Data wrangling

Get data and merge

set up basics

opts_chunk$set(tidy = FALSE,cache = F, warning = F, message = F)

## ausfuehren zeilenweise mit dem run-knopf (rechts oben in diesem fenster-segment)
## oder mit strg-enter
# get credentials
# formr_connect(credentials$user, credentials$password, host = credentials$host)
# credentials = list(host = credentials$host)

Load, clean, aggregate data

theme_set(theme_tufte(base_size = 12, base_family = 'Helvetica Neue'))
# einleit ="Einleitender_Fragebogen", host = credentials$host))
# einleit_WAMS ="Einleitender_Fragebogen_WAMS", host = credentials$host))
# einleit = setDF(rbind.fill(einleit, einleit_WAMS))
# rm(einleit_WAMS)
# einleit_items = formr_items("Einleitender_Fragebogen_WAMS", host = credentials$host)
# einleit =, einleit, compute_alphas = T,plot_likert = T ))
# vorab_old ="Vorab_Fragebogen1", host = credentials$host))
# vorab_WAMS ="Vorab_Fragebogen1_WAMS", host = credentials$host))
# vorab_items = formr_items("Vorab_Fragebogen1_WAMS", host = credentials$host)
# tagebuch ="Taeglicher_Fragebogen_1", host = credentials$host))
# abschluss ="Abschluss_Fragebogen_1", host = credentials$host))
# nachbe = formr_results("Nachbefragung_Menstruation", host = credentials$host) %>%
# nachbe_other_hormonal ="Nachbefragung_other_hormonal", compute_alphas = T, host = credentials$host))

Eliminate duplicates due to testing, errors

# test_sessions = c(einleit[duplicated(session), session], "616ccf34994fcf7fa170a49c676496a96b26e9315ee81180939fc8bd951ea315")
# einleit = einleit[ !session %in% test_sessions, ]
# einleit = einleit[ !, ]
# stopifnot(0 == sum(duplicated(einleit$session)))
# vorab_old = vorab_old[ !session %in% test_sessions, ]
# vorab_WAMS = vorab_WAMS[ !session %in% test_sessions, ]
# vorab = setDF(rbind.fill(vorab_old, vorab_WAMS))
# vorab =, vorab,compute_alphas = T,plot_likert = T ))
# stopifnot(0 == sum(duplicated(vorab$session)))
# vorab[, ended := NA] # interrupters who we disabled
# abschluss = abschluss[ order( rev(created)) , ]
# abschluss = abschluss[ !duplicated(session), ]
# stopifnot(0 == sum(duplicated(abschluss$session)))
# nachbe_other_hormonal$session_id = as.numeric(nachbe_other_hormonal$session_id )
# nachbe_other_hormonal = nachbe_other_hormonal[!session_id %in% c(171983, 171984), ]
# stopifnot(0 == sum(duplicated(nachbe_other_hormonal$session)))
# theme_set(theme_tufte(base_size = 20, base_family = 'Helvetica Neue'))
# einleit = einleit %>% select(-email, -referring_website, -browser, -mobile_nr)
# save(einleit, vorab, tagebuch, abschluss,nachbe, nachbe_other_hormonal, file = 'pretty_raw.rdata')

Merge vorab and abschluss

p0 = merge(einleit[,list(session,age, gender, sex_orientation, hetero_relationship)], vorab, by = "session", all.x = T)
p1 <- merge(p0, abschluss, by = "session", all.x = T, suffixes = c(".vorab",".abschluss"))
names(nachbe_other_hormonal)[2:5] = paste0(names(nachbe_other_hormonal)[2:5], ".nachbe_other_hormonal")
xsection <- merge(p1, nachbe_other_hormonal, by = "session", all.x = T)

Subset data

pipeline_hc = pipeline = list()
pipeline$signed_up = sum(!$age))
xsection = xsection %>% filter(!
pipeline$ineligible = sum(xsection$gender != 1 | xsection$hetero_relationship != 1, na.rm = T)
xsection = xsection %>% filter(gender == 1 & hetero_relationship == 1)
pipeline$did_not_complete_pre_survey = sum($ended.vorab), na.rm = TRUE)
xsection = xsection %>% filter(! #only those who ended vorab
pipeline$finished_pre_survey = nrow(xsection)

tagebuch = tagebuch[ ! & ! & session %in% xsection$session, ]  # no duds/testers
tagebuch$created_date = as.Date(tagebuch$created - dhours(9))
tagebuch$sess_day = paste(tagebuch$session, tagebuch$created_date)
table(duplicated(tagebuch$sess_day)) # 41 dupes due to an early bug
## 30930    41
setkey(tagebuch, session, created, ended, modified)
tagebuch = tagebuch[!duplicated(tagebuch$sess_day), ]

Hypotheses guessed

xsection$hypothesis_guessed = NA_character_ # Hypothese erraten variable erstmal bei allen auf “unkodiert” setzen
# cat(xsection[ ! &, str_c( str_sub(session, 1, 10),"\n", meaning_study,"\n\n") ]) # zeigt alle die was geschrieben haben, aber nur die bei denen wir die Hypothese noch nicht kodiert haben
## beginnend bei Nr. 2 Abschluss FB
xsection$short = str_sub(xsection$session,1,10)
xsection[ short == "c8cabb2407", hypothesis_guessed := "pille" ]
xsection[ short == "0d2804a063", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "df96f1da5c", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "a9995fe3d9", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "3f776540f0", hypothesis_guessed := "zyklus, pille" ]
xsection[ short == "b726d9cd36", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "2a656528d8", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "1794115cf9", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "6d97f9db84", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "5528d129af", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "3f776540f0", hypothesis_guessed := "zyklus, pille" ]
xsection[ short == "d323f2f23e", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "0d2804a063", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "b45e6029af", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "06d8ad9352", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "daf19d11c5", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "ad9c9b9040", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "602532ed06", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "ef5d7a4afe", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "4bb6d35c60", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "2709df5b65", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "1d55f16def", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "1efa2a7b59", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "0ce9853874", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "e164a28749", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "304bca7f58", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "21054c807c", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "35bb4b9d0e", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "0e8fb367d5", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "2001e6b0ba", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "4adad13adb", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "43273cd6f1", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "7d15b96270", hypothesis_guessed := "zyklus" ]
xsection[ short == "129ac3ab6d", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "f9cc25fe9f", hypothesis_guessed := "zyklus" ]
xsection[ short == "2384901dd0", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "e13702498c", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "df96f1da5c", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "610e6193fc", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "14c0d954f2", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "09521151c3", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "74c219c7b4", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "8a656581da", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "714c09c81d", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "968add9413", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "4b1c22b386", hypothesis_guessed := "zyklus" ]
xsection[ short == "741097daab", hypothesis_guessed := "menstruation" ]
xsection[ short == "2fff8152a1", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "9c1c191a8c", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "fae818546b", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "905fa66d73", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "a9995fe3d9", hypothesis_guessed := "zyklus" ]
xsection[ short == "9e7ca102d1", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "c368a1d25c", hypothesis_guessed := "zyklus" ]
xsection[ short == "7f71877363", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "354137dd7f", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "d7c1497736", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "5a52338d59", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "1f21c8d01f", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "4402465c96", hypothesis_guessed := "zyklus" ]
xsection[ short == "8de9e8403b", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "56306eba82", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "34015d752d", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "935ade8964", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "75b7a0b580", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "7a5e6c3fe0", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "24af1309b4", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "6a32bf9e58", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "c6e2a0e0f5", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "a269d1c49b", hypothesis_guessed := "zyklus" ]
xsection[ short == "41a22ad56a", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "2a32bc55a7", hypothesis_guessed := "zyklus" ]
xsection[ short == "7e3f2d22a8", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "c680d6faed", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "28a22bdb79", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "b7313e1259", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "76f7da03e6", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "236a466536", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "d8c77b5d7e", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "998a173634", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "8765bada78", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "eb50f2a1b0", hypothesis_guessed := "zyklus" ]
xsection[ short == "75ca1e55f3", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "36bf3909cd", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "6b4c442294", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "cfd0e370c2", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "da9c04f1dc", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "b15de9d994", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "927a815661", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "f206eb6c66", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "a05777d688", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "008e1a3846", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "77bec8f9fa", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "ffe3de7ada", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "ce9110b32c", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "3d236f5b13", hypothesis_guessed := "zyklus" ]
xsection[ short == "31fae1e494", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "7d63af564f", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "0643a31c42", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "6a451c3559", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "1794115cf9", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "bde2228088", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "7bcb402ac2", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "56e91fba0d", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "e4878941c8", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "d9040996f0", hypothesis_guessed := "pille" ]
xsection[ short == "1b186d0bdf", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "a8f5c15eab", hypothesis_guessed := "zyklus" ]
xsection[ short == "5fa900360e", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "0659e0ce76", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "99f35b7279", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "245e4d3f8e", hypothesis_guessed := "zyklus" ]
xsection[ short == "bd88ffe4c2", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "9400580d09", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "9a38c0f7a8", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "90e1277822", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "02b30a1e88", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "ae90c6f50d", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "43a25b3770", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "58f42542f3", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "5770242e01", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "fe928a062c", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "0fcec7e9e9", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "44f48a8b61", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "be468466cb", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "8de9e8403b", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "daf776aeb5", hypothesis_guessed := "pille, zyklus" ]
xsection[ short == "c02d06c4b6", hypothesis_guessed := "pille" ]
xsection[ short == "24ed183204", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "dd208c8a34", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "5089861ec1", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "6e977547c4", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "f786b346c8", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "96751721dd", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "f5448770a6", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "646c651ea4", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "9f8b9c389a", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "411c91350a", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "21b5146134", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "445c1bbf06", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "b068b06b12", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "ec4505ed59", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "6a01498107", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "f1177b77af", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "689259c4a0", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "c5a8fe1c2e", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "b726d9cd36", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "f42ae3caec", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "cb90b67420", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "28012aed5e", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "9bb8c4ea35", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "fa12f9e203", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "64bd3dba20", hypothesis_guessed := "pille" ]
xsection[ short == "7b2fcea8a5", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "19bca0c45f", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "d79c17faef", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "6d97f9db84", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "2a656528d8", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "82d0f82850", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "0a28af0a59", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "e2f049ef95", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "28a246460d", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "44ed3a0f94", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "128e5f2f9a", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "53bf4f5456", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "9f61438d5f", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "5530688d48", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "cd75c19fa1", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "59131d88d4", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "8a891f90ce", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "37276e25e2", hypothesis_guessed := "zyklus" ]
xsection[ short == "8ec26c9036", hypothesis_guessed := "zyklus" ]
xsection[ short == "01c277d3d0", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "c6dd42db4b", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "b1ec2b199e", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "79bf667244", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "38bb042edd", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "1c40c3e9b3", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "a996908c50", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "2e7a8138ce", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "e8142dfc42", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "74996f8517", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "5528d129af", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "fe1da43c1c", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "ad5b746840", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "21d26d2761", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "a902d3062e", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "4e9893da3b", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "220d10348e", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "23edbdf284", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "25199bbae1", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "abe4c9949e", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]

# Kodierung Hanne reinkopiert
xsection[ short == "03b4587939", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "7392ad15ff", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "0de89e1e3c", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "21523ad67c", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "16d4342214", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "b9294fe7be", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "6d3d339b5c", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "2ccbf1f5a6", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "9787db1a54", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "3b4ef0781b", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "38cb0923c8", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "008ee8cd6a", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "6bf2fadeab", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "3d58cbb50e", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "5cb71cce8b", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "79e1cb73fe", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "c4b0225e39", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "c7eb229822", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "5817ad784e", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "b0ef6c5149", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "c70fa419b0", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "1f4a0cf36f", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "2dafb15a0a", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "fb035fee5a", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "7a76030651", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "b5af1bfbf8", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "d1ea29bce0", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "61d9f3549e", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "f480464fff", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "c4c8152b39", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "dd791f1ba9", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "17ecc0eef7", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "4baca29e4a", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "c3d67296d9", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "c78f64a555", hypothesis_guessed := "zyklus" ]
xsection[ short == "2b408b1e5b", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "ddf84eabe6", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "1630e644ea", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "6944eadc16", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "534af6e9d1", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "f7f94664b3", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "c807b3d9ff", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "4233be9e00", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "b8aa6808e6", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "5b4fad6f3f", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "31f770fe6a", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "a27b5c61e7", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "e5da8d89ef", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "833a015ee7", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "5a27112b81", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "a781509efd", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "d397efe829", hypothesis_guessed := "pille" ]
xsection[ short == "0069356382", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "75c9e5f68a", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "4167741e29", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "1b6147d4d2", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "39800782ec", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "83c84a5860", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "6b8a2e2171", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "742ef3fc8f", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "1f8cff71d7", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "ad9c9b9040", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "cea9927c59", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "df09cb4538", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "99e3b135c8", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "910d9ca63a", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "e7e992c12b", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "23e08d5150", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "942fd09099", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "2f401ccc7c", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "63df0811f6", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "8d46295b6e", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "b24ef936be", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "a7f647e8cb", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "f5b82733fb", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "aa5c29c4db", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "897feb9564", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "03cf5578bd", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "34e3dfaf38", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "258a5b9029", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "9e7394a8ce", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "c0a44a7da5", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "8486317f22", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "d6cce71fb6", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "f67c42dab9", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "7caf85a1eb", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "c9eb12c2b6", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "b554aec2b1", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "dc15d44631", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "20804b1327", hypothesis_guessed := "zyklus" ]
xsection[ short == "94a84368ce", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "57c5087f95", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "ea963653a1", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "0815462c77", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "df3fa2f601", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "768be5419d", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "c17df3e87a", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "19e8cd093e", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "8d51dfefa0", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "3fe6cdbe1e", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "470e0e5037", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
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xsection[ short == "63d9ae1c8d", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
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xsection[ short == "e9159a3bff", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "023f1ef6ac", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "58fa886642", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "cc48a48f24", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "f0e3e3814c", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "2d89985ad2", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "90131fc94d", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "393959f84d", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "2e024ac121", hypothesis_guessed := "zyklus" ]
xsection[ short == "31b9cdb8c2", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "f57c949bc6", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "fec84c80ed", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "932ed913af", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "ae95c11557", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "eb060e5336", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "c45e627e15", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "453499e409", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "90089be9f5", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
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xsection[ short == "0b8734f4a6", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "6aa4c44925", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "b526819f16", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "28b79f4b6b", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "98740e20b9", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "80bc472a44", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "eb28d205a3", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "b544f1cfa6", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "e2b21db156", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "38921238de", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "bc5773179f", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "0a616bcb8b", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "05cc6c110f", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "ad89045d3e", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "12424f035f", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "cd3bae7e4d", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "82aadd4d54", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "74180956ce", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
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xsection[ short == "84303fa3d9", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
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xsection[ short == "d6682585cf", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "9521a5fc04", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "5d88e189c5", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "c086dd95fe", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "08937722e0", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "b270e1cfcf", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "901a6883d2", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "f4cd3dfd2f", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "8946460c25", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "b62fbfb07e", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "8e63797127", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "52c0e1e50b", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "7fd7916603", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "452d2bdfa1", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "75ccee8d17", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "c5981e2351", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "aefa543164", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "5c53f68442", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "87e886967a", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "6c626a50be", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "70337246f2", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "bf2f915bb3", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "3dc0a45a14", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "2f65164f23", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "7582000c79", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "01f0227990", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "0907998489", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "46aacd0680", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "21424e80c7", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "b8905fe532", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "327dbf66ce", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "4b1d503bfb", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "512bb9b013", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "9ddeebb1b9", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "c2ea9ba138", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "3cee8848fb", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "5b1a3ce2a5", hypothesis_guessed := "zyklus" ]
xsection[ short == "42726af187", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "555c83d081", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "42a51ece43", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "df32b62d17", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "85fd3a1813", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
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xsection[ short == "02539de896", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "05033e888d", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
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xsection[ short == "5b92bf3779", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "7158408e37", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "8f4f6b6442", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "98016254d4", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "cd0351ef4a", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
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xsection[ short == "eaca396225", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "ff0fa19bd9", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "2103c78acb", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "d600c6e3b8", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "6b0dbbb71b", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "8f892266fb", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "b2b79b104b", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "b346650b0c", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "f5542c8c2f", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "fc9cbca3b3", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]

#Weitere Kodierungen von Laura (12.05.2015):
xsection[ short == "016b21f02d", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "ffe2877aab", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "fa8e1fd4ab", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "f8fbb1fe55", hypothesis_guessed := "zyklus" ]
xsection[ short == "f89d76dc03", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "f080731320", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "f037869cdb", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
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xsection[ short == "ec3bcb7064", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "ea6bd8a246", hypothesis_guessed := "zyklus" ]
xsection[ short == "e7ca4b128d", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
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xsection[ short == "e5be3120fa", hypothesis_guessed := "zyklus" ]
xsection[ short == "e38438818f", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "e0ae7547cd", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "df3c5400cf", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "d5b5462be5", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "ca9987aa7e", hypothesis_guessed := "zyklus" ]
xsection[ short == "c8e5b1bb2a", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "c7d8266967", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "c7cc8e9179", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "c7002a6061", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "372209367e", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "36ea7e6950", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "339b91c8e9", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "30b5e0684a", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "29220ba555", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "2629507257", hypothesis_guessed := "zyklus" ]
xsection[ short == "2433cc44b9", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "23e07da87c", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "1fd70a942b", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "1e7809c3ff", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "1be261786b", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "16884a03a0", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "1642233f9a", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "0aa79cb247", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "07958bd3a3", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "016b21f02d", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "c33d554719", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "c43db6a7f3", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "c4a69cfdd2", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "c78e191ab8", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "c8c1bab681", hypothesis_guessed := "zyklus" ]
xsection[ short == "ccec904e73", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "cd2d96883b", hypothesis_guessed := "zyklus" ]
xsection[ short == "ce898dee12", hypothesis_guessed := "zyklus" ]
xsection[ short == "ce8e40de7c", hypothesis_guessed := "zyklus" ]
xsection[ short == "d278dadb38", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "dd7e68b004", hypothesis_guessed := "hormones" ]
xsection[ short == "ee429eb56c", hypothesis_guessed := "hormones" ]
xsection[ short == "f64039d090", hypothesis_guessed := "hormones" ]
xsection[ short == "f7cba09218", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "a5df9fb4a6", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "a7d84388f4", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "a80dd12d1c", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "aa6e507b4a", hypothesis_guessed := "zyklus" ]
xsection[ short == "b03ce0a6c1", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "b4235d3dec", hypothesis_guessed := "zyklus" ]
xsection[ short == "b438d1b8d3", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "b96d63f82a", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "b9c5ba5f45", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "bb55d539b6", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "bbd0ab2a7c", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "bd0a14ae7c", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "bfbd787872", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "8c6bdbb1ad", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "8dd1e1df18", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "8ff7ba488f", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "90f7b0d155", hypothesis_guessed := "zyklus" ]
xsection[ short == "933a0738fb", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "94b1eeac56", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "96beeed073", hypothesis_guessed := "zyklus" ]
xsection[ short == "9700064ee1", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "974be45de9", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "9b49e26d03", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "a0e3e25747", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "a1ec8fa016", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "a3c41a797b", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "af7a926157", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "7d57498d7c", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "7d9813e530", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "7e6a0e3560", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "7e6af239b5", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "7f30718a87", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "7f58be6305", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "80e84bd511", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "82c07d327c", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "8346102b19", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "85f6ed2be2", hypothesis_guessed := "zyklus" ]
xsection[ short == "8694034d6e", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "8bb8bdea8e", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "8bbd65530f", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "8c118bfaaa", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "62ad56f438", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "62f9888d39", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "698a496071", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "6a2b85aade", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "6b3264f6f7", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "6c08680fc7", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "6c9e8db5f5", hypothesis_guessed := "zyklus" ]
xsection[ short == "71cde9c24a", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "7250a0eaef", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "7347274f15", hypothesis_guessed := "zyklus" ]
xsection[ short == "761f49975d", hypothesis_guessed := "zyklus" ]
xsection[ short == "78308b0462", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "79ffad4690", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "7ba9d146ee", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "495eb8a1a4", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "4e49fb555e", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "4ff27e7894", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "52d2920018", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "57e9a4653d", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "585d957869", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "59b7aacb65", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "5ae3516355", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "5b52495100", hypothesis_guessed := "hormones" ]
xsection[ short == "5b947ae89f", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "5bf0258d2e", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "5e834dcb1b", hypothesis_guessed := "zyklus" ]
xsection[ short == "5ee0ef1c0d", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "62ab3b40ac", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "038daf9412", hypothesis_guessed := "zyklus" ]
xsection[ short == "1100a0c1b8", hypothesis_guessed := "zyklus" ]
xsection[ short == "2a7563b0e2", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "2f5c3a7f8d", hypothesis_guessed := "hormones" ]
xsection[ short == "37226a6cf2", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "385d08eaa9", hypothesis_guessed := "zyklus" ]
xsection[ short == "3afca832d6", hypothesis_guessed := "zyklus" ]
xsection[ short == "3b989930b5", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "3e5128a514", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "4587224153", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "46ebc8885a", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "4899378885", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "48ba97715e", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "c0bb1efc7c", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "2460707240", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "41a214d646", hypothesis_guessed := "zyklus" ]
xsection[ short == "5b5892bd42", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "7bf4ee841c", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "8490b693cd", hypothesis_guessed := "zyklus" ]
xsection[ short == "266759ceac", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "4230b1e4b9", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "88f484ab02", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "8b46361090", hypothesis_guessed := "zyklus" ]
xsection[ short == "8b6988119b", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "e811afaaf5", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "08100198e5", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "2b77126cdf", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "4b831ccd26", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "679f9f427d", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "86fb131347", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "9c36978700", hypothesis_guessed := "zyklus" ]
xsection[ short == "ab247aac0e", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "cbe6931db2", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "df9f46844a", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "e98b2d9feb", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "edd8560a9c", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "n1pbqggsCW", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "1c8aaf32ab", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "412e04ad03", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "9f95eb7af7", hypothesis_guessed := "zyklus" ]
xsection[ short == "Q0-FN91tkB", hypothesis_guessed := "zyklus" ]
xsection[ short == "jlDTAYbPji", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "F_ltXLLl8H", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "085635cb57", hypothesis_guessed := "zyklus" ]
xsection[ short == "59858e60ea", hypothesis_guessed := "hormones" ]
xsection[ short == "1d127ea9f0", hypothesis_guessed := "zyklus" ]
xsection[ short == "ac24597894", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "b5ada85e09", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "99bbc3846c", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "e2f7046075", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "ff6f9d2943", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "524434fcd0", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "86e8d19764", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "0ba321ca04", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "51385268f0", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "667e0b755a", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "ae9c69937a", hypothesis_guessed := "zyklus" ]
xsection[ short == "b99aafa45a", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
xsection[ short == "dz_hzRfdL_", hypothesis_guessed := "" ]
# stand: 21.07.2015.

# we were asked to delete the last six diary days for this person (faked data after a break up)
remove = tail(tagebuch[str_sub(session,1,10) == "73a5c0c50d", session_id], 6)
tagebuch = tagebuch[! session_id %in% remove, ]

cat(xsection[ ! &, str_c( str_sub(session, 1, 10),"\n", meaning_study,"\n\n") ]) # zeigt alle die was geschrieben haben, aber nur die bei denen wir die Hypothese noch nicht kodiert haben
xsection[,]$hypothesis_guessed = ""

Process data

Response time

tagebuch$dodgy_data = FALSE

tagebuch$time_of_response = hour(tagebuch$created) + minute(tagebuch$created)/60 + second(tagebuch$created) / 60/60

table(tagebuch$time_of_response < 15 & tagebuch$time_of_response > 1)
## 30705   219
tagebuch$dodgy_data = if_else(tagebuch$time_of_response < 15 & tagebuch$time_of_response > 1, T, tagebuch$dodgy_data, F)

tagebuch$time_of_response[which(tagebuch$time_of_response < 15 & tagebuch$time_of_response > 1)] = 1 # access time abberrations
tagebuch$time_of_response[which(tagebuch$time_of_response < 15)] = 
  tagebuch$time_of_response[which(tagebuch$time_of_response < 15)] + 24
qplot(tagebuch$time_of_response, binwidth = 5/60)

tagebuch$time_for_response = as.numeric(tagebuch$ended - tagebuch$created, units = "mins")

table(tagebuch$time_for_response > 60*24)
## 30548   376
tagebuch$dodgy_data = if_else(tagebuch$time_for_response > 60*24, T, tagebuch$dodgy_data)
table(tagebuch$time_for_response < 1)
## 30894    30
tagebuch$dodgy_data = if_else(tagebuch$time_for_response < 1, T, tagebuch$dodgy_data)

table(tagebuch$time_for_response > 60*24)
## 30548   376
table(tagebuch$time_for_response > 60*7)
## 29736  1188
tagebuch$time_for_response[tagebuch$time_for_response > 60 * 7] = NA

qplot(tagebuch$time_for_response) + scale_x_log10()

qplot(tagebuch$time_for_response) + xlim(0,10)

table(tagebuch$time_for_response < 1)
## 29706    30
sd(tagebuch$time_for_response[tagebuch$time_for_response<20], na.rm = T)
## [1] 2.695
mean(tagebuch$time_for_response[tagebuch$time_for_response<20], na.rm = T)
## [1] 4.306
tagebuch$time_for_response[tagebuch$time_for_response>100] = NA

tagebuch = tagebuch %>% group_by(session) %>% arrange(session,created, ended) %>% 
  mutate(time_since_last_response = as.numeric(created - lag(ended) , units = "hours"))
qplot(tagebuch$time_since_last_response) + scale_x_log10()

table(round(tagebuch$time_since_last_response)) %>% head(24)
## -121  -18  -15    0    1    2    3    4    5    6    7    8    9   10   11   12   13   14   15   16   17   18 
##    1    1    1   73    8    8   28   23   36   40   44   65   68   52   34   39   39   25   34   28  117  419 
##   19   20 
##  830 1047
table(tagebuch$time_since_last_response < 17)
## 29071   677
tagebuch = tagebuch %>% 
    dodgy_data = if_else(time_since_last_response < 17, T, dodgy_data, dodgy_data),
    # timing mishaps?
    time_since_last_response = if_else(time_since_last_response < 17, NA_real_,
    # skipped days
    if_else(time_since_last_response > 31, NA_real_, time_since_last_response)))


tagebuch = tagebuch %>% ungroup() %>% tbl_df()

Lazy days

Check for days on which probands entered nonsensical data.

likert_scales = tagebuch %>% select(session, created, choice_of_clothing_1, choice_of_clothing_2, choice_of_clothing_3, choice_of_clothing_4, choice_of_clothing_5, choice_of_clothing_6, choice_of_clothing_7, choice_of_clothing_8, self_esteem_1, desirability_1, desirability_partner, NARQ_admiration_1, NARQ_admiration_2, NARQ_admiration_3, NARQ_rivalry_1, NARQ_rivalry_2, NARQ_rivalry_3, jealousy_1, male_jealousy_1, male_jealousy_2, male_jealousy_3, male_mate_retention_1, male_mate_retention_2, mate_retention_3, mate_retention_4, mate_retention_5, mate_retention_6, attention_1, attention_2, male_attention_1, extra_pair_2, extra_pair_3, extra_pair_4, extra_pair_5, extra_pair_6, extra_pair_7, extra_pair_8, extra_pair_9, extra_pair_10, extra_pair_11, extra_pair_12, extra_pair_13)

likert_scales = likert_scales %>% gather(variable, value, -session, -created) %>% group_by(session,created) 
# all 6-point scales
crosstabs(~ variable + value, data = likert_scales)
##                        value
## variable                    1     2     3     4     5     6  <NA>
##   attention_1            2950  1413  3069  7681  7269  7492  1050
##   attention_2            7785  3194  4982  5502  4166  4245  1050
##   choice_of_clothing_1   6472  3381  5966  7768  4545  1764  1028
##   choice_of_clothing_2    628  1046  3185  9221  8696  7116  1032
##   choice_of_clothing_3   2782  2963  5880  8896  6298  3068  1037
##   choice_of_clothing_4   5639  4092  7002  8183  3918  1050  1040
##   choice_of_clothing_5  14708  5023  5030  3347  1400   377  1039
##   choice_of_clothing_6   3567  2175  4804 10377  6510  2450  1041
##   choice_of_clothing_7  10425  4983  7017  4902  2004   550  1043
##   choice_of_clothing_8   8689  4507  7087  5938  2720   941  1042
##   desirability_1         3063  2944  6093  9126  5787  2868  1043
##   desirability_partner   3019  2413  5435  9046  6032  3934  1045
##   extra_pair_10         24168  1382  1145  1629   781   768  1051
##   extra_pair_11         26789  1080   728   773   299   204  1051
##   extra_pair_12         16870  2130  2522  4655  2281  1415  1051
##   extra_pair_13         24682  1332   930  1396   663   870  1051
##   extra_pair_2          12039  3570  4078  5888  2883  1416  1050
##   extra_pair_3          19277  2631  2303  2754  1518  1390  1051
##   extra_pair_4          26262  1237   763   825   355   431  1051
##   extra_pair_5          21919   991   877  1804  1429  2853  1051
##   extra_pair_6          18929  1310  1403  2853  2036  3342  1051
##   extra_pair_7          22819  2032  1579  1865   875   703  1051
##   extra_pair_8          26492  1258   880   766   277   200  1051
##   extra_pair_9          25338  1245   995  1262   522   511  1051
##   jealousy_1            16788  1826  2111  3706  2333  3113  1047
##   male_attention_1       7147  2601  3986  5240  4890  6010  1050
##   male_jealousy_1       24376  2162  1432  1209   429   268  1048
##   male_jealousy_2       24805  1817  1312  1176   433   334  1047
##   male_jealousy_3       27378  1128   600   403   191   176  1048
##   male_mate_retention_1 17532  1787  2043  3564  2062  2888  1048
##   male_mate_retention_2  7590  1225  2136  3458  3508 11959  1048
##   mate_retention_3      10603  2841  4843  5519  3674  2396  1048
##   mate_retention_4       7577  1239  2205  3522  3550 11783  1048
##   mate_retention_5      22085  2475  1817  2071   824   604  1048
##   mate_retention_6       9646  3944  5689  6026  2967  1603  1049
##   NARQ_admiration_1     10545  4120  6077  6020  2289   826  1047
##   NARQ_admiration_2     10803  3991  5827  6000  2397   859  1047
##   NARQ_admiration_3     11050  3939  5601  5852  2510   925  1047
##   NARQ_rivalry_1        24605  2457  1357   960   276   221  1048
##   NARQ_rivalry_2        25617  1753   960   894   321   332  1047
##   NARQ_rivalry_3        26119  1829  1012   611   202   103  1048
##   self_esteem_1          1115  1290  3612  9965  9971  3928  1043
no_variation = likert_scales %>% summarise(no_variation = sd(value,na.rm = T) == 0)
## 29868    23
tagebuch = tagebuch %>% left_join(no_variation, by = c("session", "created")) %>% 
  mutate(dodgy_data = if_else(no_variation, TRUE, dodgy_data, dodgy_data))

table(tagebuch$dodgy_data, exclude = NULL)
## 29660  1264
tagebuch = tagebuch %>% tbl_dt()

Correcting errors in our surveys that we noticed while the study ran

On April 25, 2015, we changed an item prior to the evening diary. The item relationship_satisfaction_1 had a mix-up in the response options 4 and 5, so that “mostly satisfied” came before “rather satisfied”. Hence, we cannot interpret 4 and 5 very well prior to 4/25 because we can’t know whether subjects respected the order or the phrasing. Hence, we decided to assign both 4s and 5s a 4.5 prior to April 25.

We did the same thing for the item sexual_intercourse_4 on May 29.

##     1     2     3     4     5     6 
##   707   880  2189  5569  9915 10642
tagebuch[, relationship_satisfaction_1 := as.numeric(relationship_satisfaction_1)]
tagebuch[created < as.POSIXct('2014-04-25') , relationship_satisfaction_1 := Recode(relationship_satisfaction_1, "4=4.5;5=4.5")]
##     1     2     3     4   4.5     5     6 
##   707   880  2189  5036  1440  9008 10642
##    1    2    3    4    5    6 
##   46   78  250 1060 2188 2889
tagebuch[, sexual_intercourse_4 := as.numeric(sexual_intercourse_4)]
tagebuch[created < as.POSIXct('2014-04-29') , sexual_intercourse_4 := Recode(sexual_intercourse_4, "4=4.5;5=4.5")]
##    1    2    3    4  4.5    5    6 
##   46   78  250  916  445 1887 2889
xsection$SOI_be = rowMeans(xsection[, list(SOI_R_1, SOI_R_2, SOI_R_3)])
xsection$SOI_im = rowMeans(xsection[, list(SOI_R_7, SOI_R_8, SOI_R_9)])
xsection$SOI_uv = rowMeans(xsection[, list(SOI_R_4, SOI_R_5, SOI_R_6)])

# this woman told us she reported masturbation as "intimacy with someone other than my partner"
tagebuch[session %begins_with% "ce8e40de7c", ]$extra_pair_1 = NA
tagebuch[session %begins_with% "ce8e40de7c", ]$extra_pair_1b = NA
xsection$duration_relationship_total <- xsection$duration_relationship_months + xsection$duration_relationship_years*12 # create new variable duration_relationship_total

Import pill dosage

xsection[, hormonal_contraception := ifelse( contraception %contains% "contraceptive_pill" | contraception %contains% "other_hormonal", 1, 0) ]

xsection[, pill_contraception := ifelse( contraception %contains% "contraceptive_pill", 1, 0) ]

# library(xlsx)
# pillen2 = read.xlsx( "item_tables/Vorab_Fragebogen1-v3.xlsx", sheetName = "Choices")
pillen = readxl::read_excel( "item_tables/Vorab_Fragebogen1-v3.xlsx",sheet = "Choices") %>% data.frame()
pillen =[ 1:97, ])
pillen[, gestagen_ug_merged := as.numeric(as.character( str_replace_all(
  str_replace_all(   str_replace_all(, '500', ',500'), '000', '')
  ,pattern = ',','.') )) * 1000]
pillen[, gestagen_cycle := as.numeric(as.character( str_replace_all( , pattern = ',','.')))]

pillen[name == "yasmin", ]
## pillen$gestagen_ug_merged
##   30   60   75  100  125  150  250 2000 2500 3000 <NA> 
##    2    1    7   10    3   14    1   31    1    8   19
pillen[, estrogen_ug_cycle := as.numeric(as.character( Ö )) ]
pillen[, gestagen_type := as.character(Art.des.Gestagens)   ]
## pillen$gestagen_type
##   CMA   CPA   DNG   DSG   DSP   GSD   LNG   NES   NGT NOMAC  <NA> 
##    16    10     8    18     8     3    26     4     2     1     1
pillen[, pills := as.character(name)]

pillen[, list(pills, Ö ]
pillen[, list(pills, ]
pillen = pillen[ pills != 'other', ]
pillen[Ö, estrogen_ug_cycle := 0 ]
pillen[Ö, estrogen_ug_merged := 0 ]

table(xsection$pills == "qlaira")
##   606     4
table(xsection$pills == "zoely")
##   602     8
xsection = merge(xsection, pillen[,list(pills, estrogen_ug_merged,  estrogen_ug_cycle
                                        , gestagen_type,gestagen_ug_merged, gestagen_cycle
                                        )], by = "pills", all.x = T)
table(xsection$pills == "other")
##   556    54
crosstabs(pillen[, estrogen_ug_cycle/estrogen_ug_merged])
## pillen[, estrogen_ug_cycle/estrogen_ug_merged]
##  NaN <NA> 
##    9   87
## Estrogen Levels for all people (also for those who didnt take the pill)
## xsection$estrogen_ug_cycle
##    0  360  420  480  630  665  680  730  735 1150 <NA> 
##   26    1  141   11  328    3    4    2   26    2  664
xsection[, estrogen_ug_all := ifelse(hormonal_contraception, estrogen_ug_cycle, 0)]
## xsection$estrogen_ug_all
##    0  360  420  480  630  665  680  730  735 1150 <NA> 
##  540    1  141   11  328    3    4    2   26    2  150
# Forming Categories
xsection[, estrogen_categories := cut(estrogen_ug_all, breaks = c(0, 300, 600, 1200), include.lowest = T)]
## xsection$estrogen_categories
##       [0,300]     (300,600] (600,1.2e+03] 
##           540           153           365

Code other pill names

cat(xsection[ pills=='other' &, str_c( str_sub(session, 1, 10),"\n", other_pill_name,"\n\n") ])
## 033d3e1d21
## yris mite
##  0643a31c42
## swingo 
##  0d9a341ceb
## desofemine 20 Nova
##  1528e9536b
## dienovel
##  1c93be41a1
## Carlin
##  1f9fc2cc79
## Kleodina
##  21054c807c
## Maitalon
##  2433cc44b9
## ludéal glé
##  24af1309b4
## Estinette
##  29220ba555
## Swingo 
##  319e2ce5cb
## Midane
##  354137dd7f
## Sibilla
##  37226a6cf2
## Asumate 30
##  3d0adfe3a2
## Aristelle
##  4167741e29
## yara hexal
##  4202863d09
## Cedia
##  47b6e59dfa
## Layaisa
##  4aafa757ef
## Eliza
##  511189d8a0
## Selina
##  59858e60ea
## Solera
##  5b4fad6f3f
## visanne
##  62f9888d39
## Swingo 30
##  640a7b047b
## aristelle
##  646c651ea4
## Leanova AL
##  6da65c4e45
## Dienovel
##  82aadd4d54
## Dienovel
##  83c84a5860
## Selina
##  86fb131347
## Aristelle
##  8bd7c4624b
## Dienovel
##  8c118bfaaa
## Swingo
##  8f892266fb
## Yvette
##  9336f57640
## Midane
##  9700064ee1
## Dienovel
##  9b49e26d03
## Minette
##  9c89af2b7f
## Microgynon
##  9f61438d5f
## Violette
##  aa38292783
## minesse
##  aebdd368b4
## Swingo 30
##  b726d9cd36
## Swingo
##  c09518da85
## Lysandra beta
##  c33d554719
## Dienovel
##  c6dd42db4b
## desofemono
##  c8ca0944d9
## Velafee
##  cf37f837bc
## Dienogenance
##  d30783c574
## Mirelle
##  d5b5462be5
## Solera
##  e0eeb02960
## LISA - Studienpille
##  e2f049ef95
## mercilon
##  e68978de78
## Desogestrel aristo
##  e7e992c12b
## Desogestrel atisto
##  edb19a9192
## Solgest
##  f42ae3caec
## sibilla
##  f64039d090
## Swingo 30
##  f9454c5d18
## Dienovel
xsection[ short == "0643a31c42", estrogen_ug := 20 ]
xsection[ short == "0643a31c42", gestagens_ug := 100] 
xsection[ short == "0643a31c42", gestagens := "LNG"]

xsection[ short == "1528e9536b", estrogen_ug := 30 ]
xsection[ short == "1528e9536b", gestagens_ug := 2000] 
xsection[ short == "1528e9536b", gestagens := "DNG"]

xsection[ short == "21054c807c", estrogen_ug := 20 ]
xsection[ short == "21054c807c", gestagens_ug := 3000] 
xsection[ short == "21054c807c", gestagens := "DSP"]

#one person swapped their values
xsection[ short == "24af1309b4", estrogen_ug := 20 ]
xsection[ short == "24af1309b4", gestagens_ug := 75] 
xsection[ short == "24af1309b4", gestagens := "GSD"]

xsection[ short == "4167741e29", estrogen_ug := 20 ]
xsection[ short == "4167741e29", gestagens_ug := 3000] 
xsection[ short == "4167741e29", gestagens := "DSP"]

# visanne is used as a contraceptive only in combination with something containing estrogen, but we don't know what was the case here
xsection[ short == "5b4fad6f3f", estrogen_ug := NA]
xsection[ short == "5b4fad6f3f", gestagens_ug := NA] 
xsection[ short == "5b4fad6f3f", gestagens := NA_character_]

xsection[ short == "71f06ef90f", estrogen_ug := 30 ]
xsection[ short == "71f06ef90f", gestagens_ug := 300] 
xsection[ short == "71f06ef90f", gestagens := "DNG"]

xsection[ short == "82aadd4d54", estrogen_ug := 30 ]
xsection[ short == "82aadd4d54", gestagens_ug := 2000] 
xsection[ short == "82aadd4d54", gestagens := "DNG"]

xsection[ short == "83c84a5860", estrogen_ug := 30 ]
xsection[ short == "83c84a5860", gestagens_ug := 150] 
xsection[ short == "83c84a5860", gestagens := "LNG"]

xsection[ short == "8bd7c4624b", estrogen_ug := 30 ]
xsection[ short == "8bd7c4624b", gestagens_ug := 2000] 
xsection[ short == "8bd7c4624b", gestagens := "DNG"]

xsection[ short == "9b49e26d03", estrogen_ug := 30 ]
xsection[ short == "9b49e26d03", gestagens_ug := 2000] 
xsection[ short == "9b49e26d03", gestagens := "CMA"]

xsection[ short == "9f61438d5f", estrogen_ug := 30 ]
xsection[ short == "9f61438d5f", gestagens_ug := 2000] 
xsection[ short == "9f61438d5f", gestagens := "DNG"]

xsection[ short == "b726d9cd36", estrogen_ug := 20 ]
xsection[ short == "b726d9cd36", gestagens_ug := 100] 
xsection[ short == "b726d9cd36", gestagens := "LNG"]

xsection[ short == "c09518da85", estrogen_ug := 35 ]
xsection[ short == "c09518da85", gestagen_ug := 250] 
xsection[ short == "c09518da85", gestagens := "NGT"]

xsection[ short == "c6dd42db4b", estrogen_ug := 0 ]
xsection[ short == "c6dd42db4b", gestagens_ug := 75] 
xsection[ short == "c6dd42db4b", gestagens := "DSG"]

xsection[ short == "e2f049ef95", estrogen_ug := 20 ]
xsection[ short == "e2f049ef95", gestagens_ug := 60] 
xsection[ short == "e2f049ef95", gestagens := "DSG"]

xsection[ short == "59858e60ea", estrogen_ug := 20 ]
xsection[ short == "59858e60ea", gestagens_ug := 60] 
xsection[ short == "59858e60ea", gestagens := "DSG"]

xsection[ pills == "other", list(other_pill_name, estrogen_ug,estrogen_ug_cycle, gestagens, gestagens_ug)]
## could also use info on gestagens etc
xsection[ pills == "other", estrogen_ug_merged := estrogen_ug] # per pill
xsection[ pills == "other", estrogen_ug_cycle := 21 * estrogen_ug] # times 21
xsection[ pills == "other", gestagen_type := gestagens]
xsection[ pills == "other", gestagen_ug_merged := gestagens_ug]

crosstabs($pills) +$estrogen_ug_cycle)) # except qlaira and zoely
##            $estrogen_ug_cycle)
##$pills) FALSE TRUE
##                 FALSE   597   13
##                 TRUE      0  598

# qplot(xsection$gestagen_ug_merged)
# xsection[ gestagen_ug_merged < 100, ]
# xsection[gestagen_ug_merged <= estrogen_ug_merged, list(pills, other_pill_name, gestagen_ug_merged, estrogen_ug_merged) ]
qplot(data=xsection, estrogen_ug_cycle, estrogen_ug_merged, geom = 'jitter')

Use detailed info on non-pill hormonal contraception from post survey

# library(xlsx)
other_hormonal = readxl::read_excel( "item_tables/Nachbefragung_other_hormonal.xlsx", sheet = "Choices") %>% data.frame()
other_hormonal =
other_hormonal[, hormonal_2 := as.character( name)]

xsection = merge(xsection, other_hormonal[,list(hormonal_2, estrogen_ug_other)], by = "hormonal_2", all.x = T)

## [1] 39
##   0 315 420 
##  12  26   1
xsection[!, estrogen_ug_cycle := estrogen_ug_other]

Pill by weight

qplot(data = xsection, estrogen_ug_merged, estrogen_ug_cycle)

qplot(data = xsection, estrogen_ug_cycle, weight) + geom_smooth() # no association

qplot(data = xsection, estrogen_ug_cycle / weight)

##  20  21  22  28  29  30  32  35  37  41  43  44  45  46  47  48  49  50  51  52  53  54  55  56  57  58  59 
##   4   3   1   1   2   1   2   1   2   2   4   3   6   6  13  11  19  38  21  38  42  37  73  36  42  73  45 
##  60  61  62  63  64  65  66  67  68  69  70  71  72  73  74  75  76  77  78  79  80  81  82  83  84  85  86 
##  82  33  45  45  36  61  39  25  34  21  45  12  15  10  10  29   7   7   9   6  25   3  11   5   5   6   2 
##  87  88  89  90  91  92  93  95  97  99 100 101 105 107 110 111 112 113 114 115 120 130 134 143 166 
##   1   4   2   5   1   1   1   5   2   3   5   1   3   2   1   2   1   1   1   2   6   1   1   1   1
xsection[, estrogen_ug_per_kg := estrogen_ug_cycle / weight]
xsection[ estrogen_ug_per_kg > 20, list(estrogen_ug_cycle, weight, height)]

## xsection$estrogen_ug_cycle
##    0  315  360  420  480  630  665  680  730  735 1150 <NA> 
##   44   28    1  156   11  356    3    4    2   29    2  572


diary scales

# create  NARQ_K_total scale

tagebuch$NARQ_K_total = rowMeans(tagebuch[, list(NARQ_admiration_1, NARQ_admiration_2, NARQ_admiration_3, NARQ_rivalry_1, NARQ_rivalry_2, NARQ_rivalry_3 ) ])

###create extra-pair subscales

#extra-pair desire/fantasies; extra_pair_7, extra_pair_10, extra_pair_11, extra_pair_12, extra_pair_13
tagebuch$extra_pair_desire = rowMeans(tagebuch[, list(extra_pair_7, extra_pair_10, extra_pair_11, extra_pair_12, extra_pair_13)])

tagebuch$extra_pair_sexual_fantasies = tagebuch$extra_pair_13

#extra-pair flirting; extra_pair_4, extra_pair_8, extra_pair_9 
tagebuch$extra_pair_flirting = rowMeans(tagebuch[, list(extra_pair_4, extra_pair_8, extra_pair_9)])

#extra-pair compliments; extra_pair_2, extra_pair_3 
tagebuch$extra_pair_compliments = rowMeans(tagebuch[, list(extra_pair_2, extra_pair_3)])

#extra-pair going out; extra_pair_5, extra_pair_6
tagebuch$extra_pair_going_out = rowMeans(tagebuch[, list(extra_pair_5, extra_pair_6)])

tagebuch$extra_pair = rowMeans( subset(tagebuch, select = extra_pair_2:extra_pair_13) )

tagebuch %>%
  filter(! %>%
  arrange(session, created) %>%
  rename(sexual_intercourse_satisfaction =  sexual_intercourse_4) %>% 
    short_session = str_sub(session, 1, 6),
    created_date = as.Date(created - dhours(9)),
    partner_initiated_sexual_intercourse =  ifelse(sexual_intercourse_3 == 2, 1, 0),
    had_sexual_intercourse =  ifelse(sexual_intercourse_2 == 3, 0, 1),
    had_petting =  ifelse(sexual_intercourse_5 == 3, 0, 1),
    extra_pair_intimacy = ifelse(extra_pair_1 == 1, 1, 0),
    extra_pair_sex = ifelse( | extra_pair_1b != 1, 0, 1)
) -> tagebuch

tagebuch %>% select(matches("choice_of_clothing_(4|6|7)")) %>% alpha()
## Reliability analysis   
## Call: psych::alpha(x = data.frame(x))
##   raw_alpha std.alpha G6(smc) average_r S/N    ase mean  sd median_r
##       0.84      0.84    0.79      0.64 5.3 0.0016  3.1 1.2     0.62
##  lower alpha upper     95% confidence boundaries
## 0.84 0.84 0.85 
##  Reliability if an item is dropped:
##                      raw_alpha std.alpha G6(smc) average_r S/N alpha se var.r med.r
## choice_of_clothing_4      0.72      0.72    0.56      0.56 2.5   0.0032    NA  0.56
## choice_of_clothing_6      0.85      0.85    0.74      0.74 5.7   0.0017    NA  0.74
## choice_of_clothing_7      0.77      0.77    0.62      0.62 3.3   0.0026    NA  0.62
##  Item statistics 
##                          n raw.r std.r r.cor r.drop mean  sd
## choice_of_clothing_4 29884  0.90  0.90  0.85   0.77  3.1 1.4
## choice_of_clothing_6 29883  0.84  0.83  0.68   0.63  3.7 1.4
## choice_of_clothing_7 29881  0.88  0.88  0.80   0.72  2.5 1.4
## Non missing response frequency for each item
##                         1    2    3    4    5    6 miss
## choice_of_clothing_4 0.19 0.14 0.23 0.27 0.13 0.04 0.03
## choice_of_clothing_6 0.12 0.07 0.16 0.35 0.22 0.08 0.03
## choice_of_clothing_7 0.35 0.17 0.23 0.16 0.07 0.02 0.03
tagebuch$sexy_clothes = rowMeans(tagebuch %>% select(matches("choice_of_clothing_(4|6|7)")) , na.rm = T)
tagebuch$showy_clothes = tagebuch$choice_of_clothing_8

tagebuch$sexual_intercourse_1_6scale = tagebuch$sexual_intercourse_1/5*6
tagebuch %>% select(sexual_intercourse_1_6scale, desirability_partner, attention_2) %>% alpha()
## Reliability analysis   
## Call: psych::alpha(x = data.frame(x))
##   raw_alpha std.alpha G6(smc) average_r S/N    ase mean  sd median_r
##       0.86      0.87    0.82      0.69 6.6 0.0013  3.6 1.4     0.69
##  lower alpha upper     95% confidence boundaries
## 0.86 0.86 0.87 
##  Reliability if an item is dropped:
##                             raw_alpha std.alpha G6(smc) average_r S/N alpha se var.r med.r
## sexual_intercourse_1_6scale      0.81      0.82    0.69      0.69 4.5   0.0021    NA  0.69
## desirability_partner             0.79      0.80    0.66      0.66 3.9   0.0023    NA  0.66
## attention_2                      0.83      0.83    0.71      0.71 4.8   0.0020    NA  0.71
##  Item statistics 
##                                 n raw.r std.r r.cor r.drop mean  sd
## sexual_intercourse_1_6scale 29902  0.88  0.89  0.80   0.74  3.7 1.5
## desirability_partner        29879  0.89  0.90  0.82   0.77  3.8 1.5
## attention_2                 29874  0.90  0.88  0.79   0.73  3.3 1.8
tagebuch$in_pair_desire = rowMeans(tagebuch %>% select(sexual_intercourse_1_6scale, desirability_partner, attention_2))

tagebuch %>% select(male_jealousy_2, male_mate_retention_1, male_mate_retention_2, male_attention_1) %>% alpha()
## Reliability analysis   
## Call: psych::alpha(x = data.frame(x))
##   raw_alpha std.alpha G6(smc) average_r  S/N    ase mean  sd median_r
##       0.49      0.48    0.44      0.18 0.91 0.0044  2.8 1.1     0.16
##  lower alpha upper     95% confidence boundaries
## 0.48 0.49 0.5 
##  Reliability if an item is dropped:
##                       raw_alpha std.alpha G6(smc) average_r  S/N alpha se  var.r med.r
## male_jealousy_2            0.51      0.50    0.43      0.25 1.00   0.0048 0.0257  0.19
## male_mate_retention_1      0.47      0.43    0.38      0.20 0.74   0.0044 0.0428  0.12
## male_mate_retention_2      0.31      0.35    0.26      0.15 0.53   0.0064 0.0019  0.13
## male_attention_1           0.32      0.33    0.26      0.14 0.50   0.0062 0.0074  0.19
##  Item statistics 
##                           n raw.r std.r r.cor r.drop mean   sd
## male_jealousy_2       29877  0.38  0.55  0.25   0.16  1.4 0.98
## male_mate_retention_1 29876  0.60  0.61  0.36   0.23  2.3 1.79
## male_mate_retention_2 29876  0.75  0.67  0.52   0.38  4.0 2.06
## male_attention_1      29874  0.72  0.67  0.53   0.38  3.5 1.84
## Non missing response frequency for each item
##                          1    2    3    4    5    6 miss
## male_jealousy_2       0.83 0.06 0.04 0.04 0.01 0.01 0.03
## male_mate_retention_1 0.59 0.06 0.07 0.12 0.07 0.10 0.03
## male_mate_retention_2 0.25 0.04 0.07 0.12 0.12 0.40 0.03
## male_attention_1      0.24 0.09 0.13 0.18 0.16 0.20 0.03
tagebuch$partner_mate_retention = rowMeans(tagebuch %>% select(male_jealousy_2, male_mate_retention_1, male_mate_retention_2, male_attention_1))

tagebuch %>% select(mate_retention_3, mate_retention_4, mate_retention_5, mate_retention_6, attention_1) %>% alpha()
## Reliability analysis   
## Call: psych::alpha(x = data.frame(x))
##   raw_alpha std.alpha G6(smc) average_r S/N    ase mean  sd median_r
##       0.71      0.71    0.69      0.33 2.4 0.0024  3.1 1.1     0.37
##  lower alpha upper     95% confidence boundaries
## 0.71 0.71 0.72 
##  Reliability if an item is dropped:
##                  raw_alpha std.alpha G6(smc) average_r S/N alpha se  var.r med.r
## mate_retention_3      0.66      0.65    0.62      0.31 1.8   0.0030 0.0317  0.28
## mate_retention_4      0.65      0.64    0.59      0.30 1.7   0.0031 0.0208  0.29
## mate_retention_5      0.75      0.75    0.70      0.43 3.0   0.0023 0.0057  0.41
## mate_retention_6      0.65      0.64    0.61      0.31 1.8   0.0030 0.0311  0.28
## attention_1           0.61      0.60    0.55      0.28 1.5   0.0034 0.0118  0.28
##  Item statistics 
##                      n raw.r std.r r.cor r.drop mean  sd
## mate_retention_3 29876  0.71  0.70  0.58   0.50  2.9 1.7
## mate_retention_4 29876  0.77  0.72  0.64   0.53  4.0 2.1
## mate_retention_5 29876  0.42  0.49  0.26   0.22  1.6 1.2
## mate_retention_6 29875  0.70  0.71  0.61   0.51  2.8 1.6
## attention_1      29874  0.78  0.77  0.73   0.62  4.3 1.5
## Non missing response frequency for each item
##                     1    2    3    4    5    6 miss
## mate_retention_3 0.35 0.10 0.16 0.18 0.12 0.08 0.03
## mate_retention_4 0.25 0.04 0.07 0.12 0.12 0.39 0.03
## mate_retention_5 0.74 0.08 0.06 0.07 0.03 0.02 0.03
## mate_retention_6 0.32 0.13 0.19 0.20 0.10 0.05 0.03
## attention_1      0.10 0.05 0.10 0.26 0.24 0.25 0.03
tagebuch$female_mate_retention = rowMeans(tagebuch %>% select(mate_retention_3, mate_retention_4, mate_retention_5, mate_retention_6, attention_1), na.rm = T)
cor.test(tagebuch$female_mate_retention, tagebuch$in_pair_desire)
##  Pearson's product-moment correlation
## data:  tagebuch$female_mate_retention and tagebuch$in_pair_desire
## t = 140, df = 30000, p-value <2e-16
## alternative hypothesis: true correlation is not equal to 0
## 95 percent confidence interval:
##  0.6226 0.6363
## sample estimates:
##    cor 
## 0.6295
tagebuch %>% select(jealousy_1, male_jealousy_1, male_jealousy_3) %>% alpha()
## Reliability analysis   
## Call: psych::alpha(x = data.frame(x))
##   raw_alpha std.alpha G6(smc) average_r  S/N    ase mean   sd median_r
##       0.35      0.46    0.37      0.22 0.85 0.0055  1.7 0.83     0.18
##  lower alpha upper     95% confidence boundaries
## 0.34 0.35 0.36 
##  Reliability if an item is dropped:
##                 raw_alpha std.alpha G6(smc) average_r  S/N alpha se var.r med.r
## jealousy_1           0.48      0.50    0.33      0.33 1.00   0.0055    NA  0.33
## male_jealousy_1      0.18      0.26    0.15      0.15 0.35   0.0061    NA  0.15
## male_jealousy_3      0.26      0.30    0.18      0.18 0.44   0.0069    NA  0.18
##  Item statistics 
##                     n raw.r std.r r.cor r.drop mean   sd
## jealousy_1      29877  0.85  0.64  0.29   0.20  2.4 1.83
## male_jealousy_1 29876  0.61  0.73  0.50   0.27  1.4 0.96
## male_jealousy_3 29876  0.51  0.71  0.48   0.27  1.2 0.68
## Non missing response frequency for each item
##                    1    2    3    4    5    6 miss
## jealousy_1      0.56 0.06 0.07 0.12 0.08 0.10 0.03
## male_jealousy_1 0.82 0.07 0.05 0.04 0.01 0.01 0.03
## male_jealousy_3 0.92 0.04 0.02 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.03
tagebuch$female_jealousy = rowMeans(tagebuch %>% select(jealousy_1, male_jealousy_1, male_jealousy_3), na.rm = T)

tagebuch %>% select(in_pair_desire, female_jealousy, female_mate_retention, partner_mate_retention) %>% cor(use='na.or.complete') %>% round(2)
##                        in_pair_desire female_jealousy female_mate_retention partner_mate_retention
## in_pair_desire                   1.00            0.15                  0.63                   0.57
## female_jealousy                  0.15            1.00                  0.22                   0.46
## female_mate_retention            0.63            0.22                  1.00                   0.70
## partner_mate_retention           0.57            0.46                  0.70                   1.00

clean up some of our more messy items

xsection$has_not_had_sex_yet = ifelse(xsection$first_time == 999, 1, 0)
xsection$first_time = ifelse(xsection$first_time == 999 | xsection$first_time < 8, NA_real_, xsection$first_time)

xsection[menarche == 1, menarche := NA_real_] # unlikely
xsection[age < first_time, has_not_had_sex_yet := 1] # one person, presumably entered this info before we told people how to indicate that they have not had sex
xsection[age < first_time, first_time := NA_real_]
xsection$trying_to_get_pregnant = ifelse(xsection$wish_for_child == 2, "no", "yes")
xsection$had_sex_with_partner_yet = ifelse(xsection$sexual_intercourse_partner == 2, "no", "yes")
# Die Gruppen "Auszubildende" hat ein Leerzeichen in der Gruppenbezeichnung
xsection[occupation == "Auszubildende ", occupation := "Auszubildende" ]
xsection[ , occupation_clean := occupation]
xsection[ occupation %in% c('Angestellte','Beamtin','berufstätig'), occupation_clean := 'Berufstätig']
xsection[ occupation %in% c('Student (Chemie)','Examenskandidatin/Studentin'), occupation_clean := 'Studentin']
xsection[ occupation %in% c('wie "was"? Erwerbsstatus? ','In Bezug worauf?','ein Einhorn', 'glücklich', 'Mensch'), occupation_clean := NA]
(common1 = count(, vars = occupation_clean))
## # A tibble: 7 x 2
## # ... with 7 more rows, and 2 variables: vars <chr>, n <int>
xsection[ , religion_clean := religion]
xsection[ religion %in% c('katholisch','Evangelisch','evangelisch', 'katholisch '), religion_clean := 'Christentum']
xsection[ religion %in% c('Atheist','keine','Atheismus', 'nicht organisiert gläubig', 'nichts', 'gar keiner', 'keiner'), religion_clean := 'Nicht gläubig']
xsection[ religion %in% c('agnostisch','Agnostizismus','evangelisch - buddhistisch'), religion_clean := NA]
(common2 = count(, vars = religion_clean))
## # A tibble: 6 x 2
## # ... with 6 more rows, and 2 variables: vars <chr>, n <int>
xsection[ , relationship_status_clean := relationship_status]
xsection[ relationship_status %in% c('feste Beziehung, es kriselt ein wenig','vergeben','in einer festen Partnerschaft', 'feste Partnerschaft', 'Partnerschaft (nicht verheiratet)', 'in einer Beziehung', 'feste Beziehung', 'Fernbeziehung', 'Beziehung', 'Freundin', 'offen', 'frisch verliebt', 'es ist kriselt'), relationship_status_clean := 'Partnerschaft']
xsection[ relationship_status %in% c('verheiratet'), relationship_status_clean := 'Verheiratet']
(common3 = count(, vars = relationship_status_clean))
## # A tibble: 3 x 2
## # ... with 3 more rows, and 2 variables: vars <chr>, n <int>
# Verhütungsmethode beim Kennenlernen_Cleaning
xsection[ , method_meeting_clean := method_meeting]
xsection[ method_meeting %in% c('pille', 'pille, wie bereits 30 mal gesagt'), method_meeting_clean := 'Pille']
xsection[ method_meeting %in% c('diese'), method_meeting_clean := NA]
(common4 = count(, vars = method_meeting_clean))
## # A tibble: 7 x 2
## # ... with 7 more rows, and 2 variables: vars <chr>, n <int>
xsection[age < 10+ duration_relationship_total/12, list(age, duration_relationship_total/12, duration_relationship_years, duration_relationship_months)]
xsection[age < 10+ duration_relationship_total/12, duration_relationship_total := NA]
qplot(as.numeric(xsection$ended.vorab - xsection$created.vorab),binwidth=1) + xlim(0,120)

qplot(as.numeric(xsection$ended.vorab - xsection$created.vorab)) + xlim(0,NA)

count(, vars=contraception) %>% arrange(desc(n)) %>% head(15)
## # A tibble: 15 x 2
## # ... with 15 more rows, and 2 variables: vars <chr>, n <int>
contrabroad = count(, vars=contraception) %>% arrange(desc(n))

## Transformation of contraceptive methods into broader categories

xsection[ contraception == "none, contraceptive_pill, morning_after_pill, other_hormonal, infertile, partner_infertile, intrauterine_pessar, kalendermethode, coitus_interruptus, spermicide", contraception := NA] # this one simply clicked everything
xsection$contraceptives_broad_categories = xsection$contraception
xsection[contraceptives_broad_categories %in% contrabroad[contrabroad$n <= 10, ]$vars, contraceptives_broad_categories := "other"]
xsection[ contraception %contains% "temperature_billings", contraceptives_broad_categories := "counting_and_or_temperature_methods"]
xsection[ contraception %contains% "kalendermethode", contraceptives_broad_categories := "counting_and_or_temperature_methods"]
xsection[ contraception %contains% "computer", contraceptives_broad_categories := "counting_and_or_temperature_methods"]
xsection[ contraception %contains% "coitus_interruptus", contraceptives_broad_categories := "occasionally_use_coitus_interruptus"]
(contrabroad = count(, vars=contraceptives_broad_categories) %>% arrange(desc(n)))
## # A tibble: 11 x 2
## # ... with 11 more rows, and 2 variables: vars <chr>, n <int>
# Contraception Categories "barrier or abstinence" vs "fertility awareness" vs "hormonal"
xsection[, contraceptive_method := NA_character_]
xsection[ contraception %contains% "condoms" |  contraception %contains% "intrauterine_pessar" |  contraception %contains% "partner_sterilised"|  contraception %contains% "partner_infertile" | contraception  %contains% "coitus_interruptus" | (contraception == "none" & had_sex_with_partner_yet == "no"), contraceptive_method := "barrier_or_abstinence"]
xsection[ contraception %contains% "temperature_billings" | contraception %contains% "kalendermethode" |  contraception %contains% "computer", contraceptive_method := "fertility_awareness"]
xsection[ contraception %contains% "contraceptive_pill" | contraception %contains% "other_hormonal", contraceptive_method := "hormonal"]
xsection[ contraception == "none", contraceptive_method := "none"]
xsection[, contraceptive_method := "other"]

xsection[, contraceptive_method_by_pearl := NA_character_]
xsection[ contraception %contains% "temperature_billings" | contraception %contains% "kalendermethode" |  contraception %contains% "computer", contraceptive_method_by_pearl := "fertility_awareness"]
xsection[ contraception %contains% "condoms" |  contraception %contains% "intrauterine_pessar" |  contraception %contains% "partner_sterilised" |  contraception %contains% "partner_infertile" | (contraception == "none" & had_sex_with_partner_yet == "no"), contraceptive_method_by_pearl := "barrier_or_abstinence"]
xsection[ &  contraception  %contains% "coitus_interruptus" , contraceptive_method_by_pearl := "barrier_or_abstinence"]
xsection[ contraception %contains% "contraceptive_pill" | contraception %contains% "other_hormonal", contraceptive_method_by_pearl := "hormonal"]
xsection[ contraception == "none", contraceptive_method_by_pearl := "none"]
xsection[, contraceptive_method_by_pearl := "other"]

(count([contraceptive_method == "other", ]), vars=contraception) %>% arrange(desc(n)) %>% data.frame())
##                        vars n
## 1                    andere 8
## 2                sterilised 7
## 3                           2
## 4                 infertile 2
## 5              none, andere 2
## 6     infertile, sterilised 1
## 7        morning_after_pill 1
## 8           none, infertile 1
## 9  none, morning_after_pill 1
## 10         none, sterilised 1
## 11                     <NA> 1
(contramethod = count(, vars=contraceptive_method) %>% arrange(desc(n)) %>% data.frame())
##                    vars   n
## 1              hormonal 693
## 2 barrier_or_abstinence 329
## 3                  none  98
## 4   fertility_awareness  61
## 5                 other  27
crosstabs(~ contraceptive_method, data = xsection)
## contraceptive_method
## barrier_or_abstinence   fertility_awareness              hormonal                  none                 other 
##                   329                    61                   693                    98                    27
xsection[contraceptive_method == "other",list(contraception, had_sex_with_partner_yet == "yes", age, occupation, wish_for_child==1, breast_feeding==1, pregnant==1)] %>% na.omit()%>% pander()
contraception V2 age occupation V5 V6 V7
andere TRUE 28 Studentin FALSE FALSE FALSE
sterilised TRUE 36 Berufstätig FALSE FALSE FALSE
andere FALSE 24 Studentin FALSE FALSE FALSE
andere TRUE 23 Studentin FALSE FALSE FALSE
andere FALSE 23 Studentin FALSE FALSE FALSE
andere TRUE 58 Berufstätig FALSE FALSE FALSE
sterilised TRUE 37 Berufstätig FALSE FALSE FALSE
none, infertile TRUE 25 Studentin FALSE FALSE FALSE
sterilised TRUE 48 Hausfrau FALSE FALSE FALSE
andere TRUE 41 Berufstätig FALSE FALSE FALSE
infertile TRUE 57 Berufstätig FALSE FALSE FALSE
none, sterilised TRUE 53 Berufstätig FALSE FALSE FALSE
sterilised TRUE 50 Berufstätig FALSE FALSE FALSE
none, andere TRUE 26 Studentin FALSE FALSE FALSE
andere TRUE 28 Studentin FALSE TRUE TRUE
none, morning_after_pill TRUE 28 Berufstätig FALSE FALSE FALSE
sterilised TRUE 53 Berufstätig FALSE FALSE FALSE
andere FALSE 19 Studentin FALSE FALSE FALSE
sterilised TRUE 49 Berufstätig FALSE FALSE FALSE
none, andere TRUE 25 Studentin FALSE FALSE TRUE
infertile, sterilised TRUE 49 Berufstätig FALSE FALSE FALSE
infertile TRUE 46 Berufstätig FALSE FALSE FALSE
morning_after_pill FALSE 21 Studentin FALSE FALSE FALSE
sterilised TRUE 50 Berufstätig FALSE FALSE FALSE
(contramethod = count(, vars = contraceptive_method) %>% arrange(desc(n)) %>% data.frame())
##                    vars   n
## 1              hormonal 693
## 2 barrier_or_abstinence 329
## 3                  none  98
## 4   fertility_awareness  61
## 5                 other  27
##Transformation of contraceptive methods into natural and artifical categories
# Hier müssen wir nochmal schauen, in welcher Reihenfolge wir das machen wollen. Im Moment werden - glaube ich? - die letzten Befehle als wichtigstes Kriterium eingeschätzt.
xsection$contraceptives_categories_natural = xsection$contraception
xsection[ contraception == "", contraceptives_categories_natural := NA_character_]
xsection[ contraception %contains% "none", contraceptives_categories_natural := "none"]
xsection[ contraception %contains% "condoms", contraceptives_categories_natural := "artifical"]
xsection[ contraception %contains% "contraceptive_pill", contraceptives_categories_natural := "artifical"]
xsection[ contraception %contains% "other_hormonal", contraceptives_categories_natural := "artifical"]
xsection[ contraception %contains% "intrauterine_pessar", contraceptives_categories_natural := "artifical"]
xsection[ contraception %contains% "morning_after_pill", contraceptives_categories_natural := "artifical"]
xsection[ contraception %contains% "coitus_interruptus", contraceptives_categories_natural := "natural"]
xsection[ contraception %contains% "kalendermethode", contraceptives_categories_natural := "natural"]
xsection[ contraception %contains% "computer", contraceptives_categories_natural := "natural"]
xsection[ contraception %contains% "temperature_billings", contraceptives_categories_natural := "natural"]
xsection[ contraception %contains% "sterilised", contraceptives_categories_natural := NA_character_]
xsection[ contraception %contains% "andere", contraceptives_categories_natural := NA_character_]
xsection[ contraception %contains% "partner_sterilised", contraceptives_categories_natural := NA_character_]
(contrabroadnatural = count(, vars=contraceptives_categories_natural) %>% arrange(desc(n)))
## # A tibble: 6 x 2
## # ... with 6 more rows, and 2 variables: vars <chr>, n <int>
## Transformation of number of children (combined into: "children" and "no children")
xsection$children_broad_categories = xsection$children
xsection[ children == "", children_broad_categories := 'no_children']
xsection[ children %contains% 1, children_broad_categories := "children"]
xsection[ children %contains% 2, children_broad_categories := "children"]
xsection[ children %contains% 3, children_broad_categories := "children"]
xsection[ children %contains% 4, children_broad_categories := "children"]
xsection[ children %contains% 5, children_broad_categories := "no_children"]
##    Length     Class      Mode 
##      1208 character character
## Attractiveness_finance
xsection$attractiveness_finance = (xsection$attractiveness_finance_1 + xsection$attractiveness_finance_2)/2

last cleaning steps

give proper variable labels for plots etc.

xsection$breast_feeding_in_last_3_months = ifelse(xsection$breast_feeding == 2, "no", "yes")
xsection$pregnant_in_last_3_months = ifelse(xsection$pregnant == 2, "no", "yes")
xsection$hormonal_medication_in_last_3_months = ifelse(xsection$antibiotics == 2, "no", "yes")
xsection$pill_in_last_3_months = ifelse(xsection$pille_control == 2, "no", "yes")
childrenrecode = c("1" = "Biological children", "2" = "Adopted children", "3" = "Step children", "4" = "Foster children", "5" = "No children")
# xsection$children_categories = str_replace_all(xsection$children, childrenrecode)
xsection$children_narrow_categories = childrenrecode[xsection$children]
xsection$children_narrow_categories[$children_narrow_categories)] = "Complex family"
xsection$children_narrow_categories[xsection$children == ""] = "No children"
incomebrackets = c("1" = "< 500€", "2" = "500-1000€", "3" = "1000-2000€", "4" = "2000-3000€", "5" = "> 3000€")
# xsection$children_categories = str_replace_all(xsection$children, childrenrecode)
xsection$income = recode_ordered(incomebrackets, xsection$attractiveness_finance_self)
xsection$income_partner = incomebrackets[xsection$attractiveness_finance_2]
cohabitation = c("1" = "Long-distance", "2" = "Live in same city", "3" = "Live in same apartment")
xsection$cohabitation = cohabitation[xsection$long_distance_relationship]
living_situation = c("1" = "living alone", "2" = "living in flatshare")
xsection$living_situation = living_situation[xsection$situation_of_living]
xsection$living_situation = ifelse(xsection$long_distance_relationship == 3, "living with partner", xsection$living_situation)
xsection$living_situation = ifelse(xsection$living_situation == 'living in flatshare', ifelse(xsection$flat_share == 1, 'living in all-female flatshare', 'living in mixed-sex flatshare'), xsection$living_situation)
days_with_partner_per_month = c("1" = '< 3 days', '2' = '3-5 days', '3' = '5-7 days', '4' = '7-14 days', '5' =  '> 14 days')
xsection$days_with_partner_per_month = recode_ordered(days_with_partner_per_month, xsection$long_distance_relationship_2)
distance_to_partner_hours = c("1" = '< 1h', '2' =   '1-2h', '3' = '2-3h', '4'   = '3-5h', '5' = '5-9h', '6' = '9-12h', '7' = '>12h')
xsection$distance_to_partner_hours = recode_ordered(distance_to_partner_hours, xsection$distance_partner)
days_with_partner = c('1' = '< 3 days', '2' = '3-5 days', '3' = '7 days') # forgot 6...
nights_with_partner = c('1' = '< 3 nights', '2' = '3-5 nights', '3' = '7 nights')
xsection$days_with_partner = recode_ordered(days_with_partner, xsection$days_with_partner)
xsection$nights_with_partner = recode_ordered(nights_with_partner, xsection$nights_with_partner)
xsection$duration_relationship_years = xsection$duration_relationship_total/12
xsection$cycle_length = xsection$cyklus_3
xsection$cycle_length_groups = cut(xsection$cycle_length, breaks = c(19,25,30,35,41))
xsection$certainty_menstruation = factor(round(rowMeans(xsection[, list(cyklus_2, cyklus_4, cyklus_6)])))
xsection$cycle_regularity = factor(xsection$cyklus_5, levels = 1:3, labels = c("very regular,\nup to 2 days off", "slightly irregular,\nup to 5 days off", "irregular,\nmore than 5 days off"))

xsection$sexual_intercourse_partner = NULL
xsection$wish_for_child = NULL

Merge diary data with cross-sectional data

prev_names = names(xsection)
stopifnot(sum(duplicated(xsection$session)) == 0)
diary = merge(xsection, tagebuch, by = "session", all.x = T)
diary = setDF(diary)
## 30956
# diary[,list(session, choice_of_clothing_2, created.vorab, created.abschluss)]
crosstabs(as.Date(diary$created) == as.Date(diary$created - dhours(9))) # we can left shift dates by 7 hours, because even though were supposed to start filling out before midnight, bugs in our survey software sometimes led to the invitations being sent a little and rarely a lot late)
## as.Date(diary$created) == as.Date(diary$created - dhours(9))
##   188 30736    32
diary = diary %>% filter(!

diary$weekend = factor(weekdays(  diary$created) %in% c("Friday","Saturday","Sunday"))
diary$weekday = factor(weekdays(  diary$created) , levels = c("Monday","Tuesday","Wednesday","Thursday","Friday","Saturday","Sunday"))
diary$first_day = ave(diary$created_date, diary$session, FUN = min)
diary$day_number = as.integer(round(as.numeric(diary$created_date - diary$first_day, units = "days")))
combos = diary %>% select(session, day_number)
combos$sess_day = paste(combos$session, combos$day_number)
## 30956
# head(combos)
diary$spent_night_with_partner = ifelse(diary$mate_retention_1 == 1, 1, 0)
diary$in_pair_public_intimacy = ifelse(diary$mate_retention_2 != 3, 1, 0)
diary2 = diary

Compute menstrual onsets

To compute menstrual onsets from the diary data, we have to clear a few hurdles:

  • diaries could be filled out until 3 am (and later in some special cases), but participants will tend to count backwards from the preceding day when asked when the last menstruation occurred
  • women could report the same menstrual onset several times (-> use the report closest to the onset, more accurate)
  • women reported a last menstrual onset in survey preceding the diary and in the follow-up survey following the diary
  • we need to count backward and forward from each menstrual onset
  • we need to include the dates from the demographic and the follow-up questionnaire without overwriting more pertinent dates from the diary
  • we want to “bridge gaps” between reports of menstruation that are at most 40 days wide (because wider gaps probably mean that there was something going on with the menstrual cycle such as a miscarriage, menopause, etc.), but non-reports mean that we cannot use the heuristic that gaps between rows are gaps between days (as days are missing from the diary)

Therefore we use a multi-step procedure:

  1. Collect unique menstrual onsets reported by each woman
  2. Expand the onsets into time-series by participant.
  3. “Merge”/prefer reports closer to the onset when several different reports were made
  4. Count forward & backward.
  5. Merge on participant & created_date.
diary = diary2
diary = diary %>% setDF %>% group_by(session) %>%  
      menstruation_dates = created_date,  # get dates
      menstruation_dates = if_else(menstruation_1 == 2 |, as.Date(NA), menstruation_dates),  # set to missing one dates where no menstruation was reported
      days = length(unique(created_date)),
      day_count = seq_along(created),
      first_diary_date = min(created_date),
      last_diary_date = max(created_date),
      timespan = as.numeric( last_diary_date - first_diary_date ),
# diary[, timespan := ave(x= created_num, session, FUN = function(x) { round((max(x,na.rm=T)-min(x,na.rm=T))/(24*3600)) } )]
      days_responded_percentage = ifelse( timespan==0, NA_real_, days/timespan),
      sufficient_diary_coverage = days >= 30 & days_responded_percentage > 0.5,
      last_menstruation = if_else(all(, as.Date(NA), max(menstruation_dates, na.rm=T)),
      last_lag = ifelse(, NA_real_, as.numeric(last_diary_date - last_menstruation))  # how many days after their last observed menstruation did they last fill out the diary
  ) %>% data.table()

## diary$menstruation_2
##     1     2     3     4     5     6  <NA> 
##   781   897   824   800   766   726 26162
diary[, days_since_menstrual_onset := ifelse(menstruation_2 == 6, NA_real_, menstruation_2 - 1 )] # the way we collected this variable, we have to set "more than 4 days ago" to missing, because it's unspecific
diary[, menstrual_onset_date_inferred := created_date - ddays(days_since_menstrual_onset)] ### count back from each current diary day, to create a menstrual onset date
##  4068 26888
### define a variable containing the number of days since the last menstruation as counted on the current diary day

# step 1
menstrual_onsets = diary %>% setDF() %>%
  group_by(session) %>%
  arrange(created) %>% 
  select(session, created_date, menstrual_onset_date_inferred)

followup_survey = nachbe %>% setDF() %>%
    menstrual_onset_date_inferred = if_else(menstrual_bleeding_1 == 1, as.Date(created), as.Date(menstrual_bleeding_2)),
    created_date = menstrual_onset_date_inferred) %>%
  select(session, created_date, menstrual_onset_date_inferred)

pre_survey = vorab %>% setDF() %>%
  mutate(menstrual_onset_date_inferred = as.Date(cyklus_1),
         created_date = menstrual_onset_date_inferred) %>%
  select(session, created_date, menstrual_onset_date_inferred)
mons = menstrual_onsets %>% 
  select(session, created_date, menstrual_onset_date_inferred) %>% 
     ) %>% 
  filter( ! %>%
  unique() %>%
  group_by(session) %>%
  arrange(session, created_date) %>%
      # step 3: prefer reports closer to event if they conflict
    onset_diff = abs( as.double( lag(menstrual_onset_date_inferred) - menstrual_onset_date_inferred, units = "days")), # was there a change in the reference menstrual onset
    onset_diff = if_else(onset_diff == 0, NA_real_, onset_diff, NA_real_), # we want to take the date that is freshest in memory. no switch is set to missing
    menstrual_onset_date_inferred = if_else(, # if last date not known
         menstrual_onset_date_inferred, # use current date
         if_else(onset_diff < 7, # if last date is known, but is slightly different from current date 
                 as.Date(NA), # attribute it to memory, not extremely short cycle, use fresher date
                 menstrual_onset_date_inferred, # if it's a big difference, use the current date 
                 as.Date(NA))), # if no date is assigned today, keep it like that
  menstrual_onset_date_inferred =  formr::repeat_last(menstrual_onset_date_inferred)) %>%
  mutate(created_date = menstrual_onset_date_inferred) %>%
  filter(! %>% 
  select(-onset_diff) %>%

avg_cycle_lengths = mons %>% 
  select(session, menstrual_onset_date_inferred) %>% 
  unique() %>% 
  arrange(session, menstrual_onset_date_inferred) %>% 
    number_of_cycles = n(),
    cycle_nr = row_number(),
    cycle_length_diary = as.double(lead(menstrual_onset_date_inferred) - menstrual_onset_date_inferred, units = "days"),
    mean_cycle_length_diary = mean(cycle_length_diary, na.rm = TRUE),
    median_cycle_length_diary = median(cycle_length_diary, na.rm = TRUE))

menstrual_onsets = menstrual_onsets %>% select(session, created_date) %>% 
    diary = ., 
    demo = pre_survey %>% select(session, created_date), 
    followup = followup_survey %>% select(session, created_date), 
    .id = "date_origin") %>%
  filter(! %>%
  unique() %>%
  group_by(session) %>%
  arrange(session, created_date) %>%
  # step 2 expand into time-series for participant
  complete(created_date = full_seq(created_date, period = 1)) %>%
  left_join(mons, by = c("session", "created_date")) %>%

menstrual_onsets = menstrual_onsets %>%
  group_by(session) %>%
    # carry the last observation (the last observed menstrual onset) backward/forward (within person).
    # first we carry it backward (because reporting is retrospective)
    next_menstrual_onset = formr::repeat_last(menstrual_onset_date_inferred, forward = FALSE),
    # then we carry it forward
    last_menstrual_onset = formr::repeat_last(menstrual_onset_date_inferred),
    # calculate the diff to current date
    menstrual_onset_days_until = as.numeric(created_date - next_menstrual_onset),
    menstrual_onset_days_since = as.numeric(created_date - last_menstrual_onset)

# mons %>% filter(session %contains% "43a25b") %>% View()
# menstrual_onsets %>% filter(session %contains% "43a25b") %>% View()
# menstrual_onsets %>% filter(session %starts_with% "020f65ea45") %>% View()

diary = diary %>% 
  setDF() %>%
  left_join(menstrual_onsets %>% 
      select(session, created_date, next_menstrual_onset, last_menstrual_onset, menstrual_onset_days_until, menstrual_onset_days_since) %>%
        unique() #  unique because some women reported the last menstrual date in the diary again in the followup
      by = c("session", "created_date")
    ) %>% 
  left_join(avg_cycle_lengths %>% rename(last_menstrual_onset = menstrual_onset_date_inferred), by = c("session", "last_menstrual_onset")) %>%
        next_menstrual_onset_inferred = if_else(,
                                    last_menstrual_onset + days(cyklus_3),
        RCD_inferred = as.numeric(created_date - next_menstrual_onset_inferred)
  ) %>% 

diary[!duplicated(session) & median_cycle_length_diary <= 40 & median_cycle_length_diary >= 20, qplot(median_cycle_length_diary, cyklus_3) + geom_smooth()]

diary[!duplicated(session) & median_cycle_length_diary <= 40 & median_cycle_length_diary >= 20, lm(median_cycle_length_diary ~ cyklus_3)]
## Call:
## lm(formula = median_cycle_length_diary ~ cyklus_3)
## Coefficients:
## (Intercept)     cyklus_3  
##      20.681        0.287
# diary %>% filter(session %starts_with% "020f65ea45") %>% select(created_date, next_menstrual_onset, last_menstrual_onset, menstrual_onset_days_until, menstrual_onset_days_since) %>% View()
xtabs(~ +, diary)
##                             FALSE 18614     0
##                             TRUE  12310    32
diary = diary %>%
        FCD = menstrual_onset_days_since + 1,
        RCD = menstrual_onset_days_until,
        RCD_for_merge = (RCD * -1) + 1,
        RCD_squished = if_else(
          cycle_length_diary - FCD < 14,
          29 - (cycle_length_diary - FCD),
          round((FCD/ (cycle_length_diary - 14) ) * 15)),
        RCD_inferred = (RCD_inferred * -1) + 1,
# add 15 days to the reverse cycle days to arrive at the estimated day of ovulation
        RCD_rel_to_ovulation = RCD + 15
## diary$RCD_squished
##     0     1     2     3     4     5     6     7     8     9    10    11    12    13    14    15    16    17 
##    74   426   444   382   437   458   467   310   547   488   534   509   641   574   663   643   606   612 
##    18    19    20    21    22    23    24    25    26    27    28    29  <NA> 
##   663   668   694   716   762   768   801   780   820   828   846   857 12938
## diary$RCD_for_merge
##     1     2     3     4     5     6     7     8     9    10    11    12    13    14    15    16    17    18 
##   934   857   846   828   820   780   801   768   759   715   693   667   661   609   601   582   563   542 
##    19    20    21    22    23    24    25    26    27    28    29    30    31    32    33    34    35    36 
##   529   499   477   449   419   401   370   342   305   252   159   119   100    77    65    49    49    44 
##    37    38    39    40    41    42    43    44    45    46    47    48    49    50    51    52    53    54 
##    37    34    24    33    28    31    32    25    27    24    17    19    14    21    20    18    12    16 
##    55    56    57    58    59    60    61    62    63    64    65    66    67    68    69    70    71    72 
##    15    10    13     8    10     9     9    11     7     8     4     5     8     8     7     8    10     9 
##    73    74    75    76    77    78    79    80    81    82    83    84    85    86    87    88    89    90 
##     9     7     9     8     7     5     9     4     5     3     4     2     2     6     6     5     3     2 
##    91    92    93    94    95    96    97    98    99   100   101   102   103   104   105   106   107   108 
##     5     3     5     3     4     4     3     2     3     2     5     3     6     5     2     1     2     1 
##   109   112   113   114   115   117   118   120   121   122   123   124   125   126   127   128   129   130 
##     3     1     2     1     2     1     1     2     1     2     1     1     1     2     1     1     2     2 
##   131   132   133   134   135   136   137   138   139   140   141   142   143   144   145   150   151   155 
##     2     1     2     3     1     2     2     2     1     1     1     1     2     2     2     1     1     1 
##   156   157   158   159   161   163   164   166   167   168   170   171   174   175   178   179   182   183 
##     1     1     2     2     1     1     1     1     1     1     1     1     2     1     1     1     1     1 
##   186   187   189   190   191   192   193   194   195   196   197   198   199   200   201   203   205   208 
##     2     1     2     1     1     1     1     1     1     1     2     2     1     1     1     1     1     1 
##   209   210   211   218   224   227   242   248   249   250   251   252   253   265   282   300   301   302 
##     1     1     1     1     1     1     1     1     1     1     1     1     1     1     1     1     1     1 
##   315   317   318   319   323   344   347   348   349   350   351   352   353   354   355   356   357   358 
##     1     1     1     1     1     1     1     1     1     1     2     1     1     1     1     1     1     1 
##   359   360  <NA> 
##     1     1 12342
## diary$FCD
##    1    2    3    4    5    6    7    8    9   10   11   12   13   14   15   16   17   18   19   20   21   22 
##  934  951  928  978 1003  951  938  978  957  960  939  939  936  948  923  899  933  883  896  924  882  872 
##   23   24   25   26   27   28   29   30   31   32   33   34   35   36   37   38   39   40   41   42   43   44 
##  861  849  812  743  723  644  415  271  215  195  172  150  142  140  116  101   97   90   92   85   91   82 
##   45   46   47   48   49   50   51   52   53   54   55   56   57   58   59   60   61   62   63   64   65   66 
##   91   82   77   84   80   70   64   58   63   65   56   54   38   45   41   36   47   49   75   77   74   73 
##   67   68   69   70   71   72   73   74   75   76   77   78   79   80   81   82   83   84   85   86   87   88 
##   63   67   63   65   51   51   58   50   49   56   49   45   52   43   44   38   42   36   36   40   34   33 
##   89   90   91   92   93   94   95   96   97   98   99  100  101  102  103  104  105  106  107  108  109  110 
##   35   32   28   31   31   32   30   26   27   21   26   26   21   21   14   19   13    8    8   10    8    9 
##  111  112  113  114  115  116  117  118  119  120  121  122  123  124  125  126  127  128  129  130  131  132 
##    4    6    4    5    5    4    6   10    6    6    5    2    1    2    6    4    4    2    7    3    5    3 
##  133  134  135  136  137  138  139  140  141  142  143  144  145  146  147  148  149  150  151  152  153  154 
##    8    2    3    2    4    2    4    3    6    3    3    2    4    5    2    2    2    1    1    2    2    2 
##  155  156  157  158  159  160  161  162  163  164  165  166  167  168  169  170  171  172  173  174  175  176 
##    2    2    4    5    2    1    3    4    3    4    1    3    1    2    3    2    1    2    1    4    2    2 
##  178  179  181  183  186  188  192  195  196  197  198  200  201  204  206  207  208  209  211  214  216  218 
##    2    1    1    1    1    2    2    2    1    3    1    1    2    1    1    1    1    1    3    2    2    3 
##  220  221  222  223  225  229  233  234  235  236  239  240  242  245  247  250  251  252  257  258  260  261 
##    1    2    1    1    2    1    1    1    1    1    1    1    1    1    1    2    1    1    1    2    3    1 
##  262  263  264  265  267  268  271  272  275  280  281  283  284  285  292  294  299  300  301  303  304  310 
##    1    1    1    1    3    1    2    2    1    2    2    2    1    1    1    2    1    1    2    2    1    1 
##  311  312  313  318  321  322  326  329  330  331  332  333  334  336  337  338  342  351  375  396  397  398 
##    1    2    1    2    1    1    1    1    2    1    1    1    1    1    1    2    1    2    1    1    1    1 
##  404  432  440  483  615 <NA> 
##    1    1    1    1    1   32
crosstabs(~RCD_squished+ RCD_for_merge, diary %>% filter(cycle_length_diary<40))
##             RCD_for_merge
## RCD_squished   1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9  10  11  12  13  14  15  16  17  18  19  20  21  22  23  24
##           1  255   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0
##           2   21   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0
##           3    4   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   8   7
##           4    4   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   3   4   7  19
##           5    3   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   2   0   9  18  31
##           6    0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   3   3   4   6  35 146
##           7    0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0  10  20  48  55
##           8    1   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   3   3  16  27  78 184  62
##           9    0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   4   6   8  91 205  47  25
##           10   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   2   4  17 116 216  56  25  19
##           11   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   2   5  59 250  64  28   4   0
##           12   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   9  82 339  62  17   0   0   0
##           13   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0  17 358  56   2   0   0   0   0
##           14   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0 481  32   0   0   0   0   0   0
##           15   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0 533   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0
##           16   5   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0 542   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0
##           17   3   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0 555   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0
##           18   2   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0 599   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0
##           19   1   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0 608   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0
##           20   1   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0 629   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0
##           21   1   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0 644   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0
##           22   3   0   0   0   0   0   0   0 681   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0
##           23   0   0   0   0   0   0   0 685   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0
##           24   0   0   0   0   0   0 720   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0
##           25   0   0   0   0   0 703   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0
##           26   0   0   0   0 742   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0
##           27   0   0   0 749   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0
##           28   0   0 772   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0
##           29   0 772   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0
##             RCD_for_merge
## RCD_squished  25  26  27  28  29  30  31  32  33  34  35  36  37  38
##           1    0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   6   4   5   1
##           2    0  29  36  79  41  20  25  20  13  13   6   8   2   0
##           3   16  39  83  40  19  28  10   6  11  10   6   0   0   0
##           4   30  92  48  40  31  19  10   9   6   1   0   0   0   0
##           5  133  46  48  10  17  11  12   8   1   0   0   0   0   0
##           6   56  46  23  25  11   6   5   0   0   0   0   0   0   0
##           7   48  25  16  13   6   1   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0
##           8   29  27  17   5   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0
##           9   21   4   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0
##           10   1   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0
##           11   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0
##           12   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0
##           13   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0
##           14   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0
##           15   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0
##           16   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0
##           17   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0
##           18   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0
##           19   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0
##           20   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0
##           21   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0
##           22   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0
##           23   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0
##           24   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0
##           25   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0
##           26   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0
##           27   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0
##           28   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0
##           29   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0
ggplot(diary %>% filter(cycle_length_diary<40), aes(FCD, RCD_squished)) + geom_point() + facet_wrap(~cycle_length_diary)

days = data.frame(
    RCD_for_merge = c(29:1, 30:41),
    FCD = c(1:41),
    prc_stirn_b = c(.01, .01, .02, .03, .05, .09, .16, .27, .38, .48, .56, .58, .55, .48, .38, .28, .20, .14, .10, .07, .06, .04, .03, .02, .01, .01, .01, .01, .01, rep(.01, times = 12)),
#                   rep(.01, times = 70)), # gangestad uses .01 here, but I think such cases are better thrown than kept, since we might simply have missed a mens
    prc_wcx_b = c(.000, .000, .001, .002, .004, .009, .018, .032, .050, .069, .085, .094, .093, .085, .073, .059, .047, .036, .028, .021, .016, .013, .010, .008, .007, .006, .005, .005, .005, rep(.005, times = 12))
                  # rep(NA_real_, times = 70))  # gangestad uses .005 here, but I think such cases are better thrown than kept, since we might simply have missed a mens
days = days %>% mutate(
 fertile_narrow = ifelse(between(RCD_for_merge,15,19), mean(prc_stirn_b[between(RCD_for_merge,15, 19)], na.rm = T), 
                     ifelse(between(RCD_for_merge,4,12), mean(prc_stirn_b[between(RCD_for_merge,4,12)], na.rm = T), NA_real_)), # these days are likely infertile
  fertile_broad = ifelse(between(RCD_for_merge,14,22), mean(prc_stirn_b[between(RCD_for_merge,14,22)], na.rm = T), 
                     ifelse(between(RCD_for_merge,4,12), mean(prc_stirn_b[between(RCD_for_merge,4,12)], na.rm = T), NA_real_)), # these days are likely infertile
 fertile_window = factor(ifelse(fertile_broad, ifelse(!, "narrow", "broad"),"infertile"), levels = c("infertile","broad", "narrow")),
 premenstrual_phase = ifelse(between(RCD_for_merge, 2, 7), TRUE, FALSE)

rcd_days = days %>% select(-FCD)
diary = left_join(diary %>% setDF(), rcd_days, by = "RCD_for_merge")

fcd_days = days %>% select(-RCD_for_merge)
names(fcd_days) = paste0(names(fcd_days), "_forward_counted")
fcd_days = fcd_days %>% rename(FCD = FCD_forward_counted)
diary = left_join(diary, fcd_days, by = "FCD")

rcd_inferred_days = days %>% select(-FCD)
names(rcd_inferred_days) = paste0(names(rcd_inferred_days), "_backward_inferred")
rcd_inferred_days = rcd_inferred_days %>% 
  rename(RCD_inferred = RCD_for_merge_backward_inferred)
diary = left_join(diary, rcd_inferred_days, by = "RCD_inferred")

rcd_squished = days %>% select(-RCD_for_merge)
names(rcd_squished) = paste0(names(rcd_squished), "_squished")
rcd_squished = rcd_squished %>% 
  rename(RCD_squished = FCD_squished)
diary = left_join(diary, rcd_squished, by = "RCD_squished")

ggplot(diary %>% filter(cycle_length_diary<40), aes(FCD, prc_stirn_b_squished))+geom_point() + facet_wrap(~cycle_length_diary )

ggplot(diary %>% filter(cycle_length_diary<40), aes(RCD, prc_stirn_b_squished))+geom_point() + facet_wrap(~cycle_length_diary )

ggplot(diary %>% filter(cycle_length_diary<40) %>% select(FCD,RCD,prc_stirn_b,prc_stirn_b_squished,cycle_length_diary) %>% gather(approach,prc_stirn_b,-RCD,-FCD, -cycle_length_diary), aes(RCD, prc_stirn_b, colour = approach))+geom_point() + facet_wrap(~cycle_length_diary ) + geom_vline(aes(xintercept = cycle_length_diary/2 * -1))

diary %>% select(starts_with("prc_stirn_b")) %>% 
##                               prc_stirn_b prc_stirn_b_forward_counted prc_stirn_b_backward_inferred
## prc_stirn_b                        1.0000                      0.6846                        1.0000
## prc_stirn_b_forward_counted        0.6846                      1.0000                        0.7153
## prc_stirn_b_backward_inferred      1.0000                      0.7153                        1.0000
## prc_stirn_b_squished               0.8578                      0.6695                        0.8578
##                               prc_stirn_b_squished
## prc_stirn_b                                 0.8578
## prc_stirn_b_forward_counted                 0.6695
## prc_stirn_b_backward_inferred               0.8578
## prc_stirn_b_squished                        1.0000
pander(missingness_patterns(diary %>% ungroup %>% select(prc_stirn_b, prc_stirn_b_forward_counted, prc_stirn_b_backward_inferred)))

index col missings 1 prc_stirn_b 13069 2 prc_stirn_b_backward_inferred 3813 3 prc_stirn_b_forward_counted 3576

Pattern Freq Culprit
_____ 16782 _
1____ 9256 prc_stirn_b
1_2_3 2471
1_2__ 1342
____3 1105 prc_stirn_b_forward_counted
diary = diary %>% 
  mutate(fertile_fab = if_else(, prc_stirn_b_backward_inferred, prc_stirn_b),
         premenstrual_phase_fab = if_else(, premenstrual_phase_backward_inferred, premenstrual_phase),
         fertile_forward_and_backward = fertile_fab
  ) %>% 

diary[, menstruated_at_all := menstruation_1 == 1]
diary[, menstruated_at_all := F]
table(diary$menstruated_at_all, exclude = NULL)
## 26151  4805
diary[, menstruation := factor(ifelse(menstruated_at_all,"yes", ifelse(premenstrual_phase, "pre","no")), levels = c("no", "pre", "yes"))]
diary[, menstruation := "no"]

# diary %>% select(short, created_date, ended, last_menstrual_onset,next_menstrual_onset, menstrual_onset_days_until, menstrual_onset_days_since, prc_stirn_b, prc_stirn_b_forward_counted, fertile_fab)  %>% View()

Find fertile window

diary[, ever_menstruated := ave(menstruated_at_all, session, FUN = any)]
diary[, any_RCD := !ave(, session, FUN = all)]
diary[, menstruation_strength := menstruation_3]
diary[, menstruation_strength := 0]
diary[, menstruation_strength := factor(menstruation_strength)]
diary[, menstrual_onset := created_date == next_menstrual_onset]
diary[, we_know_fertile_days := ave(! | !, session, FUN = any)]
## diary[!duplicated(session), ]$we_know_fertile_days
##    96  1112
diary$fertile_cont = diary$prc_stirn_b

diary %>% filter(sufficient_diary_coverage==T & ever_menstruated == T & any_RCD == T) %>%
  ggplot(aes(x = menstrual_onset_days_until, y = as.factor(as.numeric(as.factor(session)))))+ 
  scale_y_discrete("Person") + 
  geom_tile(aes(fill = fertile_cont)) + 
  scale_x_continuous("Relative to last observed menstrual onset", limits= c(-40, 15), breaks = seq(-40,15, by = 5)) + 
  geom_point(aes(colour=menstruation_strength)) + 
  scale_fill_distiller() + 
  scale_color_manual(values = c("0"="transparent","1"="pink","2"="red","3"="darkred"))  + 
  geom_vline(aes(xintercept = limits, linetype = Window),data = data.frame(limits= c(-14.5,-19.5, -13.5,-22.5,-3.5,-12.5), Window = rep(c("narrow","broad","infertile"),each=2)),color = 'black', size = 0.9, alpha = 0.9,show.legend = T) +
  scale_linetype_manual(values = c("narrow"="solid","broad"="dashed","infertile"="dotted"))

# a case where the nachbe helped
# diary[session %contains% "eaca39", list(created_date,  menstruation_dates, next_menstrual_onset, last_menstrual_onset, menstruated_at_all, menstruation_2,RCD, fertile_cont,fertile_broad) ] %>% arrange(created_date) %>% View()
# a case where we observed a menstruation at the end and in the beginning, but missed the onsets
# diary[session %contains% "b270e1", list(created_date,  menstruation_dates, next_menstrual_onset, last_menstrual_onset, menstruated_at_all, menstruation_2,RCD, fertile_cont,fertile_broad) ] %>% arrange(created_date) %>% View()
# a case where we observed a menstruation at the end and in the beginning
# diary[session %contains% "0b8734", list(created_date,  menstruation_dates, next_menstrual_onset, last_menstrual_onset, menstruated_at_all, menstruation_2,RCD, fertile_cont,fertile_broad) ] %>% arrange(created_date) %>% View()

# a case where she first indicated menstrual onset on the day it occurred (likely correct), then two days later reported that it occurred yesterday (likely incorrect). problem solved by not treating extremely close together menstrual onsets as separate, instead using the earlier date (closer to onset, more likely to be correct)
# diary[session %contains% "c7cc8e", list(created_date,  menstruation_dates, next_menstrual_onset, last_menstrual_onset, menstruated_at_all, menstruation_2,RCD, fertile_cont,fertile_broad) ] %>% arrange(created_date) %>% View()

## two cases with a little misreporting of ongoing periods
# diary[session %contains% "43a25b", list(created_date,  menstruation_dates, next_menstrual_onset, last_menstrual_onset, menstruated_at_all, menstruation_2,RCD, fertile_cont,fertile_broad) ] %>% arrange(created_date) %>% head(60) %>% View()
# diary[session %contains% "8d4629", list(created_date,  menstruation_dates, next_menstrual_onset, last_menstrual_onset, menstruated_at_all, menstruation_2,RCD, fertile_cont,fertile_broad) ] %>% arrange(created_date) %>% head(60) %>% View()

qplot(data = diary[!duplicated(session) & between(median_cycle_length_diary, 20,40), ], median_cycle_length_diary, cyklus_3, colour =  factor(cyklus_4)) + geom_smooth(method = 'lm')

cor.test(diary[!duplicated(session) & between(median_cycle_length_diary, 20,40) & cyklus_4 > 4, ]$median_cycle_length_diary, diary[!duplicated(session) & between(median_cycle_length_diary, 20,40) & cyklus_4 > 4, ]$cyklus_3)
##  Pearson's product-moment correlation
## data:  diary[!duplicated(session) & between(median_cycle_length_diary,  and diary[!duplicated(session) & between(median_cycle_length_diary,     20, 40) & cyklus_4 > 4, ]$median_cycle_length_diary and     20, 40) & cyklus_4 > 4, ]$cyklus_3
## t = 4.5, df = 250, p-value = 0.00001
## alternative hypothesis: true correlation is not equal to 0
## 95 percent confidence interval:
##  0.1537 0.3815
## sample estimates:
##    cor 
## 0.2714
diary$week_number = cut(diary$day_number, c(0,7,14,21,28,35,600), include.lowest = T)

diary = diary %>% 
  group_by(session, cycle_nr) %>%
  mutate(minimum_cycle_length_diary = if_else(!, cycle_length_diary,
                                              max(FCD,na.rm = T)),
          minimum_cycle_length_diary = if_else(minimum_cycle_length_diary == -Inf, NA_real_, minimum_cycle_length_diary)
         ) %>%
  group_by(session) %>%

Applying various inclusion criteria

pipeline$completed_pre_survey = nrow(xsection)


some preparations:

min_max_diff = function(x) {as.numeric(max(as.Date(x),na.rm=T) - min(as.Date(x)),na.rm=T) }
diary_summaries = diary %>% 
  group_by(session) %>% 
  summarise(took_days = min_max_diff(created),
            n_days = sum(! & !, # look at first item too, because some had ended due to being "closed" after some time of non-response, a software thing
            avg_diff = mean(as.numeric(diff(created), units = "days"),na.rm = T),
            biggest_diff = max(as.numeric(diff(created), units = "days"),na.rm = T),
            had_any_period = any(menstruation_1 == 1, na.rm = T),
            fertile_days_known_backward = sum(! & ! & !,
            fertile_days_known_backward_inferred = sum(! & ! & !,
            fertile_days_known_forward = sum(! & ! & !
diary_summaries[, any_fertile_days_known := fertile_days_known_backward_inferred > 0]
crosstabs(~ any_fertile_days_known + had_any_period, diary_summaries)
##                       had_any_period
## any_fertile_days_known FALSE TRUE
##                  FALSE   124    6
##                  TRUE    174  904
crosstabs(~ had_any_period + (n_days > 20), data = diary_summaries)
##               n_days > 20
## had_any_period FALSE TRUE
##          FALSE   229   69
##          TRUE    163  747
diary_summaries[any_fertile_days_known == T, had_any_period := T]
xsection = merge(xsection, diary_summaries, by = "session", all.x = T) %>% data.table()
crosstabs(~ age + had_any_period, data = xsection[n_days > 35, ])
##     had_any_period
## age  FALSE TRUE
##   18     1   10
##   19     0   28
##   20     0   41
##   21     0   32
##   22     2   27
##   23     2   34
##   24     1   14
##   25     0   17
##   26     0   15
##   27     0    9
##   28     0    7
##   29     0    7
##   30     0    5
##   31     0    5
##   32     0    7
##   33     1    2
##   34     0    4
##   35     0    3
##   36     0    2
##   37     0    3
##   38     0    1
##   39     0    3
##   40     0    3
##   41     0    3
##   42     0    2
##   43     0    1
##   45     0    3
##   46     0    2
##   47     0    3
##   48     0    2
##   49     2    2
##   50     1    3
##   51     0    1
##   53     1    0
##   55     0    1
##   58     0    1
##   60     1    0
crosstabs(~ age + any_fertile_days_known, data = xsection[n_days > 35, ])
##     any_fertile_days_known
## age  FALSE TRUE
##   18     1   10
##   19     0   28
##   20     0   41
##   21     0   32
##   22     2   27
##   23     2   34
##   24     1   14
##   25     0   17
##   26     0   15
##   27     0    9
##   28     0    7
##   29     0    7
##   30     0    5
##   31     0    5
##   32     0    7
##   33     1    2
##   34     0    4
##   35     0    3
##   36     0    2
##   37     0    3
##   38     0    1
##   39     0    3
##   40     0    3
##   41     0    3
##   42     0    2
##   43     0    1
##   45     0    3
##   46     0    2
##   47     0    3
##   48     0    2
##   49     2    2
##   50     1    3
##   51     0    1
##   53     1    0
##   55     0    1
##   58     0    1
##   60     1    0
crosstabs(~ age + (fertile_days_known_backward > 0), data = xsection[n_days > 35, ])
##     fertile_days_known_backward > 0
## age  FALSE TRUE
##   18     1   10
##   19     1   27
##   20     3   38
##   21     1   31
##   22     3   26
##   23     4   32
##   24     1   14
##   25     0   17
##   26     1   14
##   27     0    9
##   28     0    7
##   29     0    7
##   30     1    4
##   31     0    5
##   32     0    7
##   33     1    2
##   34     0    4
##   35     0    3
##   36     0    2
##   37     0    3
##   38     1    0
##   39     0    3
##   40     0    3
##   41     0    3
##   42     0    2
##   43     1    0
##   45     0    3
##   46     1    1
##   47     1    2
##   48     0    2
##   49     2    2
##   50     3    1
##   51     0    1
##   53     1    0
##   55     1    0
##   58     1    0
##   60     1    0
crosstabs(~ age + (fertile_days_known_forward > 0), data = xsection)
##     fertile_days_known_forward > 0
## age  FALSE TRUE
##   18     7   29
##   19     6   68
##   20     8   85
##   21     8  104
##   22     9   96
##   23    11  118
##   24     7  101
##   25     3   73
##   26     5   80
##   27     5   47
##   28     7   39
##   29     3   32
##   30     5   24
##   31     0   16
##   32     0   20
##   33     4   23
##   34     1   11
##   35     0   11
##   36     0   13
##   37     1    9
##   38     0    9
##   39     1   12
##   40     1    9
##   41     1    8
##   42     0    3
##   43     0    3
##   44     0    7
##   45     2    7
##   46     0    3
##   47     1    7
##   48     1    3
##   49     3    6
##   50     3    8
##   51     1    3
##   52     2    1
##   53     3    2
##   54     1    0
##   55     1    1
##   57     0    1
##   58     1    1
##   60     2    0
##   69     0    1
unique(xsection[n_days > 0, list(age, n_days, fertile_days_known_forward, fertile_days_known_backward, had_any_period,any_fertile_days_known)]) %>% arrange(age) %>% tail(40)
unique(xsection[n_days >= 30, list(age, n_days, fertile_days_known_forward, fertile_days_known_backward, had_any_period,any_fertile_days_known)]) %>% arrange(age) %>% tail(40)
xsection[age > 45 & !had_any_period, any_fertile_days_known := FALSE]
unique(xsection[n_days >= 30 & any_fertile_days_known == T, list(age, n_days, fertile_days_known_forward, fertile_days_known_backward, had_any_period,any_fertile_days_known)]) %>% arrange(age) %>% tail(40)

non-debatable exclusion criteria:

  • menopausal (indirectly defined by us still observing periods)
  • use hormonal contraception
  • pregnant
excluded_old = NULL
xsection[, include_all := T] # default is to include everybody
xsection[ include_all == T, include_all := ! & n_days > 0] # ever responded to diary
pipeline$never_did_diary = n_excluded(xsection$include_all)
## 54 excluded
xsection[str_sub(session, 1,10) == "cd78621db4", include_all := F] # reported hormonal treatment in preparation for IVF
xsection[ include_all == T, include_all := ! pregnant %contains% "1"] # only non-pregnant (in last 3 months)
pipeline$pregnant = n_excluded(xsection$include_all)
## 24 excluded
xsection[ include_all == T, include_all := ! contraception %contains_word% "infertile"] # only not infertile
pipeline$infertile = n_excluded(xsection$include_all)
## 5 excluded
xsection[ include_all == T, include_all := ! contraception %contains_word% "sterilised"] # only non-pregnant (in last 3 months)
pipeline$sterilised = n_excluded(xsection$include_all)
## 12 excluded
xsection[ include_all == T, include_all := any_fertile_days_known] # only those where we could infer fertility on at least one day
pipeline$fertility_not_estimable = n_excluded(xsection$include_all)
## 59 excluded
# here we allow those who breastfed in last 3 months, because those we excluded those with lactational amenorrhoe already above
# xsection[ include_all == T, include_all := ! breast_feeding %contains% "1"] # only non-breast_feeding
# n_excluded(xsection$include_all)

xsection[, hormonal_all := include_all]
pipeline$naturally_cycling = sum(xsection[ include_all == T, 
    ! contraception %contains% "contraceptive_pill"  & 
    !contraception %contains% "other_hormonal"], na.rm = T)
xsection[ include_all == T, include_all := 
    ! contraception %contains% "contraceptive_pill"  & 
    !contraception %contains% "other_hormonal"] # only non-hormonally contracepting, in this case we leave women who take the morning after pill with the naturally cycling women

pipeline_hc$HC_users = sum(xsection[ hormonal_all == T, 
    contraception %contains% "contraceptive_pill"  | 
    contraception %contains% "other_hormonal"], na.rm = T)
xsection[ hormonal_all == T, hormonal_all := 
    contraception %contains% "contraceptive_pill"  | 
    contraception %contains% "other_hormonal"] # only hormonally contracepting

xsection[, included_bool := include_all & !hormonal_all]
xsection[hormonal_all == F & include_all == F, included_bool := NA]
xsection[, included_all := factor(ifelse(included_bool, "cycling",  "horm_contra"))]
crosstabs(~ included_all, xsection)
## included_all
##     cycling horm_contra 
##         429         625

429 non-hormonally contracepting women and 625 hormonally contracepting women are included in the sample with only mandatory exclusion criteria.


  1. nur die obligatorischen Ausschlusskriterien (finished study, didn’t take too long, use hormonal contraception, switched to hormonal contraception, certain medication, took pill/hormonal antibiotics during the last three months, certain illness, breastfeeding, pregnant, irregular cycle) #### exclusion criteria:
  • age >= 40
  • use hormonal contraception
  • switched to hormonal contraception
  • certain medication
  • tool pill/hormonal antibiotics during the last three months
  • certain illness
  • breastfeeding
  • pregnant
  • irregular cycle
  • guessed the hypothesis
excluded_old = NULL
xsection[, include_lax := include_all] # default is to include everybody
## 779 excluded
## [1] 779
xsection[ include_lax == T, include_lax := age < 40] # include only those who are younger than 40
pipeline$older_than_40 = n_excluded(xsection$include_lax)
## 54 excluded
xsection[ include_lax == T, include_lax := ! (ended.abschluss)] # include only those who finished the abschluss survey
pipeline$finished_post_survey = n_excluded(xsection$include_lax)
## 137 excluded
xsection[ include_lax == T, include_lax := ! contraception %contains% "contraceptive_pill" & ! contraception %contains% "morning_after_pill" & !contraception %contains% "other_hormonal" & !contraception %contains% "infertile"] # only non-hormonally contracepting
pipeline$hc_users_broad = n_excluded(xsection$include_lax)
## 2 excluded
xsection[ include_lax == T, include_lax := ! breast_feeding %contains% "1"] # only non-breast_feeding
pipeline$breast_feeding = n_excluded(xsection$include_lax)
## 6 excluded
xsection[ include_lax == T, include_lax := !pille_control %contains% "1"] # pill in the last 3 months
pipeline$pill_last_3m = n_excluded(xsection$include_lax)
## 14 excluded
xsection[ include_lax == T, include_lax := !antibiotics %contains% "1"] # no hormonal medication
pipeline$hormonal_medicine = n_excluded(xsection$include_lax)
## 25 excluded
table(xsection$cyklus_3) #show cycle lengths
##  20  21  22  23  24  25  26  27  28  29  30  31  32  33  34  35  36  37  38  39  40 
##  13  22   7  23  28  87  66  57 504  84 150  29  31  13   9  36   2   2   2   1  42
xsection[, hormonal_contra := contraception %contains% "contraceptive_pill" & ! contraception %contains% "morning_after_pill" & !contraception %contains% "other_hormonal" & !contraception %contains% "infertile"]
crosstabs(~ xsection$hormonal_contra  + xsection$cyklus_4)
##                         xsection$cyklus_4
## xsection$hormonal_contra   1   2   3   4   5
##                    FALSE  62  66 119 169 189
##                    TRUE   33  46  95 194 234
##                    <NA>    0   0   0   1   0
xtabs(~ cyklus_3 + cyklus_4, data = xsection)
##         cyklus_4
## cyklus_3   1   2   3   4   5
##       20   4   0   1   4   4
##       21   1   3   4   7   7
##       22   2   1   1   2   1
##       23   1   1  10   7   4
##       24   2   0   3  14   9
##       25  16  13  17  26  15
##       26   4   4  11  33  14
##       27   4   9  12  16  16
##       28  17  28  70 141 248
##       29   1   5  15  34  29
##       30  17  26  39  42  26
##       31   3   0   4  12  10
##       32   3   7   6   5  10
##       33   0   3   3   4   3
##       34   0   1   2   3   3
##       35   4   4   9   7  12
##       36   1   0   0   0   1
##       37   0   0   1   0   1
##       38   1   0   0   1   0
##       39   0   0   1   0   0
##       40  14   7   5   6  10
xsection[ include_lax == T, include_lax := cyklus_3 > 21 & cyklus_3 < 38] #exclude those with wrong cycle lengths
pipeline$long_or_short_cycle = n_excluded(xsection$include_lax)
## 10 excluded
crosstabs(~ include_lax + hypothesis_guessed, data = xsection)
##            hypothesis_guessed
## include_lax     hormones menstruation pille zyklus zyklus, pille
##       FALSE 986        6            1     3     29             1
##       TRUE  157        0            0     3     21             0
##       <NA>    1        0            0     0      0             0
xsection[ include_lax == T, include_lax := | ! hypothesis_guessed %contains% "zyklus"] #exclude those who guessed hypotheses
pipeline$guessed_hypothesis = n_excluded(xsection$include_lax)
## 21 excluded
xsection[ include_lax == T, include_lax := !(took_days > 70 | avg_diff > 10)] #exclude laggards
pipeline$laggards = n_excluded(xsection$include_lax)
## 17 excluded
pipeline$criterion_lax = sum(xsection$include_lax, na.rm = T)

143 non-hormonally contracepting women and 0 hormonally contracepting women are included in the sample with lax inclusion criteria.

hormonally contracepting control group

excluded_old = NULL
xsection[, hormonal_lax := hormonal_all] # default is to include everybody
## 583 excluded
## [1] 583
xsection[ hormonal_lax == T, hormonal_lax := age < 40] # include only those below 40
pipeline_hc$older_than_40 = n_excluded(xsection$hormonal_lax)
## 10 excluded
xsection[ hormonal_lax == T, hormonal_lax := ! (ended.abschluss)] # include only those who finished the abschluss survey
pipeline_hc$finished_post_survey = n_excluded(xsection$hormonal_lax)
## 168 excluded
xsection[ hormonal_lax == T, hormonal_lax := ! breast_feeding %contains% "1"] # only non-breast_feeding
pipeline_hc$breast_feeding = n_excluded(xsection$hormonal_lax)
## 2 excluded
xsection[ hormonal_lax == T, hormonal_lax := cyklus_3 > 21 & cyklus_3 < 38] #exclude those with wrong cycle lengths
pipeline_hc$long_or_short_cycle = n_excluded(xsection$hormonal_lax)
## 28 excluded
xsection[ hormonal_lax == T, hormonal_lax := ! hypothesis_guessed %contains% "zyklus" & !  hypothesis_guessed %contains% "hormones"] #exclude those who guessed hypotheses
pipeline_hc$guessed_hypothesis = n_excluded(xsection$hormonal_lax)
## 19 excluded
xsection[ hormonal_lax == T, hormonal_lax := !(took_days > 70 | avg_diff > 10)] #exclude laggards
pipeline_hc$laggards = n_excluded(xsection$hormonal_lax)
## 24 excluded
xsection[, included_bool := include_lax & !hormonal_lax]
xsection[hormonal_lax == F & include_lax == F, included_bool := NA]
xsection[, included_lax := factor(ifelse(included_bool, "cycling",  "horm_contra"))]$included_lax)[$included_bool)] <- TRUE
crosstabs( ~factor(xsection$included_lax,exclude = NULL))
## factor(xsection$included_lax, exclude = NULL)
##     cycling horm_contra        <NA> 
##         143         374         691
pipeline_hc$criterion_lax = sum(xsection$hormonal_lax, na.rm = T)


conservative exclusion criteria:

  • BMI
  • weight loss
  • cigs
  • intensive sports
  • those with irregular cycle but only if they are fairly sure about regularity
excluded_old = NULL
xsection[, include_conservative := include_lax]
## 1065 excluded
## [1] 1065
xsection[include_conservative == T, include_conservative := ! cigarettes > 10]
pipeline$heavy_smokers = n_excluded(xsection$include_conservative)
## 4 excluded
xsection[include_conservative == T, include_conservative := ! intensive_sports > 7]
pipeline$intensive_sports = n_excluded(xsection$include_conservative)
## 6 excluded
xsection[include_conservative == T, include_conservative := ! breakup == 1]
pipeline$broke_up = n_excluded(xsection$include_conservative)
## 3 excluded
xsection[include_conservative == T, include_conservative := ! change_contraception_1 %contains% "1"]
pipeline$changed_contraception = n_excluded(xsection$include_conservative)
## 0 excluded
xsection[include_conservative == T, include_conservative := weight_post - weight > -8]
pipeline$lost_more_than_8kg = n_excluded(xsection$include_conservative)
## 2 excluded
xsection[, BMI := ((weight_post + weight)/2) /((height/100)^2)] #creating new variable "BMI" in dataset

xsection[include_conservative == T, include_conservative := BMI > 17]
pipeline$BMI_lt_17 = n_excluded(xsection$include_conservative)
## 3 excluded
xsection[include_conservative == T, include_conservative := BMI < 30]
pipeline$BMI_gt_30 = n_excluded(xsection$include_conservative)
## 8 excluded
table(xsection$cyklus_5)  #show if and how much cycle was off during the last three months
##   1   2   3 
## 779 237 192
xtabs(~ cyklus_5 + cyklus_6, data = xsection)
##         cyklus_6
## cyklus_5   1   2   3   4   5
##        1  18  10  23 128 600
##        2   9  15  34  72 107
##        3  22   4  12  31 123
xsection[include_conservative == T, include_conservative := cyklus_5 < 3 | cyklus_6 == 5] #exclude those with irregular cycles, IF they have expressed some certainty in this
pipeline$confident_that_cycle_irregular = n_excluded(xsection$include_conservative)
## 5 excluded
pipeline$criterion_conservative = sum(xsection$include_conservative, na.rm = T)
excluded_old = NULL
xsection[, hormonal_conservative := hormonal_lax]
## 834 excluded
## [1] 834
xsection[hormonal_conservative == T, hormonal_conservative := ! cigarettes > 10]
pipeline_hc$heavy_smokers = n_excluded(xsection$hormonal_conservative)
## 10 excluded
xsection[hormonal_conservative == T, hormonal_conservative := ! intensive_sports > 7]
pipeline_hc$intensive_sports = n_excluded(xsection$hormonal_conservative)
## 18 excluded
xsection[hormonal_conservative == T, hormonal_conservative := ! breakup == 1]
pipeline_hc$broke_up = n_excluded(xsection$hormonal_conservative)
## 10 excluded
xsection[hormonal_conservative == T, hormonal_conservative := ! change_contraception_1 %contains% "1"]
pipeline_hc$changed_contraception = n_excluded(xsection$hormonal_conservative)
## 14 excluded
xsection[hormonal_conservative == T, hormonal_conservative := weight_post - weight > -8]
pipeline_hc$lost_more_than_8kg = n_excluded(xsection$hormonal_conservative)
## 6 excluded
xsection[, BMI := ((weight_post + weight)/2) /((height/100)^2)] #creating new variable "BMI" in dataset

xsection[hormonal_conservative == T, hormonal_conservative := BMI > 17]
pipeline_hc$BMI_lt_17 = n_excluded(xsection$hormonal_conservative)
## 7 excluded
xsection[hormonal_conservative == T, hormonal_conservative := BMI < 30]
pipeline_hc$BMI_gt_30 = n_excluded(xsection$hormonal_conservative)
## 10 excluded
table(xsection$cyklus_5)  #show if and how much cycle was off during the last three months
##   1   2   3 
## 779 237 192
xtabs(~ cyklus_5 + cyklus_6, data = xsection)
##         cyklus_6
## cyklus_5   1   2   3   4   5
##        1  18  10  23 128 600
##        2   9  15  34  72 107
##        3  22   4  12  31 123
xsection[hormonal_conservative == T, hormonal_conservative := cyklus_5 < 3 | cyklus_6 == 5] #exclude those with irregular cycles, IF they have expressed some certainty in this
pipeline_hc$confident_that_cycle_irregular = n_excluded(xsection$hormonal_conservative)
## 6 excluded
xsection[, included_bool := include_conservative & ! hormonal_conservative]
xsection[ hormonal_conservative == F & include_conservative == F, included_bool := NA]
xsection[, included_conservative := factor(ifelse(included_bool, "cycling",  "horm_contra"))]$included_conservative)[$included_bool)] <- TRUE
crosstabs( ~factor(xsection$included_conservative,exclude = NULL))
## factor(xsection$included_conservative, exclude = NULL)
##     cycling horm_contra        <NA> 
##         112         294         802
pipeline_hc$criterion_conservative = sum(xsection$hormonal_conservative, na.rm = T)

112 non-hormonally contracepting women and 293 hormonally contracepting women are included in the sample with conservative exclusion criteria.


  • stressed
  • those with irregular cycle even if they are basically guessing about regularity
excluded_old = NULL
xsection[, include_strict := include_conservative]
## 1096 excluded
## [1] 1096
xsection[include_strict == T, include_strict := cyklus_5 < 3] #exclude those with irregular cycles, even the uncertain ones
pipeline$cycle_possibly_irregular = n_excluded(xsection$include_strict)
## 12 excluded
xsection[include_strict == T, include_strict := ! stress == 1]
pipeline$stressed = n_excluded(xsection$include_strict)
## 43 excluded
pipeline$criterion_strict = sum(xsection$include_strict, na.rm = T)
excluded_old = NULL
xsection[, hormonal_strict := hormonal_conservative]
## 915 excluded
## [1] 915
xsection[hormonal_strict == T, hormonal_strict := cyklus_5 < 3] #exclude those with irregular cycles, even the uncertain ones
pipeline_hc$cycle_possibly_irregular = n_excluded(xsection$hormonal_strict)
## 12 excluded
xsection[hormonal_strict == T, hormonal_strict := ! stress == 1]
pipeline_hc$stressed = n_excluded(xsection$hormonal_strict)
## 120 excluded
pipeline_hc$criterion_strict = sum(xsection$hormonal_strict, na.rm = T)

xsection[, included_bool := include_strict & ! hormonal_strict]
xsection[ hormonal_strict == F & include_strict == F, included_bool := NA]
xsection[, included_strict := factor(ifelse(included_bool, "cycling",  "horm_contra"))]$included_strict)[$included_bool)] <- TRUE

crosstabs( ~factor(xsection$included_strict,exclude = NULL))
## factor(xsection$included_strict, exclude = NULL)
##     cycling horm_contra        <NA> 
##          57         162         989
crosstabs(~ factor(included_strict, exclude = NULL), xsection[!, ])
## factor(included_strict, exclude = NULL)
##     cycling horm_contra 
##          57         162

57 non-hormonally contracepting women and 161 hormonally contracepting women are included in the sample with overly strict exclusion criteria.

by strictness

crosstabs(~ factor(included_strict, exclude = NULL), xsection[!, ])
## factor(included_strict, exclude = NULL)
##     cycling horm_contra 
##          57         162
xsection$included_levels = ifelse(!$included_all),"all", NA_character_)
xsection$included_levels = ifelse(!$included_lax), "lax", xsection$included_levels)
xsection$included_levels = ifelse(!$included_conservative), "conservative", xsection$included_levels)
xsection$included_levels = ifelse(!$included_strict), "strict", xsection$included_levels)
xsection$included_levels = factor(xsection$included_levels, levels = c("all", "lax", "conservative", "strict"))
xsection[, hormonal := contraception %contains% "contraceptive_pill" | contraception %contains% "other_hormonal"]
crosstabs(~ factor(xsection$included_levels, exclude = NULL))
## factor(xsection$included_levels, exclude = NULL)
##          all          lax conservative       strict         <NA> 
##          537          111          187          219          154
crosstabs(~ factor(included_levels, exclude = NULL) + hormonal, data = xsection)
##                                        hormonal
## factor(included_levels, exclude = NULL) FALSE TRUE <NA>
##                            all            286  251    0
##                            lax             31   80    0
##                            conservative    55  132    0
##                            strict          57  162    0
##                            <NA>            85   68    1

Participant flow

See descriptives.

pipeline$hc = pipeline_hc
save(pipeline, file = "pipeline.rdata")

Final step

Save the data.

new_names = c("session", setdiff(names(xsection), prev_names))
diary = merge(xsection %>% select(one_of(new_names)), diary, by = "session", all.x = T)
save( xsection, diary, file = "full_data.rdata")