Comparing paternal age effects in our selective episode models

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e1: Survival to first year

Here, we predict the probability that the anchor survives the first year of life. All children born to this father are compared, if their death date is known or their survival can be inferred (from later marriage or children).

Marginal effect plot

episode = "e1_survive1y"
e1 = bind_rows(
    "Krummhörn" = get_paternalage_effect(episode, "krmh"),
    "Québec" = get_paternalage_effect(episode, "rpqa"),
    "20th-century Sweden" =  get_paternalage_effect(episode, "swed"),
    "Historical Sweden" = get_paternalage_effect(episode, "ddb"),
.id = "Population"

e1_plot = ggplot(e1,  aes(x = paternalage*10, y = Estimate, colour = Population, fill = Population, ymin = lowerCI, ymax = upperCI)) + 
    geom_smooth(stat = 'identity', position = position_identity()) +
    ggtitle("Selective episode - e1") + 
  scale_y_continuous("Probability of survival to first year", limits = c(0,1))  + 
    scale_x_continuous("Paternal age", breaks = c(20,30,40,50,60,70)) + 
    analysis_theme +
    pop_colour + pop_fill +
    theme(legend.position = c(0,0),
                legend.justification = c(0,0))

Effect size comparison


##            Population median_estimate         ci_95         ci_80
## 1           Krummhörn           -2.15 [-5.35;-0.21] [-4.03;-0.82]
## 2              Québec           -1.03 [-1.51;-0.67] [-1.32;-0.78]
## 3 20th-century Sweden           -0.05 [-0.06;-0.03] [-0.06;-0.03]
## 4   Historical Sweden           -1.82 [-3.14;-1.08] [-2.63;-1.28]

e2: Probability of surviving the first 15 years of life

Here, we predict the probability that the anchor survives the first fifteen of life. All children born to this father who lived at least one year are compared, if their death date is known or their survival can be inferred (from later marriage or children).

Marginal effect plot

episode = "e2_surviveR"
e2 = bind_rows(
    "Krummhörn" = get_paternalage_effect(episode, "krmh"),
    "Québec" = get_paternalage_effect(episode, "rpqa"),
    "20th-century Sweden" =  get_paternalage_effect(episode, "swed"),
    "Historical Sweden" = get_paternalage_effect(episode, "ddb"),
.id = "Population"

e2_plot = ggplot(e2,  aes(x = paternalage*10, y = Estimate, colour = Population, fill = Population, ymin = lowerCI, ymax = upperCI)) + 
    geom_smooth(stat = 'identity', position = position_identity()) +
    ggtitle("Selective episode - e2") + 
  scale_y_continuous("Probability of surviving to age 15", limits = c(0,1))  + 
    scale_x_continuous("Paternal age", breaks = c(20,30,40,50,60,70)) + 
    analysis_theme +
    pop_colour + pop_fill +
    theme(legend.position = c(0,0),
                legend.justification = c(0,0))

Effect size comparison


##            Population median_estimate         ci_95         ci_80
## 1           Krummhörn            0.06 [-2.69; 2.73] [-1.73; 1.75]
## 2              Québec            0.09 [-0.17; 0.36] [-0.07; 0.26]
## 3 20th-century Sweden            0.03   [0.00;0.06]   [0.01;0.05]
## 4   Historical Sweden           -0.16 [-0.68; 0.27] [-0.47; 0.12]

e3: Probability of ever marrying

Here, we predict the probability that the anchor ever marries. All anchors who reached reproductive age (15) are included.

Marginal effect plot

episode = "e3_ever_married"
e3 = bind_rows(
    "Krummhörn" = get_paternalage_effect(episode, "krmh"),
    "Québec" = get_paternalage_effect(episode, "rpqa"),
    "20th-century Sweden" =  get_paternalage_effect(episode, "swed"),
    "Historical Sweden" = get_paternalage_effect(episode, "ddb"),
.id = "Population"

e3_plot = ggplot(e3,  aes(x = paternalage*10, y = Estimate, colour = Population, fill = Population, ymin = lowerCI, ymax = upperCI)) + 
    geom_smooth(stat = 'identity', position = position_identity()) +
    ggtitle("Selective episode - e3") + 
  scale_y_continuous("Probability of ever marrying", limits = c(0,1))  + 
    scale_x_continuous("Paternal age", breaks = c(20,30,40,50,60,70)) + 
    analysis_theme +
    pop_colour + pop_fill +
    theme(legend.position = c(0,0),
                legend.justification = c(0,0))

Effect size comparison


##            Population median_estimate           ci_95           ci_80
## 1           Krummhörn           -5.19 [-14.79;  2.01] [-11.08; -0.37]
## 2              Québec           -0.02   [-0.83; 0.74]   [-0.55; 0.46]
## 3 20th-century Sweden            0.82     [0.63;1.01]     [0.69;0.95]
## 4   Historical Sweden            7.94   [ 4.47;12.38]   [ 5.48;10.83]

e4: Number of children

Here, we predict the number of children that the anchor had. To separate this effect from previous selective episodes, we include only ever-married anchors and control for their number of spouses (interacted with sex, because men tend to have more additional children from further spouses).

Marginal effect plot

episode = "e4_children"
e4 = bind_rows(
    "Krummhörn" = get_paternalage_effect(episode, "krmh"),
    "Québec" = get_paternalage_effect(episode, "rpqa"),
    "20th-century Sweden" =  get_paternalage_effect(episode, "swed"),
    "Historical Sweden" = get_paternalage_effect(episode, "ddb"),
.id = "Population"

e4_plot = ggplot(e4,  aes(x = paternalage*10, y = Estimate, colour = Population, fill = Population, ymin = lowerCI, ymax = upperCI)) + 
    geom_smooth(stat = 'identity', position = position_identity()) +
    ggtitle("Selective episode - e4") + 
  scale_y_continuous("Probability of surviving to age 15", limits = c(0,NA))  + 
    scale_x_continuous("Paternal age", breaks = c(20,30,40,50,60,70)) + 
    analysis_theme +
    pop_colour + pop_fill +
    theme(legend.position = c(0,0.6),
                legend.justification = c(0,0))

Effect size comparison


##            Population median_estimate         ci_95         ci_80
## 1           Krummhörn           15.62 [ 3.92;29.31] [ 7.67;24.68]
## 2              Québec            0.94 [-1.32; 3.23] [-0.50; 2.47]
## 3 20th-century Sweden           -3.82 [-4.64;-2.98] [-4.38;-3.28]
## 4   Historical Sweden           -5.36 [-8.92;-1.59] [-7.71;-2.96]

All episodes

paths = c("coefs/krmh/m3_children_linear.rds", 
                    list.files("coefs", full.names = TRUE, pattern = "^e._.+rds$", recursive = T))

effect_estimates = data.frame()
for (i in seq_along(paths)) {
    filename = paths[i]
    model = readRDS(paths[i])
    if (class(model) == "brmsfit") {
        chg = paternal_age_10y_effect(model)[3,]
        chg$model = filename
        chg$population = str_match(paths[i], "\\w+/(\\w+)/")[,2]
        effect_estimates = rbind(chg, effect_estimates)

effect_estimates$episode = str_match(effect_estimates$model, "([em]\\d)_")[,2]
eps = c("m3" = 'm3. Number of children\n(all)', 
                "e1" = 'e1. Infant survival\n(all)', 
                "e2" = 'e2. Survival to 15\n(conditional on e1)', 
                "e3" = 'e3. Ever married\n(conditional on e2)', 
                "e4" = "e4. Number of children\n(conditional on e3)")
effect_estimates$episode = factor(eps[effect_estimates$episode], levels = rev(eps))

effect_estimates = effect_estimates %>% arrange(episode) %>% 
        median_estimate = as.numeric(median_estimate),
        lower95 = as.numeric(str_split_fixed(str_sub(ci_95, 2, -2), pattern = ';', 2)[,1]),
        upper95 = as.numeric(str_split_fixed(str_sub(ci_95, 2, -2), pattern = ';', 2)[,2]),
        lower80 = as.numeric(str_split_fixed(str_sub(ci_80, 2, -2), pattern = ';', 2)[,1]),
        upper80 = as.numeric(str_split_fixed(str_sub(ci_80, 2, -2), pattern = ';', 2)[,2])
    ) -> effect_estimates

pops = c("krmh"='Krummhörn', "rpqa" = 'Québec', "ddb" = 'Historical Sweden', "swed" = '20th-century Sweden')
effect_estimates$Population = pops[effect_estimates$population]
effect_estimates$Population = factor(effect_estimates$Population, levels = pops)

episode_comparison = ggplot(effect_estimates %>% filter(!, aes(x = factor(episode), y = median_estimate, ymin = lower95, ymax = upper95, color = Population)) + 
    geom_linerange(position = position_dodge(width = 0.4)) +
    geom_pointrange(aes(ymin = lower80, ymax = upper80), size = 1, position = position_dodge(width = 0.4)) +
    geom_hline(yintercept = 0, linetype = "dashed") +
    scale_x_discrete("") +
    pop_colour +
    scale_y_continuous("Effect of 10 years of paternal age (in % change)") +
    coord_flip()    + 
    theme(legend.position = c(1,1),
    legend.justification = c(1,1))