model_summary = summary(model, use_cache = FALSE, priors = TRUE)
fixed_eff = data.frame(model_summary$fixed, check.names = F)
fixed_eff$Est.Error = fixed_eff$Eff.Sample = fixed_eff$Rhat = NULL
fixed_eff$OR = exp(fixed_eff$Estimate)
fixed_eff$OR_low = exp(fixed_eff$`l-95% CI`)
fixed_eff$OR_high = exp(fixed_eff$`u-95% CI`)
x = marginal_effects(model, re_formula = NA, probs = c(0.025,0.975)),
y = marginal_effects(model, re_formula = NA, probs = c(0.1,0.9)),
ask = FALSE)
Coefficient estimates (95% and 80% credibility).
mcmc_intervals(as.matrix(model$fit), regex_pars = "b_[^I]")
mcmc_areas(as.matrix(model$fit), regex_pars = "b")
These plots were made to diagnose misfit and nonconvergence.
brms::pp_check(model, re_formula = NA, type = "dens_overlay")
brms::pp_check(model, re_formula = NA, type = "hist")
Did the 6 chains converge?
stanplot(model, pars = "^b_[^I]", type = 'rhat')
stanplot(model, pars = "^b", type = 'ess')
stanplot(model, pars = "^b", type = 'mcse')
if(any( summary(model)$fixed[,"Rhat"] > 1.1)) { # only do traceplots if not converged
plot(model, N = 3, ask = FALSE)
stanplot(model, pars = "^b", type = 'diag')
opts_chunk$set(echo = FALSE)
clusterscript = str_replace(basename(model_filename), "\\.rds",".html")
cat("[Cluster script](" , clusterscript, ")", sep = "")