This modifies and extends the knitr::knit_child() function. Defaults change as follows:

  • the environment defaults to the calling environment, or if passed, to arguments passed via ...

  • the output receives the class knit_asis, so that the output will be rendered "as is" by knitr when calling inside a chunk (no need to set results='asis' as a chunk option).

  • defaults to quiet = TRUE

  • the package additionally renders knit_asis objects in the viewer when printed to make previewing partials easier. This is achieved using rmarkdown::render() and done in a temporary directory (only when used interactively/not in child mode).

  • the package takes care of some troubles behind the scenes that you might find yourself in if you nest partials (by trying to resolve path ambiguities, using text instead of files for sources, and some functionality to prevent iteratively overwriting generated figures and other files)

  input = NULL,
  text = NULL,
  output = NULL,
  quiet = TRUE,
  options = NULL,
  envir = parent.frame(),
  name = NULL,
  show_code = FALSE,
  use_strings = TRUE,
  render_preview = needs_preview(),
  preview_output_format = NULL



if you specify a file path here, it will be read in before being passed to knitr (to avoid a working directory mess)


ignored, but you can use it to clarify which variables will be used in the rmd partial


passed to knitr::knit_child()


if you specify a file path here, where to put the file


passed to knitr::knit_child()


defaults to NULL.


passed to knitr::knit_child()


a name to use for cacheing and figure paths. Randomly generated if left unspecified.


whether to print the R code for the partial or just the results (sets the chunk option echo = FALSE while the chunk is being rendered)


whether to read in the child file as a character string (solves working directory problems but harder to debug)


true if interactive mode is auto-detected, false when actually knitting the partial as a child


defaults to rmarkdown::html_document() with self_contained set to true


Returns rendered markdown with the class "knit_asis". When used interactively, the knit_meta attributes will additionally contain the path of a rendered preview in a temporary directory.


Why default to the calling environment? Typically this function defaults to the global environment. This makes sense if you want to use knit children in the same context as the rest of the document. However, you may also want to use knit children to respect conventional scoping rules inside functions to e.g. summarise a regression using a set of commands (e.g. plot some diagnostic graphs and a summary for a regression nicely formatted).

Some caveats:

  • the function has to return to the top-level. There's no way to cat() this from loops or an if-condition without without setting results='asis'. You can however concatenate these objects with paste.knit_asis()

  • currently not yet producing expected results in RStudio notebooks in interactive use


# super simple partial example partial(text = "Test")
#> No viewer found, probably documenting or testing
#> #> Test
# an example of a wrapper function that calls partial with an argument # ensures distinct paths for cache and figures, so that these calls can be looped in parallel regression_diagnostics <- function(regression, ...) { partial(system.file("_regression_diagnostics.Rmd", package = "rmdpartials", mustWork = TRUE), regression = regression, ...) }