documentation on the functions is interspersed through code comments
dont show messages when loading libraries
never set strings as factors automatically (google for reason why)
show four significant digits tops
tend not to show scientific notation, because we’re just psychologists
make output a bit wider
set a seed to make analyses depending on random number generation reproducible
generate the site
set options for chunks
my formr utility package to generate e.g. the bibliography
pretty-printed output
tidyverse date times
tidyverse strings
extractor functions for models
grammar of graphics plots
svg graphs
tidyverse: has a lot of naming conflicts, so always load last
some packages may be needed without being loaded
use pander to pretty-print objects (if possible)
don’t split tables, scroll horizontally
Set plot defaults
R scripts can be documented in markdown using Roxygen comments, as demonstrated here This function turns all R files (that don’t have an Rmd file of the same name and that don’t start with an underscore _) into HTML pages
spin_R_files_to_site_html = function() {
all_Rs = c(list.files(pattern = "^[^_].+\\.R$"), ".Rprofile")
component_Rmds = list.files(pattern = "^_.+\\.Rmd$")
temporary_Rmds = c()
for (i in seq_along(all_Rs)) {
if(all_Rs[i] == ".Rprofile") {
Rmd_file = "Rprofile.Rmd"
} else {
Rmd_file = paste0(all_Rs[i], "md")
if (!file.exists(Rmd_file)) {
temporary_Rmds[i] <- Rmd_file
if(file.exists(all_Rs[i])) {
temp_knit = spin(all_Rs[i], knit = FALSE, envir = new.env(), format = "Rmd")
prepended_yaml = paste0(c(paste0("---
title: ",all_Rs[i],"
code_folding: 'show'
"), readLines(temp_knit)), collapse = "\n")
cat(prepended_yaml, file = Rmd_file)
components_and_scripts = c(temporary_Rmds, component_Rmds)
for (i in seq_along(components_and_scripts)) {
opts_chunk$set(eval = FALSE, cache = FALSE)
# if we call render_site on the .R file directly it adds a header I don't like
rmarkdown::render_site(components_and_scripts[i], quiet = TRUE)
opts_chunk$set(eval = TRUE, cache = TRUE)
pander_handler = function(x, ...) {
anyS3method = function(x) {
classes = class(x)
any(sapply(classes, FUN = function(classes) { !is.null(getS3method('pander',classes,TRUE)) } ))
if ("knit_asis" %in% class(x)) {
x # obj is knit_asis already, don't touch it
# (useful if e.g. pander is called with options in the doc)
} else if (anyS3method(x)) {
pander(x, row.names = F, ...) # if method available, pander
} else if (isS4(x)) {
} else {
##### counting excluded participants
n_excluded = function(x) {
excluded_new = sum( | x == FALSE,na.rm = T)
if (is.null(excluded_old)) {
excluded = excluded_new
} else {
excluded = excluded_new - excluded_old
cat(excluded, "excluded\n")
excluded_old <<- excluded_new
### counting excluded days
n_excluded_days = function(x) {
excluded_new_days = sum( | x == FALSE,na.rm = T)
if (is.null(excluded_old_days)) {
excluded = excluded_new_days
} else {
excluded = excluded_new_days - excluded_old_days
cat(excluded, "excluded\n")
excluded_old_days <<- excluded_new_days
### counting excluded days in social diary
n_excluded_social = function(x) {
excluded_new_social = sum( | x == FALSE,na.rm = T)
if (is.null(excluded_old_social)) {
excluded = excluded_new_social
} else {
excluded = excluded_new_social - excluded_old_social
cat(excluded, "excluded\n")
excluded_old_social <<- excluded_new_social
### counting excluded participants in social network
n_excluded_network = function(x) {
excluded_new_network = sum( | x == FALSE,na.rm = T)
if (is.null(excluded_old_network)) {
excluded = excluded_new_network
} else {
excluded = excluded_new_network - excluded_old_network
cat(excluded, "excluded\n")
excluded_old_network <<- excluded_new_network
###### strict exclusion
n_excluded_network_strict = function(x) {
excluded_new_network_strict = sum( | x == FALSE,na.rm = T)
if (is.null(excluded_old_network_strict)) {
excluded = excluded_new_network_strict
} else {
excluded = excluded_new_network_strict - excluded_old_network_strict
cat(excluded, "excluded\n")
excluded_old_network_strict <<- excluded_new_network_strict
###### bar plot
bar_count = function(data, variable, na.rm = FALSE) {
varname = deparse(substitute(variable))
var = data %>% select_(varname) %>% .[[1]]
if (na.rm == T) {
var = var %>% na.omit()
var = factor(var, exclude = NULL)
data$var = var
ggplot(data, aes(x = var)) +
geom_bar() +
stat_count(aes(label = paste(..count.., "\n", scales::percent(round(..count../sum(count),2)))), hjust = -0.1, geom = "text", position = "identity", na.rm = T) +
scale_y_continuous(expand = c(0.1, 0)) +
xlab(varname) +
multi_rel = function(diary, lme = T, lmer = T) {
mrel = diary %>%
group_by(short) %>%
filter(! %>%
filter(day_number <= 70) %>%
gather(variable, value, -short, -day_number) %>%
psych::multilevel.reliability(., "short", "day_number", lme = lme, lmer = lmer, items = "variable", values = "value", long = T, aov = F)
robust_rowmeans <- function(x) {
y <- rowMeans(x, na.rm = TRUE)
y[is.nan(y)] <- NA_real_
cortest_stretch <- function(d) {
var_pairs <- t(combn(names(d), 2)) %>%
as_data_frame() %>%
setNames(c("x", "y"))
p_values <- var_pairs %>%
dplyr::mutate(r.test = purrr::map2(x, y, ~ stats::cor.test(d[[.x]], d[[.y]])),
r.test = purrr::map(r.test, broom::tidy)) %>%
cut_common_stem <- function(x) {
i = 1
while (i <= max(stringr::str_length(x)) & dplyr::n_distinct(stringr::str_sub(x, 1, i)) == 1) {
i = i + 1
stringr::str_sub(x, i)