
Cycling women (not on hormonal birth control)

Women on hormonal birth control

opts_chunk$set(fig.width = 9, fig.height = 7, cache = T, warning = F, message = F, render = formr::pander_handler, error = TRUE)
hcfacet = facet_wrap(~ hormonal_contraception, labeller = as_labeller(c("0" = "Naturally cycling", "1" = "Hormonal contraception user")))

Exclusion criteria, participant flow

After this section, descriptives are only on women who are included.

Participant flow

consort = with(pipeline,
paste0('graph TB
  start["Participants enrolled<br>
  notfinish["Did not finish pre-survey<br>
  eligible["Finished pre-survey<br>

  horm_ineligible["Excluded n=',never_did_diary,' no diary entries,<br>
  n=',pregnant,' pregnant, n=',infertile,' infertile,<br>
  n=',sterilised,' sterilised,<br>
  n=',fertility_not_estimable,' fertility not estimable"]

  nc["Naturally cycling<br>

  hc["Using hormonal contraception<br>

  c_lax_ineligible["Excluded n=',older_than_40,' older than 40, <br>
  n=',finished_post_survey,' did not finish study, <br>
  n=',hc_users_broad,' used morning-after-pill, <br>
  n=',breast_feeding,' breast-feeding, <br>
  n=',pill_last_3m,' HC used in last 3m, <br>
  n=',hormonal_medicine,' hormonal medication, <br>
  n=',long_or_short_cycle,' cycle length not in 22-37 days, <br>
  n=',guessed_hypothesis,' guessed a hypothesis, <br>
  n=',laggards,' took more >70 days or <br>
interrupted for >10 days"]

  c_lax["Included (lax)<br>

  c_cons_ineligible["Excluded n=',heavy_smokers,' heavy smokers, <br>
  n=',intensive_sports,' did intensive sports, <br>
  n=',changed_contraception,' changed contraception,<br>
  n=',broke_up,' broke up, n=',lost_more_than_8kg,' lost > 8kg, <br>
  n=',BMI_lt_17,' BMI < 17, n=',BMI_gt_30,' BMI > 30, <br>
  n=',confident_that_cycle_irregular,' irregular cycle (confident)"]

  c_cons["Included (conservative)<br>

  c_strict_ineligible["Excluded n=',stressed,' stressed, <br>
  n=',cycle_possibly_irregular,' possibly irregular cycle"]

  c_strict["Included (strict)<br>

  hc_lax_ineligible["Excluded n=',hc$older_than_40,' older than 40,<br>
  n=',hc$finished_post_survey,' did not finish study, <br>
  n=',hc$breast_feeding,' breast-feeding, <br>
  n=',hc$long_or_short_cycle,' cycle length not in 22-37 days, <br>
  n=',hc$guessed_hypothesis,' guessed a hypothesis, <br>
  n=',hc$laggards,' took more >70 days or <br>
interrupted for >10 days"]

  hc_lax["Included (lax)<br>

  hc_cons_ineligible["Excluded n=',hc$heavy_smokers,' heavy smokers, <br>
  n=',hc$intensive_sports,' did intensive sports, <br>
  n=',hc$changed_contraception,' changed contraception,<br>
  n=',hc$broke_up,' broke up, n=',hc$lost_more_than_8kg,' lost > 8kg, <br>
  n=',hc$BMI_lt_17,' BMI < 17, n=',hc$BMI_gt_30,' BMI > 30, <br>
  n=',hc$confident_that_cycle_irregular,' irregular cycle (confident)"]

  hc_cons["Included (conservative)<br>

  hc_strict_ineligible["Excluded n=',hc$stressed,' stressed, <br>
  n=',hc$cycle_possibly_irregular,' possibly irregular cycle"]

  hc_strict["Included (strict)<br>

  start --> ineligible
  start --> eligible
  start --> notfinish
  eligible --> hc
  eligible --> horm_ineligible
  eligible --> nc
  nc --> c_lax
  nc --> c_lax_ineligible
  hc --> hc_lax_ineligible
  hc --> hc_lax
  c_lax --> c_cons
  c_lax --> c_cons_ineligible
  hc_lax --> hc_cons_ineligible
  hc_lax --> hc_cons
  c_cons --> c_strict
  c_cons --> c_strict_ineligible
  hc_cons --> hc_strict_ineligible
  hc_cons --> hc_strict

classDef default fill:#fff,stroke:#000,stroke-width:1px
mermaid(consort, width = 1400, height = 900)

Exclusion by hormonal contraception

bar_count(xsection, included_levels)

bar_count(xsection, included_levels) + hcfacet

xtabs(~ dodgy_data + included_levels, data = diary)
##           included_levels
## dodgy_data   all   lax conservative strict
##      FALSE 10192  3655         6261   7465
##      TRUE    577   158          204    217
xsection2 = xsection
xsection = xsection %>% filter(! %>% mutate(duration_relationship_total = duration_relationship_total/12)
diary = diary %>% filter(!

Data collection

First included participant enrolled on 2014-03-19, last participant enrolled on 2015-07-02. Last diary entry on 2015-12-03.


options(digits = 2)
xsection %>% 
  select(age, religiosity, first_time, menarche, duration_relationship_total, cycle_length, number_sexual_partner) %>%
  gather(variable, value) %>%
  group_by(variable) %>%
  filter(! %>% 
  summarise(mean = form(mean(value), 1), sd = form(sd(value),1), 
            median = median(value),
            min = min(value), max  = max(value)) %>% 
## Warning: attributes are not identical across measure variables;
## they will be dropped
variable mean sd median min max
age 25.8 6.9 24 18 69
cycle_length 28.4 3.3 28 20 40
duration_relationship_total 3.9 4.6 2.5 0 34.25
first_time 16.9 2.3 17 10 29
menarche 13.0 1.4 13 9 19
number_sexual_partner 7.2 11.1 4 0 150
religiosity 2.0 1.1 2 1 5
# options(digits = 4)

# xsection %>% 
#   select(age, religiosity, first_time, menarche, duration_relationship_total, cycle_length, number_sexual_partner) %>%
#   gather(variable, value) %>%
#   group_by(variable) %>%
#   filter(! %>% 
#   summarise(mean = round(mean(value),1), sd = round(sd(value),1), 
#             median = median(value),
#             min = min(value), max  = round(max(value))) %>%
#   stargazer::stargazer(summary = FALSE, rownames = F, label = "Descriptive statistics", align = T, header = F, digits = 1, digits.extra = 1)

Comparison with quasi-control group

comps = data_frame(var = character(0), 
                   `HC user - Mean (SD)` = character(0), 
                   `Cycling - Mean (SD)` = character(0),
                   hedges_g = character(0),
                   p_value = character(0)
## Warning: `data_frame()` is deprecated, use `tibble()`.
## This warning is displayed once per session.
compare_by_group = function(var, data) {
 sd_hc = sd(data[data$hormonal_contraception == 1,][[var]], na.rm = T)
 sd_nc = sd(data[data$hormonal_contraception == 0,][[var]], na.rm = T)
  data$hormonal_contraception = factor(if_else(data$hormonal_contraception == 1, "hormonal contraceptive user", "naturally cycling"))
 comp = as.formula(paste0(var, " ~ hormonal_contraception"))
 tt = t.test(comp, data = data)
 eff = effsize::cohen.d(comp, data = data, hedges.correction = TRUE, na.rm = T, pooled = FALSE)
 summary = data_frame(var = var, 
                   `HC user - Mean (SD)` = paste0(form(tt$estimate[1], 1)," (", form(sd_hc, 1),")"), 
                   `Cycling - Mean (SD)` = paste0(form(tt$estimate[2], 1), " (", form(sd_nc, 1), ")"),
                   hedges_g = form(eff$estimate),
                   p_value = pvalues(tt$p.value)
 rownames(summary) = NULL
 comps <<- bind_rows(comps, summary)

ggplot(data, aes_string(var, colour = "hormonal_contraception", fill = "hormonal_contraception")) + 
  geom_density(alpha = 0.3, size = 0) +
  scale_color_manual("", values = c("naturally cycling" = "red", "hormonal contraceptive user" = "black"), guide = F) +
  scale_fill_manual("", values = c("naturally cycling" = "red", "hormonal contraceptive user" = "black"), guide = F) 


compare_by_group("age", xsection)
##  Welch Two Sample t-test
## data:  age by hormonal_contraception
## t = -10, df = 600, p-value <2e-16
## alternative hypothesis: true difference in means is not equal to 0
## 95 percent confidence interval:
##  -6.0 -4.3
## sample estimates:
## mean in group hormonal contraceptive user           mean in group naturally cycling 
##                                        24                                        29 
## Hedges's g
## g estimate: -0.61 (medium)
## 95 percent confidence interval:
## lower upper 
## -0.74 -0.49


compare_by_group("religiosity", xsection)
##  Welch Two Sample t-test
## data:  religiosity by hormonal_contraception
## t = -0.09, df = 900, p-value = 0.9
## alternative hypothesis: true difference in means is not equal to 0
## 95 percent confidence interval:
##  -0.15  0.13
## sample estimates:
## mean in group hormonal contraceptive user           mean in group naturally cycling 
##                                         2                                         2 
## Hedges's g
## g estimate: -0.0053 (negligible)
## 95 percent confidence interval:
## lower upper 
## -0.13  0.12

Age at first time

compare_by_group("first_time", xsection)
##  Welch Two Sample t-test
## data:  first_time by hormonal_contraception
## t = 0.03, df = 800, p-value = 1
## alternative hypothesis: true difference in means is not equal to 0
## 95 percent confidence interval:
##  -0.29  0.30
## sample estimates:
## mean in group hormonal contraceptive user           mean in group naturally cycling 
##                                        17                                        17 
## Hedges's g
## g estimate: 0.0018 (negligible)
## 95 percent confidence interval:
## lower upper 
## -0.12  0.13
## Warning: Removed 29 rows containing non-finite values (stat_density).

Age at menarche

compare_by_group("menarche", xsection)
##  Welch Two Sample t-test
## data:  menarche by hormonal_contraception
## t = 0.7, df = 400, p-value = 0.5
## alternative hypothesis: true difference in means is not equal to 0
## 95 percent confidence interval:
##  -0.17  0.35
## sample estimates:
## mean in group hormonal contraceptive user           mean in group naturally cycling 
##                                        13                                        13 
## Hedges's g
## g estimate: 0.061 (negligible)
## 95 percent confidence interval:
## lower upper 
## -0.12  0.24
## Warning: Removed 586 rows containing non-finite values (stat_density).

Relationship duration

compare_by_group("duration_relationship_total", xsection) + scale_x_sqrt(breaks = c(1,5, 10, 20, 30))
##  Welch Two Sample t-test
## data:  duration_relationship_total by hormonal_contraception
## t = -7, df = 600, p-value = 8e-13
## alternative hypothesis: true difference in means is not equal to 0
## 95 percent confidence interval:
##  -2.9 -1.7
## sample estimates:
## mean in group hormonal contraceptive user           mean in group naturally cycling 
##                                       3.0                                       5.3 
## Hedges's g
## g estimate: -0.38 (small)
## 95 percent confidence interval:
## lower upper 
## -0.51 -0.26
## Warning: Removed 5 rows containing non-finite values (stat_density).

Reported cycle length

compare_by_group("cycle_length", xsection)
##  Welch Two Sample t-test
## data:  cycle_length by hormonal_contraception
## t = -5, df = 800, p-value = 0.0000001
## alternative hypothesis: true difference in means is not equal to 0
## 95 percent confidence interval:
##  -1.56 -0.72
## sample estimates:
## mean in group hormonal contraceptive user           mean in group naturally cycling 
##                                        28                                        29 
## Hedges's g
## g estimate: -0.31 (small)
## 95 percent confidence interval:
## lower upper 
## -0.43 -0.19

Reported cycle regularity

    data = xsection,
    rows = c( "cycle_regularity"),
    cols = "hormonal_contraception", pcCol = T)
##  Contingency Tables                                                                     
##  ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── 
##    cycle_regularity                                           0        1        Total   
##  ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── 
##    very regular,
## up to 2 days off          Observed             198      503      701   
##                                            % within column     46.2     80.5            
##    slightly irregular,
## up to 5 days off    Observed             142       73      215   
##                                            % within column     33.1     11.7            
##    irregular,
## more than 5 days off         Observed              89       49      138   
##                                            % within column     20.7      7.8            
##    Total                                   Observed             429      625     1054   
##                                            % within column    100.0    100.0            
##  ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── 
##  χ² Tests                        
##  ─────────────────────────────── 
##          Value    df    p        
##  ─────────────────────────────── 
##    χ²      135     2    < .001   
##    N      1054                   
##  ───────────────────────────────

Number of sexual partners

compare_by_group("number_sexual_partner", xsection) + scale_x_sqrt(breaks = c(1,5, 10, 20, 50, 100))
##  Welch Two Sample t-test
## data:  number_sexual_partner by hormonal_contraception
## t = -5, df = 600, p-value = 0.000004
## alternative hypothesis: true difference in means is not equal to 0
## 95 percent confidence interval:
##  -5.1 -2.1
## sample estimates:
## mean in group hormonal contraceptive user           mean in group naturally cycling 
##                                       5.7                                       9.3 
## Hedges's g
## g estimate: -0.24 (small)
## 95 percent confidence interval:
## lower upper 
## -0.36 -0.12


compare_by_group("BFI_extra", xsection)
##  Welch Two Sample t-test
## data:  BFI_extra by hormonal_contraception
## t = -0.4, df = 900, p-value = 0.7
## alternative hypothesis: true difference in means is not equal to 0
## 95 percent confidence interval:
##  -0.117  0.079
## sample estimates:
## mean in group hormonal contraceptive user           mean in group naturally cycling 
##                                       3.5                                       3.5 
## Hedges's g
## g estimate: -0.024 (negligible)
## 95 percent confidence interval:
##  lower  upper 
## -0.147  0.099


compare_by_group("BFI_agree", xsection)
##  Welch Two Sample t-test
## data:  BFI_agree by hormonal_contraception
## t = -0.2, df = 900, p-value = 0.8
## alternative hypothesis: true difference in means is not equal to 0
## 95 percent confidence interval:
##  -0.080  0.065
## sample estimates:
## mean in group hormonal contraceptive user           mean in group naturally cycling 
##                                       3.6                                       3.6 
## Hedges's g
## g estimate: -0.013 (negligible)
## 95 percent confidence interval:
## lower upper 
## -0.14  0.11


compare_by_group("BFI_neuro", xsection)
##  Welch Two Sample t-test
## data:  BFI_neuro by hormonal_contraception
## t = 2, df = 900, p-value = 0.02
## alternative hypothesis: true difference in means is not equal to 0
## 95 percent confidence interval:
##  0.019 0.206
## sample estimates:
## mean in group hormonal contraceptive user           mean in group naturally cycling 
##                                       3.1                                       3.0 
## Hedges's g
## g estimate: 0.15 (negligible)
## 95 percent confidence interval:
## lower upper 
## 0.022 0.268


compare_by_group("BFI_consc", xsection)
##  Welch Two Sample t-test
## data:  BFI_consc by hormonal_contraception
## t = 2, df = 900, p-value = 0.02
## alternative hypothesis: true difference in means is not equal to 0
## 95 percent confidence interval:
##  0.016 0.185
## sample estimates:
## mean in group hormonal contraceptive user           mean in group naturally cycling 
##                                       3.6                                       3.5 
## Hedges's g
## g estimate: 0.14 (negligible)
## 95 percent confidence interval:
## lower upper 
##  0.02  0.27


compare_by_group("BFI_open", xsection)
##  Welch Two Sample t-test
## data:  BFI_open by hormonal_contraception
## t = -5, df = 900, p-value = 0.0000004
## alternative hypothesis: true difference in means is not equal to 0
## 95 percent confidence interval:
##  -0.28 -0.12
## sample estimates:
## mean in group hormonal contraceptive user           mean in group naturally cycling 
##                                       3.6                                       3.8 
## Hedges's g
## g estimate: -0.32 (small)
## 95 percent confidence interval:
## lower upper 
## -0.45 -0.20

Relationship satisfaction

compare_by_group("ZIP", xsection)
##  Welch Two Sample t-test
## data:  ZIP by hormonal_contraception
## t = 3, df = 900, p-value = 0.002
## alternative hypothesis: true difference in means is not equal to 0
## 95 percent confidence interval:
##  0.049 0.227
## sample estimates:
## mean in group hormonal contraceptive user           mean in group naturally cycling 
##                                       4.2                                       4.0 
## Hedges's g
## g estimate: 0.18 (negligible)
## 95 percent confidence interval:
## lower upper 
## 0.061 0.307


xsection$occupation_clean = factor(xsection$occupation_clean, c( "Studentin",  "Schülerin", "Auszubildende", "Berufstätig", "Hausfrau", "Nicht berufstätig"))
    data = xsection,
    rows = c( "occupation_clean"),
    cols = "hormonal_contraception", pcCol = T)
##  Contingency Tables                                                  
##  ─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── 
##    occupation_clean                        0        1        Total   
##  ─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── 
##    Studentin            Observed             247      489      736   
##                         % within column     57.7     78.5            
##    Schülerin            Observed               3       12       15   
##                         % within column      0.7      1.9            
##    Auszubildende        Observed               4       10       14   
##                         % within column      0.9      1.6            
##    Berufstätig          Observed             151      104      255   
##                         % within column     35.3     16.7            
##    Hausfrau             Observed              14        6       20   
##                         % within column      3.3      1.0            
##    Nicht berufstätig    Observed               9        2       11   
##                         % within column      2.1      0.3            
##    Total                Observed             428      623     1051   
##                         % within column    100.0    100.0            
##  ─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── 
##  χ² Tests                        
##  ─────────────────────────────── 
##          Value    df    p        
##  ─────────────────────────────── 
##    χ²     70.1     5    < .001   
##    N      1051                   
##  ───────────────────────────────
bar_count(xsection, occupation_clean) + hcfacet


    data = xsection,
    rows = c( "religion_clean"),
    cols = "hormonal_contraception", pcCol = T)
##  Contingency Tables                                               
##  ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── 
##    religion_clean                       0        1        Total   
##  ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── 
##    Buddhismus        Observed               5        2        7   
##                      % within column      1.2      0.3            
##    Christentum       Observed             217      366      583   
##                      % within column     50.7     58.7            
##    Islam             Observed               8        7       15   
##                      % within column      1.9      1.1            
##    Judentum          Observed               1        0        1   
##                      % within column      0.2      0.0            
##    Nicht gläubig     Observed             197      249      446   
##                      % within column     46.0     39.9            
##    Total             Observed             428      624     1052   
##                      % within column    100.0    100.0            
##  ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── 
##  χ² Tests                       
##  ────────────────────────────── 
##          Value    df    p       
##  ────────────────────────────── 
##    χ²     10.3     4    0.035   
##    N      1052                  
##  ──────────────────────────────
bar_count(xsection, religion_clean) + hcfacet


xsection$income = factor(xsection$income, c("< 500€", "500-1000€", "1000-2000€", "2000-3000€", "> 3000€"))
    data = xsection,
    rows = c( "income"),
    cols = "hormonal_contraception", pcCol = T)
##  Contingency Tables                                           
##  ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── 
##    income                           0        1        Total   
##  ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── 
##    < 500€        Observed              38       65      103   
##                  % within column     16.5     27.3            
##    500-1000€     Observed              61       90      151   
##                  % within column     26.5     37.8            
##    1000-2000€    Observed              64       44      108   
##                  % within column     27.8     18.5            
##    2000-3000€    Observed              42       25       67   
##                  % within column     18.3     10.5            
##    > 3000€       Observed              25       14       39   
##                  % within column     10.9      5.9            
##    Total         Observed             230      238      468   
##                  % within column    100.0    100.0            
##  ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── 
##  χ² Tests                        
##  ─────────────────────────────── 
##          Value    df    p        
##  ─────────────────────────────── 
##    χ²     23.6     4    < .001   
##    N       468                   
##  ───────────────────────────────
bar_count(xsection, income) + hcfacet

Income partner

xsection$income_partner = factor(xsection$income_partner, c("< 500€", "500-1000€", "1000-2000€", "2000-3000€", "> 3000€"))
    data = xsection,
    rows = c( "income_partner"),
    cols = "hormonal_contraception", pcCol = T)
##  Contingency Tables                                               
##  ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── 
##    income_partner                       0        1        Total   
##  ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── 
##    < 500€            Observed              62      121      183   
##                      % within column     14.5     19.4            
##    500-1000€         Observed             122      245      367   
##                      % within column     28.4     39.2            
##    1000-2000€        Observed             101      141      242   
##                      % within column     23.5     22.6            
##    2000-3000€        Observed              64       73      137   
##                      % within column     14.9     11.7            
##    > 3000€           Observed              80       45      125   
##                      % within column     18.6      7.2            
##    Total             Observed             429      625     1054   
##                      % within column    100.0    100.0            
##  ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── 
##  χ² Tests                        
##  ─────────────────────────────── 
##          Value    df    p        
##  ─────────────────────────────── 
##    χ²     42.3     4    < .001   
##    N      1054                   
##  ───────────────────────────────
bar_count(xsection, income_partner) + hcfacet

Relationship status

xsection$relationship_status_clean = factor(xsection$relationship_status_clean, levels = c("Partnerschaft", "Verlobt", "Verheiratet"))
    data = xsection,
    rows = c( "relationship_status_clean"),
    cols = "hormonal_contraception", pcCol = T)
##  Contingency Tables                                                          
##  ─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── 
##    relationship_status_clean                       0        1        Total   
##  ─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── 
##    Partnerschaft                Observed             304      577      881   
##                                 % within column     70.9     92.3            
##    Verlobt                      Observed              21       18       39   
##                                 % within column      4.9      2.9            
##    Verheiratet                  Observed             104       30      134   
##                                 % within column     24.2      4.8            
##    Total                        Observed             429      625     1054   
##                                 % within column    100.0    100.0            
##  ─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── 
##  χ² Tests                        
##  ─────────────────────────────── 
##          Value    df    p        
##  ─────────────────────────────── 
##    χ²     92.4     2    < .001   
##    N      1054                   
##  ───────────────────────────────
bar_count(xsection, relationship_status_clean) + hcfacet


xsection$cohabitation = factor(xsection$cohabitation, c("Long-distance", "Live in same city", "Live in same apartment"))
    data = xsection,
    rows = c( "cohabitation"),
    cols = "hormonal_contraception", pcCol = T)
##  Contingency Tables                                                       
##  ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── 
##    cohabitation                                 0        1        Total   
##  ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── 
##    Long-distance             Observed             107      221      328   
##                              % within column     24.9     35.4            
##    Live in same city         Observed              89      206      295   
##                              % within column     20.7     33.0            
##    Live in same apartment    Observed             233      198      431   
##                              % within column     54.3     31.7            
##    Total                     Observed             429      625     1054   
##                              % within column    100.0    100.0            
##  ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── 
##  χ² Tests                        
##  ─────────────────────────────── 
##          Value    df    p        
##  ─────────────────────────────── 
##    χ²     54.3     2    < .001   
##    N      1054                   
##  ───────────────────────────────
bar_count(xsection, cohabitation) + hcfacet

    data = xsection,
    rows = c( "days_with_partner_per_month"),
    cols = "hormonal_contraception", pcCol = T)
##  Contingency Tables                                                            
##  ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── 
##    days_with_partner_per_month                       0        1        Total   
##  ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── 
##    < 3 days                       Observed              20       20       40   
##                                   % within column     18.7      9.0            
##    3-5 days                       Observed              14       28       42   
##                                   % within column     13.1     12.7            
##    5-7 days                       Observed              41       78      119   
##                                   % within column     38.3     35.3            
##    7-14 days                      Observed              30       84      114   
##                                   % within column     28.0     38.0            
##    > 14 days                      Observed               2       11       13   
##                                   % within column      1.9      5.0            
##    Total                          Observed             107      221      328   
##                                   % within column    100.0    100.0            
##  ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── 
##  χ² Tests                       
##  ────────────────────────────── 
##          Value    df    p       
##  ────────────────────────────── 
##    χ²     9.51     4    0.050   
##    N       328                  
##  ──────────────────────────────
bar_count(xsection, days_with_partner_per_month) + hcfacet

    data = xsection,
    rows = c( "days_with_partner"),
    cols = "hormonal_contraception", pcCol = T)
##  Contingency Tables                                                  
##  ─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── 
##    days_with_partner                       0        1        Total   
##  ─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── 
##    < 3 days             Observed             118      201      319   
##                         % within column     27.5     32.2            
##    3-5 days             Observed              95      213      308   
##                         % within column     22.1     34.1            
##    7 days               Observed             216      211      427   
##                         % within column     50.3     33.8            
##    Total                Observed             429      625     1054   
##                         % within column    100.0    100.0            
##  ─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── 
##  χ² Tests                        
##  ─────────────────────────────── 
##          Value    df    p        
##  ─────────────────────────────── 
##    χ²     31.5     2    < .001   
##    N      1054                   
##  ───────────────────────────────
bar_count(xsection, days_with_partner) + hcfacet

    data = xsection,
    rows = c( "nights_with_partner"),
    cols = "hormonal_contraception", pcCol = T)
##  Contingency Tables                                                    
##  ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── 
##    nights_with_partner                       0        1        Total   
##  ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── 
##    < 3 nights             Observed             142      239      381   
##                           % within column     33.1     38.2            
##    3-5 nights             Observed             101      191      292   
##                           % within column     23.5     30.6            
##    7 nights               Observed             186      195      381   
##                           % within column     43.4     31.2            
##    Total                  Observed             429      625     1054   
##                           % within column    100.0    100.0            
##  ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── 
##  χ² Tests                        
##  ─────────────────────────────── 
##          Value    df    p        
##  ─────────────────────────────── 
##    χ²     16.8     2    < .001   
##    N      1054                   
##  ───────────────────────────────
bar_count(xsection, nights_with_partner) + hcfacet

Living situation

xsection$living_situation = factor(xsection$living_situation)
    data = xsection,
    rows = c( "living_situation"),
    cols = "hormonal_contraception", pcCol = T)
##  Contingency Tables                                                               
##  ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── 
##    living_situation                                     0        1        Total   
##  ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── 
##    living alone                      Observed              90      175      265   
##                                      % within column     21.0     28.0            
##    living in all-female flatshare    Observed              41      116      157   
##                                      % within column      9.6     18.6            
##    living in mixed-sex flatshare     Observed              65      136      201   
##                                      % within column     15.2     21.8            
##    living with partner               Observed             233      198      431   
##                                      % within column     54.3     31.7            
##    Total                             Observed             429      625     1054   
##                                      % within column    100.0    100.0            
##  ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── 
##  χ² Tests                        
##  ─────────────────────────────── 
##          Value    df    p        
##  ─────────────────────────────── 
##    χ²     56.5     3    < .001   
##    N      1054                   
##  ───────────────────────────────
bar_count(xsection, living_situation) + hcfacet


xsection$children_broad_categories = factor(xsection$children_broad_categories, levels = c("no_children", "children"))

    data = xsection,
    rows = c( "children_narrow_categories"),
    cols = "hormonal_contraception", pcCol = T)
##  Contingency Tables                                                           
##  ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── 
##    children_narrow_categories                       0        1        Total   
##  ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── 
##    Biological children           Observed              83       27      110   
##                                  % within column     19.3      4.3            
##    Complex family                Observed               7        3       10   
##                                  % within column      1.6      0.5            
##    Foster children               Observed               0        1        1   
##                                  % within column      0.0      0.2            
##    No children                   Observed             333      591      924   
##                                  % within column     77.6     94.6            
##    Step children                 Observed               6        3        9   
##                                  % within column      1.4      0.5            
##    Total                         Observed             429      625     1054   
##                                  % within column    100.0    100.0            
##  ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── 
##  χ² Tests                        
##  ─────────────────────────────── 
##          Value    df    p        
##  ─────────────────────────────── 
##    χ²     70.1     4    < .001   
##    N      1054                   
##  ───────────────────────────────
bar_count(xsection, children_narrow_categories) + hcfacet

    data = xsection,
    rows = c( "children_broad_categories"),
    cols = "hormonal_contraception", pcCol = T)
##  Contingency Tables                                                          
##  ─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── 
##    children_broad_categories                       0        1        Total   
##  ─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── 
##    no_children                  Observed             334      593      927   
##                                 % within column     77.9     94.9            
##    children                     Observed              95       32      127   
##                                 % within column     22.1      5.1            
##    Total                        Observed             429      625     1054   
##                                 % within column    100.0    100.0            
##  ─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── 
##  χ² Tests                        
##  ─────────────────────────────── 
##          Value    df    p        
##  ─────────────────────────────── 
##    χ²     69.6     1    < .001   
##    N      1054                   
##  ───────────────────────────────
bar_count(xsection, children_broad_categories) + hcfacet

Comparison summary

Comparison of continuous variables

var HC user - Mean (SD) Cycling - Mean (SD) hedges_g p_value
age 23.7 (4.7) 28.9 (8.4) -0.61 < .001
religiosity 2.0 (1.1) 2.0 (1.2) -0.01 = .931
first_time 16.9 (2.3) 16.9 (2.4) 0.00 = .977
menarche 13.1 (1.3) 13.0 (1.5) 0.06 = .476
duration_relationship_total 3.0 (3.0) 5.3 (5.9) -0.38 < .001
cycle_length 28.0 (3.0) 29.1 (3.7) -0.31 < .001
number_sexual_partner 5.7 (7.2) 9.3 (14.9) -0.24 < .001
BFI_extra 3.5 (0.8) 3.5 (0.8) -0.02 = .703
BFI_agree 3.6 (0.6) 3.6 (0.6) -0.01 = .840
BFI_neuro 3.1 (0.7) 3.0 (0.8) 0.15 = .018
BFI_consc 3.6 (0.7) 3.5 (0.7) 0.14 = .019
BFI_open 3.6 (0.6) 3.8 (0.6) -0.32 < .001
ZIP 4.2 (0.7) 4.0 (0.7) 0.18 = .002

Categorical regression with many predictors at once

altogether = glm(hormonal_contraception ~ age + cohabitation + living_situation + religiosity + ZIP + BFI_extra + BFI_neuro + BFI_agree + BFI_consc + BFI_open + first_time + duration_relationship_years + log1p(number_sexual_partner) + children_broad_categories + relationship_status_clean  + occupation_clean + income_partner, data = xsection, family = binomial("probit"))
## Call:
## glm(formula = hormonal_contraception ~ age + cohabitation + living_situation + 
##     religiosity + ZIP + BFI_extra + BFI_neuro + BFI_agree + BFI_consc + 
##     BFI_open + first_time + duration_relationship_years + log1p(number_sexual_partner) + 
##     children_broad_categories + relationship_status_clean + occupation_clean + 
##     income_partner, family = binomial("probit"), data = xsection)
## Deviance Residuals: 
##    Min      1Q  Median      3Q     Max  
## -2.435  -1.007   0.579   0.855   2.507  
## Coefficients: (1 not defined because of singularities)
##                                                Estimate Std. Error z value   Pr(>|z|)    
## (Intercept)                                     1.44379    0.74119    1.95    0.05142 .  
## age                                            -0.06476    0.01426   -4.54 0.00000561 ***
## cohabitationLive in same city                   0.15748    0.11704    1.35    0.17847    
## cohabitationLive in same apartment             -0.20454    0.13146   -1.56    0.11973    
## living_situationliving in all-female flatshare  0.07042    0.15019    0.47    0.63917    
## living_situationliving in mixed-sex flatshare  -0.12374    0.13620   -0.91    0.36361    
## living_situationliving with partner                  NA         NA      NA         NA    
## religiosity                                     0.02176    0.04203    0.52    0.60463    
## ZIP                                             0.16403    0.06273    2.61    0.00893 ** 
## BFI_extra                                       0.03132    0.06196    0.51    0.61324    
## BFI_neuro                                       0.09406    0.06627    1.42    0.15584    
## BFI_agree                                      -0.02284    0.08065   -0.28    0.77702    
## BFI_consc                                       0.23409    0.06960    3.36    0.00077 ***
## BFI_open                                       -0.37380    0.07335   -5.10 0.00000035 ***
## first_time                                      0.00873    0.02236    0.39    0.69603    
## duration_relationship_years                     0.01766    0.01733    1.02    0.30828    
## log1p(number_sexual_partner)                   -0.07085    0.07860   -0.90    0.36739    
## children_broad_categorieschildren              -0.06439    0.17741   -0.36    0.71665    
## relationship_status_cleanVerlobt               -0.15917    0.23852   -0.67    0.50457    
## relationship_status_cleanVerheiratet           -0.59552    0.18578   -3.21    0.00135 ** 
## occupation_cleanSchülerin                       0.52941    0.45055    1.18    0.23999    
## occupation_cleanAuszubildende                   0.32267    0.40049    0.81    0.42042    
## occupation_cleanBerufstätig                     0.05580    0.13338    0.42    0.67567    
## occupation_cleanHausfrau                        0.17117    0.36395    0.47    0.63813    
## occupation_cleanNicht berufstätig              -0.96638    0.50030   -1.93    0.05341 .  
## income_partner500-1000€                         0.09692    0.13262    0.73    0.46487    
## income_partner1000-2000€                        0.07921    0.14379    0.55    0.58171    
## income_partner2000-3000€                        0.05934    0.16989    0.35    0.72687    
## income_partner> 3000€                           0.19883    0.19986    0.99    0.31982    
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
## (Dispersion parameter for binomial family taken to be 1)
##     Null deviance: 1365.8  on 1016  degrees of freedom
## Residual deviance: 1122.2  on  989  degrees of freedom
##   (37 observations deleted due to missingness)
## AIC: 1178
## Number of Fisher Scoring iterations: 5

Categorical regression limited to lax subset

altogether = glm(hormonal_contraception ~ age + cohabitation + living_situation + religiosity + ZIP + BFI_extra + BFI_neuro + BFI_agree + BFI_consc + BFI_open + first_time + duration_relationship_years + log1p(number_sexual_partner) + children_broad_categories + relationship_status_clean  + occupation_clean + income_partner, data = xsection %>% filter(!, family = binomial("probit"))
## Call:
## glm(formula = hormonal_contraception ~ age + cohabitation + living_situation + 
##     religiosity + ZIP + BFI_extra + BFI_neuro + BFI_agree + BFI_consc + 
##     BFI_open + first_time + duration_relationship_years + log1p(number_sexual_partner) + 
##     children_broad_categories + relationship_status_clean + occupation_clean + 
##     income_partner, family = binomial("probit"), data = xsection %>% 
##     filter(!
## Deviance Residuals: 
##    Min      1Q  Median      3Q     Max  
## -2.374  -0.640   0.512   0.751   1.658  
## Coefficients: (1 not defined because of singularities)
##                                                 Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)   
## (Intercept)                                      2.67698    1.21001    2.21   0.0269 * 
## age                                             -0.04113    0.02777   -1.48   0.1386   
## cohabitationLive in same city                    0.23039    0.17782    1.30   0.1951   
## cohabitationLive in same apartment              -0.31849    0.21603   -1.47   0.1404   
## living_situationliving in all-female flatshare  -0.03763    0.23561   -0.16   0.8731   
## living_situationliving in mixed-sex flatshare   -0.30461    0.20124   -1.51   0.1301   
## living_situationliving with partner                   NA         NA      NA       NA   
## religiosity                                      0.05996    0.06547    0.92   0.3597   
## ZIP                                              0.05308    0.11036    0.48   0.6305   
## BFI_extra                                       -0.09321    0.09820   -0.95   0.3425   
## BFI_neuro                                       -0.01510    0.10506   -0.14   0.8857   
## BFI_agree                                       -0.04111    0.12686   -0.32   0.7459   
## BFI_consc                                        0.25412    0.11110    2.29   0.0222 * 
## BFI_open                                        -0.34491    0.10984   -3.14   0.0017 **
## first_time                                      -0.00127    0.03490   -0.04   0.9709   
## duration_relationship_years                     -0.01880    0.02902   -0.65   0.5171   
## log1p(number_sexual_partner)                    -0.17006    0.12527   -1.36   0.1746   
## children_broad_categorieschildren               -0.07860    0.31329   -0.25   0.8019   
## relationship_status_cleanVerlobt                -0.25265    0.39302   -0.64   0.5203   
## relationship_status_cleanVerheiratet            -0.27336    0.32458   -0.84   0.3997   
## occupation_cleanSchülerin                        4.57837  135.22482    0.03   0.9730   
## occupation_cleanAuszubildende                   -0.13051    0.61475   -0.21   0.8319   
## occupation_cleanBerufstätig                     -0.17331    0.21402   -0.81   0.4181   
## occupation_cleanHausfrau                         0.10827    0.95176    0.11   0.9094   
## occupation_cleanNicht berufstätig               -0.44499    0.69345   -0.64   0.5211   
## income_partner500-1000€                          0.19814    0.19447    1.02   0.3083   
## income_partner1000-2000€                         0.04447    0.21683    0.21   0.8375   
## income_partner2000-3000€                         0.02285    0.27543    0.08   0.9339   
## income_partner> 3000€                            0.17485    0.32482    0.54   0.5904   
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
## (Dispersion parameter for binomial family taken to be 1)
##     Null deviance: 565.86  on 494  degrees of freedom
## Residual deviance: 477.26  on 467  degrees of freedom
##   (22 observations deleted due to missingness)
## AIC: 533.3
## Number of Fisher Scoring iterations: 14
Restricted to predictors significant in the whole sample
fewer_preds = glm(hormonal_contraception ~ age + cohabitation + + ZIP + BFI_consc + BFI_open + relationship_status_clean, data = xsection %>% filter(!, family = binomial("probit"))
## Call:
## glm(formula = hormonal_contraception ~ age + cohabitation + +ZIP + 
##     BFI_consc + BFI_open + relationship_status_clean, family = binomial("probit"), 
##     data = xsection %>% filter(!
## Deviance Residuals: 
##    Min      1Q  Median      3Q     Max  
## -2.326  -0.906   0.575   0.758   2.066  
## Coefficients:
##                                      Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)    
## (Intercept)                            2.5342     0.6909    3.67  0.00024 ***
## age                                   -0.0587     0.0166   -3.53  0.00041 ***
## cohabitationLive in same city          0.0511     0.1580    0.32  0.74649    
## cohabitationLive in same apartment    -0.2522     0.1643   -1.53  0.12494    
## ZIP                                    0.0433     0.1001    0.43  0.66576    
## BFI_consc                              0.2109     0.0953    2.21  0.02701 *  
## BFI_open                              -0.3591     0.0983   -3.65  0.00026 ***
## relationship_status_cleanVerlobt      -0.6205     0.3314   -1.87  0.06115 .  
## relationship_status_cleanVerheiratet  -0.2598     0.2702   -0.96  0.33614    
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
## (Dispersion parameter for binomial family taken to be 1)
##     Null deviance: 609.76  on 516  degrees of freedom
## Residual deviance: 542.03  on 508  degrees of freedom
## AIC: 560
## Number of Fisher Scoring iterations: 4

Further plots

bar_count(xsection, has_not_had_sex_yet)

bar_count(xsection, had_sex_with_partner_yet)

bar_count(xsection, trying_to_get_pregnant)

bar_count(xsection, breast_feeding_in_last_3_months)

bar_count(xsection, pregnant_in_last_3_months)

bar_count(xsection, hormonal_medication_in_last_3_months)

bar_count(xsection, pill_in_last_3_months)


Sample sizes

Comparing the various predictors

diary %>% select(person, day_number, fertile_narrow, fertile_broad, fertile_narrow_forward_counted, fertile_broad_forward_counted, prc_stirn_b_squished, prc_stirn_b_backward_inferred) %>% 
  gather(predictor, value, -person) %>% 
  mutate(description = recode(predictor, "day_number" = '', 
  "fertile_narrow" = 'narrow window, backward counted', 
  "fertile_broad" = 'broad window, backward counted', 
  "fertile_narrow_forward_counted" = 'narrow window, forward counted', 
  "fertile_broad_forward_counted" = 'broad window, forward counted', 
  "prc_stirn_b_squished" = 'continuous, backward counted', 
  "prc_stirn_b_backward_inferred" = 'continuous, backward counted from reported cycle length'),
  predictor = factor(recode(predictor, "day_number" = 'all days', 
  "fertile_narrow" = 'narrow BC', 
  "fertile_broad" = 'broad BC', 
  "fertile_narrow_forward_counted" = 'narrow FC', 
  "fertile_broad_forward_counted" = 'broad FC', 
  "prc_stirn_b_squished" = 'cont. BC', 
  "prc_stirn_b_backward_inferred" = 'continuous BCi'), levels = 
    c("all days", "narrow BC", "broad BC", "narrow FC", "broad FC", 
"cont. BC", "continuous BCi"))) %>% 
  group_by(predictor, description) %>% 
  summarise(`n (days)` = n_nonmissing(value), 
            `% of days` = form(n_nonmissing(value)/n()*100), 
            `n (women)` = n_distinct(person[!])) %>% 
  data.frame(check.names = F) %>% 
predictor description n (days) % of days n (women)
all days 28729 100.00 1054
narrow BC narrow window, backward counted 9517 33.13 796
broad BC broad window, backward counted 11518 40.09 798
narrow FC narrow window, forward counted 12219 42.53 978
broad FC broad window, forward counted 15940 55.48 1003
cont. BC continuous, backward counted 17685 61.56 819
continuous BCi continuous, backward counted from reported cycle length 26702 92.94 1054
pander(missingness_patterns(diary %>% ungroup %>% select(prc_stirn_b, prc_stirn_b_forward_counted, prc_stirn_b_backward_inferred)))

index col missings 1 prc_stirn_b 11078 2 prc_stirn_b_backward_inferred 2027 3 prc_stirn_b_forward_counted 1898

Pattern Freq Culprit
_____ 16579 _
1____ 9051 prc_stirn_b
1_2__ 1201
____3 1072 prc_stirn_b_forward_counted
1_2_3 826


diary %>% select(prc_stirn_b_squished, prc_stirn_b_forward_counted) %>% 
cor(use='pairwise.complete.obs') %>% form() %>% pander()
  prc_stirn_b_squished prc_stirn_b_forward_counted
prc_stirn_b_squished 1.00 0.67
prc_stirn_b_forward_counted 0.67 1.00

Plotted menstruation and fertility estimates

wall = list(scale_y_discrete("Person"),
  scale_x_continuous("Relative to last observed menstrual onset", limits= c(-40, 15), breaks = seq(-40,15, by = 5)),
  scale_fill_distiller("Fertile window probability"),
  scale_color_manual("Menstruation strength", values = c("0"="transparent","1"="pink","2"="red","3"="darkred")),
  geom_vline(aes(xintercept = limits, linetype = Window),data = data.frame(limits= c(-14.5,-19.5, -13.5,-22.5,-3.5,-12.5), Window = rep(c("narrow","broad","infertile"),each=2)),color = 'black', size = 0.9, alpha = 0.9,show.legend = T),
  scale_linetype_manual("Window", values = c("narrow"="solid","broad"="dashed","infertile"="dotted"))

Predictor: Backward-counted

diary %>% filter(included_all == "cycling",fertile_days_known_backward > 10, sufficient_diary_coverage==T, ever_menstruated == T, any_RCD == T, person < 400) %>%
  ggplot(aes(x = RCD, y = factor(person), fill = prc_stirn_b)) + wall 
## Warning: Removed 668 rows containing missing values (geom_tile).
## Warning: Removed 668 rows containing missing values (geom_point).

Hormonally contracepting
diary %>% filter(included_all == "horm_contra",fertile_days_known_backward > 10, sufficient_diary_coverage==T, ever_menstruated == T, any_RCD == T, person < 400) %>%
  ggplot(aes(x = RCD, y = factor(person), fill = prc_stirn_b)) + wall 
## Warning: Removed 1411 rows containing missing values (geom_tile).
## Warning: Removed 1411 rows containing missing values (geom_point).

####Predictor: Forward-counted ##### Cycling

diary %>% filter(included_all == "cycling",fertile_days_known_backward > 10, sufficient_diary_coverage==T, ever_menstruated == T, any_RCD == T, person < 400) %>%
  ggplot(aes(x = RCD, y = factor(person), fill = prc_stirn_b_forward_counted)) + wall 
## Warning: Removed 668 rows containing missing values (geom_tile).
## Warning: Removed 668 rows containing missing values (geom_point).

Hormonally contracepting
diary %>% filter(included_all == "horm_contra",fertile_days_known_backward > 10, sufficient_diary_coverage==T, ever_menstruated == T, any_RCD == T, person < 400) %>%
  ggplot(aes(x = RCD, y = factor(person), fill = prc_stirn_b_forward_counted)) + wall 
## Warning: Removed 1411 rows containing missing values (geom_tile).
## Warning: Removed 1411 rows containing missing values (geom_point).

Predictor: Forward and backward averaged

diary %>% filter(included_all == "cycling",fertile_days_known_backward > 10, sufficient_diary_coverage==T, ever_menstruated == T, any_RCD == T, person < 400) %>%
  ggplot(aes(x = RCD, y = factor(person), fill = fertile_forward_and_backward)) + wall 
## Warning: Removed 668 rows containing missing values (geom_tile).
## Warning: Removed 668 rows containing missing values (geom_point).

Hormonally contracepting
diary %>% filter(included_all == "horm_contra",fertile_days_known_backward > 10, sufficient_diary_coverage==T, ever_menstruated == T, any_RCD == T, person < 400) %>%
  ggplot(aes(x = RCD, y = factor(person), fill = fertile_forward_and_backward)) + wall 
## Warning: Removed 1411 rows containing missing values (geom_tile).
## Warning: Removed 1411 rows containing missing values (geom_point).

Diary generalizability

multi_rel = function(x, lme = T, lmer = T) { 
  mrel = x %>%
  filter(day_number <= 40) %>%
  gather(variable, value, -person, -day_number) %>%
  multilevel.reliability(., "person", "day_number", lme = lme, lmer = lmer, items = "variable", values = "value", long = T, aov = F)

Extra-pair desire and behaviour

diary %>% 
  select(person, day_number, extra_pair_2:extra_pair_13) %>%
  multi_rel(lmer = T, lme = F)
## Warning: attributes are not identical across measure variables;
## they will be dropped
## Warning in checkConv(attr(opt, "derivs"), opt$par, ctrl = control$checkConv, : Model failed to converge with
## max|grad| = 0.0021235 (tol = 0.002, component 1)

Multilevel Generalizability analysis   
Call: multilevel.reliability(x = ., grp = "person", Time = "day_number", 
    items = "variable", aov = F, lmer = lmer, lme = lme, long = T, 
    values = "value")

The data had  1054  observations taken over  41  time intervals for  12 items.

 Alternative estimates of reliability based upon Generalizability theory

RkF  =  0.99 Reliability of average of all ratings across all items and  times (Fixed time effects)
R1R  =  0.5 Generalizability of a single time point across all items (Random time effects)
RkR  =  0.98 Generalizability of average time points across all items (Random time effects)
Rc   =  0.76 Generalizability of change (fixed time points, fixed items) 
RkRn =  0.98 Generalizability of between person differences averaged over time (time nested within people)
Rcn  =  0.6 Generalizability of within person variations averaged over items  (time nested within people)

 These reliabilities are derived from the components of variance estimated by lmer 
             variance Percent
ID               0.28    0.12
Time             0.00    0.00
Items            0.21    0.09
ID x time        0.24    0.10
ID x items       0.40    0.17
time x items     0.28    0.12
Residual         0.90    0.39
Total            2.31    1.00

 The nested components of variance estimated from lmer are:
         variance Percent
id           0.32   0.157
id(time)     0.19   0.093
residual     1.51   0.750
total        2.01   1.000

To see the ANOVA and alpha by subject, use the short = FALSE option.
 To see the summaries of the ICCs by subject and time, use all=TRUE
 To see specific objects select from the following list:
 ANOVA s.lmer s.lme alpha lmer long Call

Extra-pair desire

diary %>% 
  select(person, day_number, extra_pair_7, extra_pair_10, extra_pair_11, extra_pair_12, extra_pair_13) %>%
  multi_rel(lmer = T, lme = F)
## Warning: attributes are not identical across measure variables;
## they will be dropped
## Warning in checkConv(attr(opt, "derivs"), opt$par, ctrl = control$checkConv, : Model failed to converge with
## max|grad| = 0.0145761 (tol = 0.002, component 1)

Multilevel Generalizability analysis   
Call: multilevel.reliability(x = ., grp = "person", Time = "day_number", 
    items = "variable", aov = F, lmer = lmer, lme = lme, long = T, 
    values = "value")

The data had  1054  observations taken over  41  time intervals for  5 items.

 Alternative estimates of reliability based upon Generalizability theory

RkF  =  0.99 Reliability of average of all ratings across all items and  times (Fixed time effects)
R1R  =  0.55 Generalizability of a single time point across all items (Random time effects)
RkR  =  0.98 Generalizability of average time points across all items (Random time effects)
Rc   =  0.62 Generalizability of change (fixed time points, fixed items) 
RkRn =  0.98 Generalizability of between person differences averaged over time (time nested within people)
Rcn  =  0.36 Generalizability of within person variations averaged over items  (time nested within people)

 These reliabilities are derived from the components of variance estimated by lmer 
             variance Percent
ID               0.37    0.17
Time             0.00    0.00
Items            0.14    0.07
ID x time        0.22    0.11
ID x items       0.32    0.15
time x items     0.37    0.17
Residual         0.68    0.32
Total            2.09    1.00

 The nested components of variance estimated from lmer are:
         variance Percent
id           0.43   0.253
id(time)     0.13   0.076
residual     1.14   0.670
total        1.70   1.000

To see the ANOVA and alpha by subject, use the short = FALSE option.
 To see the summaries of the ICCs by subject and time, use all=TRUE
 To see specific objects select from the following list:
 ANOVA s.lmer s.lme alpha lmer long Call

Extra-pair flirting

diary %>% 
  select(person, day_number, extra_pair_4, extra_pair_8, extra_pair_9) %>%
  multi_rel(lmer = T, lme = F)
## Warning: attributes are not identical across measure variables;
## they will be dropped
## Warning in checkConv(attr(opt, "derivs"), opt$par, ctrl = control$checkConv, : Model failed to converge with
## max|grad| = 0.00281509 (tol = 0.002, component 1)

Multilevel Generalizability analysis   
Call: multilevel.reliability(x = ., grp = "person", Time = "day_number", 
    items = "variable", aov = F, lmer = lmer, lme = lme, long = T, 
    values = "value")

The data had  1054  observations taken over  41  time intervals for  3 items.

 Alternative estimates of reliability based upon Generalizability theory

RkF  =  0.99 Reliability of average of all ratings across all items and  times (Fixed time effects)
R1R  =  0.46 Generalizability of a single time point across all items (Random time effects)
RkR  =  0.97 Generalizability of average time points across all items (Random time effects)
Rc   =  0.49 Generalizability of change (fixed time points, fixed items) 
RkRn =  0.97 Generalizability of between person differences averaged over time (time nested within people)
Rcn  =  0.36 Generalizability of within person variations averaged over items  (time nested within people)

 These reliabilities are derived from the components of variance estimated by lmer 
             variance Percent
ID               0.21    0.19
Time             0.00    0.00
Items            0.01    0.01
ID x time        0.14    0.12
ID x items       0.11    0.10
time x items     0.21    0.19
Residual         0.44    0.39
Total            1.10    1.00

 The nested components of variance estimated from lmer are:
         variance Percent
id           0.24    0.27
id(time)     0.10    0.11
residual     0.54    0.61
total        0.89    1.00

To see the ANOVA and alpha by subject, use the short = FALSE option.
 To see the summaries of the ICCs by subject and time, use all=TRUE
 To see specific objects select from the following list:
 ANOVA s.lmer s.lme alpha lmer long Call

Extra-pair compliments

diary %>% 
  select(person, day_number, extra_pair_2, extra_pair_3) %>%
  multi_rel(lmer = T, lme = F)
## Warning: attributes are not identical across measure variables;
## they will be dropped
## Warning in checkConv(attr(opt, "derivs"), opt$par, ctrl = control$checkConv, : Model failed to converge with
## max|grad| = 0.0619795 (tol = 0.002, component 1)

Multilevel Generalizability analysis   
Call: multilevel.reliability(x = ., grp = "person", Time = "day_number", 
    items = "variable", aov = F, lmer = lmer, lme = lme, long = T, 
    values = "value")

The data had  1054  observations taken over  41  time intervals for  2 items.

 Alternative estimates of reliability based upon Generalizability theory

RkF  =  0.99 Reliability of average of all ratings across all items and  times (Fixed time effects)
R1R  =  0.44 Generalizability of a single time point across all items (Random time effects)
RkR  =  0.97 Generalizability of average time points across all items (Random time effects)
Rc   =  0.54 Generalizability of change (fixed time points, fixed items) 
RkRn =  0.97 Generalizability of between person differences averaged over time (time nested within people)
Rcn  =  0.24 Generalizability of within person variations averaged over items  (time nested within people)

 These reliabilities are derived from the components of variance estimated by lmer 
             variance Percent
ID               0.58    0.02
Time             0.00    0.00
Items           34.54    0.92
ID x time        0.54    0.01
ID x items       0.39    0.01
time x items     0.58    0.02
Residual         0.93    0.02
Total           37.56    1.00

 The nested components of variance estimated from lmer are:
         variance Percent
id           0.78   0.305
id(time)     0.24   0.093
residual     1.54   0.602
total        2.55   1.000

To see the ANOVA and alpha by subject, use the short = FALSE option.
 To see the summaries of the ICCs by subject and time, use all=TRUE
 To see specific objects select from the following list:
 ANOVA s.lmer s.lme alpha lmer long Call

Extra-pair going out

diary %>% 
  select(person, day_number, extra_pair_5, extra_pair_6) %>%
  multi_rel(lmer = T, lme = F)
## Warning: attributes are not identical across measure variables;
## they will be dropped
## singular fit

Multilevel Generalizability analysis   
Call: multilevel.reliability(x = ., grp = "person", Time = "day_number", 
    items = "variable", aov = F, lmer = lmer, lme = lme, long = T, 
    values = "value")

The data had  1054  observations taken over  41  time intervals for  2 items.

 Alternative estimates of reliability based upon Generalizability theory

RkF  =  0.98 Reliability of average of all ratings across all items and  times (Fixed time effects)
R1R  =  0.28 Generalizability of a single time point across all items (Random time effects)
RkR  =  0.94 Generalizability of average time points across all items (Random time effects)
Rc   =  0.75 Generalizability of change (fixed time points, fixed items) 
RkRn =  0.94 Generalizability of between person differences averaged over time (time nested within people)
Rcn  =  0.61 Generalizability of within person variations averaged over items  (time nested within people)

 These reliabilities are derived from the components of variance estimated by lmer 
             variance Percent
ID               0.46    0.13
Time             0.00    0.00
Items            0.05    0.01
ID x time        1.35    0.36
ID x items       0.46    0.12
time x items     0.46    0.13
Residual         0.92    0.25
Total            3.69    1.00

 The nested components of variance estimated from lmer are:
         variance Percent
id           0.69    0.21
id(time)     1.10    0.34
residual     1.42    0.44
total        3.21    1.00

To see the ANOVA and alpha by subject, use the short = FALSE option.
 To see the summaries of the ICCs by subject and time, use all=TRUE
 To see specific objects select from the following list:
 ANOVA s.lmer s.lme alpha lmer long Call

Extra-pair sexual fantasies

diary %>% 
  select(person, day_number, extra_pair_13) %>%
  multi_rel(lmer = F, lme = T)

Multilevel Generalizability analysis   
Call: multilevel.reliability(x = ., grp = "person", Time = "day_number", 
    items = "variable", aov = F, lmer = lmer, lme = lme, long = T, 
    values = "value")

The data had  1054  observations taken over  41  time intervals for  1 items.

 Alternative estimates of reliability based upon Generalizability theory

RkRn =  0.97 Generalizability of between person differences averaged over time (time nested within people)
Rcn  =  0.85 Generalizability of within person variations averaged over items  (time nested within people)
 The nested components of variance estimated from lme are:
         Variance Percent
id           0.67   0.453
id(time)     0.69   0.466
residual     0.12   0.081
total        1.48   1.000

To see the ANOVA and alpha by subject, use the short = FALSE option.
 To see the summaries of the ICCs by subject and time, use all=TRUE
 To see specific objects select from the following list:
 ANOVA s.lmer s.lme alpha lmer long Call

In-pair desire

diary %>% 
  select(person, day_number, sexual_intercourse_1_6scale, desirability_partner, attention_2) %>%
  multi_rel(lme = F, lmer = T)
## Warning: attributes are not identical across measure variables;
## they will be dropped

Multilevel Generalizability analysis   
Call: multilevel.reliability(x = ., grp = "person", Time = "day_number", 
    items = "variable", aov = F, lmer = lmer, lme = lme, long = T, 
    values = "value")

The data had  1054  observations taken over  41  time intervals for  3 items.

 Alternative estimates of reliability based upon Generalizability theory

RkF  =  0.99 Reliability of average of all ratings across all items and  times (Fixed time effects)
R1R  =  0.38 Generalizability of a single time point across all items (Random time effects)
RkR  =  0.96 Generalizability of average time points across all items (Random time effects)
Rc   =  0.82 Generalizability of change (fixed time points, fixed items) 
RkRn =  0.96 Generalizability of between person differences averaged over time (time nested within people)
Rcn  =  0.75 Generalizability of within person variations averaged over items  (time nested within people)

 These reliabilities are derived from the components of variance estimated by lmer 
             variance Percent
ID               0.68    0.21
Time             0.00    0.00
Items            0.09    0.03
ID x time        0.97    0.30
ID x items       0.17    0.05
time x items     0.68    0.21
Residual         0.62    0.19
Total            3.22    1.00

 The nested components of variance estimated from lmer are:
         variance Percent
id           0.74    0.29
id(time)     0.89    0.35
residual     0.88    0.35
total        2.51    1.00

To see the ANOVA and alpha by subject, use the short = FALSE option.
 To see the summaries of the ICCs by subject and time, use all=TRUE
 To see specific objects select from the following list:
 ANOVA s.lmer s.lme alpha lmer long Call

Self-perceived desirability

diary %>% 
  select(person, day_number, desirability_1) %>%
  multi_rel(lme = T, lmer = F)

Multilevel Generalizability analysis   
Call: multilevel.reliability(x = ., grp = "person", Time = "day_number", 
    items = "variable", aov = F, lmer = lmer, lme = lme, long = T, 
    values = "value")

The data had  1054  observations taken over  41  time intervals for  1 items.

 Alternative estimates of reliability based upon Generalizability theory

RkRn =  0.96 Generalizability of between person differences averaged over time (time nested within people)
Rcn  =  0.86 Generalizability of within person variations averaged over items  (time nested within people)
 The nested components of variance estimated from lme are:
         Variance Percent
id           0.72   0.364
id(time)     1.08   0.545
residual     0.18   0.091
total        1.98   1.000

To see the ANOVA and alpha by subject, use the short = FALSE option.
 To see the summaries of the ICCs by subject and time, use all=TRUE
 To see specific objects select from the following list:
 ANOVA s.lmer s.lme alpha lmer long Call

Sexy clothing choices

diary %>% 
  select(person, day_number, matches("choice_of_clothing_(4|6|7)")) %>%
  multi_rel(lmer = T)
## Warning: attributes are not identical across measure variables;
## they will be dropped
## Warning in checkConv(attr(opt, "derivs"), opt$par, ctrl = control$checkConv, : Model failed to converge with
## max|grad| = 0.122512 (tol = 0.002, component 1)

Multilevel Generalizability analysis   
Call: multilevel.reliability(x = ., grp = "person", Time = "day_number", 
    items = "variable", aov = F, lmer = lmer, lme = lme, long = T, 
    values = "value")

The data had  1054  observations taken over  41  time intervals for  3 items.

 Alternative estimates of reliability based upon Generalizability theory

RkF  =  0.99 Reliability of average of all ratings across all items and  times (Fixed time effects)
R1R  =  0.39 Generalizability of a single time point across all items (Random time effects)
RkR  =  0.96 Generalizability of average time points across all items (Random time effects)
Rc   =  0.81 Generalizability of change (fixed time points, fixed items) 
RkRn =  0.96 Generalizability of between person differences averaged over time (time nested within people)
Rcn  =  0.6 Generalizability of within person variations averaged over items  (time nested within people)

 These reliabilities are derived from the components of variance estimated by lmer 
             variance Percent
ID               0.52    0.18
Time             0.00    0.00
Items            0.35    0.12
ID x time        0.72    0.26
ID x items       0.18    0.07
time x items     0.52    0.18
Residual         0.52    0.18
Total            2.82    1.00

 The nested components of variance estimated from lmer are:
         variance Percent
id           0.58    0.26
id(time)     0.54    0.24
residual     1.09    0.49
total        2.21    1.00

To see the ANOVA and alpha by subject, use the short = FALSE option.
 To see the summaries of the ICCs by subject and time, use all=TRUE
 To see specific objects select from the following list:
 ANOVA s.lmer s.lme alpha lmer long Call

Partner mate retention

diary %>% 
  select(person, day_number, male_jealousy_2, male_mate_retention_1, male_mate_retention_2, male_attention_1) %>%
  multi_rel(lme = F, lmer = T)
## Warning: attributes are not identical across measure variables;
## they will be dropped
## Warning in checkConv(attr(opt, "derivs"), opt$par, ctrl = control$checkConv, : Model failed to converge with
## max|grad| = 0.500119 (tol = 0.002, component 1)
## singular fit

Multilevel Generalizability analysis   
Call: multilevel.reliability(x = ., grp = "person", Time = "day_number", 
    items = "variable", aov = F, lmer = lmer, lme = lme, long = T, 
    values = "value")

The data had  1054  observations taken over  41  time intervals for  4 items.

 Alternative estimates of reliability based upon Generalizability theory

RkF  =  0.98 Reliability of average of all ratings across all items and  times (Fixed time effects)
R1R  =  0.46 Generalizability of a single time point across all items (Random time effects)
RkR  =  0.97 Generalizability of average time points across all items (Random time effects)
Rc   =  0.43 Generalizability of change (fixed time points, fixed items) 
RkRn =  0.96 Generalizability of between person differences averaged over time (time nested within people)
Rcn  =  0 Generalizability of within person variations averaged over items  (time nested within people)

 These reliabilities are derived from the components of variance estimated by lmer 
             variance Percent
ID               0.30    0.07
Time             0.00    0.00
Items            1.04    0.24
ID x time        0.27    0.06
ID x items       0.97    0.22
time x items     0.30    0.07
Residual         1.44    0.33
Total            4.33    1.00

 The nested components of variance estimated from lmer are:
         variance Percent
id           0.53    0.13
id(time)     0.00    0.00
residual     3.50    0.87
total        4.03    1.00

To see the ANOVA and alpha by subject, use the short = FALSE option.
 To see the summaries of the ICCs by subject and time, use all=TRUE
 To see specific objects select from the following list:
 ANOVA s.lmer s.lme alpha lmer long Call

Female mate retention

diary %>% 
  select(person, day_number, mate_retention_3, mate_retention_4, mate_retention_5, mate_retention_6, attention_1) %>%
  multi_rel(lme = F, lmer = T)
## Warning: attributes are not identical across measure variables;
## they will be dropped
## Warning in checkConv(attr(opt, "derivs"), opt$par, ctrl = control$checkConv, : Model failed to converge with
## max|grad| = 0.0101463 (tol = 0.002, component 1)

Multilevel Generalizability analysis   
Call: multilevel.reliability(x = ., grp = "person", Time = "day_number", 
    items = "variable", aov = F, lmer = lmer, lme = lme, long = T, 
    values = "value")

The data had  1054  observations taken over  41  time intervals for  5 items.

 Alternative estimates of reliability based upon Generalizability theory

RkF  =  0.99 Reliability of average of all ratings across all items and  times (Fixed time effects)
R1R  =  0.44 Generalizability of a single time point across all items (Random time effects)
RkR  =  0.97 Generalizability of average time points across all items (Random time effects)
Rc   =  0.68 Generalizability of change (fixed time points, fixed items) 
RkRn =  0.97 Generalizability of between person differences averaged over time (time nested within people)
Rcn  =  0.17 Generalizability of within person variations averaged over items  (time nested within people)

 These reliabilities are derived from the components of variance estimated by lmer 
             variance Percent
ID               0.41    0.10
Time             0.00    0.00
Items            1.08    0.26
ID x time        0.48    0.11
ID x items       0.67    0.16
time x items     0.41    0.10
Residual         1.13    0.27
Total            4.18    1.00

 The nested components of variance estimated from lmer are:
         variance Percent
id           0.54   0.152
id(time)     0.12   0.033
residual     2.93   0.816
total        3.59   1.000

To see the ANOVA and alpha by subject, use the short = FALSE option.
 To see the summaries of the ICCs by subject and time, use all=TRUE
 To see specific objects select from the following list:
 ANOVA s.lmer s.lme alpha lmer long Call

Female jealousy

diary %>% 
  select(person, day_number, jealousy_1, male_jealousy_1, male_jealousy_3) %>%
  multi_rel(lme = F, lmer = T)
## Warning: attributes are not identical across measure variables;
## they will be dropped
## Warning in checkConv(attr(opt, "derivs"), opt$par, ctrl = control$checkConv, : Model failed to converge with
## max|grad| = 0.00404246 (tol = 0.002, component 1)
## singular fit

Multilevel Generalizability analysis   
Call: multilevel.reliability(x = ., grp = "person", Time = "day_number", 
    items = "variable", aov = F, lmer = lmer, lme = lme, long = T, 
    values = "value")

The data had  1054  observations taken over  41  time intervals for  3 items.

 Alternative estimates of reliability based upon Generalizability theory

RkF  =  0.98 Reliability of average of all ratings across all items and  times (Fixed time effects)
R1R  =  0.42 Generalizability of a single time point across all items (Random time effects)
RkR  =  0.97 Generalizability of average time points across all items (Random time effects)
Rc   =  0.29 Generalizability of change (fixed time points, fixed items) 
RkRn =  0.96 Generalizability of between person differences averaged over time (time nested within people)
Rcn  =  0 Generalizability of within person variations averaged over items  (time nested within people)

 These reliabilities are derived from the components of variance estimated by lmer 
             variance Percent
ID               0.12    0.06
Time             0.00    0.00
Items            0.45    0.21
ID x time        0.12    0.05
ID x items       0.49    0.23
time x items     0.12    0.06
Residual         0.85    0.40
Total            2.16    1.00

 The nested components of variance estimated from lmer are:
         variance Percent
id           0.28    0.15
id(time)     0.00    0.00
residual     1.61    0.85
total        1.89    1.00

To see the ANOVA and alpha by subject, use the short = FALSE option.
 To see the summaries of the ICCs by subject and time, use all=TRUE
 To see specific objects select from the following list:
 ANOVA s.lmer s.lme alpha lmer long Call

Narcissistic admiration

diary %>% 
  select(person, day_number, NARQ_admiration_1, NARQ_admiration_2, NARQ_admiration_3) %>%
  multi_rel(lmer = T, lme = F)
## Warning: attributes are not identical across measure variables;
## they will be dropped
## singular fit

Multilevel Generalizability analysis   
Call: multilevel.reliability(x = ., grp = "person", Time = "day_number", 
    items = "variable", aov = F, lmer = lmer, lme = lme, long = T, 
    values = "value")

The data had  1054  observations taken over  41  time intervals for  3 items.

 Alternative estimates of reliability based upon Generalizability theory

RkF  =  1 Reliability of average of all ratings across all items and  times (Fixed time effects)
R1R  =  0.68 Generalizability of a single time point across all items (Random time effects)
RkR  =  0.99 Generalizability of average time points across all items (Random time effects)
Rc   =  0.72 Generalizability of change (fixed time points, fixed items) 
RkRn =  0.99 Generalizability of between person differences averaged over time (time nested within people)
Rcn  =  0.57 Generalizability of within person variations averaged over items  (time nested within people)

 These reliabilities are derived from the components of variance estimated by lmer 
             variance Percent
ID               1.05    0.33
Time             0.00    0.00
Items            0.00    0.00
ID x time        0.38    0.12
ID x items       0.24    0.08
time x items     1.05    0.33
Residual         0.45    0.14
Total            3.17    1.00

 The nested components of variance estimated from lmer are:
         variance Percent
id           1.13    0.53
id(time)     0.30    0.14
residual     0.69    0.33
total        2.12    1.00

To see the ANOVA and alpha by subject, use the short = FALSE option.
 To see the summaries of the ICCs by subject and time, use all=TRUE
 To see specific objects select from the following list:
 ANOVA s.lmer s.lme alpha lmer long Call

Narcissistic rivalry

diary %>% 
  select(person, day_number, NARQ_rivalry_1, NARQ_rivalry_2, NARQ_rivalry_3) %>%
  multi_rel(lmer = T)
## Warning: attributes are not identical across measure variables;
## they will be dropped
## Warning in checkConv(attr(opt, "derivs"), opt$par, ctrl = control$checkConv, : Model failed to converge with
## max|grad| = 0.0100517 (tol = 0.002, component 1)

Multilevel Generalizability analysis   
Call: multilevel.reliability(x = ., grp = "person", Time = "day_number", 
    items = "variable", aov = F, lmer = lmer, lme = lme, long = T, 
    values = "value")

The data had  1054  observations taken over  41  time intervals for  3 items.

 Alternative estimates of reliability based upon Generalizability theory

RkF  =  0.99 Reliability of average of all ratings across all items and  times (Fixed time effects)
R1R  =  0.49 Generalizability of a single time point across all items (Random time effects)
RkR  =  0.98 Generalizability of average time points across all items (Random time effects)
Rc   =  0.65 Generalizability of change (fixed time points, fixed items) 
RkRn =  0.98 Generalizability of between person differences averaged over time (time nested within people)
Rcn  =  0.53 Generalizability of within person variations averaged over items  (time nested within people)

 These reliabilities are derived from the components of variance estimated by lmer 
             variance Percent
ID               0.21    0.23
Time             0.00    0.00
Items            0.00    0.00
ID x time        0.16    0.17
ID x items       0.08    0.09
time x items     0.21    0.23
Residual         0.26    0.28
Total            0.94    1.00

 The nested components of variance estimated from lmer are:
         variance Percent
id           0.24    0.33
id(time)     0.13    0.18
residual     0.35    0.49
total        0.72    1.00

To see the ANOVA and alpha by subject, use the short = FALSE option.
 To see the summaries of the ICCs by subject and time, use all=TRUE
 To see specific objects select from the following list:
 ANOVA s.lmer s.lme alpha lmer long Call

Self esteem

diary %>% 
  select(person, day_number,self_esteem_1) %>%
  multi_rel(lmer = F)

Multilevel Generalizability analysis   
Call: multilevel.reliability(x = ., grp = "person", Time = "day_number", 
    items = "variable", aov = F, lmer = lmer, lme = lme, long = T, 
    values = "value")

The data had  1054  observations taken over  41  time intervals for  1 items.

 Alternative estimates of reliability based upon Generalizability theory

RkRn =  0.97 Generalizability of between person differences averaged over time (time nested within people)
Rcn  =  0.86 Generalizability of within person variations averaged over items  (time nested within people)
 The nested components of variance estimated from lme are:
         Variance Percent
id           0.59    0.43
id(time)     0.67    0.49
residual     0.11    0.08
total        1.37    1.00

To see the ANOVA and alpha by subject, use the short = FALSE option.
 To see the summaries of the ICCs by subject and time, use all=TRUE
 To see specific objects select from the following list:
 ANOVA s.lmer s.lme alpha lmer long Call

Satisfaction with sexual intercourse

diary %>% 
  select(person, day_number, desirability_partner) %>%
  multi_rel(lmer = F)

Multilevel Generalizability analysis   
Call: multilevel.reliability(x = ., grp = "person", Time = "day_number", 
    items = "variable", aov = F, lmer = lmer, lme = lme, long = T, 
    values = "value")

The data had  1054  observations taken over  41  time intervals for  1 items.

 Alternative estimates of reliability based upon Generalizability theory

RkRn =  0.96 Generalizability of between person differences averaged over time (time nested within people)
Rcn  =  0.86 Generalizability of within person variations averaged over items  (time nested within people)
 The nested components of variance estimated from lme are:
         Variance Percent
id           0.84   0.402
id(time)     1.07   0.512
residual     0.18   0.086
total        2.09   1.000

To see the ANOVA and alpha by subject, use the short = FALSE option.
 To see the summaries of the ICCs by subject and time, use all=TRUE
 To see specific objects select from the following list:
 ANOVA s.lmer s.lme alpha lmer long Call

Relationship satisfaction

diary %>% 
  select(person, day_number, relationship_satisfaction_1) %>%
  multi_rel(lmer = F)

Multilevel Generalizability analysis   
Call: multilevel.reliability(x = ., grp = "person", Time = "day_number", 
    items = "variable", aov = F, lmer = lmer, lme = lme, long = T, 
    values = "value")

The data had  1054  observations taken over  41  time intervals for  1 items.

 Alternative estimates of reliability based upon Generalizability theory

RkRn =  0.97 Generalizability of between person differences averaged over time (time nested within people)
Rcn  =  0.86 Generalizability of within person variations averaged over items  (time nested within people)
 The nested components of variance estimated from lme are:
         Variance Percent
id           0.65    0.43
id(time)     0.73    0.49
residual     0.12    0.08
total        1.50    1.00

To see the ANOVA and alpha by subject, use the short = FALSE option.
 To see the summaries of the ICCs by subject and time, use all=TRUE
 To see specific objects select from the following list:
 ANOVA s.lmer s.lme alpha lmer long Call

Partner initiated sex

diary %>% 
  select(person, day_number, partner_initiated_sexual_intercourse) %>%
  multi_rel(lmer = F)

Multilevel Generalizability analysis   
Call: multilevel.reliability(x = ., grp = "person", Time = "day_number", 
    items = "variable", aov = F, lmer = lmer, lme = lme, long = T, 
    values = "value")

The data had  1054  observations taken over  41  time intervals for  1 items.

 Alternative estimates of reliability based upon Generalizability theory

RkRn =  0.72 Generalizability of between person differences averaged over time (time nested within people)
Rcn  =  0.89 Generalizability of within person variations averaged over items  (time nested within people)
 The nested components of variance estimated from lme are:
         Variance Percent
id          0.014   0.059
id(time)    0.200   0.837
residual    0.025   0.105
total       0.239   1.000

To see the ANOVA and alpha by subject, use the short = FALSE option.
 To see the summaries of the ICCs by subject and time, use all=TRUE
 To see specific objects select from the following list:
 ANOVA s.lmer s.lme alpha lmer long Call

Extra-pair sex frequency

sex_summary = diary %>% 
  group_by(hormonal_contraception,person) %>% 
  summarise(n_days = n(), 
            n_extra_pair_sex = sum(extra_pair_sex,na.rm = T),
            n_extra_pair_intimacy = sum(extra_pair_intimacy,na.rm = T),
            n_sex = sum(had_sexual_intercourse,na.rm = T),
            n_petting = sum(had_petting,na.rm = T))

table(diary$extra_pair_sex) %>% pander()
0 1
28600 129
prop.table(table(diary$extra_pair_sex)) %>% pander()
0 1
0.9955 0.00449
ggplot(sex_summary, aes(n_extra_pair_sex)) + geom_bar() + scale_y_log10(breaks = c(1,5,10,100,1000))

xtabs(~ hormonal_contraception + n_extra_pair_sex, data = sex_summary) %>% pander()
  0 1 2 3 4 5 7 8 11
0 401 9 8 2 3 2 2 1 1
1 604 11 3 3 3 1 0 0 0
xtabs(~ hormonal_contraception + I(n_extra_pair_sex>0), data = sex_summary) %>% pander()
0 401 28
1 604 21

Extra-pair intimacy frequency

table(diary$extra_pair_intimacy) %>% pander()
0 1
27442 385
prop.table(table(diary$extra_pair_intimacy)) %>% pander()
0 1
0.9862 0.01384
ggplot(sex_summary, aes(n_extra_pair_intimacy)) + geom_bar() + scale_y_log10(breaks = c(1,5,10,100,1000))

xtabs(~ hormonal_contraception + n_extra_pair_intimacy, data = sex_summary) %>% pander()
  0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 18 19 20 30
0 365 29 11 5 1 2 3 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 1
1 576 27 9 4 6 0 2 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
xtabs(~ hormonal_contraception + I(n_extra_pair_intimacy>0), data = sex_summary) %>% pander()
0 365 64
1 576 49

Sexual intercourse frequency

table(diary$had_sexual_intercourse) %>% pander()
0 1
21758 6070
prop.table(table(diary$had_sexual_intercourse)) %>% pander()
0 1
0.7819 0.2181
ggplot(sex_summary, aes(n_sex)) + geom_bar() + scale_y_log10(breaks = c(1,5,10,100,1000))

ggplot(sex_summary, aes(n_sex/n_days)) + geom_histogram(binwidth = 0.01) + scale_y_log10(breaks = c(1,5,10,100,1000))
## Warning: Transformation introduced infinite values in continuous y-axis
## Warning: Removed 25 rows containing missing values (geom_bar).

ggplot(sex_summary, aes(n_sex, n_days)) + geom_jitter(alpha = 0.1) + geom_abline(slope = 1, intercept = 0)

xtabs(~ hormonal_contraception + n_sex, data = sex_summary) %>% pander()
  0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 28 32 34 35
0 103 48 33 28 41 19 24 22 10 23 19 16 8 10 7 5 2 1 2 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 1
1 76 46 43 49 44 40 53 53 33 31 36 29 20 17 11 13 7 6 4 2 3 3 2 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 0
xtabs(~ hormonal_contraception + I(n_sex>0), data = sex_summary) %>% pander()
0 103 326
1 76 549
sex_summary %>% filter(n_days > 25) %>% group_by(hormonal_contraception) %>% summarise(sex = sum(n_sex>0), no_sex = sum(n_sex==0)) %>% pander()
hormonal_contraception sex no_sex
0 249 38
1 432 31

Petting frequency

table(diary$had_petting) %>% pander()
0 1
22378 5449
prop.table(table(diary$had_petting)) %>% pander()
0 1
0.8042 0.1958
ggplot(sex_summary, aes(n_petting)) + geom_bar() + scale_y_log10(breaks = c(1,5,10,100,1000))

ggplot(sex_summary, aes(n_petting/n_days)) + geom_histogram(binwidth = 0.01) + scale_y_log10(breaks = c(1,5,10,100,1000))
## Warning: Transformation introduced infinite values in continuous y-axis
## Warning: Removed 26 rows containing missing values (geom_bar).

xtabs(~ hormonal_contraception + n_petting, data = sex_summary) %>% pander()
  0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 29 32 34
0 113 55 40 27 28 31 20 22 14 12 12 14 5 7 4 6 4 2 1 4 0 2 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 1
1 102 60 44 54 49 59 39 42 28 18 33 23 17 9 10 7 5 3 4 3 2 2 4 2 1 1 1 2 0 1 0
xtabs(~ hormonal_contraception + I(n_petting>0), data = sex_summary) %>% pander()
0 113 316
1 102 523

Measurement Reactivity

We test whether our analyses are robust to adjustments for measurement reactivity (operationalised as nonlinear time trends over number of days since the beginning of the diary, and over number of days filled out, ). The first approach do this is to test whether our main predictor, probability of being in the fertile window, varies systematically over days. This might happen, if women are more likely to begin our fill out the diary on (non)fertile days.

Because these analyses show small relationships to the predictor, that differ by hormonal contraception, we think it is worth testing if our results are robust to the inclusion of splines over days (since beginning/filled out).

diary %>% mutate(
    included = included_all,
    fertile = if_else(, prc_stirn_b_backward_inferred, prc_stirn_b_squished)
) %>% group_by(person) %>% mutate(days_filled_out = row_number(day_number)) %>% filter(day_number < 40, days_filled_out < 37) %>% 
gamm4(fertile ~ s(day_number, by = included)+ s(days_filled_out, by = included), ~ (1|person), data = .) -> trend
## Linear mixed model fit by REML ['lmerMod']
## REML criterion at convergence: -10915
## Scaled residuals: 
##    Min     1Q Median     3Q    Max 
## -1.762 -0.742 -0.483  0.705  2.532 
## Random effects:
##  Groups   Name                                   Variance Std.Dev.
##  person   (Intercept)                            0.00224  0.0473  
##  Xr.2     s(days_filled_out):includedhorm_contra 0.02012  0.1419  
##  Xr.1     s(days_filled_out):includedcycling     0.02246  0.1499  
##  Xr.0     s(day_number):includedhorm_contra      0.00000  0.0000  
##  Xr       s(day_number):includedcycling          0.00257  0.0506  
##  Residual                                        0.03637  0.1907  
## Number of obs: 24942, groups:  person, 1054; Xr.2, 8; Xr.1, 8; Xr.0, 8; Xr, 8
## Fixed effects:
##                                            Estimate Std. Error t value
## X(Intercept)                                0.17166    0.00200   85.75
## Xs(day_number):includedcyclingFx1          -0.00160    0.01974   -0.08
## Xs(day_number):includedhorm_contraFx1       0.01262    0.00688    1.84
## Xs(days_filled_out):includedcyclingFx1     -0.00308    0.03086   -0.10
## Xs(days_filled_out):includedhorm_contraFx1  0.01100    0.02390    0.46
## Correlation of Fixed Effects:
##             X(Int) X(_):F X(_):_ X(__):F
## Xs(dy_n):F1 -0.036                      
## Xs(dy_):_F1 -0.035  0.001               
## Xs(dy__):F1  0.031 -0.439 -0.001        
## Xs(d__):_F1  0.014  0.000 -0.256  0.000
## Family: gaussian 
## Link function: identity 
## Formula:
## fertile ~ s(day_number, by = included) + s(days_filled_out, by = included)
## <environment: 0x7f9c99ca2910>
## Parametric coefficients:
##             Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)    
## (Intercept)    0.172      0.002    85.8   <2e-16 ***
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
## Approximate significance of smooth terms:
##                                         edf Ref.df     F p-value    
## s(day_number):includedcycling          3.03   3.03  4.19 0.00557 ** 
## s(day_number):includedhorm_contra      1.00   1.00  3.37 0.06639 .  
## s(days_filled_out):includedcycling     5.96   5.96  4.35 0.00029 ***
## s(days_filled_out):includedhorm_contra 6.52   6.52 13.27 5.2e-16 ***
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
## R-sq.(adj) =  0.00563   
## lmer.REML = -10915  Scale est. = 0.036367  n = 24942
plot(trend$gam, pages = 1)


Very broad categories of contraceptive methods, as used in the analyses

xsection <- xsection %>% tbl_df()
count(xsection %>% tbl_df(), vars = contraceptive_method) %>% arrange(desc(n)) %>% mutate(percent = round(n/sum(n),2)) %>% filter(n > 2) %>% data.frame() %>% pander()
vars n percent
hormonal 625 0.59
barrier_or_abstinence 293 0.28
none 73 0.07
fertility_awareness 53 0.05
other 10 0.01

Of hormonal contraceptives: pill

xsection %>% filter(contraceptive_method == 'hormonal') %>% mutate(contraceptive_pill = contraception %contains% "contraceptive_pill") %>% count(vars = contraceptive_pill) %>% arrange(desc(n)) %>% mutate(percent = round(n/sum(n),2)) %>% filter(n > 2) %>% data.frame() %>% pander()
vars n percent
TRUE 549 0.88
FALSE 76 0.12

Of non-pill methods, other methods

otherhormmethods = c("1" = "depot-injected", "2" = "hormonal implant", "3" = "vaginal ring", "4" = "contraceptive patch", "5" = "hormonal IUD")
xsection = xsection %>% mutate(other_hormonal_methods = otherhormmethods[hormonal_1])
xsection %>% filter(contraceptive_method == 'hormonal') %>% mutate(contraceptive_pill = contraception %contains% "contraceptive_pill") %>% filter(contraceptive_pill == F) %>% count(vars = other_hormonal_methods) %>% arrange(desc(n)) %>% mutate(percent = round(n/sum(n),2)) %>% filter(n > 2) %>% data.frame() %>% pander()
vars n percent
NA 31 0.41
vaginal ring 26 0.34
hormonal IUD 12 0.16
depot-injected 3 0.04
hormonal implant 3 0.04
cat("missings occurred here, because we asked about these only after the diary and not everyone finished")
## missings occurred here, because we asked about these only after the diary and not everyone finished

Slightly more differentiated contraceptive methods

count(xsection, vars = contraceptives_broad_categories) %>% arrange(desc(n)) %>% mutate(percent = round(n/sum(n),2)) %>% filter(n > 2) %>% data.frame() %>% pander()
vars n percent
contraceptive_pill 410 0.39
condoms 189 0.18
contraceptive_pill, condoms 124 0.12
none 73 0.07
other_hormonal 68 0.06
intrauterine_pessar 47 0.04
occasionally_use_coitus_interruptus 47 0.04
other 45 0.04
counting_and_or_temperature_methods 42 0.04
partner_sterilised 9 0.01

Methods as reported by at least 3 women

count(xsection, vars = contraception) %>% arrange(desc(n)) %>% mutate(percent = round(n/sum(n),2)) %>% filter(n > 2) %>% data.frame() %>% pander()
vars n percent
contraceptive_pill 410 0.39
condoms 189 0.18
contraceptive_pill, condoms 124 0.12
none 73 0.07
other_hormonal 68 0.06
intrauterine_pessar 47 0.04
condoms, kalendermethode 12 0.01
condoms, coitus_interruptus 11 0.01
coitus_interruptus 10 0.01
partner_sterilised 9 0.01
condoms, temperature_billings 8 0.01
none, condoms 7 0.01
other_hormonal, condoms 7 0.01
andere 6 0.01
condoms, kalendermethode, coitus_interruptus 5 0
kalendermethode 4 0
kalendermethode, coitus_interruptus 4 0
none, coitus_interruptus 4 0
none, partner_sterilised 4 0
condoms, intrauterine_pessar 3 0
contraceptive_pill, condoms, coitus_interruptus 3 0
kalendermethode, temperature_billings 3 0
common <- head((count(xsection, vars=contraception) %>% arrange(desc(n)))$vars,10)
commoncontra = xsection %>% filter(contraception %in% common)

bar_count(commoncontra, contraception)

Common pill brands

count(xsection, vars=pills) %>% filter(! %>% arrange(desc(n)) %>% mutate(percent = round(n/sum(n),2)) %>% filter(n > 10) %>% data.frame() %>% pander()
vars n percent
maxim 88 0.16
other 48 0.09
belara 25 0.05
velafee 25 0.05
lamuna_20 24 0.04
valette 21 0.04
microgynon 16 0.03
asumate_20 15 0.03
chariva 15 0.03
evaluna_20 15 0.03
minisiston_20_fem 15 0.03
leonahexal 12 0.02
aida 11 0.02
bellissima 11 0.02
minisiston 11 0.02

Contraception and cycle regularity

reported any period?

this includes the whole sample, because having a period was a mandatory inclusion criterion

crosstabs(~ had_any_period + contraceptive_method , data = xsection2)  %>% 
  prop.table(2) %>% 
  round(2) %>% 
  barrier_or_abstinence fertility_awareness hormonal none other
FALSE 0.09 0.11 0.09 0.21 0.26
TRUE 0.91 0.89 0.91 0.79 0.74
crosstabs(~ had_any_period + contraceptive_method , data = xsection2 %>% filter(n_days > 20))  %>% 
  round(2) %>% 
  barrier_or_abstinence fertility_awareness hormonal none other
FALSE 3 1 19 10 3
TRUE 202 38 479 50 11
xsection2 %>% filter(n_days > 20, contraceptive_method == 'hormonal', !had_any_period) %>% select(contraception, age, n_days, pills) %>% pander()
contraception age n_days pills
none, contraceptive_pill 24 29 evaluna_30
other_hormonal 50 24 NA
contraceptive_pill, condoms 23 39 seculact
contraceptive_pill 22 33 desirett
contraceptive_pill 24 29 desirett
other_hormonal 49 30 NA
contraceptive_pill 21 26 zoely
other_hormonal 24 30 NA
contraceptive_pill 20 30 lamuna_20
other_hormonal 24 38 NA
other_hormonal 27 34 NA
contraceptive_pill, condoms 23 31 bellissima
contraceptive_pill 33 29 desmin_20
contraceptive_pill 22 39 maxim
contraceptive_pill 24 30 jubrele
contraceptive_pill 30 28 cilest
contraceptive_pill, condoms 37 30 other
contraceptive_pill 20 28 maxim
contraceptive_pill 18 38 other
crosstabs(~ cycle_length_groups + contraceptive_method , data = xsection)  %>% 
  prop.table(2) %>% 
  round(2) %>% 
  barrier_or_abstinence fertility_awareness hormonal none other
(19,25] 0.13 0.08 0.16 0.12 0.1
(25,30] 0.65 0.74 0.77 0.62 0.8
(30,35] 0.17 0.19 0.04 0.16 0.1
(35,41] 0.05 0 0.03 0.1 0
xsection  %>% 
  group_by(contraceptive_method) %>% 
  summarise(cycle_length = mean(cycle_length, na.rm = T), sd = sd(cycle_length, na.rm = T), n = n()) %>% 
contraceptive_method cycle_length sd n
barrier_or_abstinence 29 NA 293
fertility_awareness 29.04 NA 53
hormonal 27.96 NA 625
none 29.62 NA 73
other 28.4 NA 10
qplot(cycle_length, data = xsection, binwidth = 1) + facet_wrap(~ contraceptive_method, scales = "free_y")

qplot(cycle_length, data = xsection, binwidth = 1) + facet_wrap(~ contraceptive_method_by_pearl, scales = "free_y")

xsection %>% select(cycle_length, partner_attractiveness_physical,partner_attractiveness_shortterm, partner_attractiveness_rel_to_self, ZIP, duration_relationship_total) %>% cor(use='pairwise.complete.obs') %>% round(2) %>% .[1, -1]
##    partner_attractiveness_physical   partner_attractiveness_shortterm partner_attractiveness_rel_to_self 
##                               0.00                              -0.01                               0.01 
##                                ZIP        duration_relationship_total 
##                               0.05                               0.09


plz_populations = read.csv("geo/plz_einwohner.csv")
plz_populations %>% mutate(plz = str_pad(plz, 5, "left", "0"),
                           postal_code = str_sub(plz, 1, 3)) %>% 
  group_by(postal_code) %>%
  summarise(einwohner = sum(einwohner, na.rm = T)) %>%
  tbl_df() -> plz_populations

xsection %>% 
  select(postal_code) %>% 
  group_by(postal_code) %>% 
  summarise(count = n()) %>% 
  right_join(plz_populations, by = 'postal_code', copy = T) %>% 
  mutate(count = ifelse(, 0, count),
    percent = count/einwohner) -> origins
## Warning: Column `postal_code` has different attributes on LHS and RHS of join
# origins
# library(rgdal)           # required for readOGR and spTransform
# map <- readOGR(dsn="geo/plz-3stellig.shp/", layer="plz-3stellig",verbose = F)
# library(rgeos)
# # plot(map)
# map = SpatialPolygonsDataFrame(gSimplify(map, tol = 0.001, topologyPreserve = T), data = data.frame(map))
# save(map, file = "geo/map.rdata")
origins = data.frame(postal_code = map$plz) %>% left_join(origins, by = 'postal_code')
## Loading required package: sp
## Warning: Column `postal_code` has different attributes on LHS and RHS of join
map$count = origins$count
map$einwohner = origins$einwohner
map$percent = origins$percent
map$popup1 <- paste0("Count: ",             
                      map$count,         #column containing the district names
                      "<br>Populaton: ", 
palette <- colorNumeric(c("white","red"), c(0, max(log1p(origins$percent * 10000))))
map$fill = palette(log1p(map$percent * 10000))
map = map[map$count > 0,]
mymap <- leaflet() %>%
        options = providerTileOptions(minZoom=6, maxZoom=10)) %>%
  addPolygons(data = map,
              fillColor = ~fill,
              stroke = F,
              fillOpacity = 0.6,
              popup = ~popup1
  )  %>% 
  setView(9.812, 51.56, zoom = 6)

# mymap
saveWidget(mymap, file = "2_origin_map.html", selfcontained = F)

Components/factors in preregistered outcomes

diary %>% ungroup() %>%  select(extra_pair, in_pair_desire, desirability_1, had_sexual_intercourse, partner_initiated_sexual_intercourse, partner_mate_retention, sexy_clothes, NARQ_admiration, NARQ_rivalry) %>%

## Parallel analysis suggests that the number of factors =  NA  and the number of components =  3