DDB data wrangling

description of data

This data retrieval is a modification of a previous dataset delivered to Kai Willführ in 2012 with contract number K12019. The basic changes from the previous dataset is that all couples are included in the couples file (previously called parents) while only couples with children were included in the earlier data. There are also more parishes included – 12 parishes in the Linköping region (this region was not included in the 2012 dataset) and a couple of new parishes in the Skellefteå region. The Sundsvall region and Northern inland region cover the same parishes as before.

There are also a couple of changes in the Popum database at DDB that results in some differences between the two datasets. The Skellefteå region is now completely linked between parishes in the region, meaning that one individual has the same identity in all parishes he or she has been present in. The other regions are however unlinked or not completely linked, which means that there are separate records in each parish of presence. Another difference is that the death codes have now been updated and conform to the official DDB classification (representing an historical adaptation of ICD10). The presence periods are furthermore better represented in the new version.

loading details


Transforming data

ddb.individuals = read.csv2("data/DDB Sweden/march2015/Children.csv",fileEncoding="latin1")
ddb.unions = read.csv2("data/DDB Sweden/march2015/Couples.csv",fileEncoding="latin1")
names(ddb.individuals) = tolower(names(ddb.individuals))
names(ddb.unions) = tolower(names(ddb.unions))
length(intersect(ddb.individuals$idPere, ddb.individuals$idIndividu))
## [1] 0
length(intersect(ddb.individuals$id_m, ddb.individuals$id))
## [1] 21849
ddb.unions = data.table(ddb.unions)
ddb.individuals = data.table(ddb.individuals)
## 258515  12744
ddb.individuals[, idIndividu := str_c(prefix,".",id)]
##  FALSE 
## 271259
ddb.individuals[, idPere := ifelse(is.na(id_m), NA, str_c(prefix,".",id_m))]
ddb.individuals[, idMere := ifelse(is.na(id_f), NA, str_c(prefix,".",id_f))]
ddb.unions[, idPere := ifelse(is.na(id_m), NA, str_c(prefix,".",id_m))]
ddb.unions[, idMere := ifelse(is.na(id_f), NA, str_c(prefix,".",id_f))]

ddb.unions = ddb.unions[idMere != intersect(ddb.unions$idMere, ddb.unions$idPere), ]
# setnames(ddb.individuals, c( "id_m",   "id_f"),
#                                                   c("idPere", "idMere"))
# setnames(ddb.unions, c( "id_m",   "id_f"),
#                                        c( "idPere", "idMere"))

ddb.individuals[, idParents := ifelse(is.na(idMere) & is.na(idPere), NA, str_c(idMere, "_", idPere))]
ddb.unions[, idParents := ifelse(is.na(idMere) & is.na(idPere), NA, str_c(idMere, "_", idPere))]
ddb.unions = ddb.unions[!is.na(idParents), ]

ddb = ddb.individuals
ddb[, male := Recode(gender,"1=1;2=0;0=NA")]


do the kids

# xx = count(ddb$enddate_s); head(xx[rev(order(xx$freq)),])
ddb[, birth_date_s := ifelse(birth_date_s %in% c("0",""), NA, birth_date_s)]
ddb[, birth_date_c := ifelse(birth_date_c %in% c("0",""), NA,  birth_date_c)]
ddb[, death_date_s := ifelse(death_date_s  %in% c("0",""), NA, death_date_s)]
ddb[, death_date_c := ifelse(death_date_c %in% c("0",""), NA,  death_date_c)]
ddb[, startdate_s :=  ifelse(startdate_s  %in% c("0",""), NA,  startdate_s)]
ddb[, startdate_c :=  ifelse(startdate_c %in% c("0",""), NA,   startdate_c)]
ddb[, enddate_s :=    ifelse(enddate_s  %in% c("0",""), NA,    enddate_s)]
ddb[, enddate_c :=    ifelse(enddate_c %in% c("0",""), NA,     enddate_c)]

ddb[, bdate := as.Date(dmy(ifelse(!is.na(birth_date_c), birth_date_c, birth_date_s) )) ] # use the calculated bdate if a proper one is missing
ddb[, byear := year(bdate) ]
ddb[, ddate := as.Date(dmy(ifelse(!is.na(death_date_c), death_date_c, death_date_s))) ]
ddb[, dyear := year(ddate) ]
ddb[, startdate := as.Date(dmy(ifelse(!is.na(startdate_c), startdate_c, startdate_s))) ]
## Warning: 358 failed to parse.
ddb[, enddate := as.Date(dmy(ifelse(!is.na(enddate_c), enddate_c, enddate_s))) ]

ddb[, age.days := as.numeric(ddate - bdate) ]
ddb[ age.days < 0 & age.days > -365, age.days := 0]
ddb[ age.days < 0 , age.days := NA]

ddb[, age.min.days := as.numeric(enddate - startdate) ]
qplot(ddb$age.min.days / 365)
## `stat_bin()` using `bins = 30`. Pick better value with `binwidth`.
## Warning: Removed 19306 rows containing non-finite values (stat_bin).

ddb[ age.min.days < 0 & age.min.days > -365, age.min.days := 0]
ddb[ age.min.days < 0 , age.min.days := NA]
qplot(ddb$age.min.days/365,ddb$age.days /365)
## Warning: Removed 206308 rows containing missing values (geom_point).

ddb[!is.na(age.days), age.min.days := age.days ]
props(~ is.na(age.days) + is.na(age.min.days), data = ddb)
##                is.na(age.min.days)
## is.na(age.days)   FALSE    TRUE
##           FALSE 0.28901 0.00000
##           TRUE  0.68938 0.02161
ddb$age.min = ddb$age.min.days / 365/10
ddb$age = ddb$age.days / 365/10
qplot(ddb$age * 10)
## `stat_bin()` using `bins = 30`. Pick better value with `binwidth`.
## Warning: Removed 192863 rows containing non-finite values (stat_bin).

qplot(ddb$age.min * 10)
## `stat_bin()` using `bins = 30`. Pick better value with `binwidth`.
## Warning: Removed 5863 rows containing non-finite values (stat_bin).

do the mothers

ddb.unions[, f_birth_date_s := ifelse(f_birth_date_s %in% c("0",""), NA, f_birth_date_s)]
ddb.unions[, f_birth_date_c := ifelse(f_birth_date_c %in% c("0",""), NA,  f_birth_date_c)]
ddb.unions[, f_death_date_s := ifelse(f_death_date_s  %in% c("0",""), NA, f_death_date_s)]
ddb.unions[, f_death_date_c := ifelse(f_death_date_c %in% c("0",""), NA,  f_death_date_c)]
ddb.unions[, f_startdate_s :=  ifelse(f_startdate_s  %in% c("0",""), NA,  f_startdate_s)]
ddb.unions[, f_startdate_c :=  ifelse(f_startdate_c %in% c("0",""), NA,   f_startdate_c)]
ddb.unions[, f_enddate_s :=    ifelse(f_enddate_s  %in% c("0",""), NA,    f_enddate_s)]
ddb.unions[, f_enddate_c :=    ifelse(f_enddate_c %in% c("0",""), NA,     f_enddate_c)]

ddb.unions[, bdate.Mother := as.Date(dmy(ifelse(!is.na(f_birth_date_c), f_birth_date_c, f_birth_date_s) )) ] # use the calculated bdate if a proper one is missing
ddb.unions[, byear.Mother := year(bdate.Mother) ]
ddb.unions[, ddate.Mother := as.Date(dmy(ifelse(!is.na(f_death_date_c), f_death_date_c, f_death_date_s))) ]
ddb.unions[, dyear.Mother := year(ddate.Mother) ]
ddb.unions[, startdate.Mother := as.Date(dmy(ifelse(!is.na(f_startdate_c), f_startdate_c, f_startdate_s))) ]
ddb.unions[, enddate.Mother := as.Date(dmy(ifelse(!is.na(f_enddate_c), f_enddate_c, f_enddate_s))) ]

ddb.unions[, age.days.Mother := as.numeric(ddate.Mother - bdate.Mother) ]
ddb.unions[ age.days.Mother < 0 & age.days.Mother > -365, age.days.Mother := 0]
ddb.unions[ age.days.Mother < 0 , age.days.Mother := NA]

ddb.unions[, age.min.days.Mother := as.numeric(enddate.Mother - startdate.Mother) ]
qplot(ddb.unions$age.min.days.Mother / 365)
## `stat_bin()` using `bins = 30`. Pick better value with `binwidth`.
## Warning: Removed 6321 rows containing non-finite values (stat_bin).

ddb.unions[ age.min.days.Mother < 0 & age.min.days.Mother > -365, age.min.days.Mother := 0]
ddb.unions[ age.min.days.Mother < 0 , age.min.days.Mother := NA]
qplot(ddb.unions$age.min.days.Mother/365,ddb.unions$age.days.Mother /365)
## Warning: Removed 66554 rows containing missing values (geom_point).

ddb.unions[!is.na(age.days.Mother), age.min.days.Mother := age.days.Mother ]
props(~ is.na(age.days.Mother) + is.na(age.min.days.Mother), data = ddb.unions)
##                       is.na(age.min.days.Mother)
## is.na(age.days.Mother)   FALSE    TRUE
##                  FALSE 0.28845 0.00000
##                  TRUE  0.64504 0.06651
ddb.unions$age.min.Mother = ddb.unions$age.min.days.Mother / 365/10
ddb.unions$age.Mother = ddb.unions$age.days.Mother / 365/10
qplot(ddb.unions$age.Mother * 10)
## `stat_bin()` using `bins = 30`. Pick better value with `binwidth`.
## Warning: Removed 66444 rows containing non-finite values (stat_bin).

qplot(ddb.unions$age.min.Mother * 10)
## `stat_bin()` using `bins = 30`. Pick better value with `binwidth`.
## Warning: Removed 6211 rows containing non-finite values (stat_bin).

do the fathers

ddb.unions[, m_birth_date_s := ifelse(m_birth_date_s %in% c("0",""), NA, m_birth_date_s)]
ddb.unions[, m_birth_date_c := ifelse(m_birth_date_c %in% c("0",""), NA,  m_birth_date_c)]
ddb.unions[, m_death_date_s := ifelse(m_death_date_s  %in% c("0",""), NA, m_death_date_s)]
ddb.unions[, m_death_date_c := ifelse(m_death_date_c %in% c("0",""), NA,  m_death_date_c)]
ddb.unions[, m_startdate_s :=  ifelse(m_startdate_s  %in% c("0",""), NA,  m_startdate_s)]
ddb.unions[, m_startdate_c :=  ifelse(m_startdate_c %in% c("0",""), NA,   m_startdate_c)]
ddb.unions[, m_enddate_s :=    ifelse(m_enddate_s  %in% c("0",""), NA,    m_enddate_s)]
ddb.unions[, m_enddate_c :=    ifelse(m_enddate_c %in% c("0",""), NA,     m_enddate_c)]

ddb.unions[, bdate.Father := as.Date(dmy(ifelse(!is.na(m_birth_date_c), m_birth_date_c, m_birth_date_s) )) ] # use the calculated bdate if a proper one is missing
ddb.unions[, byear.Father := year(bdate.Father) ]
ddb.unions[, ddate.Father := as.Date(dmy(ifelse(!is.na(m_death_date_c), m_death_date_c, m_death_date_s))) ]
ddb.unions[, dyear.Father := year(ddate.Father) ]
ddb.unions[, startdate.Father := as.Date(dmy(ifelse(!is.na(m_startdate_c), m_startdate_c, m_startdate_s))) ]
ddb.unions[, enddate.Father := as.Date(dmy(ifelse(!is.na(m_enddate_c), m_enddate_c, m_enddate_s))) ]
ddb.unions[, age.days.Father := as.numeric(ddate.Father - bdate.Father) ]
ddb.unions[ age.days.Father < 0 & age.days.Father > -365, age.days.Father := 0]
ddb.unions[ age.days.Father < 0 , age.days.Father := NA]

ddb.unions[, age.min.days.Father := as.numeric(enddate.Father - startdate.Father) ]
qplot(ddb.unions$age.min.days.Father / 365)
## `stat_bin()` using `bins = 30`. Pick better value with `binwidth`.
## Warning: Removed 10721 rows containing non-finite values (stat_bin).

ddb.unions[ age.min.days.Father < 0 & age.min.days.Father > -365, age.min.days.Father := 0]
ddb.unions[ age.min.days.Father < 0 , age.min.days.Father := NA]
qplot(ddb.unions$age.min.days.Father/365,ddb.unions$age.days.Father /365)
## Warning: Removed 65199 rows containing missing values (geom_point).

ddb.unions[!is.na(age.days.Father), age.min.days.Father := age.days.Father ]
props(~ is.na(age.days.Father) + is.na(age.min.days.Father), data = ddb.unions)
##                       is.na(age.min.days.Father)
## is.na(age.days.Father)  FALSE   TRUE
##                  FALSE 0.3030 0.0000
##                  TRUE  0.5834 0.1136
ddb.unions$age.min.Father = ddb.unions$age.min.days.Father / 365/10
ddb.unions$age.Father = ddb.unions$age.days.Father / 365/10
qplot(ddb.unions$age.Father * 10)
## `stat_bin()` using `bins = 30`. Pick better value with `binwidth`.
## Warning: Removed 65086 rows containing non-finite values (stat_bin).

qplot(ddb.unions$age.min.Father * 10)
## `stat_bin()` using `bins = 30`. Pick better value with `binwidth`.
## Warning: Removed 10610 rows containing non-finite values (stat_bin).

unite unions and individuals

parents = ddb.unions[!is.na(idParents), list(idParents, bdate.Father, byear.Father, ddate.Father, dyear.Father, startdate.Father, enddate.Father, bdate.Mother, byear.Mother, ddate.Mother, dyear.Mother, startdate.Mother, enddate.Mother, age.Mother, age.Father, age.min.Mother, age.min.Father)]

ddb = merge(ddb, parents, by = "idParents", all.x = T, suffixes = c("",".mieux"))

ddb$paternalage = as.numeric(ddb$bdate - ddb$bdate.Father)/365/10
ddb[paternalage <= 1 | paternalage > 9, paternalage := NA]
qplot(ddb$paternalage *10)
## `stat_bin()` using `bins = 30`. Pick better value with `binwidth`.
## Warning: Removed 11200 rows containing non-finite values (stat_bin).

head(sort(ddb$paternalage *10),20)
##  [1] 10.10 10.48 10.55 11.05 11.08 11.14 11.17 11.30 11.60 11.62 11.62
## [12] 11.77 11.82 12.15 12.19 12.21 12.27 12.36 12.43 12.44
tail(sort(ddb$paternalage *10),20)
##  [1] 77.23 77.25 77.39 77.82 77.88 78.21 78.94 78.96 79.05 79.05 79.79
## [12] 80.05 80.92 81.51 81.52 82.06 82.13 82.47 86.59 88.91
ddb$maternalage = as.numeric(ddb$bdate - ddb$bdate.Mother)/365/10
qplot(ddb$maternalage *10)
## `stat_bin()` using `bins = 30`. Pick better value with `binwidth`.
## Warning: Removed 11136 rows containing non-finite values (stat_bin).

table(ddb$age.Mother < (ddb$maternalage - 0.1)) # zombie moms
## 88176    43
table(ddb$age.Father < (ddb$paternalage - 0.1)) # zombie dads
## 94819    86
# remove zombies!
ddb = ddb[is.na(maternalage) | is.na(age.Mother) | age.Mother >= (maternalage - 0.1) , ]
ddb = ddb[is.na(paternalage) | is.na(age.Father) | age.Father >= (paternalage - 0.1) , ]

head(sort(ddb$maternalage *10),20)
##  [1] -40.200 -25.016 -23.016  -5.748  -2.003  -1.762   1.260   4.493
##  [9]   4.973   5.499   5.899   5.959   6.195   6.701   7.126   7.170
## [17]   7.290   7.630   7.805   7.874
tail(sort(ddb$maternalage *10),40) # but 69y old. something wrong with that.
##  [1] 53.92 54.04 54.48 54.49 54.56 54.59 54.77 54.83 55.04 55.04 55.30
## [12] 55.34 55.66 55.82 55.87 56.06 56.14 57.20 58.00 58.04 58.21 58.97
## [23] 59.04 59.44 59.45 59.89 60.27 60.95 60.95 61.04 62.18 62.27 62.27
## [34] 63.07 63.30 64.02 64.04 65.18 67.31 67.62
ddb[maternalage < 1.0 | maternalage >= 6, maternalage := NA ]
qplot(maternalage*10,paternalage*10,data=ddb,geom="jitter",alpha=I(0.1),shape=I(".")) + xlim(12,50) + geom_smooth()
## `geom_smooth()` using method = 'gam'
## Warning: Removed 11955 rows containing non-finite values (stat_smooth).
## Warning: Removed 11955 rows containing missing values (geom_point).

##  Pearson's product-moment correlation
## data:  ddb$maternalage and ddb$paternalage
## t = 390, df = 260000, p-value <2e-16
## alternative hypothesis: true correlation is not equal to 0
## 95 percent confidence interval:
##  0.6028 0.6077
## sample estimates:
##    cor 
## 0.6053
xtabs(~ is.na(idMere) + is.na(idPere), data = ddb)
##              is.na(idPere)
## is.na(idMere)  FALSE   TRUE
##         FALSE 261198   9932

count kids and spouses

# tail(ddb.unions) # already sorted by date

ddb.unions = ddb.unions[order(ddb.unions$idPere,ddb.unions$marr_date_s),]
ddb.unions$marriage.order.Father = ave(rep(NA, nrow(ddb.unions)), ddb.unions$idPere, FUN = seq_along)
ddb.unions = ddb.unions[order(ddb.unions$idMere,ddb.unions$marr_date_s),]
ddb.unions$marriage.order.Mother = ave(rep(NA, nrow(ddb.unions)), ddb.unions$idMere, FUN = seq_along)
ddb = merge(ddb, ddb.unions[!is.na(idParents),list(idParents,marriage.order.Mother,marriage.order.Father),],by="idParents",all.x=T)
ddb$first.marriage = (ddb$marriage.order.Mother + ddb$marriage.order.Father) == 2
##  FALSE   TRUE   <NA> 
##  17668 243530   9932
count_spouses = function(df, df2, what,  wt_var) {
    df = data.frame(df)
    df2 = data.frame(df2)
    counted.husband = dcast(data= df2[,c('idPere',wt_var)],formula = idPere ~ .,fun.aggregate = sum, na.rm=T, value.var = wt_var)
    counted.wive = dcast(data= df2[,c('idMere',wt_var)],formula = idMere ~ .,fun.aggregate = sum, na.rm=T, value.var = wt_var)
    names(counted.husband) = names(counted.wive) = c('idIndividu',what)
    counted = rbind(counted.husband,counted.wive)
    counted = counted[!is.na(counted$idIndividu), ]
    df = merge(df,counted,by='idIndividu',all.x=T)
    df[,what] = Recode(df[,what],'NA=0')
ddb$born = 1; ddb.unions$born = 1
ddb = count_spouses(ddb,ddb.unions, 'spouses', "born")
ddb$survive1d = ifelse(ddb$age.min.days > 1, 1, 0)
crosstabs(data=ddb, ~ survive1d + stillborn)
##          stillborn
## survive1d      0      1
##      0      2364   5068
##      1    257843      0
##      <NA>   5855      0
ddb$survive1m = ifelse(ddb$age.min.days > 28, 1, 0)
ddb$dead1m = ifelse(ddb$age.min.days > 28, 0, 1)
ddb$dead1y = ifelse(ddb$age.min > 0.1, 0, 1)
ddb$dead5y = ifelse(ddb$age.min > 0.5, 0, 1)
ddb$deadR = ifelse(ddb$age.min > 1.5, 0, 1)
ddb[, survive1y := ifelse(age.min > 0.1, 1, ifelse(age > 0.1, 1, 0))]
ddb[, survive5y := ifelse(age.min > 0.5, 1, ifelse(age > 0.5, 1, 0))]
ddb[, surviveR := ifelse(age.min > 1.5, 1, ifelse(age > 1.5, 1, 0))]

##      0      1   <NA> 
##  14822 250453   5855
ddb = count_and_merge(ddb, 'children', wt_var = "born")
ddb[is.na(survive1d), survive1d := ifelse(spouses > 0 | children > 0, 1, NA)]
ddb[is.na(survive1y), survive1y := ifelse(spouses > 0 | children > 0, 1, NA)]
ddb[is.na(survive5y), survive5y := ifelse(spouses > 0 | children > 0, 1, NA)]
ddb[is.na(surviveR), surviveR := ifelse(spouses > 0 | children > 0, 1, NA)]


ddb$children.per.spouse = ddb$children/ddb$spouses
ddb$children.per.spouse[which(ddb$spouses==0)] = NA
## `stat_bin()` using `bins = 30`. Pick better value with `binwidth`.
## Warning: Removed 220804 rows containing non-finite values (stat_bin).

ddb = count_and_merge(ddb, 'children.stillborn', wt_var = 'stillborn')
ddb = count_and_merge(ddb, 'children.surviving1d', wt_var = 'survive1d')
ddb = count_and_merge(ddb, 'children.surviving1m', wt_var = 'survive1m')
ddb = count_and_merge(ddb, 'children.surviving1y', wt_var = 'survive1y')
ddb = count_and_merge(ddb, 'children.surviving5y', wt_var = 'survive5y')
ddb = count_and_merge(ddb, 'children.survivingR', wt_var = 'surviveR')
ddb = count_and_merge(ddb, 'children.dead1m', wt_var = 'dead1m')
ddb = count_and_merge(ddb, 'children.dead1y', wt_var = 'dead1y')
ddb = count_and_merge(ddb, 'children.dead5y', wt_var = 'dead5y')
ddb = count_and_merge(ddb, 'children.deadR', wt_var = 'deadR')

ddb = count_and_merge(ddb, 'children.spouses', wt_var = 'spouses')
ddb = count_and_merge(ddb, 'grandchildren.per.spouse', wt_var = 'children.per.spouse')

ddb = count_and_merge(ddb, 'grandchildren',wt_var='children')
ddb = count_and_merge(ddb, 'grandchildren.surviving1d', wt_var = 'children.surviving1d')
ddb = count_and_merge(ddb, 'grandchildren.surviving1m', wt_var = 'children.surviving1m')
ddb = count_and_merge(ddb, 'grandchildren.surviving1y', wt_var = 'children.surviving1y')
ddb = count_and_merge(ddb, 'grandchildren.surviving5y', wt_var = 'children.surviving5y')
ddb = count_and_merge(ddb, 'grandchildren.survivingR', wt_var = 'children.survivingR')
ddb = count_and_merge(ddb, 'grandchildren.dead1m', wt_var = 'children.dead1m')

xtabs(~ (grandchildren>0) +(children>0) + (spouses>0) + surviveR,data=ddb,exclude=NULL, na.action= na.pass)
## , , spouses > 0 = FALSE, surviveR = 0
##                  children > 0
## grandchildren > 0  FALSE   TRUE
##             FALSE  57200      0
##             TRUE       0      0
## , , spouses > 0 = TRUE, surviveR = 0
##                  children > 0
## grandchildren > 0  FALSE   TRUE
##             FALSE      1      0
##             TRUE       0      0
## , , spouses > 0 = FALSE, surviveR = 1
##                  children > 0
## grandchildren > 0  FALSE   TRUE
##             FALSE  55283    659
##             TRUE       0     64
## , , spouses > 0 = TRUE, surviveR = 1
##                  children > 0
## grandchildren > 0  FALSE   TRUE
##             FALSE   9224  27757
##             TRUE       0  13344
## , , spouses > 0 = FALSE, surviveR = NA
##                  children > 0
## grandchildren > 0  FALSE   TRUE
##             FALSE 107598      0
##             TRUE       0      0
## , , spouses > 0 = TRUE, surviveR = NA
##                  children > 0
## grandchildren > 0  FALSE   TRUE
##             FALSE      0      0
##             TRUE       0      0
counted.parents = dcast(data= ddb[,list(idParents,born)],formula = idParents ~ .,fun.aggregate = sum, na.rm=T, value.var = "born")
names(counted.parents) = c('idParents',"children")
ddb.unions = merge(ddb.unions, counted.parents,by="idParents",all.x=T) # find childless marriages

##     1     2     3     4     5     6     7     8     9    10    11    12 
## 14088 12280 10235  8401  6614  5163  3910  2940  1928  1170   619   315 
##    13    14    15    16    17    18    19    21  <NA> 
##   138    65    37    14     6     1     2     1 25452
ddb.unions = ddb.unions[children > 0, ]
ddb.unions = ddb.unions[order(id_m,marr_date_s),]
ddb.unions$fertile.marriage.order.Father = ave(rep(NA, nrow(ddb.unions)), ddb.unions$id_m, FUN = seq_along)
ddb.unions = ddb.unions[order(id_f,marr_date_s),]
ddb.unions$fertile.marriage.order.Mother = ave(rep(NA, nrow(ddb.unions)), ddb.unions$id_f, FUN = seq_along)

ddb = merge(ddb, ddb.unions[,list(idParents,fertile.marriage.order.Mother,fertile.marriage.order.Father),],by="idParents",all.x=T)
ddb$first.fertile.marriage = (ddb$fertile.marriage.order.Mother + ddb$fertile.marriage.order.Father) == 2
##  FALSE   TRUE   <NA> 
##  33755 227443   9932
qplot(ddb[spouses>0,]$children, binwidth=1)

## `stat_bin()` using `bins = 30`. Pick better value with `binwidth`.

qplot(ddb[children>0,]$grandchildren )
## `stat_bin()` using `bins = 30`. Pick better value with `binwidth`.

qplot(ddb[children > 0, ]$children.surviving1m)
## `stat_bin()` using `bins = 30`. Pick better value with `binwidth`.

## `stat_bin()` using `bins = 30`. Pick better value with `binwidth`.

qplot(children,children.surviving1m, data=ddb,geom="jitter",alpha=I(0.02))

ddb %>% group_by(region) %>% 
        surviveR_min = mean(surviveR,na.rm=T),
#       min_N = sum(!is.na(age.min)), 
        surviveR = mean(age > 1.5,na.rm=T), 
#       age_N = sum(!is.na(age)),
        # prop_unknown = sum(endtype==0)/sum(!is.na(endtype)),
        # prop_staid = sum(endtype==1)/sum(!is.na(endtype)),
        prop_dead = sum(endtype==2)/sum(!is.na(endtype)),
        prop_migrated = sum(endtype==3)/sum(!is.na(endtype)),
        # nm_prop_unknown = sum(endtype==0)/sum(endtype!=3),
        nm_prop_surviveR = sum(age > 1.5,na.rm=T)/sum(endtype!=3 & !is.na(age)),
        nm_prop_surviveR_m = sum(age.min > 1.5,na.rm=T)/sum(endtype!=3 & !is.na(age.min)),
        # nm_prop_staid = sum(endtype==1)/sum(endtype!=3),
        nm_prop_dead = sum(endtype==2)/sum(endtype!=3)
## Source: local data table [4 x 8]
## # tbl_dt [4 × 8]
##                  region surviveR_min surviveR prop_dead prop_migrated
##                   <chr>        <dbl>    <dbl>     <dbl>         <dbl>
## 1    Sundsvallsregionen       0.6063   0.2016    0.2136        0.3255
## 2    Linköpingsregionen       0.6404   0.2223    0.1993        0.5896
## 3    Skellefteåregionen       0.7165   0.3393    0.2529        0.1549
## 4 Norra inlandsregionen       0.6487   0.3393    0.2888        0.1299
## # ... with 3 more variables: nm_prop_surviveR <dbl>,
## #   nm_prop_surviveR_m <dbl>, nm_prop_dead <dbl>

pre-calculate some predictors

ddb = ddb[order(ddb$idParents,ddb$bdate,ddb$parity_b_migr), ]
ddb <- transform(ddb, siblings = ave(rep(NA, nrow(ddb)), ddb$idParents, FUN = length)-1) # sibling count
ddb <- transform(ddb, birthorder = ave(rep(NA, nrow(ddb)), ddb$idParents, FUN = seq_along)) # get birth order
xtabs(~ parity_b_migr != birthorder, data = ddb)
## parity_b_migr != birthorder
## 203636  27938
ddb$birthorder.mean = ave(ddb$birthorder,ddb$idParents,FUN= function(x) { mean(x,na.rm=T) } )
ddb$birthorder.diff = ddb$birthorder - ddb$birthorder.mean
## `stat_bin()` using `bins = 30`. Pick better value with `binwidth`.
## Warning: Removed 9932 rows containing non-finite values (stat_bin).

ddb$age.years = ddb$dyear- ddb$byear

ddb = ddb[order(ddb$idPere,ddb$birthorder), ]

ddb <- transform(ddb, min15.birthorder = ave(surviveR, idPere, FUN =function(x) { x[is.na(x)] = 0
} ))
xtabs(data=ddb, ~is.na(birthorder) + is.na(min15.birthorder))
##                  is.na(min15.birthorder)
## is.na(birthorder)  FALSE   TRUE
##             FALSE 261198      0
##             TRUE    5610   4322
## ddb$min15.birthorder
##      0      1      2      3      4      5      6      7      8      9 
## 105985  56184  36500  25319  17492  11071   6806   3806   1997    929 
##     10     11     12     13     14     15     16     17     18   <NA> 
##    406    165     83     36     16      7      4      1      1   4322
ddb$min15.birthorder.mean = ave(ddb$min15.birthorder,ddb$idParents,FUN= function(x) { mean(x,na.rm=T) } )
ddb$min15.birthorder.diff = ddb$min15.birthorder - ddb$min15.birthorder.mean

ddb$nr.siblings = ave(ddb$born,ddb$idParents,FUN= function(x) { sum(x,na.rm=T) } ) -1 # dont count self

ddb$nr.dead.siblings1m = ave(ddb$dead1m,ddb$idParents,FUN= function(x) { sum(x,na.rm=T) } )  - ddb$dead1m
## Warning: Removed 5855 rows containing non-finite values (stat_bin).

ddb$infant.death.cluster = ddb$nr.dead.siblings1m/ddb$nr.siblings # dont count self
## `stat_bin()` using `bins = 30`. Pick better value with `binwidth`.
## Warning: Removed 28667 rows containing non-finite values (stat_bin).

## `stat_bin()` using `bins = 30`. Pick better value with `binwidth`.
## Warning: Removed 3710 rows containing non-finite values (stat_bin).

lag.0 = function(x) {   
    if(length(x)==1) 0
    else c(0,x[ 1:(length(x)-1)]) 
inv.lag.0 = function(x) {   
    if(length(x)==1) 0
    else c(x[ 2:length(x)],0) 
ddb = transform(ddb, older.sib.made.15y = ave(surviveR, idParents, FUN = lag.0))
ddb = transform(ddb, younger.sib.made.15y = ave(surviveR, idParents, FUN = inv.lag.0))

Get grandparents

grandparents = ddb[, list(idIndividu,idPere,idMere, paternalage, maternalage)]
names(grandparents) = c('idMere', 'idMaternalGrandfather', 'idMaternalGrandmother', 'maternal.grandpaternalage',  'maternal.grandmaternalage')
ddb = merge(ddb, grandparents, by = "idMere", all.x =T)
names(grandparents) = c('idPere', 'idPaternalGrandfather', 'idPaternalGrandmother', 'paternal.grandpaternalage',  'paternal.grandmaternalage')
ddb = merge(ddb, grandparents, by = "idPere", all.x =T)

compute high-level predictors

ddb[, birth.cohort := year_bins(byear)]
ddb[byear < 1750, birth.cohort := "1735-1750"]
ddb[byear >= 1885, birth.cohort := "1885-1905"]
## 1735-1750 1750-1755 1755-1760 1760-1765 1765-1770 1770-1775 1775-1780 
##       297       188       333       607       577       514       729 
## 1780-1785 1785-1790 1790-1795 1795-1800 1800-1805 1805-1810 1810-1815 
##       786      1131      2268      2992      3354      4365      5022 
## 1815-1820 1820-1825 1825-1830 1830-1835 1835-1840 1840-1845 1845-1850 
##      8006      8900      9614      9422      9167      9741     10574 
## 1850-1855 1855-1860 1860-1865 1865-1870 1870-1875 1875-1880 1880-1885 
##     11880     13773     16929     16544     19908     23111     24679 
## 1885-1905 
##     55719
ddb %>% 
    maternal_loss_age = dyear.Mother - byear,
    last_alive_year.Mother = ifelse(is.na(ddate.Mother), year(enddate.Mother), year(ddate.Mother)),
    mother_last_recorded_at_age = last_alive_year.Mother - byear
                 ,maternal_loss_age = as.numeric(ifelse(maternal_loss_age >= -1 & maternal_loss_age < 0, 0, maternal_loss_age))
                 ,maternal_loss  = as.character(cut(maternal_loss_age, breaks = c(0,1,5,10,15,20,25,30,35,40,45), include.lowest = T ))
                 ,maternal_loss = ifelse(mother_last_recorded_at_age >= 45, "later", maternal_loss)
                 ,maternal_loss = if_else(maternal_loss_age < 0, "unclear", maternal_loss, missing = maternal_loss)
                 ,maternal_loss = ifelse(is.na(maternal_loss), "unclear", maternal_loss)
                 ,maternal_loss = factor(maternal_loss, levels = c("later","[0,1]", "(1,5]", "(5,10]", "(10,15]", "(15,20]", "(20,25]", "(25,30]", "(30,35]",  "(35,40]", "(40,45]", "unclear"))
    ,paternal_loss_age = dyear.Father - byear
        ,last_alive_year.Father = ifelse(is.na(ddate.Father), year(enddate.Father), year(ddate.Father))
                 ,father_last_recorded_at_age = last_alive_year.Father - byear
                 ,paternal_loss_age = as.numeric(ifelse(paternal_loss_age >= -1 & paternal_loss_age < 0, 0, paternal_loss_age))
                 ,paternal_loss  = as.character(cut(paternal_loss_age, breaks = c(0,1,5,10,15,20,25,30,35,40,45), include.lowest = T ))
                 ,paternal_loss = ifelse(father_last_recorded_at_age >= 45, "later", paternal_loss)
                 ,paternal_loss = if_else(paternal_loss_age < 0, "unclear", paternal_loss, paternal_loss)
                 ,paternal_loss = ifelse(is.na(paternal_loss), "unclear", paternal_loss)
                 ,paternal_loss = factor(paternal_loss, levels = c("later","[0,1]", "(1,5]",  "(5,10]", "(10,15]", "(15,20]", "(20,25]", "(25,30]", "(30,35]",  "(35,40]", "(40,45]", "unclear"))
                 ) %>%
    data.table() ->
## ddb$maternal_loss
##   later   [0,1]   (1,5]  (5,10] (10,15] (15,20] (20,25] (25,30] (30,35] 
##   21855    3003    6284    7671    7070    6976    7257    7912    8765 
## (35,40] (40,45] unclear 
##    9155    6978  178204
## ddb$paternal_loss
##   later   [0,1]   (1,5]  (5,10] (10,15] (15,20] (20,25] (25,30] (30,35] 
##   14185    2968    6848    9129    9659    9959   10186   10070    9818 
## (35,40] (40,45] unclear 
##    8932    6027  173349
crosstabs(~ maternal_loss + I(mother_last_recorded_at_age >45) , data = ddb)
##              I(mother_last_recorded_at_age > 45)
## maternal_loss  FALSE   TRUE   <NA>
##       later     2219  19636      0
##       [0,1]     3003      0      0
##       (1,5]     6284      0      0
##       (5,10]    7671      0      0
##       (10,15]   7070      0      0
##       (15,20]   6976      0      0
##       (20,25]   7257      0      0
##       (25,30]   7912      0      0
##       (30,35]   8765      0      0
##       (35,40]   9155      0      0
##       (40,45]   6978      0      0
##       unclear 166678      0  11526
min_na = function(x) { ifelse(all(is.na(x)), NA, min(x,na.rm=T) ) }
max_na = function(x) { ifelse(all(is.na(x)), NA, max(x,na.rm=T) ) }
ddb = ddb[order(idPere),]
ddb[, paternalage_at_1st_sib := ave(paternalage, idPere, FUN = min_na)]
ddb[, paternalage_at_last_sib := ave(paternalage, idPere, FUN = max_na)]
ddb = ddb[order(idMere),]
ddb[, maternalage_at_1st_sib := ave(maternalage, idMere, FUN = min_na)]
ddb[, maternalage_at_last_sib := ave(maternalage, idMere, FUN = max_na)]
fathers = ddb[!duplicated(idPere), list(idPere, paternalage_at_1st_sib, paternalage_at_last_sib)]
names(fathers) = c("idIndividu","age_at_1st_child", "age_at_last_child")
mothers = ddb[!duplicated(idMere), list(idMere, maternalage_at_1st_sib, maternalage_at_last_sib)]
names(mothers) = c("idIndividu","age_at_1st_child", "age_at_last_child")
parents = rbind(fathers, mothers)
ddb = merge(ddb, parents, by = "idIndividu", all.x = T)

ddb[, born := NULL] # was just an aid
## [1] 0
ddb[, mother_survived_1y := ((bdate + years(1)) < ddate.Mother) ]
ddb[, mother_survived_5y := ((bdate + years(5)) < ddate.Mother) ]

ddb = ddb %>%
    group_by(idParents) %>%
        younger_sibs_ad_5y = younger_sibs_alive_and_dependent(survive5y=survive5y, byear=byear, dyear=dyear) ,
        older_sibs_ad_5y = older_sibs_alive_and_dependent(survive5y=survive5y, byear=byear, dyear=dyear),
        dependent_sibs_f5y = dependent_sibs_f5y(survive1y=survive1y, byear=byear, dyear=dyear)
    ) %>% data.table()

ddb$nr.siblings = ddb$siblings

## < table of extent 0 >
## < table of extent 0 >
ddb$paternal_alive = as.numeric(new_interval(ddb$bdate, ddb$ddate.Father))/3600/24/365/10
## Warning: 'new_interval' is deprecated; use 'interval' instead. Deprecated
## in version '1.5.0'.
ddb$paternal_alive_c = meanCenter(ddb$paternal_alive)

recenter_all = function(x) { recenter.pat( recenter.pat( x, among_who="idParents"), what = "maternalage", among_who = "idParents") }

ddb[, ever_married := ifelse(spouses > 0,1,0) ]

ddb[, region := str_replace(region, "regionen", "")]
ddb[, region := str_replace(region, "å", "a")]
ddb[, region := str_replace(region, "ö", "o")]
ddb[, region := relevel(factor(region), ref = "Skelleftea")]
ddb$older_siblings = factor(ifelse((ddb$birthorder - 1) > 4,"5+", ddb$birthorder - 1))
ddb$last_born = ifelse(ddb$birthorder == ddb$nr.siblings, 1, 0)

ddb = ddb[order(ddb$idParents,ddb$bdate), ]
ddb <- transform(ddb, siblings = ave(rep(NA, nrow(ddb)), ddb$idParents, FUN = length)-1) # sibling count
ddb <- transform(ddb, birthorder = ave(rep(NA, nrow(ddb)), ddb$idParents, FUN = seq_along)) # old trick to get birth order
## `stat_bin()` using `bins = 30`. Pick better value with `binwidth`.
## Warning: Removed 9932 rows containing non-finite values (stat_bin).

ddb$younger_siblings = ddb$siblings + 1 - ddb$birthorder

subset and save

ddb = recenter_all(ddb)
ddb[, any_surviving_children := ifelse(children.survivingR > 0, 1, 0)]
ddb[, children.wddate := children.dead1y + children.surviving1y] 
ddb[, maternalage.factor := cut((10*maternalage), breaks = c(10, 20, 35, 59))]
ddb$maternalage.factor = relevel(ddb$maternalage.factor, ref = "(20,35]")

crosstabs(~ is.na(paternalage) + is.na(bdate.Father),data=ddb)
##                   is.na(bdate.Father)
## is.na(paternalage)  FALSE   TRUE
##              FALSE 259930      0
##              TRUE      32  11168
ddb$birth_cohort = factor(ddb$birth.cohort)
ddb$male = factor(ddb$male)
ddb$last_born = factor(ddb$last_born)

ddb.with.paternalage = subset(ddb, subset = !is.na(paternalage) )

ddb.1 = subset(ddb.with.paternalage, subset = byear < 1850 & paternal_loss != "unclear" & maternal_loss != "unclear")

# using ALL data

save(ddb,ddb.1, file="ddb.rdata")
# save(ddb,ddb.1, ddb_pedigree,file="ddb.rdata")