RPQA Data wrangling

description of data

Data from the « Registre de la Population du Québec Ancien » of the Programme de Recherche en Démographie Historique, Demography Department, Université de Montréal

January 2012

The data is «Family reconstitution data» based on the systematic transcription of names, place and dates of catholic Baptisms, Marriages and Burials registered in Quebec for the period 1621-1799. Data also include death information of the 1800-1850 for people born before 1750. There are two distinct numerotations: one for couples, one for individuals.

The data is presented in two files:

1- A couple’s file, giving for each couple

  • its id number and the id numbers of the spouses
  • a date followed by a one digit code (1= marriage date; 2 = marriage contract date, used to replace missing marriage date, contracts being normally signed a few days before the actual marriage; 4 = first mention of the couple in the documents (baptism of a child, remarriage of a spouse, etc.); the couple can have married outside Quebec and migrated in, or it can be a couple formed in Quebec for which the marriage was lost and no contract found to replace)
  • a place: parish were the marriage was celebrated, “000” if a marriage contract (meaning somewhere in Quebec), or a place outside Quebec or no place at all)

2- A file of individuals, giving for each:

  • Id number and id numbers of parents
  • A code of one’s ethnic origin (for certain immigrants: 911 = German, 795 = born in USA, 901 = British, 794 = “English” (American or British)
  • A flag identifying Indians
  • A flag identifying Immigrants (= anyone born outside Quebec; mostly born in France but could be born out West (fur trading country) from Quebec parents…
  • A flag identifying those having died outside Quebec (out-migrants)
  • Date of birth, followed by a one digit code (1 = date of birth; 2 = date of baptism, can be used as equivalent to date of birth), = 3 or 4: child died soon after birth, before having received formal baptism; = 5 or 6: approximate year of birth, usually from an age declaration; = 7 missing info
  • Place of birth: usually parish of baptism
  • Date of death, followed by a one digit code (1 = date of death; 2 = date of burial; 3 or 4 = date found from another source; 5 = missing info)
  • Place of death: normally: parish of burial
  • Flag identifying among those who married those who could sign (= 1) and those who could not (= 2)

For all place codes: numbers from 0000 to 6909 correspond to Quebec parishes. 3901 = Montreal; 4501 = Quebec city; 6001 = Trois-Rivieres. They are the only urban areas, with Trois-Rivieres being more a village than a town. The Administration and the merchants and such lived either in Montreal or Quebec. All other parishes are rural. 5 digit codes (10011…) correspond to places in France. 7801 to 789 to areas out West (“Pays-d’en-Haut”, outposts for military reasons and fur trade).

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# rpqa_fam
# gebkk 1, 2 gebfk, gebmk. 1 datum genau bekannt, 2 = 15. juni eines jahrs, jahrgenau
# rpqa_unions # alle ehen
# unbekanntes schicksal = Nbirth - infantD/1y - childD/1-15y - adultD/15+
#eheF == 1 und eheM == 1 erstehen
# auswahl_id_f == alle ehen der frau, vv
# ehebekannt: kennen anfang und ende der ehe, bei ehebekannt==1 mehr geburten pro ehe
# 1670-1750

Transforming data

rpqa.individuals = foreign::read.dta("data/RPQA_29Oct2014/RPQA-family.dta")
rpqa.unions = foreign::read.dta("data/RPQA_29Oct2014/RPQA-union4.dta")
rpqa.unions = rpqa.unions %>% select(id, id_m, id_f, dat, dateMannee, dateMmois, dateMjour, qualiteDateM, codeLieuM, ehebekannt)

rpqa.unions$idParents = str_c(rpqa.unions$id_m, '_', rpqa.unions$id_f)
rpqa.unions$idParents[which(rpqa.unions$idParents=="NA_NA")] = NA
rpqa.individuals$idParents = str_c(rpqa.individuals$idPere, '_', rpqa.individuals$idMere)
rpqa.individuals$idParents[which(rpqa.individuals$idParents=="NA_NA")] = NA

rpqa = rpqa.individuals
rpqa$immigrant = factor(rpqa$immigrant,levels=c(0,1),labels=c('NO',''))
rpqa$emigrant = factor(rpqa$emigrant,levels=c(0,1),labels=c('NO',''))
rpqa$amerindien = factor(rpqa$amerindien,levels=c(0,1),labels=c('NO',''))
rpqa$sexe = car::Recode(rpqa$sexe,"'M'='m';'x'=NA")
rpqa$male = ifelse(rpqa$sexe == 'm',1,0)

rpqa$bdate = as.Date(rpqa$gebk)
rpqa$byear = year(rpqa$bdate)
rpqa$ddate = as.Date(rpqa$todk)
rpqa$dyear = year(rpqa$ddate)

rpqa$bdate.Father = as.Date(rpqa$gebm)
rpqa$byear.Father = year(rpqa$bdate.Father)
rpqa$ddate.Father = as.Date(rpqa$todm)
rpqa$dyear.Father = year(rpqa$ddate.Father)

rpqa$bdate.Mother = as.Date(rpqa$gebf)
rpqa$byear.Mother = year(rpqa$bdate.Mother)
rpqa$ddate.Mother = as.Date(rpqa$todf)
rpqa$dyear.Mother = year(rpqa$ddate.Mother)

rpqa$age.days = as.numeric(rpqa$ddate - rpqa$bdate)
rpqa$age.days = ifelse(rpqa$age.days < 0, 0, rpqa$age.days)
# head(data.frame(as.numeric(rpqa$ddate - rpqa$bdate)/365, rpqa$ddate, rpqa$bdate))
rpqa$age.days.Father = as.numeric(rpqa$ddate.Father - rpqa$bdate.Father)
rpqa$age.days.Mother = as.numeric(rpqa$ddate.Mother - rpqa$bdate.Mother)
rpqa$age = rpqa$age.days / 365/10
qplot(rpqa$age * 10)
## `stat_bin()` using `bins = 30`. Pick better value with `binwidth`.

qplot(rpqa$age * 10) + xlim(1,NA)
## `stat_bin()` using `bins = 30`. Pick better value with `binwidth`.

# qplot(rpqa.individuals$age.days)
rpqa$paternalage = as.numeric(rpqa$bdate - rpqa$bdate.Father)/365/10
qplot(rpqa$paternalage *10)
## `stat_bin()` using `bins = 30`. Pick better value with `binwidth`.

head(sort(rpqa$paternalage *10),20)
##  [1] 14.84 15.05 15.47 15.90 15.92 15.92 16.01 16.01 16.13 16.18 16.30
## [12] 16.33 16.35 16.45 16.45 16.52 16.57 16.60 16.60 16.61
tail(sort(rpqa$paternalage *10),20)
##  [1] 78.92 79.98 80.00 80.00 80.76 80.87 81.08 81.18 81.20 81.76 81.91
## [12] 81.99 82.00 82.69 83.04 83.43 83.46 84.79 85.20 85.44
rpqa$maternalage = as.numeric(rpqa$bdate - rpqa$bdate.Mother)/365/10
qplot(rpqa$maternalage *10)
## `stat_bin()` using `bins = 30`. Pick better value with `binwidth`.

table(rpqa$age.Mother < (rpqa$maternalage - 0.1)) # zombie moms
## < table of extent 0 >
table(rpqa$age.Father < (rpqa$paternalage - 0.1)) # zombie dads
## < table of extent 0 >
head(sort(rpqa$maternalage *10),20) # 10y old may be possible
##  [1]  9.953 12.008 12.482 13.008 13.049 13.140 13.156 13.238 13.247 13.247
## [11] 13.299 13.337 13.381 13.405 13.408 13.441 13.458 13.510 13.559 13.581
tail(sort(rpqa$maternalage *10),40) # but 69y old. something wrong with that.
##  [1] 51.01 51.03 51.04 51.05 51.09 51.16 51.24 51.40 51.56 51.62 51.63
## [12] 51.72 51.72 51.92 52.03 52.12 52.12 52.16 52.35 52.35 52.38 52.49
## [23] 52.85 52.92 53.03 53.23 53.60 54.35 54.73 54.85 54.90 55.03 55.04
## [34] 55.68 55.93 56.04 56.70 57.58 59.60 69.27
qplot(maternalage*10,paternalage*10,data=rpqa,geom="jitter",alpha=I(0.1),shape=I(".")) + xlim(12,50) + geom_smooth()
## `geom_smooth()` using method = 'gam'

##  Pearson's product-moment correlation
## data:  rpqa$maternalage and rpqa$paternalage
## t = 510, df = 390000, p-value <2e-16
## alternative hypothesis: true correlation is not equal to 0
## 95 percent confidence interval:
##  0.6309 0.6346
## sample estimates:
##    cor 
## 0.6328
xtabs(~ is.na(idMere) + is.na(idPere), data = rpqa.individuals)
##              is.na(idPere)
## is.na(idMere)  FALSE   TRUE
##         FALSE 427016    509
##         TRUE     265  31801
# rpqa = merge(rpqa, spouses, by.x = "idIndividu",by.y="id", all.x =T)

count kids and spouses

count_and_merge = function(df, what, wt_var) {
    counted.dad = dcast(data= df[,c('idPere',wt_var)],formula = idPere ~ .,fun.aggregate = sum, na.rm=T,value.var = wt_var)
    counted.mom = dcast(data= df[,c('idMere',wt_var)],formula = idMere ~ .,fun.aggregate = sum, na.rm=T, value.var = wt_var)
    names(counted.dad) = names(counted.mom) = c('idIndividu',what)
    counted = rbind(counted.dad,counted.mom)
    df = merge(df,counted,by='idIndividu',all.x=T)
    df[,what] = car::Recode(df[,what],'NA=0')

rpqa.unions = rpqa.unions[order(rpqa.unions$id_m,rpqa.unions$dat),]
rpqa.unions$marriage.order.Father = ave(rep(NA, nrow(rpqa.unions)), rpqa.unions$id_m, FUN = seq_along)
rpqa.unions = rpqa.unions[order(rpqa.unions$id_f,rpqa.unions$dat),]
rpqa.unions$marriage.order.Mother = ave(rep(NA, nrow(rpqa.unions)), rpqa.unions$id_f, FUN = seq_along)

rpqa = merge(rpqa, rpqa.unions, by="idParents",all.x=T, suffixes = c("", ".Parents"))
rpqa$ehebekannt = ifelse(is.na(rpqa$ehebekannt), 0, 1)
rpqa$first.marriage = (rpqa$marriage.order.Mother + rpqa$marriage.order.Father) == 2
##  FALSE   TRUE   <NA> 
##  63206 350838  45547
count_spouses = function(df, df2, what,  wt_var) {
    counted.husband = dcast(data= df2[,c('id_m',wt_var)],formula = id_m ~ .,fun.aggregate = sum, na.rm=T, value.var = wt_var)
    counted.wive = dcast(data= df2[,c('id_f',wt_var)],formula = id_f ~ .,fun.aggregate = sum, na.rm=T, value.var = wt_var)
    names(counted.husband) = names(counted.wive) = c('idIndividu',what)
    counted = rbind(counted.husband,counted.wive)
    df = merge(df,counted,by='idIndividu',all.x=T)
    df[,what] = car::Recode(df[,what],'NA=0')
rpqa$born = 1; rpqa.unions$born = 1
rpqa = count_spouses(rpqa,rpqa.unions, 'spouses', "born")
rpqa$survive1d = ifelse(rpqa$age.days > 1, 1, 0)
rpqa$survive1m = ifelse(rpqa$age.days > 28, 1, 0)
rpqa$dead1d = ifelse(rpqa$age.days <= 1, 1, 0)
rpqa$dead1m = ifelse(rpqa$age.days > 28, 0, 1)
rpqa$dead1y = ifelse(rpqa$age > 0.1, 0, 1)
rpqa$dead5y = ifelse(rpqa$age > 0.5, 0, 1)
rpqa$deadR = ifelse(rpqa$age > 1.5, 0, 1)
rpqa$survive5y = ifelse(rpqa$age > 0.5, 1, 0)
rpqa$survive1y = ifelse(rpqa$age > 0.1, 1, 0)
rpqa$surviveR = ifelse(rpqa$age > 1.5, 1, 0)

# rpqa$survive1m = car::Recode(rpqa$survive1m, 'NA=0')
##      0      1   <NA> 
##  41499 198139 219953
rpqa = count_and_merge(rpqa, 'children', wt_var = "born")

rpqa$children.per.spouse = rpqa$children/rpqa$spouses
rpqa$children.per.spouse[which(rpqa$spouses==0)] = NA
## `stat_bin()` using `bins = 30`. Pick better value with `binwidth`.

# well we know that people who reproduced or married usually made 15
changeNAto1 = function(x) { colwise(function(x) { ifelse(is.na(x), 1, x)})(x) }
rpqa[which(rpqa$children>0 | rpqa$spouses>0), c('surviveR', 'survive1y', 'survive1m', 'survive1d')] = changeNAto1(rpqa[which(rpqa$children>0 | rpqa$spouses>0), c('surviveR', 'survive1y', 'survive1m', 'survive1d')])

rpqa = count_and_merge(rpqa, 'children.dead1d', wt_var = 'dead1d')
rpqa$children.surviving1d = rpqa$children - rpqa$children.dead1d
rpqa = count_and_merge(rpqa, 'children.dead1m', wt_var = 'dead1m')
rpqa$children.surviving1m = rpqa$children - rpqa$children.dead1m
rpqa = count_and_merge(rpqa, 'children.dead1y', wt_var = 'dead1y')
rpqa$children.surviving1y = rpqa$children - rpqa$children.dead1y
# xtabs(~ rpqa$children.dead1y + rpqa$NinfantD, exclude = NULL, na.action = na.pass)
rpqa = count_and_merge(rpqa, 'children.dead5y', wt_var = 'dead5y')
rpqa$children.surviving5y = rpqa$children - rpqa$children.dead5y
rpqa = count_and_merge(rpqa, 'children.deadR', wt_var = 'deadR')
rpqa$children.survivingR = rpqa$children - rpqa$children.deadR

changeNAto0 = function(x) { ifelse(is.na(x), 0, x) }
rpqa = count_and_merge(rpqa, 'children.spouses', wt_var = 'spouses')
rpqa = count_and_merge(rpqa, 'grandchildren.per.spouse', wt_var = 'children.per.spouse')

rpqa = count_and_merge(rpqa, 'grandchildren',wt_var='children')
rpqa = count_and_merge(rpqa, 'grandchildren.surviving1d', wt_var = 'children.surviving1d')
rpqa = count_and_merge(rpqa, 'grandchildren.surviving1m', wt_var = 'children.surviving1m')
rpqa = count_and_merge(rpqa, 'grandchildren.surviving1y', wt_var = 'children.surviving1y')
rpqa = count_and_merge(rpqa, 'grandchildren.surviving5y', wt_var = 'children.surviving5y')
rpqa = count_and_merge(rpqa, 'grandchildren.survivingR', wt_var = 'children.survivingR')
rpqa = count_and_merge(rpqa, 'grandchildren.dead1m', wt_var = 'children.dead1m')

xtabs(~ (grandchildren>0) +(children>0) + (spouses>0) + surviveR,data=rpqa,exclude=NULL, na.action= na.pass)
## , , spouses > 0 = FALSE, surviveR = 0
##                  children > 0
## grandchildren > 0  FALSE   TRUE
##             FALSE 137531      0
##             TRUE       0      0
## , , spouses > 0 = TRUE, surviveR = 0
##                  children > 0
## grandchildren > 0  FALSE   TRUE
##             FALSE      3      2
##             TRUE       0      0
## , , spouses > 0 = FALSE, surviveR = 1
##                  children > 0
## grandchildren > 0  FALSE   TRUE
##             FALSE  17753   4233
##             TRUE       0  16266
## , , spouses > 0 = TRUE, surviveR = 1
##                  children > 0
## grandchildren > 0  FALSE   TRUE
##             FALSE  11499  58260
##             TRUE       0  57547
## , , spouses > 0 = FALSE, surviveR = NA
##                  children > 0
## grandchildren > 0  FALSE   TRUE
##             FALSE 156497      0
##             TRUE       0      0
## , , spouses > 0 = TRUE, surviveR = NA
##                  children > 0
## grandchildren > 0  FALSE   TRUE
##             FALSE      0      0
##             TRUE       0      0
counted.parents = dcast(data= rpqa[,c('idParents',"born")],formula = idParents ~ .,fun.aggregate = sum, na.rm=T, value.var = "born")
names(counted.parents) = c('idParents',"children")
rpqa.unions = merge(rpqa.unions, counted.parents,by="idParents",all.x=T) # find childless marriages

##    1    2    3    4    5    6    7    8    9   10   11   12   13   14   15 
## 7252 6086 5806 5378 5093 4738 4518 4310 4193 3999 3524 2818 2076 1493  990 
##   16   17   18   19   20   21   22   23 <NA> 
##  623  342  205   90   45   16    4    6 9535
rpqa.unions = rpqa.unions[which(rpqa.unions$children > 0), ]
rpqa.unions = rpqa.unions[order(rpqa.unions$id_m,rpqa.unions$dat),]
rpqa.unions$fertile.marriage.order.Father = ave(rep(NA, nrow(rpqa.unions)), rpqa.unions$id_m, FUN = seq_along)
rpqa.unions = rpqa.unions[order(rpqa.unions$id_f,rpqa.unions$dat),]
rpqa.unions$fertile.marriage.order.Mother = ave(rep(NA, nrow(rpqa.unions)), rpqa.unions$id_f, FUN = seq_along)

rpqa = merge(rpqa, rpqa.unions[,c('idParents','fertile.marriage.order.Mother','fertile.marriage.order.Father'),],by="idParents",all.x=T)
rpqa$first.fertile.marriage = (rpqa$fertile.marriage.order.Mother + rpqa$fertile.marriage.order.Father) == 2
##  FALSE   TRUE   <NA> 
##  56874 357170  45547
## `stat_bin()` using `bins = 30`. Pick better value with `binwidth`.

qplot(rpqa[which(rpqa$age > 1.5),]$children )
## `stat_bin()` using `bins = 30`. Pick better value with `binwidth`.

## `stat_bin()` using `bins = 30`. Pick better value with `binwidth`.

qplot(rpqa[which(rpqa$age > 1.5),]$grandchildren )
## `stat_bin()` using `bins = 30`. Pick better value with `binwidth`.

## `stat_bin()` using `bins = 30`. Pick better value with `binwidth`.

## `stat_bin()` using `bins = 30`. Pick better value with `binwidth`.

## `stat_bin()` using `bins = 30`. Pick better value with `binwidth`.

qplot(children,children.surviving1m, data=rpqa,geom="jitter",alpha=I(0.02))

qplot(children.surviving1d, children.surviving1m, data=rpqa,geom="jitter",alpha=I(0.2))

rpqa = rpqa[order(rpqa$idParents),]
rpqa$paternalage.mean = ave(rpqa$paternalage ,rpqa$idParents,FUN= function(x) { mean(x,na.rm=T) } )
rpqa$paternalage.diff = rpqa$paternalage - rpqa$paternalage.mean

rpqa$maternalage.mean = ave(rpqa$maternalage,rpqa$idMere,FUN= function(x) { mean(x,na.rm=T) } )
rpqa$maternalage.diff = rpqa$maternalage - rpqa$maternalage.mean

rpqa$urban = factor(rpqa$codeLieuNaiss %in% c(3901, 4501),c("FALSE","TRUE"),c(0,1))
##      0      1 
## 400287  59304

calculate predictors

rpqa = rpqa[order(rpqa$idParents,rpqa$bdate), ]
rpqa <- transform(rpqa, siblings = ave(rep(NA, nrow(rpqa)), rpqa$idParents, FUN = length)-1) # sibling count
rpqa <- transform(rpqa, birthorder = ave(rep(NA, nrow(rpqa)), rpqa$idParents, FUN = seq_along)) # old trick to get birth order, don't know what this does to those with missings for father though
## `stat_bin()` using `bins = 30`. Pick better value with `binwidth`.

rpqa$younger_siblings = rpqa$siblings + 1 - rpqa$birthorder
##     0     1     2     3     4     5     6     7     8     9    10    11 
## 74394 57339 50743 44738 39259 34103 29321 24777 20447 16242 12237  8710 
##    12    13    14    15    16    17    18    19    20    21    22 
##  5891  3815  2321  1331   708   366   161    71    26    10     6
table( rpqa$qualiteDateNaiss == 3 ) # born dead or died before baptism
## 450756   8835
qplot(rpqa$age[rpqa$qualiteDateNaiss == 3] *10)
## `stat_bin()` using `bins = 30`. Pick better value with `binwidth`.

qplot(rpqa$age[rpqa$qualiteDateNaiss != 3] *10) + xlim(0,1)
## `stat_bin()` using `bins = 30`. Pick better value with `binwidth`.

rpqa$age.years = rpqa$dyear- rpqa$byear

rpqa = rpqa[order(rpqa$idParents,rpqa$birthorder), ]

rpqa$nr.siblings = ave(rpqa$born,rpqa$idParents, FUN = function(x) { sum(x,na.rm=T) } ) -1 # dont count self

rpqa$nr.dead.siblings1m = ave(rpqa$dead1m,rpqa$idParents,FUN= function(x) { sum(x,na.rm=T) } )  - rpqa$dead1m

rpqa$infant.death.cluster = rpqa$nr.dead.siblings1m/rpqa$nr.siblings # dont count self
## `stat_bin()` using `bins = 30`. Pick better value with `binwidth`.

## `stat_bin()` using `bins = 30`. Pick better value with `binwidth`.

lag.0 = function(x) {   
    if(length(x)==1) 0
    else c(0,x[ 1:(length(x)-1)]) 
inv.lag.0 = function(x) {   
    if(length(x)==1) 0
    else c(x[ 2:length(x)],0) 
rpqa = transform(rpqa, older.sib.made.15y = ave(surviveR, idPere, FUN = lag.0))
rpqa = transform(rpqa, younger.sib.made.15y = ave(surviveR, idPere, FUN = inv.lag.0))

rpqa$older_siblings = factor(ifelse((rpqa$birthorder - 1) > 4,"5+", rpqa$birthorder - 1))
rpqa$last_born = ifelse(rpqa$birthorder == rpqa$nr.siblings, 1, 0)

Get grandparents

grandparents = rpqa[, c('idIndividu','idPere','idMere', 'paternalage', 'maternalage')]
names(grandparents) = c('idMere', 'idMaternalGrandfather', 'idMaternalGrandmother', 'maternal.grandpaternalage',  'maternal.grandmaternalage')
rpqa = merge(rpqa, grandparents, by = "idMere", all.x =T)
names(grandparents) = c('idPere', 'idPaternalGrandfather', 'idPaternalGrandmother', 'paternal.grandpaternalage',  'paternal.grandmaternalage')
rpqa = merge(rpqa, grandparents, by = "idPere", all.x =T)
rpqa$idPaternalGrandparents = paste(rpqa$idPaternalGrandfather, rpqa$idPaternalGrandmother)
rpqa$idMaternalGrandparents = paste(rpqa$idMaternalGrandfather, rpqa$idMaternalGrandmother)

grandparent = rpqa[, c('idIndividu', 'ddate', 'bdate')]
names(grandparent) = c("idPaternalGrandfather", "ddate.paternalGrandfather", "bdate.paternalGrandfather")
rpqa = merge(rpqa, grandparent, by = "idPaternalGrandfather", all.x = T)
names(grandparent) = c("idMaternalGrandfather", "ddate.maternalGrandfather", "bdate.maternalGrandfather")
rpqa = merge(rpqa, grandparent, by = "idMaternalGrandfather", all.x = T)
names(grandparent) = c("idPaternalGrandmother", "ddate.paternalGrandmother", "bdate.paternalGrandmother")
rpqa = merge(rpqa, grandparent, by = "idPaternalGrandmother", all.x = T)
names(grandparent) = c("idMaternalGrandmother", "ddate.maternalGrandmother", "bdate.maternalGrandmother")
rpqa = merge(rpqa, grandparent, by = "idMaternalGrandmother", all.x = T)

rpqa$maternalgrandfatherloss = factor(rpqa$bdate + years(5) > rpqa$ddate.maternalGrandfather,exclude = NULL)
rpqa$paternalgrandfatherloss = factor(rpqa$bdate + years(5) > rpqa$ddate.paternalGrandfather,exclude = NULL)
rpqa$maternalgrandmotherloss = factor(rpqa$bdate + years(5) > rpqa$ddate.maternalGrandmother,exclude = NULL)
rpqa$paternalgrandmotherloss = factor(rpqa$bdate + years(5) > rpqa$ddate.paternalGrandmother,exclude = NULL)

compute high-level predictors

rpqa$born = NULL # was just an aid
rpqa$byear.years = year(rpqa$bdate)
rpqa$dyear.years = year(rpqa$ddate)
rpqa = rpqa %>%
    group_by(idParents) %>%
        younger_sibs_ad_5y = younger_sibs_alive_and_dependent(survive5y=survive5y, byear=byear.years, dyear=dyear.years) ,
        older_sibs_ad_5y = older_sibs_alive_and_dependent(survive5y=survive5y, byear=byear.years, dyear=dyear.years),
        dependent_sibs_f5y = dependent_sibs_f5y(survive1y=survive1y, byear=byear, dyear=dyear)
    ) %>% data.table()
min_na = function(x) { ifelse(all(is.na(x)), NA, min(x, na.rm=T) ) }
max_na = function(x) { ifelse(all(is.na(x)), NA, max(x, na.rm=T) ) }
rpqa[, paternalage_at_1st_sib := ave(paternalage, idPere, FUN = min_na)]
rpqa[, paternalage_at_last_sib := ave(paternalage, idPere, FUN = max_na)]
rpqa[, maternalage_at_1st_sib := ave(maternalage, idMere, FUN = min_na)]
rpqa[, maternalage_at_last_sib := ave(maternalage, idMere, FUN = max_na)]
fathers = rpqa[!duplicated(idPere), list(idPere, paternalage_at_1st_sib, paternalage_at_last_sib)]
names(fathers) = c("idIndividu","age_at_1st_child", "age_at_last_child")
mothers = rpqa[!duplicated(idMere), list(idMere, maternalage_at_1st_sib, maternalage_at_last_sib)]
names(mothers) = c("idIndividu","age_at_1st_child", "age_at_last_child")
parents = rbind(fathers, mothers)
rpqa = merge(rpqa, parents, by = "idIndividu", all.x = T)

rpqa$maternalage_c = QuantPsyc::meanCenter(rpqa$maternalage)
rpqa$paternalage_c = QuantPsyc::meanCenter(rpqa$paternalage)
rpqa$nr.siblings = rpqa$siblings

rpqa %>% 
mutate(maternal_loss_age = dyear.Mother - byear
                 ,maternal_loss_age = as.numeric(ifelse(maternal_loss_age >= -1 & maternal_loss_age < 0, 0, maternal_loss_age))
                 ,maternal_loss  = as.character(cut(maternal_loss_age, breaks = c(0,1,5,10,15,20,25,30,35,40,45), include.lowest = T ))
                 ,maternal_loss = ifelse( maternal_loss_age >= 45, "later", maternal_loss)
                 ,maternal_loss = ifelse(is.na(maternal_loss_age) | maternal_loss_age < 0, "unclear", maternal_loss)
                 ,maternal_loss = factor(maternal_loss, levels = c("later","[0,1]", "(1,5]", "(5,10]", "(10,15]", "(15,20]", "(20,25]", "(25,30]", "(30,35]",  "(35,40]", "(40,45]", "unclear"))
                 ,paternal_loss_age = dyear.Father - byear
                 ,paternal_loss_age = as.numeric(ifelse(paternal_loss_age >= -1 & paternal_loss_age < 0, 0, paternal_loss_age))
                 ,paternal_loss  = as.character(cut(paternal_loss_age, breaks = c(0,1,5,10,15,20,25,30,35,40,45), include.lowest = T ))
                 ,paternal_loss = ifelse( paternal_loss_age >= 45, "later", paternal_loss)
                 ,paternal_loss = ifelse(is.na(paternal_loss_age) | paternal_loss_age < 0, "unclear", paternal_loss)
                 ,paternal_loss = factor(paternal_loss, levels = c("later","[0,1]", "(1,5]",  "(5,10]", "(10,15]", "(15,20]", "(20,25]", "(25,30]", "(30,35]",  "(35,40]", "(40,45]", "unclear"))
                 ) %>%
    data.table() ->

table(rpqa$maternal_loss, exclude = NULL)
##   later   [0,1]   (1,5]  (5,10] (10,15] (15,20] (20,25] (25,30] (30,35] 
##   96785    8922   17870   19592   18031   18390   21247   25498   29276 
## (35,40] (40,45] unclear    <NA> 
##   32748   27878  143354       0
table(rpqa$paternal_loss, exclude = NULL)
##   later   [0,1]   (1,5]  (5,10] (10,15] (15,20] (20,25] (25,30] (30,35] 
##   67685    5903   12520   17507   21294   26344   32911   36337   37820 
## (35,40] (40,45] unclear    <NA> 
##   37750   28036  135484       0
recenter_all = function(x) { recenter.pat( recenter.pat( x, among_who="idParents"), what = "maternalage", among_who = "idParents") }

rpqa[, ever_married := ifelse(spouses > 0,1,0) ]

rpqa[, birth.cohort := year_bins(byear)]
rpqa[byear < 1635, birth.cohort := "1630-1635"]
## rpqa$birth.cohort
## 1630-1635 1635-1640 1640-1645 1645-1650 1650-1655 1655-1660 1660-1665 
##      1348       735       954       921       805       866      1235 
## 1665-1670 1670-1675 1675-1680 1680-1685 1685-1690 1690-1695 1695-1700 
##      1705      2527      2651      2694      2835      3457      4488 
## 1700-1705 1705-1710 1710-1715 1715-1720 1720-1725 1725-1730 1730-1735 
##      5373      5713      6449      7220      8550     10247     12112 
## 1735-1740 1740-1745 1745-1750 1750-1755 1755-1760 1760-1765 1765-1770 
##     12810     14107     15585     18836     20213     22616     26447 
## 1770-1775 1775-1780 1780-1785 1785-1790 1790-1795 1795-1800      <NA> 
##     27417     30140     32575     36765     40126     47163     31906

Subset and save

rpqa = recenter_all(rpqa)
rpqa = recenter.pat(rpqa, what = "paternal.grandpaternalage", among_who = "idPaternalGrandparents")
rpqa = recenter.pat(rpqa, what = "maternal.grandpaternalage", among_who = "idMaternalGrandparents")

rpqa[, any_surviving_children := ifelse(children.survivingR > 0, 1, 0)]
rpqa[, children.wddate := children.dead1y + children.surviving1y] 
rpqa[, maternalage.factor := cut((10*maternalage), breaks = c(14, 20, 35, 50))]
rpqa$maternalage.factor = relevel(rpqa$maternalage.factor, ref = "(20,35]")

crosstabs(~ is.na(codeLieuNaiss) + (codeLieuNaiss < 10000), data = rpqa)
##                     codeLieuNaiss < 10000
## is.na(codeLieuNaiss)  FALSE   TRUE   <NA>
##                FALSE  10814 416629      0
##                TRUE       0      0  32148
rpqa$known_to_be_born_in_quebec = !is.na(rpqa$codeLieuNaiss) & rpqa$codeLieuNaiss < 10000
## rpqa$known_to_be_born_in_quebec
##  42962 416629
rpqa$known_to_have_died_in_quebec = !is.na(rpqa$codeLieuDeces) & rpqa$codeLieuDeces < 10000
crosstabs(~ is.na(rpqa$codeLieuDeces) + is.na(dyear), data = rpqa)
##                          is.na(dyear)
## is.na(rpqa$codeLieuDeces)  FALSE   TRUE
##                     FALSE 244806    667
##                     TRUE       8 214110
rpqa$might_have_died_in_quebec = is.na(rpqa$codeLieuDeces) | rpqa$codeLieuDeces < 10000
crosstabs(~ might_have_died_in_quebec + known_to_have_died_in_quebec, data = rpqa)
##                          known_to_have_died_in_quebec
## might_have_died_in_quebec  FALSE   TRUE
##                     FALSE     39      0
##                     TRUE  214118 245434
## rpqa$might_have_died_in_quebec
##     39 459552
rpqa$parents_known_to_have_married_in_quebec = !is.na(rpqa$codeLieuM.Parents) & rpqa$codeLieuM.Parents < 10000
rpqa$parents_might_have_married_in_quebec = is.na(rpqa$codeLieuM.Parents) | rpqa$codeLieuM.Parents < 10000
crosstabs(~ is.na(codeLieuM.Parents) + (codeLieuM.Parents < 10000), data = rpqa)
##                         codeLieuM.Parents < 10000
## is.na(codeLieuM.Parents)  FALSE   TRUE   <NA>
##                    FALSE    302 409187      0
##                    TRUE       0      0  50102
crosstabs(~ parents_known_to_have_married_in_quebec + might_have_died_in_quebec + known_to_be_born_in_quebec, data = rpqa)
## , , known_to_be_born_in_quebec = FALSE
##                                        might_have_died_in_quebec
## parents_known_to_have_married_in_quebec  FALSE   TRUE
##                                   FALSE     19  34990
##                                   TRUE       0   7953
## , , known_to_be_born_in_quebec = TRUE
##                                        might_have_died_in_quebec
## parents_known_to_have_married_in_quebec  FALSE   TRUE
##                                   FALSE      8  15387
##                                   TRUE      12 401222
crosstabs(~ parents_might_have_married_in_quebec + might_have_died_in_quebec + known_to_be_born_in_quebec, data = rpqa)
## , , known_to_be_born_in_quebec = FALSE
##                                     might_have_died_in_quebec
## parents_might_have_married_in_quebec  FALSE   TRUE
##                                FALSE      0    106
##                                TRUE      19  42837
## , , known_to_be_born_in_quebec = TRUE
##                                     might_have_died_in_quebec
## parents_might_have_married_in_quebec  FALSE   TRUE
##                                FALSE      0    196
##                                TRUE      20 416413
rpqa = data.frame(rpqa)
rpqa = count_and_merge(rpqa, 'children_born_in_quebec',wt_var = 'known_to_be_born_in_quebec')
rpqa = count_and_merge(rpqa, 'children_died_in_quebec',wt_var = 'known_to_have_died_in_quebec')
rpqa = count_and_merge(rpqa, 'children_probably_died_in_quebec',wt_var = 'might_have_died_in_quebec')
rpqa$all_kids_born_and_died_in_quebec = rpqa$children_born_in_quebec == rpqa$children_died_in_quebec & rpqa$children_born_in_quebec == rpqa$children
rpqa$all_kids_born_and_probably_died_in_quebec = rpqa$children_born_in_quebec == rpqa$children_probably_died_in_quebec & rpqa$children_born_in_quebec == rpqa$children
crosstabs(~ all_kids_born_and_died_in_quebec + all_kids_born_and_probably_died_in_quebec, data = rpqa)
##                                 all_kids_born_and_probably_died_in_quebec
## all_kids_born_and_died_in_quebec  FALSE   TRUE
##                            FALSE  29204  89926
##                            TRUE       0 340461
crosstabs(~ all_kids_born_and_probably_died_in_quebec + parents_known_to_have_married_in_quebec, data = rpqa)
##                                          parents_known_to_have_married_in_quebec
## all_kids_born_and_probably_died_in_quebec  FALSE   TRUE
##                                     FALSE  18659  10545
##                                     TRUE   31745 398642
crosstabs(rpqa$all_kids_born_and_died_in_quebec & rpqa$parents_known_to_have_married_in_quebec)
## rpqa$all_kids_born_and_died_in_quebec & rpqa$parents_known_to_have_married_in_quebec
## 140295 319296
crosstabs(rpqa$all_kids_born_and_probably_died_in_quebec & rpqa$parents_known_to_have_married_in_quebec)
## rpqa$all_kids_born_and_probably_died_in_quebec & rpqa$parents_known_to_have_married_in_quebec
##  60949 398642
rpqa$sibs_born_in_quebec = ave(rpqa$known_to_be_born_in_quebec, rpqa$idParents, FUN = function(x) { sum(x, na.rm = T) })
rpqa$sibs_died_in_quebec = ave(rpqa$might_have_died_in_quebec, rpqa$idParents, FUN = function(x) { sum(x, na.rm = T) })
crosstabs(I(rpqa$sibs_born_in_quebec - rpqa$sibs_died_in_quebec))
## I(rpqa$sibs_born_in_quebec - rpqa$sibs_died_in_quebec)
##     -9     -8     -7     -6     -5     -4     -3     -2     -1      0 
##     12     11     88    245    445   1029   2867  10092  74394 370282 
##      1 
##    126
qplot(rpqa$sibs_born_in_quebec - rpqa$sibs_died_in_quebec, binwidth = 1)

rpqa = count_and_merge(rpqa, 'all_sibs_born_and_died_in_quebec',wt_var = 'all_kids_born_and_died_in_quebec')

crosstabs(~ all_sibs_born_and_died_in_quebec + parents_known_to_have_married_in_quebec, data = rpqa)
##                                 parents_known_to_have_married_in_quebec
## all_sibs_born_and_died_in_quebec  FALSE   TRUE
##                               0   29424 308036
##                               1    9947  10995
##                               2    2196  10535
##                               3    1707  10675
##                               4    1486  10456
##                               5    1235  10169
##                               6    1169   9289
##                               7     913   8413
##                               8     702   7475
##                               9     519   6310
##                               10    394   4895
##                               11    254   4018
##                               12    174   2794
##                               13     81   1878
##                               14     83   1287
##                               15     39    847
##                               16     29    479
##                               17     21    314
##                               18     11    151
##                               19      8     72
##                               20      6     42
##                               21      2     27
##                               22      2     19
##                               23      1      3
##                               24      0      3
##                               25      0      2
##                               27      1      2
##                               29      0      1
rpqa$probably_complete_records = rpqa$all_kids_born_and_probably_died_in_quebec & rpqa$parents_might_have_married_in_quebec

##  29493 430098
rpqa$birth_cohort = factor(rpqa$birth.cohort)
rpqa$male = factor(rpqa$male)
rpqa$last_born = factor(rpqa$last_born)

rpqa.1 = rpqa %>% filter(byear < 1740 & byear >= 1670 & probably_complete_records)

save(rpqa, rpqa.1,file = "rpqa.rdata")