect(item_info$type, pattern = stringr::fixed("multiple")))
  ) {
  item_nomiss <- unlist(stringr::str_split(item_nomiss, pattern = stringr::fixed(", ")))
attributes(item_nomiss) <- attributes(item)

old_height <- knitr::opts_chunk$get("fig.height")
non_missing_choices <- item_attributes[["labels"]]
many_labels <- length(non_missing_choices) > 7
go_vertical <- !is.numeric(item_nomiss) || many_labels
if ( go_vertical ) {
  # numeric items are plotted horizontally (because that's what usually expected)
  # categorical items are plotted vertically because we can use the screen real estate better this way

    if (is.null(choices) || 
        dplyr::n_distinct(item_nomiss) > length(non_missing_choices)) {
        non_missing_choices <- unique(item_nomiss)
        names(non_missing_choices) <- non_missing_choices
  choice_multiplier <- old_height/6.5
    new_height <- 2 + choice_multiplier * length(non_missing_choices)
    new_height <- ifelse(new_height > 20, 20, new_height)
    new_height <- ifelse(new_height < 1, 1, new_height)
    knitr::opts_chunk$set(fig.height = new_height)

wrap_at <- knitr::opts_chunk$get("fig.width") * 10
# todo: if there are free-text choices mingled in with the pre-defined ones, don't show
# todo: show rare items if they are pre-defined
# todo: bin rare responses into "other category"
if (!length(item_nomiss)) {
  cat("No non-missing values to show.")
} else if (is.numeric(item_nomiss) || dplyr::n_distinct(item_nomiss) < 20) {
  plot_labelled(item_nomiss, item_name, wrap_at, go_vertical)
} else {
    cat(dplyr::n_distinct(item_nomiss), " unique, categorical values, so not shown.")

knitr::opts_chunk$set(fig.height = old_height)

0 missing values.

Summary statistics

attributes(item) <- item_attributes
df = data.frame(item, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
names(df) = html_item_name
name data_type missing complete n mean sd p0 p25 p50 p75 p100 hist format.spss display_width
PCL_AvoidanceSubscale_T1 numeric 0 410 410 3.92 2.58 0 2 4 6 8 ▇▅▅▅▃▅▃▅ F8.2 12
if (show_missing_values) {
  plot_labelled(missing_values, item_name, wrap_at)
if (!is.null(item_info)) {
  # don't show choices again, if they're basically same thing as value labels
  if (!is.null(choices) && !is.null(item_info$choices) && 
    all(names(na.omit(choices)) == item_info$choices) &&
    all(na.omit(choices) == names(item_info$choices))) {
    item_info$choices <- NULL
  item_info$label_parsed <- 
    item_info$choice_list <- item_info$study_id <- item_info$id <- NULL
if (!is.null(choices) && length(choices) && length(choices) < 30) {



show_missing_values <- FALSE
if (has_labels(item)) {
  missing_values <- item[]
  attributes(missing_values) <- attributes(item)
  if (!is.null(attributes(item)$labels)) {
    attributes(missing_values)$labels <- attributes(missing_values)$labels[$labels)]
    attributes(item)$labels <- attributes(item)$labels[!$labels)]
  if (is.double(item)) {
    show_missing_values <- length(unique(haven::na_tag(missing_values))) > 1
    item <- haven::zap_missing(item)
  if (length(item_attributes$labels) == 0 && is.numeric(item)) {
    item <- haven::zap_labels(item)
item_nomiss <- item[!]

# unnest mc_multiple and so on
if (
  is.character(item_nomiss) &&
  stringr::str_detect(item_nomiss, stringr::fixed(", ")) &&
  (exists("type", item_info) && 
    stringr::str_detect(item_info$type, pattern = stringr::fixed("multiple")))
  ) {
  item_nomiss <- unlist(stringr::str_split(item_nomiss, pattern = stringr::fixed(", ")))
attributes(item_nomiss) <- attributes(item)

old_height <- knitr::opts_chunk$get("fig.height")
non_missing_choices <- item_attributes[["labels"]]
many_labels <- length(non_missing_choices) > 7
go_vertical <- !is.numeric(item_nomiss) || many_labels
if ( go_vertical ) {
  # numeric items are plotted horizontally (because that's what usually expected)
  # categorical items are plotted vertically because we can use the screen real estate better this way

    if (is.null(choices) || 
        dplyr::n_distinct(item_nomiss) > length(non_missing_choices)) {
        non_missing_choices <- unique(item_nomiss)
        names(non_missing_choices) <- non_missing_choices
  choice_multiplier <- old_height/6.5
    new_height <- 2 + choice_multiplier * length(non_missing_choices)
    new_height <- ifelse(new_height > 20, 20, new_height)
    new_height <- ifelse(new_height < 1, 1, new_height)
    knitr::opts_chunk$set(fig.height = new_height)

wrap_at <- knitr::opts_chunk$get("fig.width") * 10
# todo: if there are free-text choices mingled in with the pre-defined ones, don't show
# todo: show rare items if they are pre-defined
# todo: bin rare responses into "other category"
if (!length(item_nomiss)) {
  cat("No non-missing values to show.")
} else if (is.numeric(item_nomiss) || dplyr::n_distinct(item_nomiss) < 20) {
  plot_labelled(item_nomiss, item_name, wrap_at, go_vertical)
} else {
    cat(dplyr::n_distinct(item_nomiss), " unique, categorical values, so not shown.")

knitr::opts_chunk$set(fig.height = old_height)

0 missing values.

Summary statistics

attributes(item) <- item_attributes
df = data.frame(item, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
names(df) = html_item_name
name data_type missing complete n mean sd p0 p25 p50 p75 p100 hist format.spss display_width
PCL_MoodandCognitionSubscale_T1 numeric 0 410 410 9.14 7.36 0 2 8 14 28 ▇▅▃▅▂▂▂▁ F8.2 17
if (show_missing_values) {
  plot_labelled(missing_values, item_name, wrap_at)
if (!is.null(item_info)) {
  # don't show choices again, if they're basically same thing as value labels
  if (!is.null(choices) && !is.null(item_info$choices) && 
    all(names(na.omit(choices)) == item_info$choices) &&
    all(na.omit(choices) == names(item_info$choices))) {
    item_info$choices <- NULL
  item_info$label_parsed <- 
    item_info$choice_list <- item_info$study_id <- item_info$id <- NULL
if (!is.null(choices) && length(choices) && length(choices) < 30) {



show_missing_values <- FALSE
if (has_labels(item)) {
  missing_values <- item[]
  attributes(missing_values) <- attributes(item)
  if (!is.null(attributes(item)$labels)) {
    attributes(missing_values)$labels <- attributes(missing_values)$labels[$labels)]
    attributes(item)$labels <- attributes(item)$labels[!$labels)]
  if (is.double(item)) {
    show_missing_values <- length(unique(haven::na_tag(missing_values))) > 1
    item <- haven::zap_missing(item)
  if (length(item_attributes$labels) == 0 && is.numeric(item)) {
    item <- haven::zap_labels(item)
item_nomiss <- item[!]

# unnest mc_multiple and so on
if (
  is.character(item_nomiss) &&
  stringr::str_detect(item_nomiss, stringr::fixed(", ")) &&
  (exists("type", item_info) && 
    stringr::str_detect(item_info$type, pattern = stringr::fixed("multiple")))
  ) {
  item_nomiss <- unlist(stringr::str_split(item_nomiss, pattern = stringr::fixed(", ")))
attributes(item_nomiss) <- attributes(item)

old_height <- knitr::opts_chunk$get("fig.height")
non_missing_choices <- item_attributes[["labels"]]
many_labels <- length(non_missing_choices) > 7
go_vertical <- !is.numeric(item_nomiss) || many_labels
if ( go_vertical ) {
  # numeric items are plotted horizontally (because that's what usually expected)
  # categorical items are plotted vertically because we can use the screen real estate better this way

    if (is.null(choices) || 
        dplyr::n_distinct(item_nomiss) > length(non_missing_choices)) {
        non_missing_choices <- unique(item_nomiss)
        names(non_missing_choices) <- non_missing_choices
  choice_multiplier <- old_height/6.5
    new_height <- 2 + choice_multiplier * length(non_missing_choices)
    new_height <- ifelse(new_height > 20, 20, new_height)
    new_height <- ifelse(new_height < 1, 1, new_height)
    knitr::opts_chunk$set(fig.height = new_height)

wrap_at <- knitr::opts_chunk$get("fig.width") * 10
# todo: if there are free-text choices mingled in with the pre-defined ones, don't show
# todo: show rare items if they are pre-defined
# todo: bin rare responses into "other category"
if (!length(item_nomiss)) {
  cat("No non-missing values to show.")
} else if (is.numeric(item_nomiss) || dplyr::n_distinct(item_nomiss) < 20) {
  plot_labelled(item_nomiss, item_name, wrap_at, go_vertical)
} else {
    cat(dplyr::n_distinct(item_nomiss), " unique, categorical values, so not shown.")

knitr::opts_chunk$set(fig.height = old_height)

0 missing values.

Summary statistics

attributes(item) <- item_attributes
df = data.frame(item, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
names(df) = html_item_name
name data_type missing complete n mean sd p0 p25 p50 p75 p100 hist format.spss display_width
PCL_HyperarousalSubscale_T1 numeric 0 410 410 8.16 6.39 0 2 8 13 24 ▇▃▃▃▃▂▁▁ F8.2 14
if (show_missing_values) {
  plot_labelled(missing_values, item_name, wrap_at)
if (!is.null(item_info)) {
  # don't show choices again, if they're basically same thing as value labels
  if (!is.null(choices) && !is.null(item_info$choices) && 
    all(names(na.omit(choices)) == item_info$choices) &&
    all(na.omit(choices) == names(item_info$choices))) {
    item_info$choices <- NULL
  item_info$label_parsed <- 
    item_info$choice_list <- item_info$study_id <- item_info$id <- NULL
if (!is.null(choices) && length(choices) && length(choices) < 30) {




show_missing_values <- FALSE
if (has_labels(item)) {
  missing_values <- item[]
  attributes(missing_values) <- attributes(item)
  if (!is.null(attributes(item)$labels)) {
    attributes(missing_values)$labels <- attributes(missing_values)$labels[$labels)]
    attributes(item)$labels <- attributes(item)$labels[!$labels)]
  if (is.double(item)) {
    show_missing_values <- length(unique(haven::na_tag(missing_values))) > 1
    item <- haven::zap_missing(item)
  if (length(item_attributes$labels) == 0 && is.numeric(item)) {
    item <- haven::zap_labels(item)
item_nomiss <- item[!]

# unnest mc_multiple and so on
if (
  is.character(item_nomiss) &&
  stringr::str_detect(item_nomiss, stringr::fixed(", ")) &&
  (exists("type", item_info) && 
    stringr::str_detect(item_info$type, pattern = stringr::fixed("multiple")))
  ) {
  item_nomiss <- unlist(stringr::str_split(item_nomiss, pattern = stringr::fixed(", ")))
attributes(item_nomiss) <- attributes(item)

old_height <- knitr::opts_chunk$get("fig.height")
non_missing_choices <- item_attributes[["labels"]]
many_labels <- length(non_missing_choices) > 7
go_vertical <- !is.numeric(item_nomiss) || many_labels
if ( go_vertical ) {
  # numeric items are plotted horizontally (because that's what usually expected)
  # categorical items are plotted vertically because we can use the screen real estate better this way

    if (is.null(choices) || 
        dplyr::n_distinct(item_nomiss) > length(non_missing_choices)) {
        non_missing_choices <- unique(item_nomiss)
        names(non_missing_choices) <- non_missing_choices
  choice_multiplier <- old_height/6.5
    new_height <- 2 + choice_multiplier * length(non_missing_choices)
    new_height <- ifelse(new_height > 20, 20, new_height)
    new_height <- ifelse(new_height < 1, 1, new_height)
    knitr::opts_chunk$set(fig.height = new_height)

wrap_at <- knitr::opts_chunk$get("fig.width") * 10
# todo: if there are free-text choices mingled in with the pre-defined ones, don't show
# todo: show rare items if they are pre-defined
# todo: bin rare responses into "other category"
if (!length(item_nomiss)) {
  cat("No non-missing values to show.")
} else if (is.numeric(item_nomiss) || dplyr::n_distinct(item_nomiss) < 20) {
  plot_labelled(item_nomiss, item_name, wrap_at, go_vertical)
} else {
    cat(dplyr::n_distinct(item_nomiss), " unique, categorical values, so not shown.")

knitr::opts_chunk$set(fig.height = old_height)

0 missing values.

Summary statistics

attributes(item) <- item_attributes
df = data.frame(item, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
names(df) = html_item_name
name label data_type missing complete n mean sd p0 p25 p50 p75 p100 hist format.spss display_width
PCL_TotalScore_RecallofT1 PCL_TOTAL_RECALL numeric 0 410 410 27.55 20.56 0 9 24.5 42 80 ▇▅▆▃▃▃▁▁ F8.2 12
if (show_missing_values) {
  plot_labelled(missing_values, item_name, wrap_at)
if (!is.null(item_info)) {
  # don't show choices again, if they're basically same thing as value labels
  if (!is.null(choices) && !is.null(item_info$choices) && 
    all(names(na.omit(choices)) == item_info$choices) &&
    all(na.omit(choices) == names(item_info$choices))) {
    item_info$choices <- NULL
  item_info$label_parsed <- 
    item_info$choice_list <- item_info$study_id <- item_info$id <- NULL
if (!is.null(choices) && length(choices) && length(choices) < 30) {



show_missing_values <- FALSE
if (has_labels(item)) {
  missing_values <- item[]
  attributes(missing_values) <- attributes(item)
  if (!is.null(attributes(item)$labels)) {
    attributes(missing_values)$labels <- attributes(missing_values)$labels[$labels)]
    attributes(item)$labels <- attributes(item)$labels[!$labels)]
  if (is.double(item)) {
    show_missing_values <- length(unique(haven::na_tag(missing_values))) > 1
    item <- haven::zap_missing(item)
  if (length(item_attributes$labels) == 0 && is.numeric(item)) {
    item <- haven::zap_labels(item)
item_nomiss <- item[!]

# unnest mc_multiple and so on
if (
  is.character(item_nomiss) &&
  stringr::str_detect(item_nomiss, stringr::fixed(", ")) &&
  (exists("type", item_info) && 
    stringr::str_detect(item_info$type, pattern = stringr::fixed("multiple")))
  ) {
  item_nomiss <- unlist(stringr::str_split(item_nomiss, pattern = stringr::fixed(", ")))
attributes(item_nomiss) <- attributes(item)

old_height <- knitr::opts_chunk$get("fig.height")
non_missing_choices <- item_attributes[["labels"]]
many_labels <- length(non_missing_choices) > 7
go_vertical <- !is.numeric(item_nomiss) || many_labels
if ( go_vertical ) {
  # numeric items are plotted horizontally (because that's what usually expected)
  # categorical items are plotted vertically because we can use the screen real estate better this way

    if (is.null(choices) || 
        dplyr::n_distinct(item_nomiss) > length(non_missing_choices)) {
        non_missing_choices <- unique(item_nomiss)
        names(non_missing_choices) <- non_missing_choices
  choice_multiplier <- old_height/6.5
    new_height <- 2 + choice_multiplier * length(non_missing_choices)
    new_height <- ifelse(new_height > 20, 20, new_height)
    new_height <- ifelse(new_height < 1, 1, new_height)
    knitr::opts_chunk$set(fig.height = new_height)

wrap_at <- knitr::opts_chunk$get("fig.width") * 10
# todo: if there are free-text choices mingled in with the pre-defined ones, don't show
# todo: show rare items if they are pre-defined
# todo: bin rare responses into "other category"
if (!length(item_nomiss)) {
  cat("No non-missing values to show.")
} else if (is.numeric(item_nomiss) || dplyr::n_distinct(item_nomiss) < 20) {
  plot_labelled(item_nomiss, item_name, wrap_at, go_vertical)
} else {
    cat(dplyr::n_distinct(item_nomiss), " unique, categorical values, so not shown.")

knitr::opts_chunk$set(fig.height = old_height)

0 missing values.

Summary statistics

attributes(item) <- item_attributes
df = data.frame(item, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
names(df) = html_item_name
name data_type missing complete n mean sd p0 p25 p50 p75 p100 hist format.spss display_width
PCL_ReexperiencingSubscale_RecallofT1 numeric 0 410 410 5.78 5.2 0 2 4 9 20 ▇▆▂▃▁▂▁▁ F8.2 21
if (show_missing_values) {
  plot_labelled(missing_values, item_name, wrap_at)
if (!is.null(item_info)) {
  # don't show choices again, if they're basically same thing as value labels
  if (!is.null(choices) && !is.null(item_info$choices) && 
    all(names(na.omit(choices)) == item_info$choices) &&
    all(na.omit(choices) == names(item_info$choices))) {
    item_info$choices <- NULL
  item_info$label_parsed <- 
    item_info$choice_list <- item_info$study_id <- item_info$id <- NULL
if (!is.null(choices) && length(choices) && length(choices) < 30) {



show_missing_values <- FALSE
if (has_labels(item)) {
  missing_values <- item[]
  attributes(missing_values) <- attributes(item)
  if (!is.null(attributes(item)$labels)) {
    attributes(missing_values)$labels <- attributes(missing_values)$labels[$labels)]
    attributes(item)$labels <- attributes(item)$labels[!$labels)]
  if (is.double(item)) {
    show_missing_values <- length(unique(haven::na_tag(missing_values))) > 1
    item <- haven::zap_missing(item)
  if (length(item_attributes$labels) == 0 && is.numeric(item)) {
    item <- haven::zap_labels(item)
item_nomiss <- item[!]

# unnest mc_multiple and so on
if (
  is.character(item_nomiss) &&
  stringr::str_detect(item_nomiss, stringr::fixed(", ")) &&
  (exists("type", item_info) && 
    stringr::str_detect(item_info$type, pattern = stringr::fixed("multiple")))
  ) {
  item_nomiss <- unlist(stringr::str_split(item_nomiss, pattern = stringr::fixed(", ")))
attributes(item_nomiss) <- attributes(item)

old_height <- knitr::opts_chunk$get("fig.height")
non_missing_choices <- item_attributes[["labels"]]
many_labels <- length(non_missing_choices) > 7
go_vertical <- !is.numeric(item_nomiss) || many_labels
if ( go_vertical ) {
  # numeric items are plotted horizontally (because that's what usually expected)
  # categorical items are plotted vertically because we can use the screen real estate better this way

    if (is.null(choices) || 
        dplyr::n_distinct(item_nomiss) > length(non_missing_choices)) {
        non_missing_choices <- unique(item_nomiss)
        names(non_missing_choices) <- non_missing_choices
  choice_multiplier <- old_height/6.5
    new_height <- 2 + choice_multiplier * length(non_missing_choices)
    new_height <- ifelse(new_height > 20, 20, new_height)
    new_height <- ifelse(new_height < 1, 1, new_height)
    knitr::opts_chunk$set(fig.height = new_height)

wrap_at <- knitr::opts_chunk$get("fig.width") * 10
# todo: if there are free-text choices mingled in with the pre-defined ones, don't show
# todo: show rare items if they are pre-defined
# todo: bin rare responses into "other category"
if (!length(item_nomiss)) {
  cat("No non-missing values to show.")
} else if (is.numeric(item_nomiss) || dplyr::n_distinct(item_nomiss) < 20) {
  plot_labelled(item_nomiss, item_name, wrap_at, go_vertical)
} else {
    cat(dplyr::n_distinct(item_nomiss), " unique, categorical values, so not shown.")

knitr::opts_chunk$set(fig.height = old_height)

0 missing values.

Summary statistics

attributes(item) <- item_attributes
df = data.frame(item, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
names(df) = html_item_name
name data_type missing complete n mean sd p0 p25 p50 p75 p100 hist format.spss display_width
PCL_AvoidanceSubscale_RecallofT1 numeric 0 410 410 3.51 2.62 0 1 3 6 8 ▇▅▃▅▂▃▁▃ F8.2 18
if (show_missing_values) {
  plot_labelled(missing_values, item_name, wrap_at)
if (!is.null(item_info)) {
  # don't show choices again, if they're basically same thing as value labels
  if (!is.null(choices) && !is.null(item_info$choices) && 
    all(names(na.omit(choices)) == item_info$choices) &&
    all(na.omit(choices) == names(item_info$choices))) {
    item_info$choices <- NULL
  item_info$label_parsed <- 
    item_info$choice_list <- item_info$study_id <- item_info$id <- NULL
if (!is.null(choices) && length(choices) && length(choices) < 30) {



show_missing_values <- FALSE
if (has_labels(item)) {
  missing_values <- item[]
  attributes(missing_values) <- attributes(item)
  if (!is.null(attributes(item)$labels)) {
    attributes(missing_values)$labels <- attributes(missing_values)$labels[$labels)]
    attributes(item)$labels <- attributes(item)$labels[!$labels)]
  if (is.double(item)) {
    show_missing_values <- length(unique(haven::na_tag(missing_values))) > 1
    item <- haven::zap_missing(item)
  if (length(item_attributes$labels) == 0 && is.numeric(item)) {
    item <- haven::zap_labels(item)
item_nomiss <- item[!]

# unnest mc_multiple and so on
if (
  is.character(item_nomiss) &&
  stringr::str_detect(item_nomiss, stringr::fixed(", ")) &&
  (exists("type", item_info) && 
    stringr::str_detect(item_info$type, pattern = stringr::fixed("multiple")))
  ) {
  item_nomiss <- unlist(stringr::str_split(item_nomiss, pattern = stringr::fixed(", ")))
attributes(item_nomiss) <- attributes(item)

old_height <- knitr::opts_chunk$get("fig.height")
non_missing_choices <- item_attributes[["labels"]]
many_labels <- length(non_missing_choices) > 7
go_vertical <- !is.numeric(item_nomiss) || many_labels
if ( go_vertical ) {
  # numeric items are plotted horizontally (because that's what usually expected)
  # categorical items are plotted vertically because we can use the screen real estate better this way

    if (is.null(choices) || 
        dplyr::n_distinct(item_nomiss) > length(non_missing_choices)) {
        non_missing_choices <- unique(item_nomiss)
        names(non_missing_choices) <- non_missing_choices
  choice_multiplier <- old_height/6.5
    new_height <- 2 + choice_multiplier * length(non_missing_choices)
    new_height <- ifelse(new_height > 20, 20, new_height)
    new_height <- ifelse(new_height < 1, 1, new_height)
    knitr::opts_chunk$set(fig.height = new_height)

wrap_at <- knitr::opts_chunk$get("fig.width") * 10
# todo: if there are free-text choices mingled in with the pre-defined ones, don't show
# todo: show rare items if they are pre-defined
# todo: bin rare responses into "other category"
if (!length(item_nomiss)) {
  cat("No non-missing values to show.")
} else if (is.numeric(item_nomiss) || dplyr::n_distinct(item_nomiss) < 20) {
  plot_labelled(item_nomiss, item_name, wrap_at, go_vertical)
} else {
    cat(dplyr::n_distinct(item_nomiss), " unique, categorical values, so not shown.")

knitr::opts_chunk$set(fig.height = old_height)

0 missing values.

Summary statistics

attributes(item) <- item_attributes
df = data.frame(item, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
names(df) = html_item_name
name data_type missing complete n mean sd p0 p25 p50 p75 p100 hist format.spss display_width
PCL_MoodandCognitionSubscale_RecallofT1 numeric 0 410 410 9.73 8.17 0 2 8.5 16 28 ▇▃▃▃▂▃▁▁ F8.2 23
if (show_missing_values) {
  plot_labelled(missing_values, item_name, wrap_at)
if (!is.null(item_info)) {
  # don't show choices again, if they're basically same thing as value labels
  if (!is.null(choices) && !is.null(item_info$choices) && 
    all(names(na.omit(choices)) == item_info$choices) &&
    all(na.omit(choices) == names(item_info$choices))) {
    item_info$choices <- NULL
  item_info$label_parsed <- 
    item_info$choice_list <- item_info$study_id <- item_info$id <- NULL
if (!is.null(choices) && length(choices) && length(choices) < 30) {



show_missing_values <- FALSE
if (has_labels(item)) {
  missing_values <- item[]
  attributes(missing_values) <- attributes(item)
  if (!is.null(attributes(item)$labels)) {
    attributes(missing_values)$labels <- attributes(missing_values)$labels[$labels)]
    attributes(item)$labels <- attributes(item)$labels[!$labels)]
  if (is.double(item)) {
    show_missing_values <- length(unique(haven::na_tag(missing_values))) > 1
    item <- haven::zap_missing(item)
  if (length(item_attributes$labels) == 0 && is.numeric(item)) {
    item <- haven::zap_labels(item)
item_nomiss <- item[!]

# unnest mc_multiple and so on
if (
  is.character(item_nomiss) &&
  stringr::str_detect(item_nomiss, stringr::fixed(", ")) &&
  (exists("type", item_info) && 
    stringr::str_detect(item_info$type, pattern = stringr::fixed("multiple")))
  ) {
  item_nomiss <- unlist(stringr::str_split(item_nomiss, pattern = stringr::fixed(", ")))
attributes(item_nomiss) <- attributes(item)

old_height <- knitr::opts_chunk$get("fig.height")
non_missing_choices <- item_attributes[["labels"]]
many_labels <- length(non_missing_choices) > 7
go_vertical <- !is.numeric(item_nomiss) || many_labels
if ( go_vertical ) {
  # numeric items are plotted horizontally (because that's what usually expected)
  # categorical items are plotted vertically because we can use the screen real estate better this way

    if (is.null(choices) || 
        dplyr::n_distinct(item_nomiss) > length(non_missing_choices)) {
        non_missing_choices <- unique(item_nomiss)
        names(non_missing_choices) <- non_missing_choices
  choice_multiplier <- old_height/6.5
    new_height <- 2 + choice_multiplier * length(non_missing_choices)
    new_height <- ifelse(new_height > 20, 20, new_height)
    new_height <- ifelse(new_height < 1, 1, new_height)
    knitr::opts_chunk$set(fig.height = new_height)

wrap_at <- knitr::opts_chunk$get("fig.width") * 10
# todo: if there are free-text choices mingled in with the pre-defined ones, don't show
# todo: show rare items if they are pre-defined
# todo: bin rare responses into "other category"
if (!length(item_nomiss)) {
  cat("No non-missing values to show.")
} else if (is.numeric(item_nomiss) || dplyr::n_distinct(item_nomiss) < 20) {
  plot_labelled(item_nomiss, item_name, wrap_at, go_vertical)
} else {
    cat(dplyr::n_distinct(item_nomiss), " unique, categorical values, so not shown.")

knitr::opts_chunk$set(fig.height = old_height)

0 missing values.

Summary statistics

attributes(item) <- item_attributes
df = data.frame(item, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
names(df) = html_item_name
name data_type missing complete n mean sd p0 p25 p50 p75 p100 hist format.spss display_width
PCL_HyperarousalSubscale_RecallofT1 numeric 0 410 410 8.52 6.47 0 3 8 13 24 ▇▅▅▅▃▂▂▁ F8.2 20
if (show_missing_values) {
  plot_labelled(missing_values, item_name, wrap_at)
if (!is.null(item_info)) {
  # don't show choices again, if they're basically same thing as value labels
  if (!is.null(choices) && !is.null(item_info$choices) && 
    all(names(na.omit(choices)) == item_info$choices) &&
    all(na.omit(choices) == names(item_info$choices))) {
    item_info$choices <- NULL
  item_info$label_parsed <- 
    item_info$choice_list <- item_info$study_id <- item_info$id <- NULL
if (!is.null(choices) && length(choices) && length(choices) < 30) {



show_missing_values <- FALSE
if (has_labels(item)) {
  missing_values <- item[]
  attributes(missing_values) <- attributes(item)
  if (!is.null(attributes(item)$labels)) {
    attributes(missing_values)$labels <- attributes(missing_values)$labels[$labels)]
    attributes(item)$labels <- attributes(item)$labels[!$labels)]
  if (is.double(item)) {
    show_missing_values <- length(unique(haven::na_tag(missing_values))) > 1
    item <- haven::zap_missing(item)
  if (length(item_attributes$labels) == 0 && is.numeric(item)) {
    item <- haven::zap_labels(item)
item_nomiss <- item[!]

# unnest mc_multiple and so on
if (
  is.character(item_nomiss) &&
  stringr::str_detect(item_nomiss, stringr::fixed(", ")) &&
  (exists("type", item_info) && 
    stringr::str_detect(item_info$type, pattern = stringr::fixed("multiple")))
  ) {
  item_nomiss <- unlist(stringr::str_split(item_nomiss, pattern = stringr::fixed(", ")))
attributes(item_nomiss) <- attributes(item)

old_height <- knitr::opts_chunk$get("fig.height")
non_missing_choices <- item_attributes[["labels"]]
many_labels <- length(non_missing_choices) > 7
go_vertical <- !is.numeric(item_nomiss) || many_labels
if ( go_vertical ) {
  # numeric items are plotted horizontally (because that's what usually expected)
  # categorical items are plotted vertically because we can use the screen real estate better this way

    if (is.null(choices) || 
        dplyr::n_distinct(item_nomiss) > length(non_missing_choices)) {
        non_missing_choices <- unique(item_nomiss)
        names(non_missing_choices) <- non_missing_choices
  choice_multiplier <- old_height/6.5
    new_height <- 2 + choice_multiplier * length(non_missing_choices)
    new_height <- ifelse(new_height > 20, 20, new_height)
    new_height <- ifelse(new_height < 1, 1, new_height)
    knitr::opts_chunk$set(fig.height = new_height)

wrap_at <- knitr::opts_chunk$get("fig.width") * 10
# todo: if there are free-text choices mingled in with the pre-defined ones, don't show
# todo: show rare items if they are pre-defined
# todo: bin rare responses into "other category"
if (!length(item_nomiss)) {
  cat("No non-missing values to show.")
} else if (is.numeric(item_nomiss) || dplyr::n_distinct(item_nomiss) < 20) {
  plot_labelled(item_nomiss, item_name, wrap_at, go_vertical)
} else {
    cat(dplyr::n_distinct(item_nomiss), " unique, categorical values, so not shown.")

knitr::opts_chunk$set(fig.height = old_height)

0 missing values.

Summary statistics

attributes(item) <- item_attributes
df = data.frame(item, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
names(df) = html_item_name
name data_type missing complete n mean sd p0 p25 p50 p75 p100 hist format.spss display_width
PCL_TotalScore_T2 numeric 0 410 410 25.58 19.41 0 8 22.5 40 79 ▇▅▅▃▃▃▁▁ F8.2 12
if (show_missing_values) {
  plot_labelled(missing_values, item_name, wrap_at)
if (!is.null(item_info)) {
  # don't show choices again, if they're basically same thing as value labels
  if (!is.null(choices) && !is.null(item_info$choices) && 
    all(names(na.omit(choices)) == item_info$choices) &&
    all(na.omit(choices) == names(item_info$choices))) {
    item_info$choices <- NULL
  item_info$label_parsed <- 
    item_info$choice_list <- item_info$study_id <- item_info$id <- NULL
if (!is.null(choices) && length(choices) && length(choices) < 30) {



show_missing_values <- FALSE
if (has_labels(item)) {
  missing_values <- item[]
  attributes(missing_values) <- attributes(item)
  if (!is.null(attributes(item)$labels)) {
    attributes(missing_values)$labels <- attributes(missing_values)$labels[$labels)]
    attributes(item)$labels <- attributes(item)$labels[!$labels)]
  if (is.double(item)) {
    show_missing_values <- length(unique(haven::na_tag(missing_values))) > 1
    item <- haven::zap_missing(item)
  if (length(item_attributes$labels) == 0 && is.numeric(item)) {
    item <- haven::zap_labels(item)
item_nomiss <- item[!]

# unnest mc_multiple and so on
if (
  is.character(item_nomiss) &&
  stringr::str_detect(item_nomiss, stringr::fixed(", ")) &&
  (exists("type", item_info) && 
    stringr::str_detect(item_info$type, pattern = stringr::fixed("multiple")))
  ) {
  item_nomiss <- unlist(stringr::str_split(item_nomiss, pattern = stringr::fixed(", ")))
attributes(item_nomiss) <- attributes(item)

old_height <- knitr::opts_chunk$get("fig.height")
non_missing_choices <- item_attributes[["labels"]]
many_labels <- length(non_missing_choices) > 7
go_vertical <- !is.numeric(item_nomiss) || many_labels
if ( go_vertical ) {
  # numeric items are plotted horizontally (because that's what usually expected)
  # categorical items are plotted vertically because we can use the screen real estate better this way

    if (is.null(choices) || 
        dplyr::n_distinct(item_nomiss) > length(non_missing_choices)) {
        non_missing_choices <- unique(item_nomiss)
        names(non_missing_choices) <- non_missing_choices
  choice_multiplier <- old_height/6.5
    new_height <- 2 + choice_multiplier * length(non_missing_choices)
    new_height <- ifelse(new_height > 20, 20, new_height)
    new_height <- ifelse(new_height < 1, 1, new_height)
    knitr::opts_chunk$set(fig.height = new_height)

wrap_at <- knitr::opts_chunk$get("fig.width") * 10
# todo: if there are free-text choices mingled in with the pre-defined ones, don't show
# todo: show rare items if they are pre-defined
# todo: bin rare responses into "other category"
if (!length(item_nomiss)) {
  cat("No non-missing values to show.")
} else if (is.numeric(item_nomiss) || dplyr::n_distinct(item_nomiss) < 20) {
  plot_labelled(item_nomiss, item_name, wrap_at, go_vertical)
} else {
    cat(dplyr::n_distinct(item_nomiss), " unique, categorical values, so not shown.")

knitr::opts_chunk$set(fig.height = old_height)

0 missing values.

Summary statistics

attributes(item) <- item_attributes
df = data.frame(item, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
names(df) = html_item_name
name data_type missing complete n mean sd p0 p25 p50 p75 p100 hist format.spss display_width
PCL_ReexperiencingSubscale_T2 numeric 0 410 410 5.53 4.93 0 1.25 5 8 20 ▇▆▃▃▁▂▁▁ F8.2 15
if (show_missing_values) {
  plot_labelled(missing_values, item_name, wrap_at)
if (!is.null(item_info)) {
  # don't show choices again, if they're basically same thing as value labels
  if (!is.null(choices) && !is.null(item_info$choices) && 
    all(names(na.omit(choices)) == item_info$choices) &&
    all(na.omit(choices) == names(item_info$choices))) {
    item_info$choices <- NULL
  item_info$label_parsed <- 
    item_info$choice_list <- item_info$study_id <- item_info$id <- NULL
if (!is.null(choices) && length(choices) && length(choices) < 30) {



show_missing_values <- FALSE
if (has_labels(item)) {
  missing_values <- item[]
  attributes(missing_values) <- attributes(item)
  if (!is.null(attributes(item)$labels)) {
    attributes(missing_values)$labels <- attributes(missing_values)$labels[$labels)]
    attributes(item)$labels <- attributes(item)$labels[!$labels)]
  if (is.double(item)) {
    show_missing_values <- length(unique(haven::na_tag(missing_values))) > 1
    item <- haven::zap_missing(item)
  if (length(item_attributes$labels) == 0 && is.numeric(item)) {
    item <- haven::zap_labels(item)
item_nomiss <- item[!]

# unnest mc_multiple and so on
if (
  is.character(item_nomiss) &&
  stringr::str_detect(item_nomiss, stringr::fixed(", ")) &&
  (exists("type", item_info) && 
    stringr::str_detect(item_info$type, pattern = stringr::fixed("multiple")))
  ) {
  item_nomiss <- unlist(stringr::str_split(item_nomiss, pattern = stringr::fixed(", ")))
attributes(item_nomiss) <- attributes(item)

old_height <- knitr::opts_chunk$get("fig.height")
non_missing_choices <- item_attributes[["labels"]]
many_labels <- length(non_missing_choices) > 7
go_vertical <- !is.numeric(item_nomiss) || many_labels
if ( go_vertical ) {
  # numeric items are plotted horizontally (because that's what usually expected)
  # categorical items are plotted vertically because we can use the screen real estate better this way

    if (is.null(choices) || 
        dplyr::n_distinct(item_nomiss) > length(non_missing_choices)) {
        non_missing_choices <- unique(item_nomiss)
        names(non_missing_choices) <- non_missing_choices
  choice_multiplier <- old_height/6.5
    new_height <- 2 + choice_multiplier * length(non_missing_choices)
    new_height <- ifelse(new_height > 20, 20, new_height)
    new_height <- ifelse(new_height < 1, 1, new_height)
    knitr::opts_chunk$set(fig.height = new_height)

wrap_at <- knitr::opts_chunk$get("fig.width") * 10
# todo: if there are free-text choices mingled in with the pre-defined ones, don't show
# todo: show rare items if they are pre-defined
# todo: bin rare responses into "other category"
if (!length(item_nomiss)) {
  cat("No non-missing values to show.")
} else if (is.numeric(item_nomiss) || dplyr::n_distinct(item_nomiss) < 20) {
  plot_labelled(item_nomiss, item_name, wrap_at, go_vertical)
} else {
    cat(dplyr::n_distinct(item_nomiss), " unique, categorical values, so not shown.")

knitr::opts_chunk$set(fig.height = old_height)

0 missing values.

Summary statistics

attributes(item) <- item_attributes
df = data.frame(item, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
names(df) = html_item_name
name data_type missing complete n mean sd p0 p25 p50 p75 p100 hist format.spss display_width
PCL_AvoidanceSubscale_T2 numeric 0 410 410 3.4 2.69 0 1 3 6 8 ▇▅▃▃▂▂▁▃ F8.2 12
if (show_missing_values) {
  plot_labelled(missing_values, item_name, wrap_at)
if (!is.null(item_info)) {
  # don't show choices again, if they're basically same thing as value labels
  if (!is.null(choices) && !is.null(item_info$choices) && 
    all(names(na.omit(choices)) == item_info$choices) &&
    all(na.omit(choices) == names(item_info$choices))) {
    item_info$choices <- NULL
  item_info$label_parsed <- 
    item_info$choice_list <- item_info$study_id <- item_info$id <- NULL
if (!is.null(choices) && length(choices) && length(choices) < 30) {



show_missing_values <- FALSE
if (has_labels(item)) {
  missing_values <- item[]
  attributes(missing_values) <- attributes(item)
  if (!is.null(attributes(item)$labels)) {
    attributes(missing_values)$labels <- attributes(missing_values)$labels[$labels)]
    attributes(item)$labels <- attributes(item)$labels[!$labels)]
  if (is.double(item)) {
    show_missing_values <- length(unique(haven::na_tag(missing_values))) > 1
    item <- haven::zap_missing(item)
  if (length(item_attributes$labels) == 0 && is.numeric(item)) {
    item <- haven::zap_labels(item)
item_nomiss <- item[!]

# unnest mc_multiple and so on
if (
  is.character(item_nomiss) &&
  stringr::str_detect(item_nomiss, stringr::fixed(", ")) &&
  (exists("type", item_info) && 
    stringr::str_detect(item_info$type, pattern = stringr::fixed("multiple")))
  ) {
  item_nomiss <- unlist(stringr::str_split(item_nomiss, pattern = stringr::fixed(", ")))
attributes(item_nomiss) <- attributes(item)

old_height <- knitr::opts_chunk$get("fig.height")
non_missing_choices <- item_attributes[["labels"]]
many_labels <- length(non_missing_choices) > 7
go_vertical <- !is.numeric(item_nomiss) || many_labels
if ( go_vertical ) {
  # numeric items are plotted horizontally (because that's what usually expected)
  # categorical items are plotted vertically because we can use the screen real estate better this way

    if (is.null(choices) || 
        dplyr::n_distinct(item_nomiss) > length(non_missing_choices)) {
        non_missing_choices <- unique(item_nomiss)
        names(non_missing_choices) <- non_missing_choices
  choice_multiplier <- old_height/6.5
    new_height <- 2 + choice_multiplier * length(non_missing_choices)
    new_height <- ifelse(new_height > 20, 20, new_height)
    new_height <- ifelse(new_height < 1, 1, new_height)
    knitr::opts_chunk$set(fig.height = new_height)

wrap_at <- knitr::opts_chunk$get("fig.width") * 10
# todo: if there are free-text choices mingled in with the pre-defined ones, don't show
# todo: show rare items if they are pre-defined
# todo: bin rare responses into "other category"
if (!length(item_nomiss)) {
  cat("No non-missing values to show.")
} else if (is.numeric(item_nomiss) || dplyr::n_distinct(item_nomiss) < 20) {
  plot_labelled(item_nomiss, item_name, wrap_at, go_vertical)
} else {
    cat(dplyr::n_distinct(item_nomiss), " unique, categorical values, so not shown.")

knitr::opts_chunk$set(fig.height = old_height)

0 missing values.

Summary statistics

attributes(item) <- item_attributes
df = data.frame(item, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
names(df) = html_item_name
name data_type missing complete n mean sd p0 p25 p50 p75 p100 hist format.spss display_width
PCL_MoodandCognitionSubscale_T2 numeric 0 410 410 8.92 7.61 0 2 7.5 15 27 ▇▃▃▃▂▃▂▁ F8.2 17
if (show_missing_values) {
  plot_labelled(missing_values, item_name, wrap_at)
if (!is.null(item_info)) {
  # don't show choices again, if they're basically same thing as value labels
  if (!is.null(choices) && !is.null(item_info$choices) && 
    all(names(na.omit(choices)) == item_info$choices) &&
    all(na.omit(choices) == names(item_info$choices))) {
    item_info$choices <- NULL
  item_info$label_parsed <- 
    item_info$choice_list <- item_info$study_id <- item_info$id <- NULL
if (!is.null(choices) && length(choices) && length(choices) < 30) {



show_missing_values <- FALSE
if (has_labels(item)) {
  missing_values <- item[]
  attributes(missing_values) <- attributes(item)
  if (!is.null(attributes(item)$labels)) {
    attributes(missing_values)$labels <- attributes(missing_values)$labels[$labels)]
    attributes(item)$labels <- attributes(item)$labels[!$labels)]
  if (is.double(item)) {
    show_missing_values <- length(unique(haven::na_tag(missing_values))) > 1
    item <- haven::zap_missing(item)
  if (length(item_attributes$labels) == 0 && is.numeric(item)) {
    item <- haven::zap_labels(item)
item_nomiss <- item[!]

# unnest mc_multiple and so on
if (
  is.character(item_nomiss) &&
  stringr::str_detect(item_nomiss, stringr::fixed(", ")) &&
  (exists("type", item_info) && 
    stringr::str_detect(item_info$type, pattern = stringr::fixed("multiple")))
  ) {
  item_nomiss <- unlist(stringr::str_split(item_nomiss, pattern = stringr::fixed(", ")))
attributes(item_nomiss) <- attributes(item)

old_height <- knitr::opts_chunk$get("fig.height")
non_missing_choices <- item_attributes[["labels"]]
many_labels <- length(non_missing_choices) > 7
go_vertical <- !is.numeric(item_nomiss) || many_labels
if ( go_vertical ) {
  # numeric items are plotted horizontally (because that's what usually expected)
  # categorical items are plotted vertically because we can use the screen real estate better this way

    if (is.null(choices) || 
        dplyr::n_distinct(item_nomiss) > length(non_missing_choices)) {
        non_missing_choices <- unique(item_nomiss)
        names(non_missing_choices) <- non_missing_choices
  choice_multiplier <- old_height/6.5
    new_height <- 2 + choice_multiplier * length(non_missing_choices)
    new_height <- ifelse(new_height > 20, 20, new_height)
    new_height <- ifelse(new_height < 1, 1, new_height)
    knitr::opts_chunk$set(fig.height = new_height)

wrap_at <- knitr::opts_chunk$get("fig.width") * 10
# todo: if there are free-text choices mingled in with the pre-defined ones, don't show
# todo: show rare items if they are pre-defined
# todo: bin rare responses into "other category"
if (!length(item_nomiss)) {
  cat("No non-missing values to show.")
} else if (is.numeric(item_nomiss) || dplyr::n_distinct(item_nomiss) < 20) {
  plot_labelled(item_nomiss, item_name, wrap_at, go_vertical)
} else {
    cat(dplyr::n_distinct(item_nomiss), " unique, categorical values, so not shown.")

knitr::opts_chunk$set(fig.height = old_height)

0 missing values.

Summary statistics

attributes(item) <- item_attributes
df = data.frame(item, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
names(df) = html_item_name
name data_type missing complete n mean sd p0 p25 p50 p75 p100 hist format.spss display_width
PCL_HyperarousalSubscale_T2 numeric 0 410 410 7.73 6.36 0 2 7 12 24 ▇▃▃▃▂▂▁▁ F8.2 14
if (show_missing_values) {
  plot_labelled(missing_values, item_name, wrap_at)
if (!is.null(item_info)) {
  # don't show choices again, if they're basically same thing as value labels
  if (!is.null(choices) && !is.null(item_info$choices) && 
    all(names(na.omit(choices)) == item_info$choices) &&
    all(na.omit(choices) == names(item_info$choices))) {
    item_info$choices <- NULL
  item_info$label_parsed <- 
    item_info$choice_list <- item_info$study_id <- item_info$id <- NULL
if (!is.null(choices) && length(choices) && length(choices) < 30) {




show_missing_values <- FALSE
if (has_labels(item)) {
  missing_values <- item[]
  attributes(missing_values) <- attributes(item)
  if (!is.null(attributes(item)$labels)) {
    attributes(missing_values)$labels <- attributes(missing_values)$labels[$labels)]
    attributes(item)$labels <- attributes(item)$labels[!$labels)]
  if (is.double(item)) {
    show_missing_values <- length(unique(haven::na_tag(missing_values))) > 1
    item <- haven::zap_missing(item)
  if (length(item_attributes$labels) == 0 && is.numeric(item)) {
    item <- haven::zap_labels(item)
item_nomiss <- item[!]

# unnest mc_multiple and so on
if (
  is.character(item_nomiss) &&
  stringr::str_detect(item_nomiss, stringr::fixed(", ")) &&
  (exists("type", item_info) && 
    stringr::str_detect(item_info$type, pattern = stringr::fixed("multiple")))
  ) {
  item_nomiss <- unlist(stringr::str_split(item_nomiss, pattern = stringr::fixed(", ")))
attributes(item_nomiss) <- attributes(item)

old_height <- knitr::opts_chunk$get("fig.height")
non_missing_choices <- item_attributes[["labels"]]
many_labels <- length(non_missing_choices) > 7
go_vertical <- !is.numeric(item_nomiss) || many_labels
if ( go_vertical ) {
  # numeric items are plotted horizontally (because that's what usually expected)
  # categorical items are plotted vertically because we can use the screen real estate better this way

    if (is.null(choices) || 
        dplyr::n_distinct(item_nomiss) > length(non_missing_choices)) {
        non_missing_choices <- unique(item_nomiss)
        names(non_missing_choices) <- non_missing_choices
  choice_multiplier <- old_height/6.5
    new_height <- 2 + choice_multiplier * length(non_missing_choices)
    new_height <- ifelse(new_height > 20, 20, new_height)
    new_height <- ifelse(new_height < 1, 1, new_height)
    knitr::opts_chunk$set(fig.height = new_height)

wrap_at <- knitr::opts_chunk$get("fig.width") * 10
# todo: if there are free-text choices mingled in with the pre-defined ones, don't show
# todo: show rare items if they are pre-defined
# todo: bin rare responses into "other category"
if (!length(item_nomiss)) {
  cat("No non-missing values to show.")
} else if (is.numeric(item_nomiss) || dplyr::n_distinct(item_nomiss) < 20) {
  plot_labelled(item_nomiss, item_name, wrap_at, go_vertical)
} else {
    cat(dplyr::n_distinct(item_nomiss), " unique, categorical values, so not shown.")

knitr::opts_chunk$set(fig.height = old_height)

0 missing values.

Summary statistics

attributes(item) <- item_attributes
df = data.frame(item, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
names(df) = html_item_name
name data_type value_labels missing complete n mean sd p0 p25 p50 p75 p100 hist format.spss display_width
PTSDpositive_T2 numeric 0. No,
1. Yes
0 410 410 0.38 0.49 0 0 0 1 1 ▇▁▁▁▁▁▁▅ F8.2 13
if (show_missing_values) {
  plot_labelled(missing_values, item_name, wrap_at)
if (!is.null(item_info)) {
  # don't show choices again, if they're basically same thing as value labels
  if (!is.null(choices) && !is.null(item_info$choices) && 
    all(names(na.omit(choices)) == item_info$choices) &&
    all(na.omit(choices) == names(item_info$choices))) {
    item_info$choices <- NULL
  item_info$label_parsed <- 
    item_info$choice_list <- item_info$study_id <- item_info$id <- NULL

Value labels

if (!is.null(choices) && length(choices) && length(choices) < 30) {
  • No: 0
  • Yes: 1


Recall of T1 - T1 (positive scores indicate recalling more than initially experienced)


show_missing_values <- FALSE
if (has_labels(item)) {
  missing_values <- item[]
  attributes(missing_values) <- attributes(item)
  if (!is.null(attributes(item)$labels)) {
    attributes(missing_values)$labels <- attributes(missing_values)$labels[$labels)]
    attributes(item)$labels <- attributes(item)$labels[!$labels)]
  if (is.double(item)) {
    show_missing_values <- length(unique(haven::na_tag(missing_values))) > 1
    item <- haven::zap_missing(item)
  if (length(item_attributes$labels) == 0 && is.numeric(item)) {
    item <- haven::zap_labels(item)
item_nomiss <- item[!]

# unnest mc_multiple and so on
if (
  is.character(item_nomiss) &&
  stringr::str_detect(item_nomiss, stringr::fixed(", ")) &&
  (exists("type", item_info) && 
    stringr::str_detect(item_info$type, pattern = stringr::fixed("multiple")))
  ) {
  item_nomiss <- unlist(stringr::str_split(item_nomiss, pattern = stringr::fixed(", ")))
attributes(item_nomiss) <- attributes(item)

old_height <- knitr::opts_chunk$get("fig.height")
non_missing_choices <- item_attributes[["labels"]]
many_labels <- length(non_missing_choices) > 7
go_vertical <- !is.numeric(item_nomiss) || many_labels
if ( go_vertical ) {
  # numeric items are plotted horizontally (because that's what usually expected)
  # categorical items are plotted vertically because we can use the screen real estate better this way

    if (is.null(choices) || 
        dplyr::n_distinct(item_nomiss) > length(non_missing_choices)) {
        non_missing_choices <- unique(item_nomiss)
        names(non_missing_choices) <- non_missing_choices
  choice_multiplier <- old_height/6.5
    new_height <- 2 + choice_multiplier * length(non_missing_choices)
    new_height <- ifelse(new_height > 20, 20, new_height)
    new_height <- ifelse(new_height < 1, 1, new_height)
    knitr::opts_chunk$set(fig.height = new_height)

wrap_at <- knitr::opts_chunk$get("fig.width") * 10
# todo: if there are free-text choices mingled in with the pre-defined ones, don't show
# todo: show rare items if they are pre-defined
# todo: bin rare responses into "other category"
if (!length(item_nomiss)) {
  cat("No non-missing values to show.")
} else if (is.numeric(item_nomiss) || dplyr::n_distinct(item_nomiss) < 20) {
  plot_labelled(item_nomiss, item_name, wrap_at, go_vertical)
} else {
    cat(dplyr::n_distinct(item_nomiss), " unique, categorical values, so not shown.")

knitr::opts_chunk$set(fig.height = old_height)

0 missing values.

Summary statistics

attributes(item) <- item_attributes
df = data.frame(item, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
names(df) = html_item_name
name label data_type missing complete n mean sd p0 p25 p50 p75 p100 hist format.spss display_width
MemoryDiscrepancy Recall of T1 - T1 (positive scores indicate recalling more than initially experienced) numeric 0 410 410 0.17 15.45 -48 -9 0 8 49 ▁▁▃▇▇▂▁▁ F8.2 15
if (show_missing_values) {
  plot_labelled(missing_values, item_name, wrap_at)
if (!is.null(item_info)) {
  # don't show choices again, if they're basically same thing as value labels
  if (!is.null(choices) && !is.null(item_info$choices) && 
    all(names(na.omit(choices)) == item_info$choices) &&
    all(na.omit(choices) == names(item_info$choices))) {
    item_info$choices <- NULL
  item_info$label_parsed <- 
    item_info$choice_list <- item_info$study_id <- item_info$id <- NULL
if (!is.null(choices) && length(choices) && length(choices) < 30) {




show_missing_values <- FALSE
if (has_labels(item)) {
  missing_values <- item[]
  attributes(missing_values) <- attributes(item)
  if (!is.null(attributes(item)$labels)) {
    attributes(missing_values)$labels <- attributes(missing_values)$labels[$labels)]
    attributes(item)$labels <- attributes(item)$labels[!$labels)]
  if (is.double(item)) {
    show_missing_values <- length(unique(haven::na_tag(missing_values))) > 1
    item <- haven::zap_missing(item)
  if (length(item_attributes$labels) == 0 && is.numeric(item)) {
    item <- haven::zap_labels(item)
item_nomiss <- item[!]

# unnest mc_multiple and so on
if (
  is.character(item_nomiss) &&
  stringr::str_detect(item_nomiss, stringr::fixed(", ")) &&
  (exists("type", item_info) && 
    stringr::str_detect(item_info$type, pattern = stringr::fixed("multiple")))
  ) {
  item_nomiss <- unlist(stringr::str_split(item_nomiss, pattern = stringr::fixed(", ")))
attributes(item_nomiss) <- attributes(item)

old_height <- knitr::opts_chunk$get("fig.height")
non_missing_choices <- item_attributes[["labels"]]
many_labels <- length(non_missing_choices) > 7
go_vertical <- !is.numeric(item_nomiss) || many_labels
if ( go_vertical ) {
  # numeric items are plotted horizontally (because that's what usually expected)
  # categorical items are plotted vertically because we can use the screen real estate better this way

    if (is.null(choices) || 
        dplyr::n_distinct(item_nomiss) > length(non_missing_choices)) {
        non_missing_choices <- unique(item_nomiss)
        names(non_missing_choices) <- non_missing_choices
  choice_multiplier <- old_height/6.5
    new_height <- 2 + choice_multiplier * length(non_missing_choices)
    new_height <- ifelse(new_height > 20, 20, new_height)
    new_height <- ifelse(new_height < 1, 1, new_height)
    knitr::opts_chunk$set(fig.height = new_height)

wrap_at <- knitr::opts_chunk$get("fig.width") * 10
# todo: if there are free-text choices mingled in with the pre-defined ones, don't show
# todo: show rare items if they are pre-defined
# todo: bin rare responses into "other category"
if (!length(item_nomiss)) {
  cat("No non-missing values to show.")
} else if (is.numeric(item_nomiss) || dplyr::n_distinct(item_nomiss) < 20) {
  plot_labelled(item_nomiss, item_name, wrap_at, go_vertical)
} else {
    cat(dplyr::n_distinct(item_nomiss), " unique, categorical values, so not shown.")

knitr::opts_chunk$set(fig.height = old_height)

0 missing values.

Summary statistics

attributes(item) <- item_attributes
df = data.frame(item, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
names(df) = html_item_name
name data_type value_labels missing complete n mean sd p0 p25 p50 p75 p100 hist format.spss display_width
ReliableChangeOverTime numeric 1. Yes 0 410 410 0.11 0.32 0 0 0 0 1 ▇▁▁▁▁▁▁▁ F8.0 12
if (show_missing_values) {
  plot_labelled(missing_values, item_name, wrap_at)
if (!is.null(item_info)) {
  # don't show choices again, if they're basically same thing as value labels
  if (!is.null(choices) && !is.null(item_info$choices) && 
    all(names(na.omit(choices)) == item_info$choices) &&
    all(na.omit(choices) == names(item_info$choices))) {
    item_info$choices <- NULL
  item_info$label_parsed <- 
    item_info$choice_list <- item_info$study_id <- item_info$id <- NULL

Value labels

if (!is.null(choices) && length(choices) && length(choices) < 30) {
  • Yes: 1




show_missing_values <- FALSE
if (has_labels(item)) {
  missing_values <- item[]
  attributes(missing_values) <- attributes(item)
  if (!is.null(attributes(item)$labels)) {
    attributes(missing_values)$labels <- attributes(missing_values)$labels[$labels)]
    attributes(item)$labels <- attributes(item)$labels[!$labels)]
  if (is.double(item)) {
    show_missing_values <- length(unique(haven::na_tag(missing_values))) > 1
    item <- haven::zap_missing(item)
  if (length(item_attributes$labels) == 0 && is.numeric(item)) {
    item <- haven::zap_labels(item)
item_nomiss <- item[!]

# unnest mc_multiple and so on
if (
  is.character(item_nomiss) &&
  stringr::str_detect(item_nomiss, stringr::fixed(", ")) &&
  (exists("type", item_info) && 
    stringr::str_detect(item_info$type, pattern = stringr::fixed("multiple")))
  ) {
  item_nomiss <- unlist(stringr::str_split(item_nomiss, pattern = stringr::fixed(", ")))
attributes(item_nomiss) <- attributes(item)

old_height <- knitr::opts_chunk$get("fig.height")
non_missing_choices <- item_attributes[["labels"]]
many_labels <- length(non_missing_choices) > 7
go_vertical <- !is.numeric(item_nomiss) || many_labels
if ( go_vertical ) {
  # numeric items are plotted horizontally (because that's what usually expected)
  # categorical items are plotted vertically because we can use the screen real estate better this way

    if (is.null(choices) || 
        dplyr::n_distinct(item_nomiss) > length(non_missing_choices)) {
        non_missing_choices <- unique(item_nomiss)
        names(non_missing_choices) <- non_missing_choices
  choice_multiplier <- old_height/6.5
    new_height <- 2 + choice_multiplier * length(non_missing_choices)
    new_height <- ifelse(new_height > 20, 20, new_height)
    new_height <- ifelse(new_height < 1, 1, new_height)
    knitr::opts_chunk$set(fig.height = new_height)

wrap_at <- knitr::opts_chunk$get("fig.width") * 10
# todo: if there are free-text choices mingled in with the pre-defined ones, don't show
# todo: show rare items if they are pre-defined
# todo: bin rare responses into "other category"
if (!length(item_nomiss)) {
  cat("No non-missing values to show.")
} else if (is.numeric(item_nomiss) || dplyr::n_distinct(item_nomiss) < 20) {
  plot_labelled(item_nomiss, item_name, wrap_at, go_vertical)
} else {
    cat(dplyr::n_distinct(item_nomiss), " unique, categorical values, so not shown.")

knitr::opts_chunk$set(fig.height = old_height)

269 missing values.

Summary statistics

attributes(item) <- item_attributes
df = data.frame(item, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
names(df) = html_item_name
name data_type value_labels missing complete n mean sd p0 p25 p50 p75 p100 hist format.spss display_width
ReliableChangeOverTime_AND_BelowPCLCutoff numeric 0. PTSD-positive at both times,
1. Reliable change and dropped below cut-off
269 141 410 0.17 0.38 0 0 0 0 1 ▇▁▁▁▁▁▁▂ F8.0 18
if (show_missing_values) {
  plot_labelled(missing_values, item_name, wrap_at)
if (!is.null(item_info)) {
  # don't show choices again, if they're basically same thing as value labels
  if (!is.null(choices) && !is.null(item_info$choices) && 
    all(names(na.omit(choices)) == item_info$choices) &&
    all(na.omit(choices) == names(item_info$choices))) {
    item_info$choices <- NULL
  item_info$label_parsed <- 
    item_info$choice_list <- item_info$study_id <- item_info$id <- NULL

Value labels

if (!is.null(choices) && length(choices) && length(choices) < 30) {
  • PTSD-positive at both times: 0
  • Reliable change and dropped below cut-off: 1

Missingness report

Among those who finished the survey. Only variables that have missing values are shown.

if (  exists("ended", results) &&
  exists("expired", results)) {
  finisher_results <- dplyr::filter(results, !$ended))
} else {
  finisher_results <- results
  warning("Could not figure out who finished the surveys, because the ",
          "variables expired and ended were missing.")
## Warning: Could not figure out who finished the surveys, because the
## variables expired and ended were missing.
if (length(md_pattern)) {
description ReliableChangeOverTime_AND_BelowPCLCutoff var_miss n_miss
Missing values in 1 variables 0 1 269
Missing values per variable 269 269 269
Missing values in 0 variables 1 0 141

Codebook table
