Sweden (1947-2000), selective episodes

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opts_chunk$set(warning=TRUE, cache = FALSE,tidy=FALSE,dev=c('png'),fig.width=20,fig.height=12.5)

make_path = function(file) {
    get_coefficient_path(file, "swed")
# options for each chunk calling knit_child
opts_chunk$set(warning=FALSE, message = FALSE, echo = FALSE)

Analysis description

Data subset

The swed_subset_survival.1 dataset contains only those participants where paternal age is known and birth years are from 1969 to 2000. We use it for the analyses pertaining to survival. We randomly sampled 100,000 families from the whole dataset.

The swed_subset_children.1 dataset contains only those participants where paternal age is known and birth years are from 1947 to 1959. We use it for the analyses pertaining to marriage, divorce and reproductive success. We randomly sampled 100,000 families from the whole dataset.

Model description

All of the following models have the following in common:


We fit all models using brms v. 1.2.0, a Bayesian regression analysis statistical package. brms uses Stan, a probabilistic programming langugage to fit models using Hamiltonian Monte Carlo.


As in our main models we adjust for average paternal age in the family, birth cohort (birth years in five equally large bins), for male sex, for age at paternal and maternal loss (0-1, 2-5, 6-10, …, 41-45, 45+, unknown), for maternal age (bins of 14-20, 20-35 and 35-50), for the number of siblings, for the number of older siblings (0-5, 5+) and for being last born.

Model stratification

We added random intercepts for each family (father-mother dyad). We then controlled for the average paternal age in the family. Hence, the paternal age effects in the plot are split into those between families and those within families or between siblings. We are interested in the effect of paternal age between siblings, as this effect cannot be explained by e.g. genetic propensities of the father to reproduce late.

e1: Survival to first year

Here, we predict the probability that the anchor survives the first year of life. All children born to this father are compared, if their death date is known or their survival can be inferred (from later marriage or children).

Model summary

Full summary

model_summary = summary(model, use_cache = FALSE, priors = TRUE)
##  Family: bernoulli(cauchit) 
## Formula: survive1y ~ paternalage + birth_cohort + male + maternalage.factor + paternalage.mean + paternal_loss + maternal_loss + older_siblings + nr.siblings + last_born + (1 | idParents) 
##    Data: model_data (Number of observations: 363744) 
## Samples: 6 chains, each with iter = 1000; warmup = 500; thin = 1; 
##          total post-warmup samples = 3000
##    WAIC: Not computed
## Priors: 
## b ~ normal(0,5)
## sd ~ student_t(3, 0, 5)
## Group-Level Effects: 
## ~idParents (Number of levels: 200000) 
##               Estimate Est.Error l-95% CI u-95% CI Eff.Sample Rhat
## sd(Intercept)    21.41       0.8    19.76    22.96        205 1.03
## Population-Level Effects: 
##                        Estimate Est.Error l-95% CI u-95% CI Eff.Sample
## Intercept                 96.06      4.72    87.17   105.59        463
## paternalage              -10.72      1.94   -14.50    -6.88        488
## birth_cohort1970M1975     -5.41      1.94    -9.34    -1.77        251
## birth_cohort1975M1980     -3.12      2.00    -7.06     0.75        317
## birth_cohort1980M1985      4.66      2.20     0.36     8.89        405
## birth_cohort1985M1990      3.90      2.14    -0.41     8.23        327
## birth_cohort1990M1995      5.97      2.20     1.72    10.42        361
## birth_cohort1995M2000     14.75      3.05     8.92    20.72        368
## male1                     -4.69      1.00    -6.73    -2.73        337
## maternalage.factor1420     0.42      2.18    -3.58     4.93        578
## maternalage.factor3561    -4.91      1.75    -8.19    -1.47        753
## paternalage.mean          10.23      2.04     6.20    14.17        665
## paternal_loss01            0.33      4.99    -9.73    10.01       3000
## paternal_loss15           -5.30      4.50   -13.41     4.04       1098
## paternal_loss510           3.95      4.33    -4.09    12.77       1661
## paternal_loss1015          3.54      3.74    -3.41    11.17       1277
## paternal_loss1520         -3.51      2.94    -8.89     2.43        708
## paternal_loss2025         -2.70      2.99    -8.26     3.67        464
## paternal_loss2530          0.87      2.68    -4.04     6.38        907
## paternal_loss3035          2.02      2.93    -3.34     7.97        514
## paternal_loss3540         -4.42      2.66    -9.17     1.01        819
## paternal_loss4045         -1.32      4.98   -10.96     8.96       3000
## maternal_loss01           -5.21      5.62   -16.28     5.58        765
## maternal_loss15            1.90      4.72    -7.17    11.19       3000
## maternal_loss510           1.54      4.54    -6.87    10.56       3000
## maternal_loss1015         -0.35      4.18    -8.03     8.20       1203
## maternal_loss1520         -6.18      3.25   -12.29     0.52        941
## maternal_loss2025         -6.09      3.05   -11.88     0.33        951
## maternal_loss2530         -4.50      3.09   -10.11     1.93        978
## maternal_loss3035         -2.91      3.27    -9.07     3.99        792
## maternal_loss3540         -1.60      3.96    -8.63     6.56        848
## maternal_loss4045          0.97      4.70    -8.54    10.14       3000
## older_siblings1           -6.34      1.37    -9.06    -3.75        249
## older_siblings2            0.01      2.01    -3.87     3.98        147
## older_siblings3           14.49      2.50     9.72    19.44        326
## older_siblings4           16.49      2.71    11.00    21.83        602
## older_siblings5P          25.63      3.53    18.62    32.67        625
## nr.siblings               -7.96      0.40    -8.76    -7.19        420
## last_born1               -12.79      1.02   -14.73   -10.83        245
##                        Rhat
## Intercept              1.01
## paternalage            1.01
## birth_cohort1970M1975  1.01
## birth_cohort1975M1980  1.01
## birth_cohort1980M1985  1.00
## birth_cohort1985M1990  1.01
## birth_cohort1990M1995  1.01
## birth_cohort1995M2000  1.01
## male1                  1.02
## maternalage.factor1420 1.01
## maternalage.factor3561 1.01
## paternalage.mean       1.01
## paternal_loss01        1.00
## paternal_loss15        1.00
## paternal_loss510       1.00
## paternal_loss1015      1.00
## paternal_loss1520      1.01
## paternal_loss2025      1.01
## paternal_loss2530      1.01
## paternal_loss3035      1.01
## paternal_loss3540      1.01
## paternal_loss4045      1.00
## maternal_loss01        1.00
## maternal_loss15        1.00
## maternal_loss510       1.00
## maternal_loss1015      1.00
## maternal_loss1520      1.00
## maternal_loss2025      1.01
## maternal_loss2530      1.00
## maternal_loss3035      1.00
## maternal_loss3540      1.01
## maternal_loss4045      1.00
## older_siblings1        1.02
## older_siblings2        1.06
## older_siblings3        1.02
## older_siblings4        1.01
## older_siblings5P       1.01
## nr.siblings            1.01
## last_born1             1.03
## Samples were drawn using sampling(NUTS). For each parameter, Eff.Sample 
## is a crude measure of effective sample size, and Rhat is the potential 
## scale reduction factor on split chains (at convergence, Rhat = 1).

Table of fixed effects

Estimates are exp(b). When they are referring to the hurdle (hu) component, or a dichotomous outcome, they are odds ratios, when they are referring to a Poisson component, they are hazard ratios. In both cases, they are presented with 95% credibility intervals. To see the effects on the response scale (probability or number of children), consult the marginal effect plots.

fixed_eff = data.frame(model_summary$fixed, check.names = F)
fixed_eff$Est.Error = fixed_eff$Eff.Sample = fixed_eff$Rhat = NULL
fixed_eff$`Odds/hazard ratio` = exp(fixed_eff$Estimate)
fixed_eff$`OR/HR low 95%` = exp(fixed_eff$`l-95% CI`)
fixed_eff$`OR/HR high 95%` = exp(fixed_eff$`u-95% CI`)
fixed_eff = fixed_eff %>% select(`Odds/hazard ratio`, `OR/HR low 95%`, `OR/HR high 95%`)
  Odds/hazard ratio OR/HR low 95% OR/HR high 95%
Intercept 5.236e+41 7.169e+37 7.219e+45
paternalage 2.215e-05 5.064e-07 0.001033
birth_cohort1970M1975 0.004475 8.75e-05 0.1705
birth_cohort1975M1980 0.04427 0.0008587 2.109
birth_cohort1980M1985 105.5 1.433 7230
birth_cohort1985M1990 49.61 0.6604 3745
birth_cohort1990M1995 390.9 5.559 33363
birth_cohort1995M2000 2556476 7504 996516331
male1 0.009161 0.001189 0.06493
maternalage.factor1420 1.523 0.0278 138.5
maternalage.factor3561 0.007358 0.0002762 0.2295
paternalage.mean 27741 491.5 1420899
paternal_loss01 1.386 5.937e-05 22327
paternal_loss15 0.004974 1.502e-06 57.06
paternal_loss510 51.97 0.01677 352889
paternal_loss1015 34.55 0.03319 70655
paternal_loss1520 0.02978 0.0001379 11.39
paternal_loss2025 0.06721 0.0002594 39.27
paternal_loss2530 2.394 0.01751 588.8
paternal_loss3035 7.52 0.03542 2895
paternal_loss3540 0.01198 0.0001041 2.735
paternal_loss4045 0.2672 1.741e-05 7818
maternal_loss01 0.005475 8.498e-08 263.8
maternal_loss15 6.672 0.0007666 72578
maternal_loss510 4.676 0.001035 38393
maternal_loss1015 0.7025 0.0003243 3641
maternal_loss1520 0.002073 4.595e-06 1.688
maternal_loss2025 0.002258 6.936e-06 1.387
maternal_loss2530 0.01115 4.053e-05 6.861
maternal_loss3035 0.05461 0.0001147 54.01
maternal_loss3540 0.2023 0.0001782 708.5
maternal_loss4045 2.634 0.0001961 25350
older_siblings1 0.001758 0.0001159 0.02347
older_siblings2 1.012 0.02092 53.47
older_siblings3 1966735 16620 276670549
older_siblings4 14519530 59968 3.018e+09
older_siblings5P 1.348e+11 121468561 1.54e+14
nr.siblings 0.0003476 0.0001564 0.0007578
last_born1 2.8e-06 3.996e-07 1.978e-05

Paternal age effect

effect median_estimate ci_95 ci_80
estimate father 25y 1 [1;1] [1;1]
estimate father 35y 1 [1;1] [1;1]
percentage change -0.05 [-0.06;-0.03] [-0.06;-0.03]
OR/IRR 0 [0;0] [0;0]

Marginal effect plots

In these marginal effect plots, we set all predictors except the one shown on the X axis to their mean and in the case of factors to their reference level. We then plot the estimated association between the X axis predictor and the outcome on the response scale (e.g. probability of survival/marriage or number of children).

    x = marginal_effects(model, re_formula = NA, probs = c(0.025,0.975)),
    y = marginal_effects(model, re_formula = NA, probs = c(0.1,0.9)), 
    ask = FALSE)

Coefficient plot

Here, we plotted the 95% posterior densities for the unexponentiated model coefficients (b_). The darkly shaded area represents the 50% credibility interval, the dark line represent the posterior mean estimate.

mcmc_areas(as.matrix(model$fit), regex_pars = "b_[^I]", point_est = "mean", prob = 0.50, prob_outer = 0.95) + ggtitle("Posterior densities with means and 50% intervals") + analysis_theme + theme(axis.text = element_text(size = 12), panel.grid = element_blank()) + xlab("Coefficient size")


These plots were made to diagnose misfit and nonconvergence.

Posterior predictive checks

In posterior predictive checks, we test whether we can approximately reproduce the real data distribution from our model.

brms::pp_check(model, re_formula = NA, type = "dens_overlay")

brms::pp_check(model, re_formula = NA, type = "hist")


Did the 6 chains converge?

stanplot(model, pars = "^b_[^I]", type = 'rhat')

Effective sample size over average sample size

stanplot(model, pars = "^b", type = 'neff_hist')

Trace plots

Trace plots are only shown in the case of nonconvergence.

if(any( summary(model)$fixed[,"Rhat"] > 1.1)) { # only do traceplots if not converged
    plot(model, N = 3, ask = FALSE)

File/cluster script name

This model was stored in the file: coefs/swed/e1_survive1y.rds.

Click the following link to see the script used to generate this model:

opts_chunk$set(echo = FALSE)
clusterscript = str_replace(basename(model_filename), "\\.rds",".html")
cat("[Cluster script](" , clusterscript, ")", sep = "")

Cluster script

e2: Probability of surviving the first 15 years of life

Here, we predict the probability that the anchor survives the first fifteen of life. All children born to this father who lived at least one year are compared, if their death date is known or their survival can be inferred (from later marriage or children).

Model summary

Full summary

model_summary = summary(model, use_cache = FALSE, priors = TRUE)
##  Family: bernoulli(cauchit) 
## Formula: surviveR ~ paternalage + birth_cohort + male + maternalage.factor + paternalage.mean + paternal_loss + maternal_loss + older_siblings + nr.siblings + last_born + (1 | idParents) 
##    Data: model_data (Number of observations: 242223) 
## Samples: 6 chains, each with iter = 1500; warmup = 1000; thin = 1; 
##          total post-warmup samples = 3000
##    WAIC: Not computed
## Priors: 
## b ~ normal(0,70)
## sd ~ student_t(3, 0, 50)
## Group-Level Effects: 
## ~idParents (Number of levels: 142552) 
##               Estimate Est.Error l-95% CI u-95% CI Eff.Sample Rhat
## sd(Intercept)    47.62      3.59    41.08    55.12         79 1.05
## Population-Level Effects: 
##                        Estimate Est.Error l-95% CI u-95% CI Eff.Sample
## Intercept                191.88     16.82   160.72   227.46        262
## paternalage               26.88     12.18     3.10    51.20        157
## birth_cohort1970M1975      1.05      9.26   -20.20    16.31        114
## birth_cohort1975M1980     18.78     10.56    -3.31    37.26        111
## birth_cohort1980M1985     13.23     10.28   -10.82    30.57         98
## birth_cohort1985M1990     22.18     10.76    -1.21    40.90        136
## male1                    -17.14      4.30   -25.90    -8.99        269
## maternalage.factor1420    18.05      8.51     2.10    36.77        199
## maternalage.factor3561     5.65      8.66   -10.18    23.63        289
## paternalage.mean         -32.48     12.09   -56.97    -9.09        163
## paternal_loss01           43.19     50.58   -37.96   155.56       3000
## paternal_loss15          -43.37     11.16   -63.46   -19.46        495
## paternal_loss510         -39.25      8.92   -56.47   -21.70        534
## paternal_loss1015        -15.51     13.94   -37.54    17.04        386
## paternal_loss1520        -18.70     12.77   -37.27    15.44        300
## paternal_loss2025        -12.34     11.89   -32.10    15.07        251
## paternal_loss2530         -0.11     15.76   -23.49    37.71        185
## paternal_loss3035        -12.04     11.28   -31.26    13.57        266
## paternal_loss3540          4.80     21.31   -23.80    60.13        250
## paternal_loss4045         42.35     48.40   -37.55   145.72       2223
## maternal_loss01           24.01     54.56   -65.32   144.66       3000
## maternal_loss15          -68.39     11.68   -89.65   -43.70        597
## maternal_loss510         -58.70      9.42   -76.72   -39.30        709
## maternal_loss1015        -43.64     13.69   -65.81   -11.26        166
## maternal_loss1520         10.31     34.31   -41.86    89.87        257
## maternal_loss2025         -9.40     21.18   -39.47    42.96        168
## maternal_loss2530        -24.50     14.92   -45.60    14.77        184
## maternal_loss3035        -17.48     13.60   -39.44    13.27        349
## maternal_loss3540        -14.87     16.56   -40.06    22.70        195
## maternal_loss4045        -26.47     45.12   -84.22    94.82        348
## older_siblings1            9.27      5.53    -1.35    20.14        202
## older_siblings2            8.27      9.53   -10.93    26.37        126
## older_siblings3           10.09     16.53   -19.72    44.73        168
## older_siblings4           13.43     27.50   -28.11    80.78        302
## older_siblings5P          22.35     27.97   -26.56    80.14        200
## nr.siblings               -6.86      1.95   -10.63    -3.06        183
## last_born1                17.85      5.26     7.75    28.14        147
##                        Rhat
## Intercept              1.02
## paternalage            1.04
## birth_cohort1970M1975  1.04
## birth_cohort1975M1980  1.05
## birth_cohort1980M1985  1.05
## birth_cohort1985M1990  1.03
## male1                  1.01
## maternalage.factor1420 1.03
## maternalage.factor3561 1.02
## paternalage.mean       1.04
## paternal_loss01        1.00
## paternal_loss15        1.00
## paternal_loss510       1.01
## paternal_loss1015      1.01
## paternal_loss1520      1.02
## paternal_loss2025      1.02
## paternal_loss2530      1.03
## paternal_loss3035      1.01
## paternal_loss3540      1.02
## paternal_loss4045      1.00
## maternal_loss01        1.00
## maternal_loss15        1.01
## maternal_loss510       1.01
## maternal_loss1015      1.04
## maternal_loss1520      1.01
## maternal_loss2025      1.04
## maternal_loss2530      1.04
## maternal_loss3035      1.01
## maternal_loss3540      1.02
## maternal_loss4045      1.01
## older_siblings1        1.03
## older_siblings2        1.04
## older_siblings3        1.04
## older_siblings4        1.03
## older_siblings5P       1.04
## nr.siblings            1.03
## last_born1             1.03
## Samples were drawn using sampling(NUTS). For each parameter, Eff.Sample 
## is a crude measure of effective sample size, and Rhat is the potential 
## scale reduction factor on split chains (at convergence, Rhat = 1).

Table of fixed effects

Estimates are exp(b). When they are referring to the hurdle (hu) component, or a dichotomous outcome, they are odds ratios, when they are referring to a Poisson component, they are hazard ratios. In both cases, they are presented with 95% credibility intervals. To see the effects on the response scale (probability or number of children), consult the marginal effect plots.

fixed_eff = data.frame(model_summary$fixed, check.names = F)
fixed_eff$Est.Error = fixed_eff$Eff.Sample = fixed_eff$Rhat = NULL
fixed_eff$`Odds/hazard ratio` = exp(fixed_eff$Estimate)
fixed_eff$`OR/HR low 95%` = exp(fixed_eff$`l-95% CI`)
fixed_eff$`OR/HR high 95%` = exp(fixed_eff$`u-95% CI`)
fixed_eff = fixed_eff %>% select(`Odds/hazard ratio`, `OR/HR low 95%`, `OR/HR high 95%`)
  Odds/hazard ratio OR/HR low 95% OR/HR high 95%
Intercept 2.157e+83 6.307e+69 6.086e+98
paternalage 4.718e+11 22.29 1.729e+22
birth_cohort1970M1975 2.864 1.691e-09 12151048
birth_cohort1975M1980 143513462 0.03641 1.515e+16
birth_cohort1980M1985 554314 2.003e-05 1.891e+13
birth_cohort1985M1990 4.296e+09 0.2977 5.776e+17
male1 3.602e-08 5.65e-12 0.000125
maternalage.factor1420 68913143 8.176 9.34e+15
maternalage.factor3561 285.1 3.803e-05 1.827e+10
paternalage.mean 7.819e-15 1.821e-25 0.0001126
paternal_loss01 5.696e+18 3.265e-17 3.639e+67
paternal_loss15 1.454e-19 2.755e-28 3.544e-09
paternal_loss510 8.995e-18 2.983e-25 3.748e-10
paternal_loss1015 1.838e-07 4.953e-17 25182535
paternal_loss1520 7.525e-09 6.49e-17 5076020
paternal_loss2025 4.37e-06 1.142e-14 3496308
paternal_loss2530 0.8916 6.314e-11 2.394e+16
paternal_loss3035 5.882e-06 2.647e-14 781850
paternal_loss3540 121 4.592e-11 1.295e+26
paternal_loss4045 2.462e+18 4.915e-17 1.928e+63
maternal_loss01 2.671e+10 4.271e-29 6.696e+62
maternal_loss15 1.991e-30 1.165e-39 1.047e-19
maternal_loss510 3.203e-26 4.806e-34 8.595e-18
maternal_loss1015 1.112e-19 2.633e-29 1.284e-05
maternal_loss1520 30102 6.594e-19 1.071e+39
maternal_loss2025 8.267e-05 7.223e-18 4.534e+18
maternal_loss2530 2.292e-11 1.565e-20 2588648
maternal_loss3035 2.56e-08 7.43e-18 579005
maternal_loss3540 3.487e-07 3.99e-18 7.187e+09
maternal_loss4045 3.204e-12 2.663e-37 1.52e+41
older_siblings1 10624 0.259 558935740
older_siblings2 3894 1.79e-05 2.845e+11
older_siblings3 24211 2.74e-09 2.678e+19
older_siblings4 677823 6.196e-13 1.204e+35
older_siblings5P 5.104e+09 2.92e-12 6.377e+34
nr.siblings 0.001046 2.427e-05 0.04667
last_born1 56262650 2323 1.66e+12

Paternal age effect

effect median_estimate ci_95 ci_80
estimate father 25y 1 [1;1] [1;1]
estimate father 35y 1 [1;1] [1;1]
percentage change 0.03 [0;0.06] [0.01;0.05]
OR/IRR 440625466756.42 [22.29;1.72900464486011e+22] [59649.6;2832585833496194560]

Marginal effect plots

In these marginal effect plots, we set all predictors except the one shown on the X axis to their mean and in the case of factors to their reference level. We then plot the estimated association between the X axis predictor and the outcome on the response scale (e.g. probability of survival/marriage or number of children).

    x = marginal_effects(model, re_formula = NA, probs = c(0.025,0.975)),
    y = marginal_effects(model, re_formula = NA, probs = c(0.1,0.9)), 
    ask = FALSE)

Coefficient plot

Here, we plotted the 95% posterior densities for the unexponentiated model coefficients (b_). The darkly shaded area represents the 50% credibility interval, the dark line represent the posterior mean estimate.

mcmc_areas(as.matrix(model$fit), regex_pars = "b_[^I]", point_est = "mean", prob = 0.50, prob_outer = 0.95) + ggtitle("Posterior densities with means and 50% intervals") + analysis_theme + theme(axis.text = element_text(size = 12), panel.grid = element_blank()) + xlab("Coefficient size")


These plots were made to diagnose misfit and nonconvergence.

Posterior predictive checks

In posterior predictive checks, we test whether we can approximately reproduce the real data distribution from our model.

brms::pp_check(model, re_formula = NA, type = "dens_overlay")

brms::pp_check(model, re_formula = NA, type = "hist")


Did the 6 chains converge?

stanplot(model, pars = "^b_[^I]", type = 'rhat')

Effective sample size over average sample size

stanplot(model, pars = "^b", type = 'neff_hist')

Trace plots

Trace plots are only shown in the case of nonconvergence.

if(any( summary(model)$fixed[,"Rhat"] > 1.1)) { # only do traceplots if not converged
    plot(model, N = 3, ask = FALSE)

File/cluster script name

This model was stored in the file: coefs/swed/e2_surviveR.rds.

Click the following link to see the script used to generate this model:

opts_chunk$set(echo = FALSE)
clusterscript = str_replace(basename(model_filename), "\\.rds",".html")
cat("[Cluster script](" , clusterscript, ")", sep = "")

Cluster script

e3: Probability of ever marrying

Here, we predict the probability that the anchor ever marries. All anchors who reached reproductive age (15) are included.

Model summary

Full summary

model_summary = summary(model, use_cache = FALSE, priors = TRUE)
##  Family: bernoulli(cauchit) 
## Formula: ever_married ~ paternalage + birth_cohort + male + maternalage.factor + paternalage.mean + paternal_loss + maternal_loss + older_siblings + nr.siblings + last_born + (1 | idParents) 
##    Data: model_data (Number of observations: 1392421) 
## Samples: 6 chains, each with iter = 800; warmup = 300; thin = 1; 
##          total post-warmup samples = 3000
##    WAIC: Not computed
## Priors: 
## b ~ normal(0,5)
## sd ~ student_t(3, 0, 5)
## Group-Level Effects: 
## ~idParents (Number of levels: 874603) 
##               Estimate Est.Error l-95% CI u-95% CI Eff.Sample Rhat
## sd(Intercept)     0.93      0.01     0.91     0.94        572 1.01
## Population-Level Effects: 
##                        Estimate Est.Error l-95% CI u-95% CI Eff.Sample
## Intercept                  2.35      0.02     2.31     2.39       3000
## paternalage                0.14      0.02     0.11     0.18        940
## birth_cohort1950M1955     -0.46      0.01    -0.48    -0.45       3000
## birth_cohort1955M1960     -0.89      0.01    -0.90    -0.87       3000
## male1                     -0.47      0.01    -0.48    -0.46       3000
## maternalage.factor1420    -0.05      0.01    -0.07    -0.03       3000
## maternalage.factor3561    -0.01      0.01    -0.03     0.01       3000
## paternalage.mean          -0.22      0.02    -0.26    -0.19        991
## paternal_loss01           -0.18      0.22    -0.59     0.27       3000
## paternal_loss15           -0.15      0.07    -0.28    -0.01       3000
## paternal_loss510          -0.19      0.03    -0.25    -0.12       3000
## paternal_loss1015         -0.20      0.02    -0.24    -0.15       3000
## paternal_loss1520         -0.17      0.02    -0.20    -0.14       3000
## paternal_loss2025         -0.13      0.01    -0.15    -0.10       3000
## paternal_loss2530         -0.10      0.01    -0.12    -0.08       3000
## paternal_loss3035         -0.10      0.01    -0.12    -0.08       3000
## paternal_loss3540         -0.10      0.01    -0.11    -0.08       3000
## paternal_loss4045         -0.08      0.01    -0.10    -0.06       3000
## paternal_lossunclear       0.00      0.01    -0.02     0.01       3000
## maternal_loss01           -0.51      0.22    -0.93    -0.05       3000
## maternal_loss15           -0.32      0.10    -0.50    -0.12       3000
## maternal_loss510          -0.22      0.05    -0.31    -0.12       3000
## maternal_loss1015         -0.20      0.03    -0.26    -0.14       3000
## maternal_loss1520         -0.18      0.02    -0.23    -0.14       3000
## maternal_loss2025         -0.07      0.02    -0.11    -0.03       3000
## maternal_loss2530         -0.09      0.02    -0.13    -0.06       3000
## maternal_loss3035         -0.07      0.01    -0.10    -0.04       3000
## maternal_loss3540         -0.08      0.01    -0.10    -0.06       3000
## maternal_loss4045         -0.06      0.01    -0.08    -0.03       3000
## maternal_lossunclear       0.04      0.01     0.03     0.06       3000
## older_siblings1           -0.01      0.01    -0.03     0.00       1268
## older_siblings2           -0.03      0.01    -0.06     0.00        949
## older_siblings3           -0.07      0.02    -0.11    -0.03       1082
## older_siblings4           -0.15      0.03    -0.21    -0.10       1066
## older_siblings5P          -0.24      0.04    -0.31    -0.17        880
## nr.siblings                0.02      0.00     0.01     0.03        999
## last_born1                 0.05      0.01     0.04     0.06       3000
##                        Rhat
## Intercept              1.00
## paternalage            1.01
## birth_cohort1950M1955  1.00
## birth_cohort1955M1960  1.00
## male1                  1.00
## maternalage.factor1420 1.00
## maternalage.factor3561 1.00
## paternalage.mean       1.01
## paternal_loss01        1.00
## paternal_loss15        1.00
## paternal_loss510       1.00
## paternal_loss1015      1.00
## paternal_loss1520      1.00
## paternal_loss2025      1.00
## paternal_loss2530      1.00
## paternal_loss3035      1.00
## paternal_loss3540      1.00
## paternal_loss4045      1.00
## paternal_lossunclear   1.00
## maternal_loss01        1.00
## maternal_loss15        1.00
## maternal_loss510       1.00
## maternal_loss1015      1.00
## maternal_loss1520      1.00
## maternal_loss2025      1.00
## maternal_loss2530      1.00
## maternal_loss3035      1.00
## maternal_loss3540      1.00
## maternal_loss4045      1.00
## maternal_lossunclear   1.00
## older_siblings1        1.00
## older_siblings2        1.01
## older_siblings3        1.01
## older_siblings4        1.01
## older_siblings5P       1.01
## nr.siblings            1.01
## last_born1             1.00
## Samples were drawn using sampling(NUTS). For each parameter, Eff.Sample 
## is a crude measure of effective sample size, and Rhat is the potential 
## scale reduction factor on split chains (at convergence, Rhat = 1).

Table of fixed effects

Estimates are exp(b). When they are referring to the hurdle (hu) component, or a dichotomous outcome, they are odds ratios, when they are referring to a Poisson component, they are hazard ratios. In both cases, they are presented with 95% credibility intervals. To see the effects on the response scale (probability or number of children), consult the marginal effect plots.

fixed_eff = data.frame(model_summary$fixed, check.names = F)
fixed_eff$Est.Error = fixed_eff$Eff.Sample = fixed_eff$Rhat = NULL
fixed_eff$`Odds/hazard ratio` = exp(fixed_eff$Estimate)
fixed_eff$`OR/HR low 95%` = exp(fixed_eff$`l-95% CI`)
fixed_eff$`OR/HR high 95%` = exp(fixed_eff$`u-95% CI`)
fixed_eff = fixed_eff %>% select(`Odds/hazard ratio`, `OR/HR low 95%`, `OR/HR high 95%`)
  Odds/hazard ratio OR/HR low 95% OR/HR high 95%
Intercept 10.52 10.1 10.95
paternalage 1.152 1.115 1.193
birth_cohort1950M1955 0.6305 0.6209 0.6401
birth_cohort1955M1960 0.4118 0.4055 0.4186
male1 0.6232 0.6165 0.6297
maternalage.factor1420 0.9553 0.9363 0.9753
maternalage.factor3561 0.9896 0.9717 1.008
paternalage.mean 0.7989 0.7718 0.826
paternal_loss01 0.8365 0.5541 1.305
paternal_loss15 0.8641 0.7526 0.989
paternal_loss510 0.8309 0.7792 0.8865
paternal_loss1015 0.8224 0.7897 0.8571
paternal_loss1520 0.8452 0.8185 0.8733
paternal_loss2025 0.8817 0.8592 0.9056
paternal_loss2530 0.9054 0.8837 0.9265
paternal_loss3035 0.9025 0.8836 0.9218
paternal_loss3540 0.9089 0.8921 0.9259
paternal_loss4045 0.9245 0.9059 0.9431
paternal_lossunclear 0.998 0.9836 1.013
maternal_loss01 0.5983 0.3931 0.9509
maternal_loss15 0.7294 0.606 0.8865
maternal_loss510 0.8035 0.7305 0.8848
maternal_loss1015 0.8208 0.7698 0.8731
maternal_loss1520 0.832 0.7949 0.8729
maternal_loss2025 0.9349 0.8985 0.9722
maternal_loss2530 0.9097 0.8802 0.9424
maternal_loss3035 0.9296 0.9025 0.957
maternal_loss3540 0.9218 0.9006 0.9435
maternal_loss4045 0.9461 0.9249 0.9676
maternal_lossunclear 1.046 1.032 1.06
older_siblings1 0.9864 0.9699 1.003
older_siblings2 0.968 0.9399 0.9954
older_siblings3 0.9319 0.8938 0.9716
older_siblings4 0.8588 0.8097 0.9074
older_siblings5P 0.7865 0.7307 0.8459
nr.siblings 1.018 1.011 1.026
last_born1 1.05 1.038 1.062

Paternal age effect

effect median_estimate ci_95 ci_80
estimate father 25y 0.86 [0.85;0.86] [0.85;0.86]
estimate father 35y 0.86 [0.86;0.87] [0.86;0.86]
percentage change 0.82 [0.63;1.01] [0.69;0.95]
OR/IRR 1.15 [1.11;1.19] [1.13;1.18]

Marginal effect plots

In these marginal effect plots, we set all predictors except the one shown on the X axis to their mean and in the case of factors to their reference level. We then plot the estimated association between the X axis predictor and the outcome on the response scale (e.g. probability of survival/marriage or number of children).

    x = marginal_effects(model, re_formula = NA, probs = c(0.025,0.975)),
    y = marginal_effects(model, re_formula = NA, probs = c(0.1,0.9)), 
    ask = FALSE)

Coefficient plot

Here, we plotted the 95% posterior densities for the unexponentiated model coefficients (b_). The darkly shaded area represents the 50% credibility interval, the dark line represent the posterior mean estimate.

mcmc_areas(as.matrix(model$fit), regex_pars = "b_[^I]", point_est = "mean", prob = 0.50, prob_outer = 0.95) + ggtitle("Posterior densities with means and 50% intervals") + analysis_theme + theme(axis.text = element_text(size = 12), panel.grid = element_blank()) + xlab("Coefficient size")


These plots were made to diagnose misfit and nonconvergence.

Posterior predictive checks

In posterior predictive checks, we test whether we can approximately reproduce the real data distribution from our model.

brms::pp_check(model, re_formula = NA, type = "dens_overlay")

brms::pp_check(model, re_formula = NA, type = "hist")


Did the 6 chains converge?

stanplot(model, pars = "^b_[^I]", type = 'rhat')

Effective sample size over average sample size

stanplot(model, pars = "^b", type = 'neff_hist')

Trace plots

Trace plots are only shown in the case of nonconvergence.

if(any( summary(model)$fixed[,"Rhat"] > 1.1)) { # only do traceplots if not converged
    plot(model, N = 3, ask = FALSE)

File/cluster script name

This model was stored in the file: coefs/swed/e3_ever_married.rds.

Click the following link to see the script used to generate this model:

opts_chunk$set(echo = FALSE)
clusterscript = str_replace(basename(model_filename), "\\.rds",".html")
cat("[Cluster script](" , clusterscript, ")", sep = "")

Cluster script

e4: Number of children

Here, we predict the number of children that the anchor had. To separate this effect from previous selective episodes, we include only ever-married anchors and control for their number of spouses (interacted with sex, because men tend to have more additional children from further spouses).

Model summary

Full summary

model_summary = summary(model, use_cache = FALSE, priors = TRUE)
##  Family: poisson(log) 
## Formula: children ~ paternalage + birth_cohort + spouses * male + maternalage.factor + paternalage.mean + paternal_loss + maternal_loss + older_siblings + nr.siblings + last_born + (1 | idParents) 
##    Data: model_data (Number of observations: 1032368) 
## Samples: 6 chains, each with iter = 1500; warmup = 500; thin = 1; 
##          total post-warmup samples = 6000
##    WAIC: Not computed
## Priors: 
## b ~ normal(0,5)
## sd ~ student_t(3, 0, 5)
## Group-Level Effects: 
## ~idParents (Number of levels: 719113) 
##               Estimate Est.Error l-95% CI u-95% CI Eff.Sample Rhat
## sd(Intercept)        0         0        0        0       2848    1
## Population-Level Effects: 
##                        Estimate Est.Error l-95% CI u-95% CI Eff.Sample
## Intercept                  0.57      0.01     0.56     0.58       6000
## paternalage               -0.04      0.00    -0.05    -0.03       2828
## birth_cohort1950M1955      0.06      0.00     0.05     0.06       6000
## birth_cohort1955M1960      0.08      0.00     0.08     0.08       6000
## spouses                    0.10      0.00     0.09     0.10       6000
## male1                     -0.04      0.00    -0.05    -0.03       6000
## maternalage.factor1420     0.03      0.00     0.02     0.03       6000
## maternalage.factor3561     0.01      0.00     0.00     0.01       6000
## paternalage.mean           0.03      0.00     0.02     0.04       2939
## paternal_loss01            0.10      0.06    -0.02     0.22       6000
## paternal_loss15            0.02      0.02    -0.02     0.06       6000
## paternal_loss510           0.00      0.01    -0.02     0.01       6000
## paternal_loss1015          0.01      0.01    -0.01     0.02       6000
## paternal_loss1520          0.00      0.00     0.00     0.01       6000
## paternal_loss2025          0.00      0.00    -0.01     0.01       6000
## paternal_loss2530          0.00      0.00    -0.01     0.00       6000
## paternal_loss3035          0.00      0.00    -0.01     0.00       6000
## paternal_loss3540          0.00      0.00    -0.01     0.00       6000
## paternal_loss4045          0.00      0.00    -0.01     0.00       6000
## paternal_lossunclear      -0.01      0.00    -0.02    -0.01       6000
## maternal_loss01           -0.07      0.08    -0.23     0.09       6000
## maternal_loss15           -0.01      0.03    -0.07     0.05       6000
## maternal_loss510           0.02      0.01    -0.01     0.05       6000
## maternal_loss1015          0.00      0.01    -0.02     0.02       6000
## maternal_loss1520          0.00      0.01    -0.01     0.02       6000
## maternal_loss2025          0.01      0.01     0.00     0.02       6000
## maternal_loss2530          0.01      0.00     0.00     0.01       6000
## maternal_loss3035          0.00      0.00     0.00     0.01       6000
## maternal_loss3540          0.00      0.00    -0.01     0.01       6000
## maternal_loss4045          0.00      0.00    -0.01     0.00       6000
## maternal_lossunclear       0.00      0.00     0.00     0.00       6000
## older_siblings1            0.01      0.00     0.00     0.01       3530
## older_siblings2            0.01      0.00     0.00     0.02       2955
## older_siblings3            0.01      0.01     0.00     0.02       2952
## older_siblings4            0.00      0.01    -0.01     0.01       3123
## older_siblings5P          -0.04      0.01    -0.06    -0.02       2899
## nr.siblings                0.03      0.00     0.03     0.03       2892
## last_born1                 0.00      0.00     0.00     0.00       6000
## spouses:male1              0.05      0.00     0.04     0.05       6000
##                        Rhat
## Intercept                 1
## paternalage               1
## birth_cohort1950M1955     1
## birth_cohort1955M1960     1
## spouses                   1
## male1                     1
## maternalage.factor1420    1
## maternalage.factor3561    1
## paternalage.mean          1
## paternal_loss01           1
## paternal_loss15           1
## paternal_loss510          1
## paternal_loss1015         1
## paternal_loss1520         1
## paternal_loss2025         1
## paternal_loss2530         1
## paternal_loss3035         1
## paternal_loss3540         1
## paternal_loss4045         1
## paternal_lossunclear      1
## maternal_loss01           1
## maternal_loss15           1
## maternal_loss510          1
## maternal_loss1015         1
## maternal_loss1520         1
## maternal_loss2025         1
## maternal_loss2530         1
## maternal_loss3035         1
## maternal_loss3540         1
## maternal_loss4045         1
## maternal_lossunclear      1
## older_siblings1           1
## older_siblings2           1
## older_siblings3           1
## older_siblings4           1
## older_siblings5P          1
## nr.siblings               1
## last_born1                1
## spouses:male1             1
## Samples were drawn using sampling(NUTS). For each parameter, Eff.Sample 
## is a crude measure of effective sample size, and Rhat is the potential 
## scale reduction factor on split chains (at convergence, Rhat = 1).

Table of fixed effects

Estimates are exp(b). When they are referring to the hurdle (hu) component, or a dichotomous outcome, they are odds ratios, when they are referring to a Poisson component, they are hazard ratios. In both cases, they are presented with 95% credibility intervals. To see the effects on the response scale (probability or number of children), consult the marginal effect plots.

fixed_eff = data.frame(model_summary$fixed, check.names = F)
fixed_eff$Est.Error = fixed_eff$Eff.Sample = fixed_eff$Rhat = NULL
fixed_eff$`Odds/hazard ratio` = exp(fixed_eff$Estimate)
fixed_eff$`OR/HR low 95%` = exp(fixed_eff$`l-95% CI`)
fixed_eff$`OR/HR high 95%` = exp(fixed_eff$`u-95% CI`)
fixed_eff = fixed_eff %>% select(`Odds/hazard ratio`, `OR/HR low 95%`, `OR/HR high 95%`)
  Odds/hazard ratio OR/HR low 95% OR/HR high 95%
Intercept 1.77 1.751 1.79
paternalage 0.9617 0.9536 0.9702
birth_cohort1950M1955 1.058 1.054 1.061
birth_cohort1955M1960 1.084 1.08 1.088
spouses 1.1 1.096 1.104
male1 0.9617 0.955 0.9685
maternalage.factor1420 1.03 1.024 1.035
maternalage.factor3561 1.007 1.002 1.012
paternalage.mean 1.029 1.02 1.038
paternal_loss01 1.105 0.9832 1.242
paternal_loss15 1.023 0.9818 1.065
paternal_loss510 0.9961 0.9773 1.015
paternal_loss1015 1.006 0.9947 1.018
paternal_loss1520 1.004 0.9956 1.013
paternal_loss2025 0.9983 0.9911 1.005
paternal_loss2530 0.9983 0.9925 1.004
paternal_loss3035 0.9996 0.9942 1.005
paternal_loss3540 0.9982 0.9935 1.003
paternal_loss4045 0.9955 0.9905 1
paternal_lossunclear 0.9869 0.9833 0.9907
maternal_loss01 0.9341 0.795 1.093
maternal_loss15 0.9902 0.9281 1.054
maternal_loss510 1.019 0.9898 1.049
maternal_loss1015 0.9996 0.9827 1.017
maternal_loss1520 1.003 0.9898 1.016
maternal_loss2025 1.007 0.996 1.018
maternal_loss2530 1.005 0.9964 1.015
maternal_loss3035 1.005 0.9972 1.012
maternal_loss3540 0.9991 0.9928 1.005
maternal_loss4045 0.9988 0.9927 1.005
maternal_lossunclear 0.9985 0.9952 1.002
older_siblings1 1.009 1.005 1.013
older_siblings2 1.012 1.005 1.02
older_siblings3 1.008 0.9976 1.02
older_siblings4 1 0.986 1.015
older_siblings5P 0.9589 0.9416 0.9767
nr.siblings 1.031 1.029 1.033
last_born1 1.001 0.9981 1.004
spouses:male1 1.048 1.043 1.054

Paternal age effect

effect median_estimate ci_95 ci_80
estimate father 25y 2.05 [2.04;2.06] [2.05;2.06]
estimate father 35y 1.97 [1.96;1.99] [1.96;1.98]
percentage change -3.82 [-4.64;-2.98] [-4.38;-3.28]
OR/IRR 0.96 [0.95;0.97] [0.96;0.97]

Marginal effect plots

In these marginal effect plots, we set all predictors except the one shown on the X axis to their mean and in the case of factors to their reference level. We then plot the estimated association between the X axis predictor and the outcome on the response scale (e.g. probability of survival/marriage or number of children).

    x = marginal_effects(model, re_formula = NA, probs = c(0.025,0.975)),
    y = marginal_effects(model, re_formula = NA, probs = c(0.1,0.9)), 
    ask = FALSE)

Coefficient plot

Here, we plotted the 95% posterior densities for the unexponentiated model coefficients (b_). The darkly shaded area represents the 50% credibility interval, the dark line represent the posterior mean estimate.

mcmc_areas(as.matrix(model$fit), regex_pars = "b_[^I]", point_est = "mean", prob = 0.50, prob_outer = 0.95) + ggtitle("Posterior densities with means and 50% intervals") + analysis_theme + theme(axis.text = element_text(size = 12), panel.grid = element_blank()) + xlab("Coefficient size")


These plots were made to diagnose misfit and nonconvergence.

Posterior predictive checks

In posterior predictive checks, we test whether we can approximately reproduce the real data distribution from our model.

brms::pp_check(model, re_formula = NA, type = "dens_overlay")

brms::pp_check(model, re_formula = NA, type = "hist")


Did the 6 chains converge?

stanplot(model, pars = "^b_[^I]", type = 'rhat')

Effective sample size over average sample size

stanplot(model, pars = "^b", type = 'neff_hist')

Trace plots

Trace plots are only shown in the case of nonconvergence.

if(any( summary(model)$fixed[,"Rhat"] > 1.1)) { # only do traceplots if not converged
    plot(model, N = 3, ask = FALSE)

File/cluster script name

This model was stored in the file: coefs/swed/e4_children.rds.

Click the following link to see the script used to generate this model:

opts_chunk$set(echo = FALSE)
clusterscript = str_replace(basename(model_filename), "\\.rds",".html")
cat("[Cluster script](" , clusterscript, ")", sep = "")

Cluster script

e5: Probability of ever divorcing

Here, we predict the probability of ever divorcing. To separate this effect from previous selective episodes, we include only ever-married anchors. Divorce data was only analysed in modern Sweden.

Model summary

Full summary

model_summary = summary(model, use_cache = FALSE, priors = TRUE)
##  Family: bernoulli(cauchit) 
## Formula: ever_divorced ~ paternalage + spouses + birth_cohort + male + maternalage.factor + paternalage.mean + paternal_loss + maternal_loss + older_siblings + nr.siblings + last_born + (1 | idParents) 
##    Data: model_data (Number of observations: 1032368) 
## Samples: 6 chains, each with iter = 800; warmup = 300; thin = 1; 
##          total post-warmup samples = 3000
##    WAIC: Not computed
## Priors: 
## b ~ normal(0,5)
## sd ~ student_t(3, 0, 5)
## Group-Level Effects: 
## ~idParents (Number of levels: 719113) 
##               Estimate Est.Error l-95% CI u-95% CI Eff.Sample Rhat
## sd(Intercept)     0.81      0.01     0.79     0.83        427 1.01
## Population-Level Effects: 
##                        Estimate Est.Error l-95% CI u-95% CI Eff.Sample
## Intercept                 -0.79      0.03    -0.84    -0.74       3000
## paternalage               -0.03      0.02    -0.07     0.02       1573
## spouses                   14.53      0.20    14.15    14.91       3000
## birth_cohort1950M1955      0.04      0.01     0.02     0.05       3000
## birth_cohort1955M1960      0.14      0.01     0.12     0.16       3000
## male1                     -0.03      0.01    -0.05    -0.02       3000
## maternalage.factor1420     0.16      0.01     0.13     0.18       3000
## maternalage.factor3561    -0.11      0.01    -0.14    -0.09       3000
## paternalage.mean          -0.17      0.02    -0.21    -0.12       1566
## paternal_loss01           -0.21      0.34    -0.94     0.37       3000
## paternal_loss15            0.35      0.09     0.17     0.52       3000
## paternal_loss510           0.37      0.04     0.29     0.45       3000
## paternal_loss1015          0.28      0.03     0.23     0.33       3000
## paternal_loss1520          0.24      0.02     0.20     0.28       3000
## paternal_loss2025          0.18      0.02     0.15     0.22       3000
## paternal_loss2530          0.15      0.02     0.12     0.18       3000
## paternal_loss3035          0.13      0.01     0.10     0.16       3000
## paternal_loss3540          0.08      0.01     0.06     0.10       3000
## paternal_loss4045          0.06      0.01     0.04     0.09       3000
## paternal_lossunclear       0.08      0.01     0.06     0.09       3000
## maternal_loss01            0.55      0.27    -0.02     1.07       3000
## maternal_loss15            0.06      0.14    -0.23     0.32       3000
## maternal_loss510           0.22      0.07     0.08     0.34       3000
## maternal_loss1015          0.16      0.04     0.08     0.25       3000
## maternal_loss1520          0.19      0.03     0.13     0.25       3000
## maternal_loss2025          0.15      0.03     0.09     0.20       3000
## maternal_loss2530          0.08      0.02     0.03     0.12       3000
## maternal_loss3035          0.13      0.02     0.09     0.16       3000
## maternal_loss3540          0.07      0.02     0.04     0.10       3000
## maternal_loss4045          0.04      0.02     0.02     0.07       3000
## maternal_lossunclear       0.01      0.01     0.00     0.03       3000
## older_siblings1           -0.03      0.01    -0.05    -0.01       1818
## older_siblings2           -0.03      0.02    -0.06     0.01       1650
## older_siblings3            0.02      0.03    -0.04     0.07       1571
## older_siblings4            0.04      0.04    -0.04     0.11       1608
## older_siblings5P           0.06      0.05    -0.03     0.15       1696
## nr.siblings                0.00      0.00     0.00     0.01       1599
## last_born1                -0.02      0.01    -0.04    -0.01       3000
##                        Rhat
## Intercept                 1
## paternalage               1
## spouses                   1
## birth_cohort1950M1955     1
## birth_cohort1955M1960     1
## male1                     1
## maternalage.factor1420    1
## maternalage.factor3561    1
## paternalage.mean          1
## paternal_loss01           1
## paternal_loss15           1
## paternal_loss510          1
## paternal_loss1015         1
## paternal_loss1520         1
## paternal_loss2025         1
## paternal_loss2530         1
## paternal_loss3035         1
## paternal_loss3540         1
## paternal_loss4045         1
## paternal_lossunclear      1
## maternal_loss01           1
## maternal_loss15           1
## maternal_loss510          1
## maternal_loss1015         1
## maternal_loss1520         1
## maternal_loss2025         1
## maternal_loss2530         1
## maternal_loss3035         1
## maternal_loss3540         1
## maternal_loss4045         1
## maternal_lossunclear      1
## older_siblings1           1
## older_siblings2           1
## older_siblings3           1
## older_siblings4           1
## older_siblings5P          1
## nr.siblings               1
## last_born1                1
## Samples were drawn using sampling(NUTS). For each parameter, Eff.Sample 
## is a crude measure of effective sample size, and Rhat is the potential 
## scale reduction factor on split chains (at convergence, Rhat = 1).

Table of fixed effects

Estimates are exp(b). When they are referring to the hurdle (hu) component, or a dichotomous outcome, they are odds ratios, when they are referring to a Poisson component, they are hazard ratios. In both cases, they are presented with 95% credibility intervals. To see the effects on the response scale (probability or number of children), consult the marginal effect plots.

fixed_eff = data.frame(model_summary$fixed, check.names = F)
fixed_eff$Est.Error = fixed_eff$Eff.Sample = fixed_eff$Rhat = NULL
fixed_eff$`Odds/hazard ratio` = exp(fixed_eff$Estimate)
fixed_eff$`OR/HR low 95%` = exp(fixed_eff$`l-95% CI`)
fixed_eff$`OR/HR high 95%` = exp(fixed_eff$`u-95% CI`)
fixed_eff = fixed_eff %>% select(`Odds/hazard ratio`, `OR/HR low 95%`, `OR/HR high 95%`)
  Odds/hazard ratio OR/HR low 95% OR/HR high 95%
Intercept 0.4529 0.4302 0.4759
paternalage 0.9711 0.9299 1.016
spouses 2043904 1402661 2995616
birth_cohort1950M1955 1.036 1.017 1.056
birth_cohort1955M1960 1.147 1.126 1.169
male1 0.9688 0.9559 0.9813
maternalage.factor1420 1.171 1.144 1.198
maternalage.factor3561 0.893 0.8711 0.9159
paternalage.mean 0.8453 0.8083 0.8833
paternal_loss01 0.808 0.3913 1.451
paternal_loss15 1.415 1.184 1.68
paternal_loss510 1.453 1.34 1.572
paternal_loss1015 1.322 1.254 1.394
paternal_loss1520 1.266 1.218 1.319
paternal_loss2025 1.202 1.16 1.244
paternal_loss2530 1.158 1.123 1.194
paternal_loss3035 1.142 1.11 1.173
paternal_loss3540 1.083 1.058 1.11
paternal_loss4045 1.067 1.041 1.094
paternal_lossunclear 1.078 1.059 1.098
maternal_loss01 1.73 0.9785 2.923
maternal_loss15 1.058 0.7947 1.38
maternal_loss510 1.24 1.087 1.408
maternal_loss1015 1.179 1.085 1.278
maternal_loss1520 1.214 1.14 1.29
maternal_loss2025 1.157 1.099 1.219
maternal_loss2530 1.081 1.035 1.129
maternal_loss3035 1.134 1.093 1.175
maternal_loss3540 1.068 1.036 1.102
maternal_loss4045 1.046 1.015 1.078
maternal_lossunclear 1.012 0.9957 1.028
older_siblings1 0.9732 0.9526 0.9943
older_siblings2 0.9738 0.9376 1.01
older_siblings3 1.016 0.9629 1.071
older_siblings4 1.038 0.9649 1.115
older_siblings5P 1.058 0.9669 1.16
nr.siblings 1.005 0.9956 1.014
last_born1 0.9755 0.9621 0.9891

Paternal age effect

effect median_estimate ci_95 ci_80
estimate father 25y 0.2 [0.2;0.2] [0.2;0.2]
estimate father 35y 0.2 [0.19;0.2] [0.19;0.2]
percentage change -0.32 [-0.78;0.17] [-0.62;0]
OR/IRR 0.97 [0.93;1.02] [0.94;1]

Marginal effect plots

In these marginal effect plots, we set all predictors except the one shown on the X axis to their mean and in the case of factors to their reference level. We then plot the estimated association between the X axis predictor and the outcome on the response scale (e.g. probability of survival/marriage or number of children).

    x = marginal_effects(model, re_formula = NA, probs = c(0.025,0.975)),
    y = marginal_effects(model, re_formula = NA, probs = c(0.1,0.9)), 
    ask = FALSE)

Coefficient plot

Here, we plotted the 95% posterior densities for the unexponentiated model coefficients (b_). The darkly shaded area represents the 50% credibility interval, the dark line represent the posterior mean estimate.

mcmc_areas(as.matrix(model$fit), regex_pars = "b_[^I]", point_est = "mean", prob = 0.50, prob_outer = 0.95) + ggtitle("Posterior densities with means and 50% intervals") + analysis_theme + theme(axis.text = element_text(size = 12), panel.grid = element_blank()) + xlab("Coefficient size")


These plots were made to diagnose misfit and nonconvergence.

Posterior predictive checks

In posterior predictive checks, we test whether we can approximately reproduce the real data distribution from our model.

brms::pp_check(model, re_formula = NA, type = "dens_overlay")

brms::pp_check(model, re_formula = NA, type = "hist")


Did the 6 chains converge?

stanplot(model, pars = "^b_[^I]", type = 'rhat')

Effective sample size over average sample size

stanplot(model, pars = "^b", type = 'neff_hist')

Trace plots

Trace plots are only shown in the case of nonconvergence.

if(any( summary(model)$fixed[,"Rhat"] > 1.1)) { # only do traceplots if not converged
    plot(model, N = 3, ask = FALSE)

File/cluster script name

This model was stored in the file: coefs/swed/e5_divorce.rds.

Click the following link to see the script used to generate this model:

opts_chunk$set(echo = FALSE)
clusterscript = str_replace(basename(model_filename), "\\.rds",".html")
cat("[Cluster script](" , clusterscript, ")", sep = "")

Cluster script

All episodes

Here we show the effect of paternal age for each episode.